Page 19 of Burning Dawn

  Thane kicked her legs apart. As he pressed his lips against hers, thrusting his tongue deep, he cupped her breasts, her nipples already hard little buds. He ground his erection between her legs, giving her everything he'd promised in one fell swoop.

  Everything but the climax.


  His tongue changed tempo, to one his body matched, thrusting against her...thrusting...faster and faster...harder and harder... Groan after groan left her, each needier than the last.

  He fisted her hair and kicked her legs farther apart, and when her body dropped, he was there to catch her with another thrust, hitting her sweet spot with more fervor.

  She clung to him. She clutched at him.

  When her climax came, it was swift and brutal, just the way he'd wanted it to be, and she cried out. Though he was panting, practically on fire for her, he moved away from her, severing all contact. Her knees almost buckled, and he had to stop himself from reaching for her.

  The more she hungered, the more she would seek him. And the less likely she would be to leave him when it was over.

  "My resistance is so weak," she grumbled, smoothing the hair from her damp forehead.

  "Or my persuasion is so strong."

  Her grin was slow, but it melted the ice that had managed to meld to his heart. "Yes. Let's blame you. But what about your needs?" Her gaze lowered to his shaft. "What about that?"

  Hot arousal continued to pump through him, clamoring for release. And though he was almost blind with need, he wasn't giving in. Not yet. "You'll take care of me, kulta. Don't worry. Just not here, and not now."

  She trailed her fingertips down his length, the whisper-soft caress making it twitch in response, and making him sweat. "How will I take care of you? Where? When?"

  He met her gaze. "The first time, you'll use your mouth, and we'll be in my suite."

  A tremor nearly knocked her off her feet. "And the second time?"

  "With your body, bent over the couch."

  Another tremor shook her. "When?" Her voice was breathy. "When do I get to do those things?"

  She was so difficult to resist. "After we chat."

  "But we've been chatting," she complained.

  Yes, but he had a very important question to ask her.

  He punched a button on the console, allowing the elevator to continue its rise, to stop and open its doors. He ushered her to his suite, careful not to brush against her. One more moment of contact, and he was certain he would forget his purpose.

  Bjorn lounged on the couch.

  Something inside of Thane eased at the sight of his friend...only to tense back up when he noticed the male's condition--pale skin, haunted eyes, hair sticking out in spikes, and lips cut from being chewed.

  "I'm well," Bjorn said, noting his reaction. "Don't worry."

  "I see you've brought us tonight's entertainment," Xerxes piped up. At the wet bar, he poured amber liquid into a glass.

  Thane's most primal instincts balked. They had shared women in the past, but they wouldn't be sharing this one. "She's mine, and mine alone."

  "Actually," she said, her chin going up. "I'm my own. I'm funny that way."

  Xerxes hid a smile behind the ambrosia-laced whiskey.

  A tray of food rested on the coffee table, Thane saw. The fruits, cheeses, and breads he always kept on hand, now mixed with the chocolates he'd added to the order. He sat in the chair, the food within reach, and dragged Elin into his lap.

  "Eat," he commanded her.

  She struggled against him, reckless in her bid for freedom.

  He tightened his hold and said, "Enough, kulta. This is happening."

  "No, it's not. I'm not going to have a snack while leaning against your erection," she finally gritted out. "Okay? All right?"

  "Not okay. Not all right. You caused it." Far from embarrassed, he gripped her hips and yanked. When she gasped, he wound his arms around her, using them as shackles, locking her in place. "The more you move, the bigger the problem is going to get."

  She stilled instantly. He wanted to laugh.

  Darling human. What was she doing to his staid world?

  Both Bjorn and Xerxes watched the entire exchange with unabashed interest.

  "Thane Downfall," Elin said in a mother-to-child tone. "Did you just make a penis joke?"

  "Joke? I spoke true."

  She shook her head in exasperation. "Gotta baby-step it," she whispered. And before he had time to question what that meant, she added, " did this bromance begin?" motioning to the three of them. "Oh, chocolate!" Finally, she'd noticed. She selected--every piece.

  "In tragedy," Xerxes said.

  "Oh." She melted against Thane, as if to shield him from further harm, and consumed her treats. "I'm sorry. I was expecting something epically bromantic."

  Thane kissed her temple. "Something beautiful bloomed from something evil. It was epic."

  She relaxed, and he realized the chocolate was already gone. "Beauty from ashes. That's nice."

  "If only that were always the case," Bjorn muttered, breaking his heart.

  "It will be today," Thane said. "Elin is going to tell us everything that was done to her in the Phoenix camp, and we are going to punish those responsible."

  She stiffened all over again. "I gave you a few details already."

  "Not enough."

  "Well, I don't want to give you any others."

  "In this case, your wants do not matter. You will be avenged whether you'd like to be or not."

  Quietly she said, "Baby step, baby step." Then, with more volume, she added, "Believe me, I have been. Those stakes took care of business."

  "For me. Not for you."

  Sighing, she patted his thigh. "I think it's really sweet that you want to brutalize people on my behalf, I really do, but I'm going to take a pass on this one, and that's final."

  Final? Hardly.

  "Here's what's going to happen," he said. "I've seen your naked body and know all your scars. I can guess the types of beatings and whippings you were forced to endure. The same beatings and whippings will be meted out against every Phoenix waiting in my cells, even those who were kind to you. If any were. You can either tell me what I want to know, and I can release the innocents, or they can all suffer the same fate."

  She twisted to meet his gaze. "You wouldn't."

  "If you believe that, you don't know me very well."

  "Oh!" she growled, clutching the collar of his robe. "You make me so mad at times. But guess what? I won't be intimidated. I decline both options and offer you another. Go screw yourself."

  He wrapped his fingers around her throat, drawing her deeper against his chest, and placing her ear at his mouth. "I'll decline that one, and give you another. Tell me you are half human, half Phoenix, and I'll let you leave with every single one of the warriors now."


  ELIN DID HER best impersonation of a Popsicle and froze. Red alert, red alert. The worst has happened.

  Thane hadn't sounded angry. He'd sounded desperate. Nothing like the man who'd kissed her so passionately in the elevator. Deep down, she knew this was far, far worse. As strong a warrior as he was, he wouldn't be happy with the person who'd made him vulnerable.

  "Let's shelve this conversation until Muesday, May 32nd, at thirteen p.m.," she said.

  "Elin," he snapped. "Answer."

  Panic choked her. If she admitted the truth, he really would send her away with the Phoenix, back to Orson. Once again, she would be forced to serve the people responsible for the deaths of her loved ones. Once again, her life goals would be placed on hold. Even if she no longer knew what those goals were. This--all of the sweetness and romance and wanton touches--would end. But she couldn't lie. He'd know. Besides, she wasn't going to play the part of coward any longer.

  "I never hurt you," she said, her tone soft. She had given him everything. Given--not cajoled, as Merrick had suggested. Because, the singer had it wrong. Not every
victory was sweetest after a battle. Some victories were better as gifts.

  He stiffened. Now anger oozed from him as he said, "Tell me you are part banshee, or even chimera. Shifter, vampire, Drakon. Cetea, gorgon. Minotaur. Hydra. Siren, laelaps, sphinx. Or any other of a thousand different races. Tell me!"

  Tears burned the backs of her eyes. "I want to. I do. But I...can't. I'm so sorry, Thane."

  He flung her off his lap, and as she stumbled to her hands and knees, he stood with lethal grace.

  "You are Phoenix?" he demanded, practically spitting fire at her.

  Won't cower. Not this time. She popped to her feet, the glass shard she'd never thrown out now palmed and outstretched. At the ready. "Yes. I am."

  Accept it. Accept me. Don't turn me into an outcast again.

  More than that, she didn't want to lose Playful Elevator Thane. Or even Protective Killer Thane. She'd tried to resist him. Not with a lot of effort, but still. She'd tried. And she'd failed. She hadn't just added an amendment to her vow, she'd broken it, utterly shattered it, and there was no going back. Now, she wanted a chance to enjoy the results.

  His eyes narrowed, and she was suddenly glad she couldn't hear the thoughts tumbling through his mind. "You deceived me. You talked to me about yanking weeds, yet all along, you are a weed."

  Disappointment struck her. A sense of betrayal bloomed, accompanied by defensiveness. "I kept the truth to myself, and quite wisely, too. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to be staked. Can you really blame me?"

  With a single, skilled swipe of his hand, he batted the glass out of her grip, leaving her weaponless. He advanced on her, saying, "Can you enslave, like Kendra?"

  "No!" His electric gaze was as sharp as blades, mentally slashing her to ribbons. Still Elin held her ground. "And if I could, I never would. Her actions disgusted me."

  "You expect me to believe you?" he roared down at her. "You, the liar."

  "Yes, I absolutely expect you to believe me. You Sent Ones can taste lies, right? So you should know I'm telling the truth. Right?"

  His scowl darkened. "You could be unaware that you're poisoning me."

  "Kendra was always aware. She bragged about being able to control just how much her victims received. And if that's not enough for you, think about this. My husband was never mindless, and I did him so good, over and over again."

  The jab only made him angrier. His chest brushed against hers, and she was horrified to note how tight her nipples became for him, eager for more contact. "You used me, helped me at camp so that I would help you."

  "Well, duh. I told you that already."

  "You never desired me. This whole time, you've been seducing me. To get what you want--money!"

  Seducing him? For money? "First, what has that got to do with the Phoenix? Second, you are such a douche. I did want you. Did. Past tense. Your money was just a bonus. Money I earned, by the way. May I remind you that I refused payment for making out with you. And while we're at it, may I remind you that I ran away from you before intercourse occurred and I didn't come back begging for more? That was you."

  Thane raised his hand, as if he meant to strike her or grab her and shake her. Or grab her and haul her the rest of the way into his body and finish what he'd started in the elevator. Instead, he dropped it and backed away from her.

  At the door, he turned, giving her his back. "I'll return in an hour," he said to his friends. "I want her gone."

  "Thane--" Xerxes said.

  She'd forgotten about their audience.

  "This isn't a debate. Release the Phoenix. All but Kendra. When they leave my cloud, Elin goes with them." He slammed into the hall, vanishing from view.

  Elin remained in place, trying not to cry while panting with...relief. Yes. Relief. He hadn't staked her or ordered it done. Also, he hadn't banged her, but he'd definitely bailed. And, okay, it hurt just as much as she'd always known it would. Actually, it hurt worse. She wanted to curl into a ball and sob.

  Thane had abandoned her.

  Thane was disgusted by her.

  Thane was giving her back to his enemy--to her enemy.

  "I...I'll go pack my things," she said to no one in particular. And then I'll run away before I can be escorted to the Phoenix. Surely she could pay someone in the city to fly her home.

  Home. Where was home? She didn't have one.

  "I purchased every item with tip money," she added, just in case they thought to deny her. "Tip money I earned fair and square. I won't pack anything that isn't mine."

  The red-eyed Sent One moved in front of her, blocking her path to the door. He was just as tall as Thane, just as muscled, but while Thane had once looked at her with tenderness, this one never had and didn't start now.

  I'm about to go swimming in a crap storm, aren't I?

  "I'm going to create a mental bond with you, female."

  Uh. What? "No, thanks."

  "Xerxes." A frowning Bjorn sidled up to the warrior's side. "He won't like it."

  "Not at first."

  "Maybe not ever."

  "But one day, he'll thank me for it."

  "Someone clue me in before I have a coronary," she demanded. "What kind of mental bond? Why do you want it? What will it do to me? Not that it matters. My answer isn't going to change."

  "Unfortunately, I'm not giving you a choice." He flattened his hands against her temples, his fingers spearing through her hair. "I'll be able to send my thoughts into your mind, and you'll be able to send yours into mine. We can communicate without ever having to speak a word, no matter the distance between us."

  Too much to process. "No."

  "Yes. Creating this bond with non-Sent Ones is an ability only Thane, Bjorn and myself possess. A gift we received from the Most High after our time in the... Just after. This way, you can summon me if ever you get into trouble."

  "No," she insisted.

  "Consider it an honor. We've never done this for anyone else."

  "I don't want to stay in contact with you." Once she left the club, she would be gone for good. There would be no looking back. No wishing for what could have been.

  "This is in your best interest," he said, ignoring her protest.

  She tried to wiggle from his grip, but he held steady. "Let me go, you winged behemoth, before I do something--" The rest of the sentence died in her mouth.

  Jagged pain ripped through her, and she groaned. Was that a hammer slamming its way through her skull and cerebral cortex?

  Light flashed across her mind, then scenes from her past played in Technicolor. Her mother, clutching her dead baby to her chest, gasping out, his name...Amil, means hope.... She'd given him a name when he'd never even taken a breath.

  Her father's head rolling past her, stopping. His dulled gaze peering at Elin as she trembled under the table.

  Bay, falling, landing in a contorted heap in front of her.

  "You're so open," the warrior gritted. "At least try to block me from your memories."

  Try? How?

  The Phoenix calling her hateful names, hurting her, degrading her. Peeling away her pride day by day.

  She gritted her teeth and imagined shoving Xerxes away. It did no good. Her back bowed as pain, oh, the pain, consumed her. What she'd felt before? Nothing compared to this. A loud ringing erupted in her ears. A sheet of endless black fell over her eyes.

  She was dying. She had to be dying.

  Elin. Elin, sweetheart, you're not dying. I need you to open your eyes.

  No, the pain--

  Is fading. I've left your mind.

  Realizing he was correct, that the hammer had stopped pounding, she fluttered open her eyelids. Xerxes and Bjorn watched her with concern and curiosity--and now, Xerxes's expression was heartbreakingly soft.

  "Don't ever do that again," she spat, barely quelling the urge to slap him.

  He sighed. "I give you my word. I will never again invade your thoughts without an invitation."

  "Good. Because I'll b
e issuing an invitation in never!" She didn't like his voice in her head. The words whispered through her, a wind she could feel in every cell. A foreign invasion. Unwelcome in every way.

  "Very well," he said. "But if ever you need me, simply think of me and project your words at the image. I will hear and I will find you." He offered his hand, palm up. "Now, would you like to return to Arizona?"

  "Without the Phoenix?"

  "Without the Phoenix."

  "On my own?" she asked, just to be clear.

  He nodded.

  Her gaze swept through the suite, taking one last look at the luxury Thane enjoyed. Luxury she could have shared with him, if only his hatred hadn't gotten in the way. Her heart hardened. "Yes. I'm ready."


  THANE DARTED THROUGH the evening sky at a furious, reckless pace. Wind slapped at him. His muscles burned. He welcomed the pain.

  Elin was Phoenix. Half human, half soulless flame-eater. Sex with her could have enthralled him. Ruined him. He could have become mindless all over again.

  Very few creatures possess the ability, and none who are weakened by human blood. You know this.

  Didn't matter. It wasn't worth the risk. She affected him more than anyone else ever had, and had from minute one. She could be the exception.

  Then why didn't you taste a lie when she spoke about her husband?

  Enough! He wanted to pluck out the rational part of his brain and watch it splatter on the surface of the earth. He didn't like how out of control Elin made him feel--and hated that he actually yearned to spin out of control again. With her. Only with her. He didn't want to remember that he'd felt only jealousy at her pointed mention of once sleeping with another man, followed closely by humiliation that he had once fallen prey to Kendra.

  Elin knew his feelings about her race, and yet she still let him kiss her. Let him touch her. Bring her to climax twice--and even experience his own.

  What, she was just supposed to confess and accept your rage as her due?

  Another unwelcome observation. Another he ignored, plodding ahead with his ranting. She could have been planning to aid the Phoenix all along.


  Why else would she refuse to give him the names of those who had hurt her? Because she hadn't actually been hurt!

  Or, because she despises the sight of blood, isn't used to violence, and wanted to prevent more.

  Thane rolled to the left to avoid hitting a flock of birds. What did he know about the girl, beyond any shadow of doubt?

  She smelled of cherries. She tasted of them, too. She was soft to the touch and melted when he approached. Sometimes she looked at him with equal parts awe and apprehension. Sometimes she looked at him with insatiable hunger.