131 new-fangled fond of novelty, easily distracted by new things 133 Diana ... fountain the goddess was a fairly popular figure to adorn fountains 140 waywarder more obstinate, willful

  140 Make shut

  140 wit possible play on the sense of "genitals"

  141 casement window

  145 "Wit, whither wilt?" Wit, where are you going? (proverbial; refers to one with "wandering" wits) 146 check rebuke

  150 take catch/possess sexually

  152 fault error (plays on the sense of "vagina")

  152 husband's occasion excuse to attack her husband (plays on the sense of "sexual business, opportunity for use") 152 nurse breastfeed

  160 but ... away only one abandoned woman

  165 behind your hour late

  166 pathetical miserable, deplorable

  168 gross whole/inferior

  169 censure condemnation/judgment

  171 religion faithfulness

  174 try test/judge

  175 simply misused absolutely abused

  175 love-prate love talk

  177 what ... nest proverbially, the bird fouls its own nest (nest also plays on the sense of "vagina") 179 fathom six feet

  180 sounded measured, penetrated

  184 bastard of Venus Cupid, son of Venus by Mars (or, variously, Mercury or Jupiter), not by her husband, Vulcan 185 begot conceived

  185 thought fancy

  185 spleen impulse

  186 blind Cupid was traditionally depicted as sightless

  186 abuses deceives

  189 shadow shade

  Act 4 Scene 2

  5 branch wreath (plays on the sense of "subdivision of a deer's horn") 13 bear this burden sing this refrain/bear the cuckold's horns 18 lusty lively/lustful

  Act 4 Scene 3

  2 here much Orlando "much Orlando there is to be seen here" (said in irony) 9 waspish spiteful

  10 use employ, adopt

  14 swaggerer quarreler, blusterer

  17 phoenix mythical Arabian bird that was consumed by fire every 500 years, then resurrected from the ashes; only one existed at a time 17.'Od's God is

  20 device devising

  21 protest declare, vow

  25 leathern leathery, rough

  26 freestone sandstone or limestone

  26 freestone-coloured brownish yellow

  26 verily truly

  28 huswife's housewife's (i.e. hard and coarse)

  30 invention style

  30 hand handwriting

  32 boisterous violent, rough

  35 giant-rude extremely rough

  36 Ethiope Ethiopian (i.e. black)

  40 Phoebes i.e. is cruel to

  45 apart aside

  49 vengeance harm

  51 eyne eyes

  54 aspect gaze (with astrological connotations)

  56 prayers entreaties

  59 by ... mind i.e. employ Silvius to bring me your decision in a sealed letter 60 kind nature

  62 make offer

  68 instrument tool/musical instrument

  69 strains melodies

  70 snake i.e. drudge

  76 purlieus borders

  78 neighbour bottom nearby valley

  79 rank of osiers row of willows

  80 Left passed by

  86 favour appearance/face

  86 bestows acquits

  87 ripe mature/elder

  87 low short

  91 commend him i.e. offers his respectful greetings

  93 napkin handkerchief

  97 handkercher handkerchief

  102 fancy love

  106 bald i.e. leafless

  109 gilded gold

  112 unlinked uncoiled

  113 indented undulating

  116 couching stretched out/hidden

  117 When that for the time when

  123 render him describe him as

  127 to with regard to

  130 kindness feelings of kinship

  131 just occasion justifiable reason

  133 hurtling tumult

  141 for what about

  144 recountments accounts of events

  144 kindly naturally/affectionately

  147 array clothing

  147 entertainment welcome, provision

  154 Brief in short

  154 recovered revived

  155 space time

  170 a body anyone

  174 passion of earnest genuine emotion

  Act 5 Scene 1

  3 old gentleman's i.e. Jaques'

  8 interest in right to/share in

  10 clown rustic

  12 flouting mocking

  12 hold resist, stop

  14 God ye God give you

  16 Cover thy head i.e. put on your hat (which William has respectfully removed) 23 God'. A good Touchstone may mock William's rustic accent 35 learned educated

  38 figure figure of speech, device

  40 ipse "he himself" (Latin)

  44 vulgar vernacular

  45 boorish coarse speech

  46 common vulgar tongue

  48 to wit that is to say

  51 bastinado beating with a stick

  51 bandy fight

  51 in faction in insults

  52 o'errun ... policy overwhelm you with cunning

  55 rest keep

  58 Trip skip (plays on the sense of "succumb sexually")

  58 attend follow/accompany

  Act 5 Scene 2

  4 persever persevere

  11 estate settle

  13 all's all his

  13 contented willing

  16 brother i.e. brother-in-law

  17 "sister" i.e. responding to Orlando calling Ganymede "Rosalind" (unless Oliver sees through the disguise and realizes that it really is Rosalind) 19 scarf i.e. sling

  27 where you are what you mean

  29 thrasonical boastful, vainglorious

  34 degrees puns on the sense of "steps"; also refers to the rhetorical device of climax Rosalind uses as her verbs link together and move the sentence forward 34 pair flight

  35 incontinent at once (sense then shifts to "unchaste")

  36 wrath full passion

  38 bid invite

  44 serve your turn act as a substitute (puns on the sense of "satisfy you sexually") 49 conceit understanding, intelligence

  51 insomuch inasmuch as

  51 Neither ... me nor am I trying to gain greater approval from you other than that which is necessary to enable you to trust me enough to help you; I am not seeking my own promotion 56 not damnable i.e. not practicing black magic

  57 gesture ... out manner proclaims

  59 straits confined places

  60 inconvenient unsuitable

  61 human ... is i.e. the real Rosalind, not a spirit conjured up by black magic 63 sober serious

  64 tender value

  65 array clothing

  69 ungentleness discourtesy

  71 study purpose

  72 despiteful cruel, scornful

  81 service devotion

  88 observance due respect/service

  108 satisfy content (plays on the sense of "sexually satisfy") 116 fail be absent

  Act 5 Scene 3

  4 dishonest unchaste

  4 woman ... world i.e. married (plays on the sense of "sexually experienced") 6 honest honorable

  9 clap into't roundly begin immediately

  9 hawking throat clearing

  10 only usual

  12 in a tune keeping time/in unison

  17 ring-time time for giving or exchanging rings (i.e. wedding season) 20 take seize/enjoy

  22 prime spring/height of perfection

  23 etc. i.e. repeat chorus

  28 carol song

  33 ditty lyrics

  33 note music, tune

  33 untunable unmelodious

  Act 5 Scene 4

  5 compact agreement

  5 urged presented formally

  18 make ... even smooth out all these matters

  27 livel
y lifelike/striking

  27 touches qualities/features

  27 favour appearance/face

  31 rudiments basics

  32 desperate dangerous

  34 Obscured concealed

  34 circle surroundings/magic circle

  35 toward approaching

  37 tongues languages

  39 motley-minded foolish-minded

  43 purgation test

  43 measure stately dance

  44 politic crafty

  44 smooth seemingly amiable

  45 undone ruined, bankrupted

  45 like to have almost

  47 ta'en up settled

  52 'ild yield (i.e. reward)

  52 desire ... like wish you the same

  53 copulatives people being joined in marriage (with play on "those engaged in copulation") 55 blood breaks passion declines

  56 humour inclination, whim

  57 honesty chastity/virtue

  58 foul dirty

  59 swift quick-witted

  59 sententious given to utter pointed sayings

  60 fool's bolt "a fool's bolt is soon shot" (proverbial; phallic and ejaculatory connotations) 60 bolt short, thick arrow

  60 dulcet diseases sweet afflictions

  65 seeming seemingly

  65 as for instance

  67 in the mind of the opinion

  71 disabled disparaged

  75 Countercheck rebuke

  75 Circumstantial told indirectly through circumstances or details 80 measured swords checked that the length of the swords was the same (a necessary preparation for dueling) 82 nominate name

  84 in print in a precise manner

  91 take up settle

  94 swore brothers vowed devoted friendship

  96 rare extraordinary/splendid

  98 stalking-horse horse behind which a hunter concealed himself in order to get within easy range of the game 99 presentation show

  99.1 Hymen god of marriage (commonly depicted as a young man carrying a torch); sometimes played as a god, sometimes as a part enacted by Amiens or another courtier 99.1 Still subdued/soft

  100 mirth joy

  101 made even are reconciled

  102 Atone unite

  112 shape appearance, physical form

  117 bar prohibit

  121 bands bonds, i.e. marriage

  123 cross adversity

  125 accord agree

  126 lord husband

  127 sure securely bound

  130 questioning conversation/inquiry

  133 Juno queen of the gods and goddess of marriage

  134 board and bed food and lodging

  135 peoples populates

  141 thou i.e. Silvius

  142 fancy love

  142 combine unite

  148 Addressed prepared

  148 power army

  149 In ... conduct under his own leadership

  154 world secular life/material interests

  158 engage pledge

  160 offer'st fairly contribute finely

  162 at large of full size

  163 do those ends accomplish those aims

  165 every every one

  166 shrewd hard

  168 states ranks, status

  169 new-fall'n newly received

  172 With ... joy in abundant joy

  172 th'measures stately dances

  173 patience permission

  175 pompous vainglorious/ceremonious

  177 convertites converts

  182 allies relatives

  185 but ... victualled has sufficient supplies for only two months 193 unhandsome faulty in appearance/inappropriate

  194 good ... bush proverbial: something of good quality needs no advertising as its merits speak for themselves 194 bush tavern sign (originally a small bush)

  197 case state/predicament

  198 insinuate with work on/stealthily win the favor of

  199 furnished dressed

  200 conjure entreat/put a spell on

  205 the play As You Like It/sexual dalliance

  205 If ... woman in Shakespeare's England all parts were played by male actors 207 liked pleased

  208 defied despised

  210 bid me farewell i.e. applaud/shout approvingly



  William Shakespeare, As You Like It (Folger Shakespeare Library)

  (Series: # )




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