Page 21 of Burning Dawn

  She wanted to mean those words. He could tell. But she wasn't quite there yet. "Are you cold? Hungry? Is there anything you need? Anything I can get for you?"

  Eyes narrowed with suspicion, she nodded. "My bag of clothing and jewels, if you can find it. They're mine. I earned them. Although, someone's probably picked it up by now. Dang it. Oh," she added, clearly speaking as thoughts came to her, "before I go back, I'll need a new ID."

  Go back? "I told you. I want you to stay here, at the club. Where we can be...friends. I need help with the rest of my weeds."

  "No, absolutely not," she replied with a shake of her head. "I've realized I don't like being dependent on you. Because, let's face it, Thane. At any moment you could change your mind about blaming me, and then where would I be? Staked to the courtyard?"

  "I won't. I will never hurt you."

  "I've heard that before." Fatigue settled over her features. "I'm glad you believe that, I am, but it's time I was responsible for myself."

  He had to fight a wave of despair. Her precious trust was ruined, and all because of him. "Stay. Please." Begging again? For friendship? He just... He couldn't stand the thought of her out there, alone, defenseless. In danger. Or, worse, in lust with another man. "Work here, or not. Either way, you'll be safe."

  Again she denied him, shaking her head.

  Stubborn female. He studied her, trying to figure out his next move. The length of her hair spilled over his pillows, a dark cloud--he liked that. Smoked-glass eyes that had once sparkled up at him were now guarded--he didn't like that.

  "I will get your new ID," he said. "However, it could take several weeks. Maybe even months." Because I don't plan to begin the process anytime soon. Meanwhile, he would do everything within his power to rebuild her faith in him. After a while, she would want to stay. Surely. "You can make more money while you wait."

  She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Okay," she finally said with a nod. "I'll work here while I wait. I'll be able to build another nest egg, at least."

  "Yes. A nest egg. Exactly." He sifted a lock of her hair between his fingers, marveling over the softness. "I'll make sure you have the best tables."

  "No. No special treatment. The girls shouldn't be overlooked just to appease your guilt." She yanked the strands away from his grip and threw her legs over the other side of the bed, rising across from him, putting as much distance between them as possible.

  The robe fell to the floor, pooling at her feet. Thankfully, the material had done its job, leaving her bloodstain free.

  "I'm going to my room," she said, once again unwilling to meet his gaze.

  He fisted the sheet to keep from reaching for her. "You may have this one for the duration of your stay."

  She eyed the undecorated walls, the sparseness of the furnishings. Hurt bathed her expression.

  Hurt? Over this? An offer he'd never made to another female.

  "No, thank you," she said, lifting her chin. "I like staying with the girls."

  Another rejection. One he should have expected. But the clenching in his chest returned, sharper, stronger than before. "Bellorie should arrive in an hour, just in time for tonight's shift, as promised."

  "Thank you." Head high, she strode from the room.



  What was she going to do with that man?

  Two weeks had passed since the demon attack. Both weeks, Thane had sent her a basket of chocolates, a vase of roses, and a box of books. Each gift had come with an "I'm sorry" card. Even though he'd already begged for her forgiveness. Which had been nice, she could now admit, and completely out of his ice-king character.

  He sat at a table next to a horribly scarred but seriously rocking warrior she'd heard him call "Lucien," the two locked in a heated conversation about a missing warrior named Torin, a girl named Cameo trapped in some type of rod, time delays, Bjorn and shadows.

  Not that Elin had been eavesdropping...more than a little... Okay, a lot.

  Through it all, the Sent One's attention returned to her again and again. And he seemed to grow angrier by the second.

  As if he had any reason to be angry with her!

  She, however, had every right to be angry with him. He had men following her everywhere she went. And let's not forget the "we can be friends" line he'd dished, and yet she, the lowly human-slash-disgusting-Phoenix, wasn't worthy of staying in his precious sex room. Instead, he'd offered to put her up in what amounted to a prison cell. Stark and empty and devoid of any of the luxury he was only too happy to heap on his other lovers.

  And yet...

  He'd battled demons for her and taken care of her, feeding her some kind of healing liquid. Then he'd tenderly cleaned every drop of blood from her, so that she wouldn't show her cray-cray side. He'd apologized for treating her cruelly, and she was certain he'd meant it. He'd invited her to stay in his home for the rest of her life.

  Leaving him on that bed, without throwing herself into his arms, had been the hardest thing she'd ever done. But she wasn't falling under his sexy-sexy-boom-boom enchantment a second time.

  New life goals: resist Thane, make bank, open a shelter for immortal halfings, and hire a chef to feed them.

  That way, people like her would always have somewhere to go.

  "Elin," Thane called, jolting her out of her thoughts.

  Not good for the first goal. The sound of his voice still had the power to make her shiver.

  She dragged her feet to his table. "What?"

  The scarred man smiled at her before standing and leaving the club. Thane remained in his seat, peering at her; she thought she saw longing in the soulful depths of his ocean-blue eyes. Longing her body responded to, her nipples puckering...her stomach quivering.

  "You look beautiful," he said, a husky edge to his tone, making her shiver all over again. "You always look beautiful."

  "Thank you." What you need, Vale, is distance. "Is that all, boss man? Because I'm, like, superbusy."

  Not necessarily a lie. Pondering all things Thane was demanding work.

  He frowned. "No. That's not all."

  "Well, too bad," she said, and the people at the table next to his gasped at her daring. Obviously, eavesdropping was the special du jour. "I'm taking off anyway."

  She turned away, but he latched on to her wrist, keeping her in place. The point of contact burned in the most delicious way, and she experienced her third shiver. Something had to be wrong with her.

  "Are you cold?" he asked. "I can have a robe fetched."

  Why did he always want to give her a robe? "I'm fine." Can't let his concern screw with my emotions.

  A pause, as if he searched for the right words to say. Then, "Has anyone given you any trouble?"

  "Yes." She glanced over her shoulder, saying, "I'm looking at him right now. Let go."

  Another gasp from the neighboring table.

  A muscle twitched below Thane's eye, but he released her wrist.

  Why am I striking at him like this?

  But then, she already knew the answer. The nicer he was to her, the harder it was to remain detached from him. She had to provoke his temper.

  "I'm sorry, okay, but I'm gonna go now," she said, and walked away. Her knees knocked all the way to the bar. One of her customers flagged her down, and she rushed over.

  "Yes? May I help you?"

  May I.

  The words got stuck in her head, reminding her of the erotic game she and Thane had played in the elevator; she...freaking...shivered.

  Rather than place a drink order, the female, a siren, said, "I heard Thane rescued you from a Phoenix camp."

  "You shouldn't believe everything you hear." Rescued was not the word Elin would use. Not anymore.

  "Hmm" was the reply. Somehow, the brunette managed to put a wealth of disapproval in that one sound. "Well, I'm much prettier than you, so I should have no trouble getting him to rescue me from my orgasmless situation."

  The ensuing s
cratch of jealousy left a raw, angry wound in Elin's chest.

  Jealousy? No! She refused to feel it.

  She killed a nasty reply. I'm better than this.

  No, actually, she wasn't better. She offered the girl a double-birded salute. Then, donning an expression she'd often seen on Bellorie, she said, "News flash. No one's prettier than me." And it felt good.

  The girl hissed at her.

  "You want a go at me?"

  Before the girl could reply, two wolf-shifters jumped to their feet at the table to her left, chairs skidding backward as they growled obscenities at each other. Both males looked ready to fight each other to the death.

  Get in line.

  Adrian walked over and casually announced, "There's a new house rule. Shed blood inside the building, and get staked immediately. Who wants to be first?"

  The males glared at each other but eased back into their chairs.

  The girl wilted in her seat, now unwilling to spar with Elin.

  The Harpies at the table across from the shifters--well, well, Blondie had come back for more Thane-and-chains time--groaned with disappointment.

  "What are we supposed to do for fun now?"

  "Why can't we shed blood? Huh, huh? Tell!"

  Yeah. Why? Because... Oh, no. Had Thane put the rule in place for her?

  He must have. There was no other explanation.

  Beautiful warmth spread through Elin's entire body.

  Not going to fall under his enchantment, remember?

  But she should definitely be nicer to him.

  Maybe it was even time to baby-step again. He wasn't a bad guy. He'd just made a bad choice. A really, really bad choice. One she'd said she'd forgiven him for. Am I all talk, or am I action, too?

  Action. Definitely action.

  Feeling lighter than she had since the start of her shift, she skipped to the bar to gather another round of drinks. She watched as Thane rose. She had a smile waiting just for him, but he never looked her way.

  The sirens began to act upset over the "close call" with the shifters. He sauntered to their table and offered what might have been a few words of comfort. The girls thrilled at his attention.

  Thane leaned down and kissed Prettier on the cheek.

  Somehow, Elin managed to maintain a neutral expression. He was making out with someone right in front of her? Forget the baby steps. She'd give him one giant kick.

  He held out his hand; Prettier twined her fingers with his and stood.

  He was going to... Oh! How dare he!

  Bellorie approached Elin's side, her gaze following the same path. "Oh, Bonka. I'm so sorry."

  He's not mine. He wasn't ever mine. "It's fine. I'm honestly fine. And I'm sorry you were sent away."

  Bellorie gave her a small smile. "You keep saying that, and I keep telling you it wasn't your fault. Axel told me Thane is fighting his feelings for you, and that makes him volatile and unstable. Axel also told me we have to treat him like a wounded animal if we have any hope of surviving."

  "Clearly Axel is an idiot. Thane does not have feelings for me. Obviously." Elin gestured to the display of pure male hobaggery taking place before their eyes. "Now, be quiet. I'm trying to listen to their conversation."

  "When did you become so bossy?" Bellorie grumbled.

  "Today. Now, hush it."

  Thane and the girl were close enough to hear...would pass her at any moment.... Can't attack. Really can't attack. Besides, after her spanking in Arizona, Elin had no desire to ever fight again.

  "Told you," the girl muttered, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder and giving Elin a proud smirk.

  Thane noticed and stopped in his tracks. "What did you tell her?" he asked the siren.

  "Oh, uh..." The girl stumbled for a response, perhaps knowing she wouldn't get away with a lie. "Hmm. Did I tell her something?"

  Here, let me help you with your memory problem. "She said she's prettier than me, and she would have no trouble getting you to nail her. Looks like she was right. But then, you aren't exactly a man with discriminating tastes, are you?"

  An insult to Thane...and herself. Ouch. She'd do better next time.

  He dropped his hand from the siren as if he'd just discovered she liked to bathe in toxic waste and said, "You need to leave. Now."

  "No, I--"

  "This isn't a debate," he said. "Leave."

  Hated hearing that before. Kinda sorta love it now.

  "Surely you don't mean--" the girl continued.

  "You disrespect my human, you leave," Thane snapped.

  Funny. Thane had been about to go off and have sex with a siren, disrespecting Elin far more than mere words ever could.

  "You don't talk to her like that," he continued. "Do you understand?" He spun, shouting, "That goes for all of you. Forget, and you die."

  "Does that go for you?" Elin muttered.

  His gaze swung to her and narrowed. She turned her back and walked away.


  THANE'S DARK EMOTIONS wound more tightly around his heart with every day that passed.

  Two weeks ago, Lucien had agreed to track Bjorn's spiritual trail, hoping to discover every location the Sent One had visited lately, but the trail was so twisted, so tangled, he'd said when they met again today, he'd made little progress.

  Malice was hiding somewhere, but Thane had found no trace of him.

  Kendra's tongue had grown back, and she'd taken to calling him "My Slave" just to remind him of her hold over him. He had resorted to violence. If Elin found out, she would be upset.

  Elin...who was avoiding him.

  Thane was failing at everything lately.

  He'd thought taking another lover would douse his craving for the human--halfling. But when he'd chosen the siren and she had spoken to Elin with such smug derision, irritation had overwhelmed him. The siren was lucky to have left the club alive.

  Afterward, Elin had walked away from him, dismissing him, and he'd stomped to his suite. Alone. He'd paced. He'd pondered. And he'd realized he had disrespected her in ways the siren never could.

  Now, days later, he didn't know what to do. He just wanted to stop hurting.

  He sent Adrian shopping for new uniforms for all the girls. Long-sleeved. Midriff draped by extra pleats of material. Pants. Maybe that would help. The less he saw of her, the less he would want her. Right?

  "Thane Downfall!"

  His brow puckered with confusion, even as his blood heated with awareness. That sounded like Elin's voice, only muffled. And only she called him by that silly name.

  He jerked open the doors to his suite, and sure enough, there she was, trying to push her way past the guards. Arousal and anger battled for supremacy; at the same time, the tension that had been building inside of him since their first meeting cranked up another level. He needed some kind of release. Soon.

  "Is something wrong?" he asked.

  Her gaze met his, only to skitter away. Afraid of him now?

  Disappointment overshadowed both the arousal and anger.

  "Yes," she said, "there's something wrong, and I'd like to talk to you about it. In private. If your majesty's imperial guard would be so kind as to let me pass..."

  No, not afraid. Livid. That, he could deal with. He motioned her inside. As she bypassed the vampires and Thane, he found himself leaning down to take in more of her cherries scent.

  Catching the action, she sent him a scathing glance.

  He silently dared her to comment. An apology would have been a lie.

  When she was settled on the couch, he quietly said to the males, "I will tell you only once. Elin doesn't need an invitation. When she wants to see me, let her through immediately." A concession he'd never made for another.

  A concession he shouldn't have made for her.

  A concession he wouldn't take back.

  He shut the door and faced Elin, then crossed his arms over his chest. He was shirtless, and her gaze chased the motion, lingering on the cords of his str
ength. She might as well have licked his nipples, so strongly did his body react.

  "Elin," he said, stepping toward her.

  She blinked rapidly, and blushed. "I thought I was a guest rather than a prisoner--until I found out I'm not allowed to leave without your majesty's exalted permission," she said, her tone dripping with annoyance.

  He stilled, not letting himself close the rest of the distance. "The day you saw the Phoenix king, I told you leaving the club was no longer permitted."

  Jumping to her feet, she said, "And that's exactly why I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary."

  Still hoping to leave him. Shouldn't punch a wall. Must display a modicum of decorum. Hating--loving--the way her breasts had bounced with her movements, the way her skin had flushed to a rosy pink, he said, "I'll allow you to leave...if you take an escort. And before you reject the demand or complain, try to remember that you are a half human among full-blooded immortals. You are breakable. They are not."

  Her features softened. "I get that you're trying to protect me, and I appreciate the effort, but I'll be with Bellorie. She's tougher than any of your men."

  "Even the toughest soldiers require backup," he insisted.

  "I don't care." A stomp of her foot. "I need a break. Your men have been following me everywhere. I expect one of them to burst into the bathroom the next time I'm doing my business. I can't take it anymore."

  He ran his tongue over his teeth. "Where do you want to go?"

  "The dodge-boulder game a few clouds over. I missed the last two, and that isn't fair to my team."

  "You're actually going to play? Even though you haven't improved?" He knew, because he'd watched her practice on more than one occasion.

  Her eyes narrowed, but she nodded.

  "There will be blood. Lots of blood."

  She shuddered but said, "No big deal. The girls have been working with me to get over the fear."

  Should have been me. I should have worked with her. Instead, he'd tried to wrap her in a protective bubble, he realized. He'd avoided her, giving her space. A mistake, on both counts. Time to rectify. "If you get hurt, I will be very displeased."

  "I'm strangely okay with that."

  Seeing no other way, he said, "Very well." Anything else would alienate her completely. "I'll allow you to leave without an armed escort."

  She brightened, and his heart actually skipped a beat. Gorgeous girl. "Thank you, Thane."

  "If you allow me to establish a link with you," he finished.