Page 18 of Twisted Together

  I didn’t give a rat’s ass if that made no sense to her. Would a trafficker say that? I didn’t know. But it was the goddamn truth and my blood infernoed with the need to take her. Every part of my body felt foreign and sharp and so on edge.

  My gaze returned to Franco. Fuck me he’d held her. Naked!

  His body tensed, falling into a supple position, ready for a fight. “Mercer—think about this.” His eyes narrowed.

  Think about it?

  His hands on her naked skin. Her body pressed against him. Naked.

  The beast howled with utmost possession. He’d touched my property. He’d seen what no one else was allowed to see. No one! It didn’t matter that he’d been in the room when we’d found her. Naked and spread-eagled on the bed in Rio. It didn’t matter he knew she was mine. It didn’t fucking matter, because I needed a fight. I needed something. Anything to stop myself from spiralling into this dark pit of hell.

  “It’s okay, Mercer. She’s yours.” Franco held up his hands. “Seriously, I get it.”

  My nostrils flared as I struggled for control. My fists wanted nothing more than to connect with his jaw.

  His head tilted; apprehension filled his eyes. “Is it going okay? You’re not…um...not losing it are you?” He inched closer, eyeing me up.

  I wished fire would sprout out of my gaze and burn him. I wished I had spare arms to punch him in the chest and kick him when he fell. I was violent. Bloodthirsty. Oversexed. “Do you think I’m not strong enough? That I’ll give in?” My voice held a deadly undertone.

  He shrugged. No judgement or fear existed in his face. “Just asking. Don’t want you to fuck yourself up while trying to help her.” He smirked. “Excuse me for saying, but you look completely manic.”

  I’d bottled so much up, I was ready to explode. I probably looked like a fucking psycho.

  His eyes fell to Tess squirming in my arms. Her lithe body rubbed my cock in such delicious ways making me throb with an orgasm living permanently in my balls. “Having difficulties?”

  A loud laugh exploded from my mouth. Difficulties? Try mountains of them. The laugh helped demolish the tension in my limbs. It turned dark, petering out.

  The black clouds broke; I sucked in a ragged breath. Insanity gave way to sanity, soothing my feral heartbeat. I’d almost lost myself.

  I’d been too caught up in the charade—I almost became him. I’d stepped over that line and would’ve broken Tess if Franco hadn’t caught her.

  Time played its cruel joke again, draining me as if it’d been days, not minutes.

  I’m not strong enough. I’ll snap before it’s over.

  Franco followed my breakdown. “You probably have another hour before that thing wears off. Don’t take too long.”

  Urgency laced my heart. I only had to survive another hour, then Tess would be free and I could get as far away from her as possible. I could find an outlet for all this blackness inside and spare her from my rage.

  Gathering my tattered energy, I collected Tess in a stronger grip. My eyes met Franco’s as I dragged her backward to the door. I should thank him for helping, but I couldn’t. Seeing her naked was all the fucking thanks he’d get.

  Tess fought, wrenching her mouth free from my grip. She winced as something struck her foot. “Let me go. No! I don’t want to go back in there.” Her heels left indents in the grass as I stole her back to her nightmares.

  “You don’t have a choice. And if you ever recall what really happened today, try and remember never to run from me again. You were lucky this time. Next time—” My voice drifted off as another wave of need crippled me.

  Her heat and wriggling body scrambled my self-control.

  Reaching the door, I yelled at Franco, “Don’t worry about what’s going on in here. Just do your fucking job and keep watch.”

  Franco smiled, saluting me flippantly. “Keep watch for her running again or intruders?”

  I bared my teeth, slamming the door in his face. I left him standing in the sunlight while I welcomed Tess back to the dark. The soundproofed dark where her screams didn’t matter, her tears wouldn’t be seen, and no one would find out how fucking dangerous all of this was.

  Breathing hard, I stomped through the house with a fighting naked woman in my arms.

  “I won’t do it. I won’t hurt them. You’ll have to kill me this time,” she rambled, her fingernails clawing at my arms. I clamped my fingers over her mouth again. I couldn’t listen to how much damage I caused.

  I hissed as she drew blood, but managed to keep the monster locked in its cage—I had no fucking clue how.

  This house was too big—too far to drag a woman who I wanted so fucking bad. My jaw ached from clenching by the time I marched her into the bathroom. The minute I’d slammed and locked the door, I unglued my fingers from around her lips.

  Tension suffocated the room, swamping the area with Tess’s panic and my self-restraint. She backed up, seething, “You said I could be free. I took the initiative.”

  I dragged my hands over my face, scrubbing hard against the headache, grime, and severely tested discipline. There would be no breaking her. She was too damn strong. I had to hope my second idea would work better than my first. It would also test every inch of my self-control.

  You’re tempting fate. Don’t do it.

  Ignoring myself, I growled, “You didn’t ask permission. You think you can get what you want without asking?”

  Tess pressed her lips together, not saying a word.

  Scowling, I stalked toward her, crowding her against the wall. Her eyes flared, dancing with panic and anger. I pressed my body against hers, shivering with how good she felt. Every inch of my erection throbbed, digging into her belly. I lost my thoughts, my decency, my fucking human spirit.

  Her stomach rose and fell with uneven breaths; her delectable curves tempted me to hell.

  Take her. No one would know. Just one thrust. Just one release.

  My cock became possessed. Every rub of her, no matter how gentle, was enough to send me into full-body convulsions.

  I needed to come. Badly. It tainted my every thought, made it that much harder to stay sane.

  Tess looked up, glaring deep into my soul. “You’re a traitor. A liar. And a thief.”

  I backed away, unable to ignore the churning in my gut and overwhelming pressure in my balls. Why had she said that—what did she see?

  Tess moved quickly, dashing to the door.


  In a quick strike, I planted myself in front of her, barricading the exit.

  She glowered, then in a totally defiant move, ripped my shirt off her body, and threw it in my face.

  I shoved it away, breathing hard, willing myself to keep control.

  Christ, she was fucking amazing. Lean muscles, tight stomach, beautiful full tits. “What the hell are you doing to me?” I groaned.

  Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.

  Tess didn’t seem to notice; she planted her hands on her naked hips, hissing, “You were wrong to bring me back. You should’ve left me alone. You’d won. Don’t you get it?” Taking a step closer, she accented every move, sashaying her hips, seducing me with every fucking twitch.

  “I’d lost myself. I’d turned my master’s life into a misery. You’d won!” Her head bowed, her gaze flickering down my chest. There was nothing weak or coy about her now, it was complete steel and rebellion.

  She looked up through hooded eyes. “But now…” One step closer. Another. “Now, I’m beginning to remember.”

  My entire body froze; my cock grew ever harder. She stopped a breath away; the tip of her finger stabbed me in the solar plexus. “I’m remembering how to fight.” The flash in her eyes unravelled me. My knees buckled, stealing control just for a moment before I forced myself to stand tall.

  The headache I’d been fighting crashed over me with blades, daggers, and needles. “Don’t touch me.” I cleared my throat, hating how my voice cracked with heavy lust. Touch me. F
uck me. Bend over and let me sink inside your sweet, sweet cunt.

  “Oh, poor you.” She pouted, taunting me. “Big bad Leather Jacket doesn’t want me to touch him.” Her mouth twisted as she slapped a hand on my naked shoulder, sending a bonfire of want through my blood.

  Fuck…this wouldn’t end well.

  I loved that she stood up to her nightmares and seemed to be winning. I loved that by standing up to me, I could change the theme of her dreams by backing down, eradicating the horror forever.

  What I didn’t love was the unforgiving need making my brain bleed and teeth turn to dust in my mouth. Just a little longer.

  I curled my hands so hard my short nails punctured flesh, growing slippery with blood.

  Not moving muscle, I ordered, “Get in the bath.”

  One thing.

  Just one thing left to do to shatter what I believed to be the main issue. Then I’d be free. My job would be over, and I could run like the fucking animal I was.

  When Tess didn’t move, I towered to my full height, glowering into her eyes. “Get. In. the. Fucking. Bath.”

  Tess cowered, the strength spluttered and fizzed. She took a hesitant step toward it.

  Then iron replaced her bones, slamming her to a halt. She stood regal and proud and entirely fucking naked making my throat close up with how much I wanted to hurt her.

  “No. Fuck you.” With a roar, she flew at me. Her palm slapped my face, sending my head snapping sideways.

  And that was it.

  I was done.

  Control snapped.

  Sanity slipped.

  Needs roared to life.

  My hand came up, wrapping around her throat. So, so breakable. “How about I fuck you? Then we’ll see who walks away.” I threw her against the wall, sliding her upward so her feet dangled off the ground. She weighed nothing. Absolutely nothing compared to the monster’s fury.

  Tess sliced at my hands with her nails, choking in my hold. “You always were pathetic. Making up for your lack of cock.” Tess’s hands suddenly stopped fighting me, dropping to squeeze my erection.

  I swayed; my forehead crashed against the tiled wall.

  No. No. Yes. Yes.

  The monster tore at my brain.




  I shoved my hips into her hand, making her cry out in pain. Her cries made me pant for more—made me fucking delirious.

  Her eyes popped wide. “So you do have a cock. You must’ve had cosmetic surgery, you bastard, because when you raped Blonde Angel you were infested with spiders and the size of my little finger.”

  Confusion collared the beast and I blinked. Holy shit, I’d been so close. She didn’t see me. She didn’t know it was me. And I refused to take her when she was so far out of my reach—so removed from the truth.

  Her hand squeezed my cock, deliberately hurting. But I was beyond pain now. I wanted pain. I wanted her to punish me, so I could come so fucking violently I’d pass out. My vision went black.

  Not yet. You’re so close. Get it together.

  Somehow, I did the hardest thing in my life.

  Dropping her, I kicked her away, almost doubling over with the need lacerating my blood.

  “I told you. Don’t fucking touch me.” I had to finish this. Now.

  Even sprawled on cold tiles, lost in a sea of darkness, Tess glowed like a cosmos or brand new galaxy. She looked fresh and completely unbroken. She licked her lips, saying in the coldest, strongest voice I’d ever heard. “You know what I just realized? I’m not scared of you anymore. So fuck off and leave me alone.”

  She’s close. So close.

  Happiness and joy spread from my heart, battling back the monsters inside. Just a little more.

  I cursed my shuddering body as I loomed over her. “Not fucking scared, huh? Then what are you still doing here? Give me what I want, and I’ll let you go.”

  Ask what I want. Please fucking ask what I want. Then I wouldn’t suffer guilt when I raped her. I’d be free to do whatever the hell I pleased.

  Her eyes went from grey to star-bright.

  Fierce awe shot into my heart.

  “I want my freedom.”

  Yes. I’d done it. She’d demanded it. She’d claimed it. I backed away, fumbling for the door handle to run.

  But then her fierceness fizzled; a small cry crawled from her mouth. “No wait! I’m sorry. You’ve always wanted to fuck me. Do it. A trade. Then I’ll know I owe you nothing. Do it and leave me in peace.” She sucked in a breath, eyes glassy with tears. “Please, swear if I give you what you want, you’ll let me go. Promise you’ll never come for me again. Promise you won’t make me hurt any more women or sell me or ruin my life. Please!”

  She crawled toward me, latching onto my trouser leg. “Please. You wanted me to beg? I’m begging. You told me I would one day. And it’s come true. I’m begging you to end this once and for all. I’m giving you what you want in return for freedom.”

  She climbed my body. I knew I stood no fucking chance of saying no. I would ruin her all when she’d been so damn close.

  Her tears rained, sobs taking over her voice. “Please. Promise me that this will be over. How many times do I have to pay?”

  Her hands fumbled on my belt buckle. “Do it. Do it!” Tess cried, almost crazed with the thought of being free.

  I groaned as she squeezed my length, dragging me forward by it like I was a plaything. Every place she touched scorched my willpower. I almost came on the spot at the thought of getting what I wanted so badly.

  I wanted to fuck her like the criminal she thought I was. I wanted to hit her and bite her and use her with no remorse. I wanted blood and bruises and pleasure.

  And I wanted Tess to scream. But I wanted her to scream my name. Not some fucking kidnapper’s.

  The ultimate ownership of her pain and screams belonged to me—not them. And I wouldn’t, wouldn’t, let her take that from me.

  With a howl, I knocked her hands away from my cock and threw her over my shoulder.

  Her softness and tiny fists pounding my back twinged the last remaining thread of my self-control. I had just enough to do what I had to. Just enough to end this. For good.

  I dumped her into the overflowing bath.

  Slamming to my knees, she had time to grab a breath before I grabbed her skull and shoved her underwater. The liquid crashed over her face, sucking her down like eager death.

  Her scream broke the surface in forms of large frothy bubbles. Sound ricocheted as the noise left its bubble, escaping into the air.

  Tess went wild. Her legs kicked, smashing into the soap dish and ornaments around the bath. Water sluiced everywhere, drenching my trousers and shoes. I held her down while my headache turned my vision to tunnel.

  I held her down as my blood mixed with the water thanks to her sharp nails on my arms.

  Every second I drowned her, I thrust my hips against the bath, bruising myself, deliberately bashing delicate flesh against hard fibreglass, trying to teach the beast in me a lesson.

  This was the bastard I was. This asshole who drowned the woman he loved.

  Ten seconds.

  Tess was berserk, fighting with everything she had.

  Fifteen seconds.

  Her fight stuttered, succumbing to lack of oxygen.

  My heart felt like it would explode and my brain disintegrate—I let her up.

  I couldn’t catch my breath.

  This was it. This was the moment where everything I’d done better work. If it didn’t, I had no other hope.

  Such a short amount of time left. Come on, Tess! My hands clenched, hanging onto my last shred of discipline. The last defence against the beast from fucking her senseless.

  Scrambling to my feet, I backed away. Grabbing the last item I needed from my pocket, I kicked off my drenched shoes and trousers. Standing in black boxer-briefs with my cock standing so fucking stiff, I braced myself for what was to come.

  Tess ex
ploded out of the tub like a mermaid queen. Her skin was white, blonde hair clinging to her breasts and shoulders in molten gold. Her chest rose and fell as she went from drowning to surviving. Everything about her said fighter.

  But it was her eyes I latched onto.

  They were otherworldly. So fucking manic.

  “You bastard!” She flew at me.

  I backed up, crashing against the wall. She slapped me, kicked me, pummelled every inch. Every strike made me want to grab her hair and force her to her knees. I needed to be inside her. I needed to release this overbearing burden inside but I locked my hands behind my back, holding tight to the final key. I shut down my thoughts, my needs—I let her do whatever she wanted.

  I let her pour everything from her soul into mine. I would bear it all for her. I would make her whole by sharing her pain.

  “You deserve nothing! Nothing. You fucking bastard. You deserve to die.”

  Yes, Tess. Go on.

  Take her. What about what you want? She owes you. Do it!

  I shook my head, dispelling the thoughts before they could swallow me.

  “I’m taking my freedom. I’m not asking. I’m not begging. I’ll never beg again in my life.”

  My heart raced and soared.

  Come on. More!

  Everything I’d hoped would happen, came true. With every hit, Tess seemed to shed an outer layer. One tarnished with fear, uncertainty, and whatever foulness she’d lived with for so long. Everything she never let me see, all her lies, and secrets fell to the floor.

  My cheek burned as she slapped me with all her strength. Standing before me was the woman I’d fallen madly fucking in love with.

  I said goodbye to the slave I’d reclaimed in Rio and welcomed back the girl who claimed me when she returned from Australia.

  The disease was gone—the festering over once and for all.

  Everything disappeared. All the nightmares, the tears, the anger. All of it.

  This woman was stronger than I could ever be. And I didn’t know how I fucking deserved her.

  My hands unlocked, begging to touch. But I couldn’t. Not yet.

  She had to say one more thing to be completely saved. I held my breath, waiting, waiting.

  Finally, her face filled with unlimited courage; she smiled in disbelief. “I’m done with you. I’m done with all of this. I’m free.”