Page 11 of Unexpected Rush

  She'd had high expectations about him kissing her, had fantasized about it for years. First, they'd been girlish fantasies. As she'd gotten older, her fantasies about Barrett had receded, but she'd always noticed him at Mama's. He was a formidable, attractive man. What woman wouldn't dream about a man like this putting his mouth on her?

  He'd exceeded all her fantasies. He had a great mouth and he knew all the right things to do with it, brushing his lips across hers, teasing her with his tongue and drawing her into a sensual web that was heady and provocative. His hard body pressed against hers, his hand roamed over her back, grabbing her butt and drawing her against his erection.

  Oh, his erection. He was supremely hard as he backed her into the room and laid her down on the bed. She felt all that delicious, steely evidence rubbing against her sex when he lay on top of her, yet still held his weight off of her.

  And he continued to kiss her, a dizzying array of kisses.

  The man had an amazing mouth, making her wonder what else he could do with it.

  And when he lifted her arms over her head and nuzzled her jaw, then licked along the side of her neck, she arched her hips, rubbing her clit against his erection.

  He raised his head to look at her, his eyes dark with passion.

  A very good look for him.


  She undulated her hips against him. "Barrett."

  His breathing was harsh, and she hoped his pulse raced fast like hers. She felt out of control, breathless, and she really, really, wanted to see him naked.

  "We shouldn't do this."

  Not at all what she wanted to hear. Not right now, not when things were just starting to get good.

  "Which part? You kissing me or you rocking your damned impressive cock against me?"

  He kissed her neck, groaned, then raised up on his arms. "Any of it."

  The sexy, sultry mood evaporated. "You are not going to bring up that man code thing again right now, are you?"

  He slid off of her and sat on the edge of the bed. "It's more than that."

  Refusing to cover herself, because she wanted him to see exactly what he was not having at the moment, she rolled to her side and propped herself up on her elbow. "Then what is it?"

  He threaded his fingers through his hair, looking down at the floor for a few seconds before dragging in a breath. Then he turned his gaze to her. "It's just that I have so much respect for you."

  That did it. She slid her legs over the side of the bed. "That is such bullshit, Barrett."

  She grabbed her dress and slid into it, pulling the straps up over her shoulders, then marched into the bathroom, threw all her things into her overnight bag and zipped it up.

  Barrett was still sitting on the side of the bed when she came out. She slipped on her sandals, shoved the rest of her clothes into her bag and closed it.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "I'm leaving."

  "We can talk about this."

  "No. We can't. If you're too much of a coward to take what you want, then I'm sure as hell not going to throw myself at you."

  She went to the door to open it, but he was right there. "You came with me, remember?"

  Refusing to even look at him, she opened the door. "I did. But I'm not leaving with you."

  She walked out, hearing the door close behind her as she made her way down the hall.

  Barrett stared at the closed door in front of him.

  Okay, so that hadn't gone like he'd expected.

  The entire night hadn't gone like he'd expected. He sure as hell hadn't expected Harmony to greet him on the balcony in the sexiest red underwear he'd ever seen. And he hadn't planned on kissing her, or dragging her to the bed to touch her, inhale her sweet scent and think about fucking her.

  He finally walked away from the door and went out onto the balcony.

  Okay, so maybe he'd screwed up. He'd spent the entire day--and night--with Harmony. Everything had been going well. Maybe he'd subconsciously rented the room with this in mind.

  He turned and looked back into the darkened room.

  "This" being spending the night with her, having her in bed. They'd been so close.

  Until he'd been the one to put on the brakes. And then to make matters worse, he'd made up a lame excuse about respecting her too much.

  Not that he didn't respect her--he did. But that hadn't been the reason.

  He knew it. And so did Harmony.

  It was time for him to decide if he wanted to move forward with her, or forever keep his distance.

  He was going to have to have an honest conversation with her.

  Which could be difficult, because judging from the way she looked when she stormed out of here, it was possible she'd never speak to him again.


  There was nothing like throwing yourself into your work to get your mind off your personal problems. And despite thinking she was going to have a light day, Harmony's morning had been super busy. She had had an unexpected meeting with a walk-in client to discuss the potential for new business, had fielded multiple phone calls and had met with another client to cover a new kitchen and family room makeover.

  So it was well after lunch by the time she was free, and, conscious of what had happened to her yesterday, she stopped and had a great salad before heading back to the office.

  Since she hadn't slept at all last night, by the end of today she was going to drive back to her town house, do a workout at the gym, then climb into a pair of shorts and a tank top and settle in on her sofa for a night of relaxation. Maybe she'd get back to that book she'd been reading yesterday, or catch a baseball game on TV.

  Either way, she was already wiped out and looking forward to the end of the day. All she had left at the office was some paperwork and several e-mails.

  She walked in to find Barrett having a conversation with Rosalie.

  He was the absolute last thing she needed today.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked.

  "I need to talk to you."

  Not wanting to get into it with him in front of her assistant, she nodded. "We can talk in my office."

  She led him into her office, then closed the door behind him. She moved to her desk, needing to put distance between them.

  "What are you doing here, Barrett?"

  She was still standing. He moved to the front of her desk. "I need to talk to you."

  Trying to act as if her heart wasn't pounding, she shrugged. "I think you said enough last night."

  "Yeah, about that." He started to come around to her side of the desk, but she held her hand up.


  He stopped.

  "Harmony, I screwed up last night."

  Yes, he had. Except for the kissing her and touching her part, which unfortunately she hadn't been able to get out of her head. Which was why she hadn't slept at all. "Tell me something I don't know."

  He tried to come over to her, but her "come any closer and I'll cut you" expression made him pause.

  "Okay, look. You . . . surprised me when you came out on the balcony in your underwear."

  "That hideous, am I?"

  He cocked his head to the side. "I think from the response you got from me you know better. But I guess I got into it--into you--a lot more than I expected to."

  Okay, now things were getting interesting. "Go on."

  "And I backed off because there were a hundred things going through my head at once. How turned-on I was. How I've known you for a long time. How I could potentially hurt you. I don't want to hurt you."

  "You haven't mentioned my brother."

  His lips curved. "Harmony. I had you nearly naked and underneath me. I can guarantee you I wasn't thinking about Drake at the time."

  She finally smiled. "I'm glad to hear that."

  He made it around the desk and smoothed his hand up her arm. "I'm sorry. I let all those thoughts take over what we were doing. And what we were doing was really good. I backed off because
I honestly was afraid that if we went too far, it would hurt you."

  She leaned against the desk. "Tell me why you think you'll hurt me."

  "I am going to bring your brother into this. You know how protective he is of you. He's also my best friend and my teammate and the last thing I want to do is piss him off. He wouldn't like the two of us together."

  She shrugged. "Drake doesn't like me with anyone. He doesn't think anyone is good enough for me."

  He leveled a smile at her. "That's because he cares about you."

  "No, it's because he's overprotective."

  "Either way, I'm being selfish about this. The last thing I want is to get in the middle of a battle between the two of you. Or even worse, do anything to damage the friendship I've built with Drake. This has disaster written all over it, Harmony. Even you have to see that."

  Maybe she did and maybe she didn't, but the last thing she wanted was her brother to interfere in her life in any way. Especially her romantic life. "I can see where you're coming from, Barrett. But I won't let Drake dictate the terms of my life." She shoved a finger at his chest. "Nor should he yours."

  "Yeah, I know. But there's more than just Drake involved in this. Say you and I get all hot and heavy."

  "I like the sound of that."

  He gave her a sexy grin. "Yeah, me too. But then what happens if it doesn't work out? If you and I have a big blowout of a fight, or we decide we're not compatible? Can you imagine the mess that'll make? And then what happens to my friendship with your brother when he does find out that I'm the one who broke your heart?"

  She appreciated that he'd thought this all out, but she wasn't one to think long-term. "That's easy. Don't break my heart."

  "Harmony. I can't make that guarantee and you know that. I can't guarantee you anything other than right now."

  "I know that. Which is what I'm trying to tell you. I just want today, Barrett. You and me and right now. I know there are no guarantees of tomorrow and I'm sure as hell not asking you to fall in love with me. I just got out of a relationship. I wasn't looking for a commitment or a boyfriend. I just wanted sex."

  Leave it to Harmony to put it out there, straight and with no bullshit.

  He didn't know why he'd been so reluctant.

  Or so stupid.


  She gave him a wary look. "Okay?"

  "Yeah. We'll dive in and give it a try and see what happens."

  Her lips curved. "Okay, then. So what happens next?"

  "You're still coming to San Francisco with me?"

  "Well, I hadn't planned to after last night."

  "But I'm forgiven now, right?"

  "Does that charm always work?"


  She came up to him and dug her nails into his chest. "You'll find I'm a harder sell, Barrett Cassidy."

  He wrapped his fingers around her wrists and drew her against him. "And you'll find me hard around you. Probably all the time. You said all you want is sex. That I can give you."

  "That's all I want."

  "Then that's what you'll get. You ready for me, Harmony?"


  He ran his hand down her back, letting his fingers wander over the soft material of her dress.

  "I want to kiss you, fuck you right now. I want to bend you over your desk, lift that pretty yellow dress you're wearing over your hips and drive into you and make you come over and over again."

  He watched her lips part, her breaths increase.

  "So that's how it's going to be," she said, her breath a low whisper.

  "That's how it's gonna be." He moved into her, letting her feel how damn hard he was. "That's what you do to me, so don't ever think you don't turn me on. Don't ever think I don't want you."

  He took a step back, saw the disappointment on her face. He knew the feeling.

  "But your assistant is out there, and your blinds are open. So this isn't the right time or place. Because when I fuck you, Harmony? I'm gonna make you scream."

  Now he saw the passion flare in her eyes. He wanted her more than anything right now. Dammit.

  "I'm counting on it."


  "Just like that?"

  He cocked his head to the side. "You got another date?"


  "Then tonight. Your place, my place, I don't care. But tonight. I'm not waiting any longer."

  She nodded. "Come on over to my place. Is seven thirty all right? I could cook--"

  "I don't want dinner, Harmony. I just want you."

  "All right, then. Seven thirty."

  He was glad his T-shirt covered his raging hard-on as he walked out of her office, and he was also glad her assistant was on the phone as he walked by.

  He climbed into his SUV and fired up the air conditioner to arctic levels.

  It was going to take a lot to cool him down, especially since all he could think about was how many hours until seven thirty rolled around.


  Harmony had wanted to call Alyssa, to talk about and examine everything she and Barrett had been through and talked about.

  But in the end, she had finished up her workday and had gone home, first stopping at the store to pick up some beer and wine. And despite Barrett's warning that he didn't plan on having anything but her tonight, she also bought a few snacks.

  They might not be hungry before, but she intended to make him burn off a few calories tonight, and he might have an appetite later.

  She had a light dinner, then took a shower and dried off. She felt a tingly awareness all over her body, as if every cell awaited Barrett's touch.

  Kind of crazy. She'd never felt this sense of anticipation before. Barrett had been all she thought about as she'd gone through the remainder of her day today.

  She lotioned her body, fixed her hair and makeup, and decided on an easy-to-remove silk sundress. She considered lighting candles in the bedroom, then decided that was a little too cheesy.

  She went downstairs and thought about opening the red wine to let it breathe.

  No. All he wanted was sex.

  She lifted her head and stared out the doors to her balcony. Was she upset by that? She thought about it for a few seconds, then decided she wasn't.

  She'd just gone through a breakup and she'd been honest with him when she'd told him she wasn't looking for a boyfriend or a relationship.

  She was attracted to Barrett. All she wanted was sex, to feel desirable.

  He most definitely desired her, and, for right now, that was all she needed.

  When the doorbell rang her heart began to race--like teenage-girl, first-date race. Which was ridiculous. But also made her feel giddy, and what was wrong with that?

  A man should make a woman feel like that, shouldn't he?

  She went to the door and opened it. Barrett was leaning against the doorway, and when he gave her a smoldering half smile, parts of her quivered.

  All the good parts, of course.

  "Evening, Harmony."


  She held the door open for him and he stepped in. She shut and locked the door behind her, and for good measure, turned the dead bolt.

  Barrett looked delicious in dark jeans and gray T-shirt. She wanted to lean into him, to run her arms over all that delicious muscle. But she resisted.


  She walked into the living room, unsure how soon he planned to throw her to the ground, lift up her skirt and shove his cock inside of her. The thought of it made her tingle.

  Okay, maybe not soon enough. She turned to face him. "Would you like some wine or a beer?"

  "No, I'm good. But if you need a glass of wine to relax you, go ahead."

  She felt his energy. It fueled her own. "Honestly, Barrett, I'm so pent up right now I don't think it would help."

  He stepped toward her and smoothed his hands up and down her arms. "Pent up?"


  "Do I make you nervous, Harmony?"

  "No. I'm nev
er nervous around you. Not anymore. More like . . . aware of you." She laid her hands on his chest. "The way you stand, the way you cock your head to the side when you're thinking about something, your crooked smile--"

  "You notice a lot."

  "About you? Hard not to, you being all imposing and hot."

  He laughed. "Thanks for the compliment. Now let's talk about you."

  "Me? What about me?"

  He tipped his finger under her chin and tilted her head back. "You have the prettiest eyes, Harmony. And the way you smile makes me catch my breath. And your mouth--damn you have a sexy mouth. Your laugh makes me turn my head whenever we're in the same room. It's like you put your entire soul into your laugh. It's genuine, and if there's one thing that makes a woman attractive to me, it's when she's real. And everything about you is real. There's no bullshit about you. I know when you say something, you mean it."

  "Well, that's true." She loved that he told her what he liked about her. It made her toes curl.

  And when he leaned in, his breath sailed across her cheek. He cupped the back of her neck. "Did I mention how much I like your mouth?"

  Her breath caught when he kissed her and she grasped his arms, digging her nails in.

  He groaned, then wrapped his arm around her back, tugging her closer, fitting his mouth firmly with hers and sliding his tongue inside to lick against hers.

  She was swamped with sensation. She breathed in his crisp, clean scent, taking in how hard his body felt as he pushed her against the counter. Her nipples tingled and she pulsed with damp desire as he cupped her butt to draw her in closer to his erection.

  And when he arched against her, rubbing his cock against her pussy, she wanted to lift her dress, draw down her panties and get off against him. She needed release, the kind only Barrett could give her.

  She'd fantasized about this moment for years, of what it would be like to have him touch her and make her come. It was almost surreal to believe it was about to become reality.

  When he pulled his mouth from hers to rain kisses along her jaw and her throat, he whispered in her ear.

  "I've thought about fucking you, Harmony. I've thought about it for a long time."

  She leaned back, searching his face to see if she could read that as some kind of bullshit line men laid on women.

  All she saw on his face was earnest desire. "Did you?"