Page 26 of Seduced by the Wolf

Page 26


  She folded her arms and tilted her chin up. "What had you intended to do when you came stalking out of the lake after me?"

  "See your reaction. See if you stayed, ran away, or stalked in my direction, intending to have your way with me, like you sure seemed intent on. "

  She smiled and touched the top button on his shirt, her gaze switching to his. Her lips curved up a little.

  He sighed and removed her hand from his shirt and then kissed it again. "We are a lot more alike than you think, Cassie. A lot more. " He rose from the bed. "The girls wanted to meet you. "

  More of the "let's see which pack member can convince you to stay" routine.

  Leidolf opened the door and motioned for the girls to enter the room. "They're to keep you company until Laney returns with clothes for you. "

  The auburn-haired teen girls entered Leidolf's bedroom, both smiling like rays of sunshine on a gray, foggy day, their amber eyes just as gleeful as they greeted Cassie. She remembered them attending her lecture. Neither of the girls had asked her a question. And why should they have? They probably knew as much about wolves as she did.

  The way Leidolf gave them each a stern look, the unspoken message meant, Guard our guest, and don't let her get away.

  He bowed his head to Cassie and left the girls alone with her, keeping the door wide open.

  Just in case they had to cry out for help if Cassie tried to steal away anyway.

  "I'm Alice, and this is my twin sister, Sarah. Leidolf told us to keep you company while Laney went to fetch clothes for you. We live next door to Forest Park in Portland. When Leidolf went in search of you in the Mount Hood National Forest, the whole pack, even those scattered in nearby towns around Portland, heard about it. They gathered here while you were sleeping. Everyone was dying to see you. Even though Leidolf hadn't called for a pack meeting. "

  "Yeah, I think he was a little bit surprised at first to see everyone here," Sarah chirped. "He figured he had you mostly to his own. " She grinned. "But I think he's enjoying showing you off. "

  "He'd been searching for a mate even before he took over the pack. " Sarah twisted a long curl of hair around her finger and looked at her sister as if seeking confirmation.

  Alice caught her eye and smiled, then faced Cassie. "Yes. He tries not to let on, but everyone gossips about it. We all know you're the one he wants. "

  "To be his mate. " Cassie figured the pack had to have made the assumption, not that Leidolf himself had already told them so. No alpha male could be that arrogant.

  "Absolutely. " Sarah released the stranglehold she had on her hair, leaned against the dresser, and folded her arms. "You're the one. Of course, Dad was peeved you were already spoken for because he wants a mate. He says it's because we need a mother, but we're old enough that we really don't. If it makes him happy. . . " She shrugged. "We'd be happy. "

  "We know he's just lonely. He misses Mom terribly," Alice said.

  "Your mom died?"

  "Yes, in a bad car accident five years ago. "

  "I'm so sorry to hear it. " Cassie figured she had been about the same age as the girls when she lost her extended family, and a wave of memories of profound grief and loss swept over her. Of being alone in the wilderness. Of returning to her family's cabins while flames consumed them and never again being able to smell her family's unique scents. . . remembering her mother cooking at the iron stove, her father bringing in the wood, her sister darning socks, something Cassie could never get the hang of. . . and their cousin, Aimee, who was like their sister, fun to be with, hiking, swimming, and sharing their dreams. She recalled losing her uncles and aunts, too, and their lighthearted banter, except for her unmated uncle who could be quite stern. Then their three homes were in ashes, the sound of nature encroaching on the otherwise deathly silence.

  She took a deep breath and looked at the girls. "Well, Leidolf will have to find someone else. I have a pack. "

  The girls' eyes rounded, and then they shared a glance. They smiled broadly and both said, "Sure you do. "

  Cassie was glad she wasn't interviewing for a job as these girls' mother. She'd never be able to put anything past them. In fact, she was beginning to think she couldn't hide anything from anyone. She hadn't realized how well a pack of lupus garous could read her. Of course, when she'd been with her own family, she hadn't had to be that devious. Except for when it came to studying the wolves. Maybe her family knew about it all along and were just allowing her to get it out of her system.

  Before she could think further about it, Alice nodded. "Yep, Leidolf said you're afraid to join us. "

  Afraid. That was a fighting word. Cassie didn't like to think of herself as afraid of anything. Not after her family was murdered. Not after she'd fended for herself before going to live with the wolf pack she'd befriended. Not when they were killed also. And not when she'd become a loner for good. Except that she was afraid of wolf hunters. In that regard, she had a healthy fear.

  Sarah added, "Yeah, while you were sleeping, Leidolf said you're a loner, and they can be difficult to draw into a pack. He was a loner, too, so he knows all about it. At first, our elders had a hard time convincing him we needed him since Elgin was the one who killed the last of the bad wolves in our pack. Elgin only did what he had to do. He knew Leidolf was on his way to save the pack. And everyone wanted him to be the pack leader. "

  Alice quickly spoke up. "If he hadn't tangled with this really bad dude, a gray from Colorado, Leidolf would have killed the last of the bad reds instead of Elgin. Leidolf was too injured to fight the murderous reds in our pack then. Or he would have. Elgin didn't want to lead, and he's happy to be Leidolf's second in command. We're all going to help Leidolf keep you. Then he'll never want to leave us. "

  Although Cassie couldn't see Leidolf as the kind of man who would abandon his adopted pack, whether he had a mate or not, she envisioned being clapped in irons because that was the only way anyone could ensure she stayed in one place.

  Sarah nodded. "Oh, yes. If he has you to get mad at, he'll be happier with the pack. That's what Evan says. "

  Both girls' eyes sparkled when Alice added, "Evan's really cute, but Dad won't let us get near him if he can help it. "

  "He's your age?"

  "Yeah, well, a little older. " Sarah put a hand to her heart and sighed. "He leaves us alone on account of Dad. I don't think he's afraid of him. . . Evan's pretty alpha. He doesn't want to stir things up too much in the pack and make Leidolf mad. Being that he's the leader, no one wants to anger him. "

  Cassie stifled a groan. All she needed was to get tied down with a pack leader whose temper got away from him at the least provocation and who took it out on his pack members.

  On the other hand, why had the pack wanted him to lead so badly? Maybe because the others had been so rotten that Leidolf seemed like an angel in comparison. She laughed to herself. He definitely wasn't angelic in the least bit. Not the way he judged her with that sinfully seductive expression he had. An enticing devil was more like it.

  "Well, except for Sarge," Alice said. "He's newly turned and angers Leidolf all the time. Dad said Sarge should never have been allowed to live. "


  "He was a Dark Angel," Sarah hurried to say.

  "Dark Angel?"

  Alice spoke low. "Werewolf killer. No one likes him. He's an omega wolf, skulking around the outskirts of the pack. A total loser. Dad said he did drugs. Not any longer, though. If he did, Dad would terminate him. "

  "Oh. "

  "Yeah, well, he's bad news. " Sarah pointed to her arm. "And he had this tattoo on his arm right here. . . Dark Angel, Dad said. We weren't allowed to see it. I mean, for one, no werewolf could safely wear a tattoo. Also it was what the--"

  "Words represented," Alice said, stealing Sarah's words. "A little laser surgery and the words were history. The reason for the tattoo still turns most of the pack members off, no matter
that it's gone and only a slight scar remains. Sarge doesn't care. Keeps wearing short-sleeved shirts to show it off like a badge of honor, Evan says. No one likes Sarge for that reason and because he keeps causing so much trouble. "

  "Then there's Irving and Tynan. Dad says they're up to no good. " Sarah nodded her head once, emphasizing her point.

  Alice's eyes grew big as she added more of the pack news. "Oh yeah, and Pierce and--"

  Hurried footsteps sounded down the hall, and everyone turned to see who was coming. Cassie gave up on thinking she might get out of the ranch house anytime soon.

  Half out of breath, Laney rushed into the room with an armful of bright and flowery clothes. She gave the girls a stern look. "I hope you've been only telling Cassie about all the nice people we have in the pack. "

  Both bit their lips and glanced at Cassie. She smiled. She wouldn't give them away.

  "These are not the latest fashion, but they should fit. And one of the ladies wants to meet you. She's bedridden for the time being. Would you mind seeing her? She's at the other end of the house and will be for a few days. "

  No, Cassie didn't want to be drawn any further into the pack's problems for fear she'd end up feeling more for them than was wise to, but if the woman was bedridden and would be cheered by seeing Cassie, it was the least she could do.

  She raised her brows at floral fabrics that looked like they were from the tie-dye, peace sign era. . . silky bellbottom pants covered in bright pink roses, a blue tulip shirt, neither of the colors or the flowers matching, and a tie-dyed bandanna. The combination of brilliant colors made her eyes ache. She'd look like a mixed-up bouquet of flowers when she went to dinner. Worse? She'd really stand out if she tried to blend into the woods once she returned there. Maybe that was Laney's devious way of making sure she didn't leave anytime soon. It wouldn't be enough to stop Cassie.