Mason caught it, touching it with his finger. He brought it to his lips like it was the most normal thing to do. He slid his other hand up my stomach, lifting my shirt with the motion. Deep flames of lust were licking at me. They were growing more and more, and I bit down on the inside of my cheek. As his hand rested over my breast, my entire body was trembling.

  I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted more.

  Arching my back, I moved up against his hand, but he pressed me back down. He was firm but so tender.

  I felt like my heart was being shattered into a million pieces, but he was putting each of them back together, one by one.

  He pressed a soft kiss between my breasts. “I love how you don’t look at my family with contempt, but you could. You have every right to do so. My mom’s a stuck-up bitch who thinks you’re not good enough for me, but she’s wrong.” He lifted my shirt off me and came back down, cupping the back of my neck. He was still poised above me, so he wasn’t lying on top of me or next to me. He was just above me. He dropped down to nuzzle behind my ear as he added, his breath caressing my skin, “She’s so severely wrong because I’m the one not good enough for you, but she hasn’t figured that out yet.”

  He was both wrong and right. His mom was a pretentious bitch, but I could never hate her. I got him from her. I wanted to say those words to him, but my throat ceased working long ago. I was helpless, only listening to the very words I asked from him.

  Mason reached underneath me, undid my bra, and slid it off my arms. He drew it out, letting the bra act as a caress as he pulled it from me. He watched me the entire time, never looking away. “I love how you fidget with your shirt or your sleeves when you’re distracted or thinking about your mom.”

  “I do?” There. I’d managed to get that out, even though my voice was hoarse.

  He nodded and moved to his side. He leaned down, and his cheek grazed against mine from the movement. “You think about her more than you realize, and I know you miss her, even though you hate her, too.”

  The tears slid down now. I had no idea that I thought about Analise, but he was right. The tears weren’t going to be stopping anytime soon. Grief hit me full bloom in the chest, but it was the good kind of grief. It was the kind that had been holed up there, submerged so deep that I hadn’t known it had taken root. It was lifted now, pulled up to the surface, and I felt it lessen, even just slightly.

  Mason whispered, pressing kisses down my thr