Page 8 of The Flirtation

  “Look, I’ll be the first to admit that Nathaniel was a bit forward in his warning Simon away from you. Trust me when I tell you that I gave him an earful about what I thought when he told me. But keeping your identity from the man acting as your Dom? That’s never a good idea. It’s not going to end well, Lynne.”

  Lynne couldn’t put a finger on the expression Abby gave her at first, but then she realized what it was—pity—and her body grew cold with fear. “Oh my God, you’re going to tell Nathaniel, aren’t you?”

  Abby sighed. “I should. I really should. If for nothing else than I won’t be able to sit for a month if he finds out I knew and didn’t tell him. But I gave you my word I’d only involve him if what you were doing was dangerous. And while I think it’s not smart, it’s nothing that’s going to put you in harm’s way. At least not physically. So, no, I won’t tell him, but I strongly recommend you think about telling him and also come up with a plan for how to handle this.”

  Come up with a plan. Yes. Lynne knew she could do that. She’d come up with a plan to tell Simon who she was after the demo weekend.

  “I’m not going to like whatever thought you just had, am I?” Abby asked, a bit of her normal humor back in her voice.

  “Probably not,” Lynne agreed, and then quickly changed the subject.

  • • •

  The West family left the next afternoon. Nathaniel’s aunt brought the kids to the penthouse that morning, and Lynne was delighted she was able to spend some time with Henry and Elizabeth. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed them until they’d left and she was once more alone.

  She didn’t like the quiet. The weekend had been so much fun, spending time with everyone and feeling like she was part of a family again. It was stupid, since they weren’t her family. Her parents lived not too far from Wilmington, and she saw them often enough. Maybe it was that Nathaniel and Abby were such an integral part of her kinky family.

  The thought of a kinky family made her smile. And even more than that, before Nathaniel had returned home the night before, Abby had taken her aside and showed her where the playroom key was. “Just in case you want to look around. You know, familiarize yourself again with things.”

  Since her classwork was all caught up and she didn’t have any upcoming exams, that’s what she decided to do. She took the key and let herself into the locked room.

  It was small. Smaller than she had envisioned it. But then again, the penthouse hadn’t been built with the intent of adding a BDSM play space. Abby and Nathaniel had renovated a closet and an extra bathroom into the room where she now stood.

  Small, yes. But still large enough for two people. She ran her hand absentmindedly across a padded wooden and leather bench. She could picture Simon in this space. Maybe after she confessed who she was, she’d invite him over.

  Or maybe that’s how she’d tell him.

  She’d ask him if he wanted to come to her place, and once she gave him the address, he’d know. She bit her lip as she imagined it. Maybe she’d just tell him the building and she could meet him downstairs. If he knew it was her, he might not show up. Especially considering what Abby told her Nathaniel had said to him.

  Damn, she’d gotten herself into a fine mess. But looking around the room, she was filled with a deep longing, and she knew if she could get back with Simon as his submissive, everything would be worth it.

  • • •

  Nathaniel called Lynne a few days later to tell her that Daniel could work with her on Saturday and that Luke had offered his club, late Saturday morning, before it opened to members. It sounded perfect, and she told him yes, not believing her good luck until she hung up.

  It struck her that there was no way it was a coincidence that the session would take place at Luke’s club. Sure, that’s where Nathaniel was a member, but it was also where the man she’d admitted she’d been seeing was a member. Other than the playroom in the penthouse, both the Delaware house and the Hamptons estate had private play spaces. Not only that, but she was almost positive Daniel had his own room as well.

  So, why hold the session at Luke’s?

  She fingered the numbers on her phone, tempted to call Nathaniel back and say that wouldn’t work. But if she did that, he’d want to know why, and she couldn’t come up with a reason to tell him other than “I think you’re up to something.”

  She could just imagine his response if she told him that. No doubt he would say, “Yes, I am, and what are you going to do about it?”

  Nothing. There was nothing she could do about it. The best thing she could do was to go along with him and to be hyperaware of any snooping he did to try to find out Simon’s identity.

  As it turned out, though, Nathaniel didn’t even show up at the club. She spent all week thinking up ways to keep him from finding out about Simon, and when she walked into the club, only Daniel and Julie were present.

  “Hey, Lynne,” Julie said, coming up and giving her a hug. “How’s your summer going?”

  “Busy. I’m in class most of the day.” Lynne had always liked Daniel’s submissive. She was friendly and funny, one of those people who made you smile by just being near.

  “That’s what Abby said.” Julie leaned close and whispered, “Though it sounds like you’re not all work and no play.”

  Lynne felt her face heat. “True enough.”

  Daniel walked up to them. He was incredibly handsome, with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile that made everyone feel welcome. “Hello, Lynne.”

  “Hello, Master Covington,” Lynne said. “Thank you so much for agreeing to work with me this morning.”

  “Oh, it’s no trouble,” he said, his eyes dancing with mischief. “It’s been entirely too long since I’ve been able to take a whip to someone.”

  Julie punched him on the shoulder. “Stop. You’ll scare her.”

  “I’m fine,” Lynne said, but a twinge of fear had indeed started to worm its way around in her belly.

  “He doesn’t get to use a single tail very often because it’s been a hard limit for me.” Julie took her by the arm and they started walking toward the play area. “I’ve only recently asked him to use one on me, and we’re taking it slow. Today’s the second scene I’ve witnessed since . . . well, for a long time.”

  “Master West said he was the best.” It felt weird calling him that, but she knew that the house rules stated she call him that and not “Nathaniel” or “Mr. West.”

  “He is,” Julie said. “Though I’m a bit biased. I think he’s good at everything.”

  Julie’s love and respect for her Dominant were obvious not only in her words, but also in the way she looked at him. A look that was reciprocated every time Daniel’s gaze made its way to Julie. Lynne couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Who wouldn’t want a man to treat her that way?

  They entered the main room of the club, and Daniel motioned for them to sit down on one of the couches set up near the equipment. Julie sat by his side, and Lynne found a spot on the love seat across from him.

  “I have a few things to go over before we start.” At Lynne’s nod, he continued. “Do you have any medical issues I should know about?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “What’s your safe word?”


  “I’ll be using a flogger on you before the single tail. Do you have any concerns or issues with that?”

  “No, Sir.” She was more excited than anything.

  “Are you okay being topless?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “From what I’ve gathered from Nathaniel, you’ve never been in a single-tail scene?” Daniel asked.

  “No.” Her eyes drifted over to where the play space waited.

  “What types of floggers have you experienced?” he asked.

  Lynne shifted uncomfortably in her seat. He would ask that. She’d known he would, but still, she was hesitant to tell him. “I’ve never had anyone use a flogger on me.”

  Daniel frowned. Sur
ely Nathaniel had told him how relatively inexperienced she was. Or maybe not, judging from Daniel’s expression. It really wasn’t Nathaniel’s place to tell him, because when it came down to it, the only person who really knew about her experience level was Lynne herself.

  She forced herself to look at him. “I have only a little bit of BDSM experience.”

  Daniel’s lips had tightened into a line. “And you think a single tail is the best way to get more experience?”

  “No.” Lynne shook her head. “The Dom I’m with is doing a demo with the single tail and I want to do the demo with him.”

  “And this Dom thinks it’s acceptable to jump from nothing to a bullwhip?”

  Dammit. She couldn’t exactly explain that Simon didn’t know. If she told Daniel that, she had no doubt he’d refuse to move forward. From the corner of her eye, she saw Luke’s office door open, and she knew he’d be joining them in a matter of seconds. She needed this conversation over by the time he made it to them.

  “We’ve discussed, at length, our plans and steps going forward. This is what I want.” It wasn’t a lie. Not really. It was just a creative way to avoid the question.

  Daniel nodded in understanding, but he clearly wasn’t happy.

  “Hello, Master Covington,” Luke said, walking up to them, and for the first time, Lynne noticed he wasn’t alone. Anna Beth was at his side. Her eyes were wide and her mouth went slack when she recognized Lynne, but almost immediately, she schooled her features into indifference. “This is a submissive from the club who is going through a retraining. I asked her to come in to observe, but she’s not allowed to speak.”

  It was Lynne’s turn to stand in disbelief. Anna Beth was a member of Luke’s club? How did she not know that? That meant the Dom she wanted and the sub who supposedly told the lies about her were also members here.

  Along with Simon.

  Daniel nodded tersely. “If you could have her go with Julie and sit beside her.” He gave Anna Beth a look of warning that spoke more than any words he could have said.

  Luke motioned with his hand for Anna Beth to go to Julie’s side.

  Daniel turned his attention back to Lynne. “I’ll give you ten minutes to get ready. Meet me over by the St. Andrew’s Cross closest to the bar.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lynne said, and hurried off to the locker room to change. She didn’t have a lot of fetish wear, but she had a few items. For today, she changed into a short skirt and a tight tank top that showed off her midriff. She’d debated wearing high heels, but had eventually decided not to, thinking that she’d rather be barefoot for her first encounter with a single tail.

  She took a brief glimpse at herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction at what she saw. With a deep breath, she promised not to pay any attention to Anna Beth. This was an important step for her, and she was excited to see what it was going to feel like.

  Daniel waited for her by the cross, and her eyes drifted up to a nearby clock to make sure she wasn’t late. Daniel smiled. “I’m horribly punctual. You’re not late.”

  She swallowed her fear, slid to her knees before him, and bowed her head.

  “I know this is new for you,” he said. “I need you to promise me you’ll use your safe word if anything becomes too much.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Stand up for me and take your shirt off.”

  This was it. Arousal and anticipation pounded through her veins. She slowly rose to her feet and, keeping her eyes straight ahead, drew the shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor.

  “Very nice, Lynne,” Daniel said. “Go face the cross.”

  She was thankful she didn’t have to look at anyone to accomplish that task. This way she could concentrate on what she was doing and not on who was watching. In her mind, she made Daniel Simon and imagined that they were the only two people in the room.

  With efficient fingers, Daniel secured her wrists and ankles to the cross. She closed her eyes and relaxed as much as possible.

  “Everything feel okay?” Daniel asked. “Not too tight?”

  She pulled experimentally against the bonds. Nope, she wasn’t going anywhere. “Everything feels good, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Lynne.”

  She was willing to bet he wasn’t so formal with Julie. But that was fine. She had zero interest in pursuing any kind of relationship after this with Daniel.

  “I’m going to start out slow,” he said, and she exhaled, willing her body to go slack.

  The first falls of the flogger surprised her. She’d prepared herself for them to hurt. But they didn’t. Instead, it was the strangest sort of caress. He probably wasn’t putting a lot of power behind his swing, and her body relaxed further.

  He kept up the light strokes for quite some time. She wasn’t sure how long it was, but she grew accustomed to the rhythmic thuds falling, and at one point, she sighed because it felt so good. Her eyelids grew heavy, and it was as if she melted into the wooden cross.

  “Still okay?” Daniel asked.

  “Mmm . . . Yes, Sir.” She forced herself to answer his question before she slipped back into that dreamlike state where everything was so pleasurable.

  She might have heard Daniel chuckle from behind her. She wasn’t sure, and the uncertainty didn’t bother her. Gradually, the strokes grew heavier, but she hardly noticed the change in sensation. In fact, it was as if she wasn’t standing in a kink club; she was racing down the corridors of her mind, looking this way and that. But no, she wasn’t racing; she was floating and it was the most magical feeling she’d ever experienced.

  There was a break, and she almost told him not to stop, but the next thing that hit her skin had a bite. She sucked in a breath, and a peculiar warmth spread throughout her body. The bite came again, and she laughed.

  “Lynne?” Daniel asked.

  “Don’t stop, Sir.”

  He didn’t, but she found she couldn’t help herself, and each time the whip made contact with her back, she giggled. She tried to stop, but the more she attempted to hold it in, the harder the giggles came. It didn’t make any sense. There wasn’t anything funny about the scene, and the whip actually hurt. Or at least it hurt more than the flogger did.

  She was afraid Daniel might get the wrong impression, that he might think she was being disrespectful. The first time she laughed, he did hesitate before continuing, but he didn’t seem to mind or care after that.

  Much too soon, he stopped.

  “No,” she said, surprising herself. “Don’t stop, Sir. I won’t laugh anymore.”

  But instead of starting again, a blanket fell around her shoulders and she was released from the cross. “I’m not stopping because of the giggles,” Daniel assured her, “though I’ve never had that type of response before. I’m stopping because I don’t want to push you too far your first time.”

  “Will you do it again?” she asked.

  Now it was Daniel’s turn to laugh. “I think you might have a streak of masochist in you.”

  He took her by the elbow and guided her to the bench where Julie sat. As they approached, Luke tapped Anna Beth on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow him. They were halfway to Luke’s office before Daniel had Lynne situated on the couch between him and Julie.

  Daniel kept one hand on her shoulder while he talked with her. “Everything okay? You feel all right? Any questions?”

  She’d expected to be in pain when it was over, so she was surprised to find that she was not. “I feel a little weightless, and warm. Is that normal after a session with the single tail?”

  “You’re probably still feeling the effects of subspace.” Daniel looked over her head and gave some sort of signal to Julie. “I’m going to put cream on your back. There are no open wounds, just some marks that will disappear in a day or two. You don’t need to do anything special. Just be aware of it and take some medicine if it hurts.”

  Julie handed him the tube of cream, and Daniel had Lynne face away from him so he could take car
e of her back. His hands were knowledgeable and sure, but in her heart she longed for them to be Simon’s hands. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend he was there with her, but it didn’t work.

  When he was finished, he had her put her shirt back on. After she was dressed, Luke came out of his office without Anna Beth and sat across from them. He passed her two extra-strength ibuprofens and a bottle of water. She swallowed the pills and drank half the water. She’d had no idea she was so thirsty.

  “Everything okay?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” Lynne said. “It was so different from what I had expected. Not nearly as painful, and I’m sore, but everything has a pleasant sensation.”