Page 9 of Invision

  Dr. Burdette gave them a look that said he was having a hard time imagining them in their true, respective roles. "How is it a Malachai knows so little about demons?"

  "He screams like a girl if he has to watch a horror movie."


  "Well, you do. I tried to watch Child's Play and you ran off to hide during the opening credits. And then he had to go sleep with his mom in her bed for three days because he was so scared."

  "Dude! You promised me you weren't going to tell anyone about that."

  Dr. Burdette gaped. "You're not kidding?"

  "Of course not. I have to change his jeans whenever he wets them."

  "Cay! That's it! You're banned from watch duty. Don't I have someone else who can guard me? Where's Xev? At least he doesn't speak to anyone. Never mind tell them horrifying truths about me. Except for the pants wetting ... for the record, I quit doing that."

  "Yeah, last year."


  Dr. Burdette laughed. "You two are not the norm I'm used to running across in this job."

  Caleb snorted disdainfully. "That's because you hang out with loser classes of demons. You should party with me and my friends sometime. Leave the weaponry at home, though. You pull something on one of us, and we will return it to your possession through your least comfortable orifice."

  Nick cocked his head as a weird vision went through his mind. Funny, he never really thought about what Caleb did when they weren't together. Who he hung out with. Since Caleb didn't talk about it, he'd assumed that he went into demon limbo or something.

  Although, Caleb had been really familiar with all the creatures on the other side of the Veil when they'd gone into the Shadowland to rescue Nick's mother the night his father died.

  In his head, he saw Caleb in a peculiar bar, laughing and joking with a group of demons who weren't disguised as humans. They were fully demoned-out. Even Caleb had let his freak demon fly.

  "I didn't know you had pointed ears like an elf. You're the one I should be calling Legolas instead of Aeron."

  Caleb turned toward him with a sharp frown. "What was that?"

  Nick blinked. "I had an image of you with friends in the Veil World. You were in your normal skin, so to speak. Since we've always been one step from death whenever I've seen you in your demon form, I never noticed your ears."

  "Yours are pointed, too, FYI."


  Caleb nodded. "Teeth, too. You're totally sick when you go Malachai."

  "Great. Good to know. Don't do that in front of a girlfriend I want to keep."

  Caleb came forward to squat down in front of Nick with a fierce frown. "This is so strange."


  "It's like ... but it can't be."

  "Like what? You're scaring me."

  "Told you," he mumbled under his breath. "Frightens like a three-year-old girl." Then louder, he spoke to Nick. "You have all the symptoms Adarian would show anytime you came near him. I swear it's like there's another Malachai here. But there can't be. It's not possible." He glanced at Dr. Burdette. "What tools are you carrying?"

  "Nothing that would drain a Malachai. I have my sword. Some holy water. Nothing too powerful. I wasn't planning on stalking anything while I was here. Michael would be better stocked for that than I am."

  Caleb tilted his head up to look at the sigils and symbols Bubba had inscribed on his walls and windows for protection. "Yeah, but he's not. Other than some salt, which doesn't affect kid supreme, there's nothing he's used that would touch him. We're over here all the time with no ill effects. Bubba has invited us in so we're safe.... It doesn't make sense."

  "How does Michael not know what you are?"

  "Not something we spread around. And Nick's mother has no clue, either. We intend to keep it that way."

  "Yet she's part Sephiroth?"

  "And has no clue about that, either. Again, long story."

  "It'd have to be," Dr. Burdette said with a laugh. "But in all seriousness if he's lost or losing power, then there's something here that's dark. Something that's found a way to channel his power for its own use."

  "That's what I'm thinking."

  "You know if it's able to do that--"

  "It's not here to make friends."

  Nick didn't like the direction their conversation was headed. "So what are you two thinking?"

  Caleb gave him a long, hard stare. "That whatever has you, knows what you are. Knows that you're not adept at your powers and that who or whatever it is has a plan to take you down. And take the rest of us with you."

  "That's normal. We can stop them. We always do."

  "There's just one problem."

  Nick couldn't imagine what. "And that is?"

  "We don't know who. We don't know what. We don't know how."

  "That's not one. That's three."

  "No, punkin'. That's one big, bad-ass entity with serious skills who's going to mop the floor with us."

  "But you said that I couldn't die now."

  "Yeah, as the Malachai. But if they take the Malachai out of you..."

  "I can die, after all."

  Caleb nodded. "Yeah. In the past, it's only been the Malachai's son who had the ability to weaken him. But if someone or something has found another way to do it..."

  "I'm finished."

  "We all are."

  "You think that's why Aeron's gone?"

  Caleb shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't able to find a trace of him earlier. It's like he's vanished from the face of this earth. I don't know what's happened to him."

  A bad feeling went through Nick, but he refused to let it take root. Aeron wouldn't be behind this.

  He wouldn't. That was the Malachai voice that wanted to hate everyone around him. To trust no one with anything.

  But this was coming from somewhere. As usual, he was being targeted for extinction. The problem, though, was he had no idea where to begin looking for this enemy. If it was Grim, he was doing a great job hiding.

  If it was something else ...

  He was screwed, because they wouldn't see it coming until who or what made its move. And the one thing they'd all learned over these past few years--whenever that happened, it left a mark.

  Nick only prayed that this time, it didn't take his head. Or worse, the head of someone close to him.


  "See, hon, he's fine. Told you I wasn't going to let anything happen to your young one."

  Nick glanced up as his mom and Bubba came through the door. As tiny as Bubba was large, Cherise Gautier had blond hair and vivid blue eyes that filled her angelic face. Still dressed in her black Sanctuary T-shirt from work, she rushed past Bubba to the couch where Nick was sitting with Kody.

  Faster than he could move, she latched onto him with her ninja mom moves and octopus-like tentacle grip. Dang, for a tiny woman, she was stronger than all get-out. Forget toddler strength, his mother could match Hercules.

  "Ma ... can't ... breathe! You're choking off my airway. Counterproductive move. Release the choke hold on your sole progeny before you kill him."

  Laughing, she ruffled his hair before she kissed his forehead to check for a fever. Unlike a normal mother who would use her hand or a sanitary thermometer, his mom had never once done that.

  Nope, Cherise Gautier always checked with a kiss and a tickle, which made him jump and let out an undignified noise in front of his girl and best friend--something he did not appreciate. But all Caleb did was make a face while Kody laughed.

  Meanwhile, his mom didn't care that her son had no measurable dignity or ego, hence his most hideous wardrobe. And her need to cup his face like he was still three and pinch playfully at his cheeks until he flashed a dimple at her. "You do feel a little warm, Boo, but not bad. How are you feeling?"

  "Better 'til you pinched me. Kody brought my homework." He held his English book up for her to see. "I'm almost done with my assignments."

  His mom patted Kody's knee. "Thank you, Miss Kody."
r />   "My pleasure, Ms. Gautier. We can't have our boy flunking. They might move my seat next to Stone. Then, I'd have to shoot myself."

  She laughed as she rose to her feet.

  "You want some pizza?" Nick gestured toward the box on the coffee table.

  His mom wrinkled her nose. "No, and you need to lay off eating so much of it. You're going to turn into one if you're not careful." She stepped back to take the bag from Bubba's hand. "I brought you some of Jose's chicken noodle soup from Sanctuary. He made a batch just for you. And Mama Lo sent over some gumbo for you and I think Papa Bear snuck in a bear claw, even though I told him not to."

  Thanking her, Nick took the Sanctuary bag and opened it, then laughed. "That's not all they snuck in here." He pulled out a Styrofoam cup. "Mama Lo done sent me some bread pudding!" Flashing a grin, he protectively cradled it in his hands so that his mom couldn't confiscate it. "And I'm not sharing this. But there is plenty of other stuff if anyone else is hungry."

  With an irritated noise, his mom met Bubba's amused smile. "I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy."

  "What you always do ... tolerate him and love him. But as you can see, he's fine. So are we still on for dinner?"

  She bit her lip and turned back toward Nick with an arched brow.

  "I'm fine, Ma. Kody and Caleb can babysit me. You know they're both responsible adults, and I won't be alone. We can have Aunt Mennie or Mark check in on us."

  "You're not going to work tonight, Boo?"

  "I already called Kyrian and told him that I caught Rosa's ick. He wasn't happy, but he's not going to kill me for it." Thank goodness Rosa had gotten sick and it'd given him a good excuse for not going in.

  She glanced at Caleb and Kody. "Your parents are good with you both staying a little later than normal? I don't want either of you to get in trouble. Do I need to call them?"

  His poor mom had no idea that Caleb was thousands of years old and that his parents had literally kicked him to the curb three minutes after his birth.

  As for Kody ...

  Right now, her father was imprisoned on a Vanishing Isle in the Greek Underworld, and her mother was frozen in an immortal sleep as a statue in the Atlantean heaven realm. It would still be a few years before her father was released, and a lot longer before Styxx would be able to reclaim her mother.

  And since the only reason for Kody's father's initial reprieve would be for him to open a hell-gate by killing Ash and unleashing a whole group of demons into the world in an attempt to raise the goddess of destruction ...

  They were better off not asking his permission about anything. Styxx just wasn't in the best frame of mind at present. He would need a few decades to zen so that he could forgive Acheron and humanity, and realize that the world didn't need to come to a screaming, horrific end.

  "We're good, Ms. Gautier," Caleb said in that kind tone that he only used with her, and Nick appreciated it more than Caleb would ever know. It meant a lot to him that his friends took as good care of his mom as he did.

  While the two of them might not always get along or agree on things, his mother was all he had. And Nick would skin alive anyone who harmed her or hurt her feelings.

  "Okay. If you're sure. Like I said, I don't want either of you in trouble with your parents. And I definitely don't want your parents worrying about you. There's nothing more terrifying than not knowing where your child is."

  "No fears, Ms. Gautier." Kody smiled. "We'll see Nick home and make sure he's taken care of. You two go and have a great dinner. Don't worry about anything."

  "Not a puppy, people. I can walk and tie my own shoes and everything."

  "I wouldn't take that bet," Caleb mumbled under his breath. "Your shoes have been untied all day."

  "That's called a fashion choice."

  "It's called a broken leg waiting to happen, but far be it from me to correct your delinquent behavior. I can use the laughter when you trip and fall, and bust your..." Caleb glanced at Cherise as he barely caught himself before he spoke profanity, "rump."

  Bubba laughed at them.

  His mom just shook her head at Caleb before she spoke to Bubba. "Give me an hour and pick me up?"

  "We can go now, if you want."

  She smiled sweetly. "Michael, I'd like to take a shower and get the smell of fried grease off my hair and change out of my work clothes."

  "Why? I think you smell real good, and look even better."

  Nick groaned. "Hello! Do you mind? Son is present and choking on my own bile! Gah! Old people. Y'all are so gross!"

  His mother glared at him. "Eat your pudding and shush.... And I'm not old! I'm barely over thirty. You'll be here before you know it!" She turned back to Bubba. "See you in an hour." When she went to kiss him, Bubba pulled away.

  She gave him a stricken look.

  He jerked his chin toward Nick. "Trying not to antagonize the most important man in your life."

  "I'm not looking," Nick groused. "I already threw up in my mouth. And Ma, I don't want no grief from you the next time you come into a room and I'm innocently leaning too close to Kody. 'Cause I know we're not doing anything, and I don't want to know what you two do or don't do, and you better not be doing nothing. That's all I'm saying."

  She shook her head and sighed. "I have raised a rotten child."

  Bubba grinned. "Nah, he's a good one. It's why I've let him live this long. Though drowning is still an option if he ever gets too lippy. I do know how to dump a body in the swamp where no one will ever find it.... gators got to eat, and all that."

  Laughing, she paused at the door. "You want to come on home with me, Boo?"

  "Can I finish my food?"

  "I thought you were sick?"

  "I am sick. You know the saying--starve a fever. Feed a cold. So I'm feeding it this bread pudding while it's still warm."

  She pressed her hand to her forehead. "Thank goodness I work for a restaurant and a kindhearted boss who doesn't mind it when I take food home, otherwise I'd never be able to afford groceries for that boy. I swear his legs are hollow."

  "My mama always said the same thing about me. That and that I was a reincarnated tapeworm. But it's all the football drills your boy runs, Cherise. You've gotta feed that metabolism."

  "Just don't let me forget to bring home leftovers for him after dinner."

  Nick groaned at her. "Again, not a puppy, Ma. I don't need a doggie bag."

  "Says the boy who will be starving by the time we get back tonight." She gave Bubba a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you shortly.... Nick, behave!"

  "You, too."

  As soon as she was gone, Bubba scratched uncomfortably at his jaw. "You sure you're okay with this?"

  Nick hesitated. Honestly? He was a lot of confused about it. His mother was a sacred entity where he was concerned, and he didn't like sharing her with other people. Ever. He never had. Even as a kid, it'd bothered him to see her holding another baby, even at church.

  But he was getting old enough to appreciate the fact that his mother had never dated, and that he'd selfishly taken up her entire life since the moment he'd been born. Like she said, she wasn't old. But he'd hogged every day of her youth.

  She deserved to be happy and to find a decent guy who would treat her like the queen she was.

  When all was said and done, he couldn't think of anyone better than Bubba, except Kyrian. But Nick knew from Ambrose that Kyrian had another destiny waiting.

  Another woman he was meant for.

  And Bubba deserved another chance to find a woman who could love him. Since the day he'd lost his wife and son, he hadn't dated, either. He'd been locked up in this business and zombie hunting with Mark. A lost, lonely soul.

  Yet whenever Bubba was around his mom, a light came on in his eyes. His cocksure friend lost a lot of his composure. It did Nick's fragile ego good to see that he wasn't the only oversized male his tiny mom cowed and unsettled. Besides, he really did admire Bubba.

  "Yeah. I'm just busting your chop
s, Triple Threat."

  Bubba grinned at his old football nickname that only Nick used these days. "All right. I meant what I said, Nick. You're both important to me. And you're definitely the most important thing to Cherise. Last thing I want to do is cause problems between you. Say the word and we go back to how we used to be."

  "It's all good. Really. Now, go get dressed. Don't keep her waiting. She can't stand that. Trust me. I've still got the hand prints on my butt to prove it."

  He snorted. "Your mother's never laid a hand to you and we both know it."

  "Not true," he whimpered playfully. "Her harsh words singe my soul."

  "Okay," Bubba said with a laugh, "fine. Mark's watching the store tonight. If you need anything, he can get right over to you. My dad is out with his friends, but he should be back before much longer. And you know if you need anything, me and your mom are just a quick call away."

  "Yes, sir. But unless Caleb gets frisky with the stove, I'm not anticipating any problems."

  "Frisky with the stove?" Caleb scowled. "What fresh lunacy is this?"

  "You know? Your house? I saw your kitchen. Looked like Mark came through it with his flamethrower."

  "Mark did come through it with his flamethrower, chasing demons!" Caleb said indignantly. "Dang near burned it down. Remember?"

  "Oh yeah. Never mind." Nick grinned at Bubba. "We'll be better off without Mark, I'm thinking."

  "Considering the fact the boy almost fried himself to God with his cell phone cord and burned his Jeep completely up with it ... yeah, I'm thinking you're right. Don't call Mark, on second thought." He jerked his head toward his bedroom. "I'm going to change clothes. I'm taking your mom to Brennan's if you need us."

  Nick made the sound of agony at the thought of them going there without him. He was already salivating. "Bring me back some dessert."

  Bubba laughed. "A'ight. Will do."

  As soon as he was gone, Nick slid his gaze to Kody. "Menyara's?"

  "Yes. I'll get Xev."

  Caleb made a sound of total disgust. "Why?"

  "This concerns him." Then, Nick froze as he realized something. "Holy crap, Caleb! You're my uncle."

  He curled his lip in that surly way only Caleb could manage. "No!"

  Kody laughed. "It's worse. He's the half-brother of your great-grandfather."

  Caleb glared at her. "You're not helping."

  "No, but I'm entertaining myself at your adorable expense."

  Nick snickered. "Yeah, y'all are missing the important fact. To a Cajun, that makes him my uncle."