Page 24 of Make It a Double

Page 24

  “You don’t have to thank me,” I tell him with a chuckle. “I got a few orgasms out of it. ”

  “No,” he says firmly. “Thank you… for making me sleep in. ”

  I can’t help the warm gooeyness that bubbles up inside of me, and I feel well satisfied.

  “I take care of you,” I tell him simply.

  Brody just smiles at me, taking his finger, running it across the slope of my shoulder, and down my arm. “So what’s on the agenda today?”

  “Well, we have several hours before you need to go to work. Want to go hang out on the beach?”

  “You don’t want to go check on the animals?” he asks suspiciously.

  “Nope. They’re in good hands. I want to play with you today. ”

  “Would any part of that playing be back in this bed?” he asks, bringing his hand over to palm my breast.

  “As a matter of fact, it would,” I tell him, bringing my own hand over to cover his and push him to me tighter.

  I expect Brody to take over… to touch and lick all over me the way I know he loves to do. Instead, he looks at me with worry, his hand falling away from my breast. “Do you think Chad’s gone for good?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I look down at the blanket and pick at it. “I don’t know. I hope so, but it’s hard for me to imagine he found his sanity just laying around. ”

  “I know,” Brody says on a heavy sigh. “I don’t see him giving up. ”

  We’re both silent for a moment, lost to our thoughts. This amazing man lying beside me has had so much strife in his young life. I hate it, and I want to do something to make it better. After everything he’s been through, he lies here now worrying about me, and that pisses me off. I hate Stacy for destroying him, and I hate Chad for worrying him.

  Brody deserves peace. Nothing but peace.

  “What’s going on in that brain of yours?” he asks me quietly. “You look like you could shank someone right now. ”

  “Just brooding about Chad and Stacy. What did we do to deserve those two?”

  It’s with amazement that Brody chuckles as he pulls me into his arms. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right?”

  “Sounds like bullshit to me,” I grumble, and he laughs hard.

  “Glad I can amuse,” I tell him as he strokes my back, his chin resting on my head.

  “You don’t amuse, Alyssa. You captivate. ”

  Yes, that was my heart that sighed, because Brody is beautiful. He’s been broken, luckily not beyond repair, but he’s still so beautiful inside.

  “Brody?” I ask hesitantly, because I want to broach a subject that has been gnawing at me.

  “Yeah,” he answers softly.

  “Why don’t you fight to have your name cleared?”

  “Because nothing can be done,” he says flatly. “My attorney said nothing can be done. There’s no evidence any more. My word against hers. ”

  “But what about the cop that arrested you? He knew Stacy was driving… he could tell by the position of the seats, the injuries to your knees, and the damage to the car. ”

  He laughs, and this time it’s bitter. “You think that cop will admit to any of that? His badge would be on the line. ”

  “We don’t need the cop,” I tell him urgently. “There’s a picture of Stacy’s car in the newspaper, the accident report shows the damage on just your side, and you were treated at the hospital, right? It can all be put together. ”

  “Alyssa,” Brody says gently, letting me down. “What if I told you that I pulled that seat up to get her purse out of the back seat, and that I cut my knees on the pavement when I was giving CPR to Mr. Castas?”

  I reel backward out of his embrace, my eyes searching his. “Did you?”

  “No,” he says sadly. “But don’t you see how easy that argument is to make?”

  I deflate completely, but still have the strength to throw out to him. “What about a reporter? Expose Stacy… expose the senator and what they did. ”

  “Absolutely not,” he growls.

  “Why?” I ask, sitting up and grabbing his hand. “That could work. It could get enough attention. I could tell what I overheard. It would at least vindicate you. ”

  “No,” he says angrily, and then rolls out of the bed. Reaching down to the floor, he pulls on his boxer shorts. “It’s done, so just let it go. ”

  “Brody,” I say apologetically, because the last thing I want to do is hurt him. “I’m sorry. ”

  He runs his fingers through the hair at his temple and lets out a harsh breath. “Look… I worked hard to put that shit behind me. Do me a favor and just leave it there, okay?”

  “Okay,” I assure him and then hold my hand out. “Come here, let me show you how sorry I am. ”

  The angry look on his face melts, and he kneels down on the edge of the bed to take my hand. “I didn’t mean to jump down your throat. I just want to move forward… never back. ”

  I nod and then push to my knees so I can kiss him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I vow to myself that I’ll do whatever I need to do to put ease in this man’s heart.

  Chapter 19


  It’s a slow, boring Sunday afternoon at Last Call. I had to come in a few hours early because the day bartender got sick. I left Alyssa at The Haven, happily mucking out the horse’s stall. She was laying the last bed of pine shavings for Midget, who was going to be picked up tomorrow to go to her adoptive home. The volunteer vet was coming out in a few hours to give Midget a once-over, and then Alyssa was going to come here for an early dinner with me. Granted, I’d have to stay behind the bar, but at least we could eat together.

  There aren’t many people in here. I mean, it’s eight-five degrees outside and the skies are crystal blue. Everyone’s out on the beach while I’ve got my eye half on the TV, which is showing a baseball game.

  My phone chimes, and I pull it out of my pocket. It’s a text from Alyssa, and it has a photo attached to it. The text says, This is my panicked face. When I tap on the picture, it enlarges to show a selfie of Alyssa with eyes wide and fearful, her mouth pursed into an “O”.

  I don’t have a moment’s fear that she’s truly panicked. She would never send something so silly if that were true.

  I type back, What about?

  My mother called. She’s coming to town. She said surprise. I said ‘shit’.

  Before I can respond, she sends another text. Will you come with me to dinner at her house Wednesday night?

  Well, shit… the last thing I want to do is meet Alyssa’s mother. She has no connection to her, doesn’t really like her, so I know I sure as hell won’t. Plus, I know I’ll be like a bug under a microscope, and I just don’t feel like that type of scrutiny.

  On the flip side, I know it will please Alyssa and she could use the support while dealing with an emotionally closed-off, superficial parent. I’ve never had to deal with that, which makes me think… I really need to get Alyssa over to have dinner at my folks’ place.

  Before I can chicken out, I tell her, Sure. I’ll get Wed off.

  She messages me back immediately. You are like the most perfect boyfriend ever.

  I stare at her text and even run my finger over the words.

  She called me her boyfriend. It seems so junior high, yet it feels so perfect. It’s a term that speaks of the newness of our relationship, where everything is a discovery. Yet, in some ways, we are old souls that have been matched up with heavy burdens on our shoulders. In that regard… she is my lover, my confidant.

  I think on what to text her back, when I’m startled. “I’d like to get a pitcher of beer. ”

  I peg the voice as Chad’s, and I don’t even have to look up at him to confirm it. Looking at Alyssa’s text one more time, I turn my phone off and tuck it in my pocket.

  Raising my eyes, I pin the douche with a hard stare and say, “What are you doing here?”
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  He gives me a carefree look and smiles at me. “Just having a beer with some friends that are in to visit me. ”

  I look over his shoulder and see two other dudes that are definitely Ivy leaguers and clearly slumming at Last Call. They’re wearing perfectly pressed shorts with button-down shirts and shiny loafers. They look like douches too.

  Never taking my eyes off Chad, I reach for a pitcher below the bar and stick it under one of the taps. I don’t even ask which beer he wants. If he wants to drink here, he’ll take what I give him.

  “So, how was the inside of your jail cell?” I ask genially, keeping one eye on the beer as it pours and the other on him to gauge his reaction.

  He chuckles at my dig, but his eyes are icy. “I’m sure it was a lot nicer than your accommodations the last several years. ”

  That’s what I was looking for. I baited him purposely to see how much digging he had done about me and, as I suspected, he’s done some checking. That means he sees me as a threat, which means he’s still gunning for Alyssa.

  Shutting the tap off, I set the pitcher down on the bar, take three glasses off a shelf, and set them down beside the pitcher.

  Leaning across the bar, resting my elbows there, I curl my lip at Chad. “That’s right. No way a sweet boy like you would last a day in prison. With your pretty hair and soft skin, you’d be someone’s bitch by the first night. ”

  His face flushes red, and his eyes glitter with malice.

  “How’s our girl doing?” he taunts me.

  “Not your girl,” I grit out, leaning in further toward him. “And if you value your life, you’ll stay the f**k away from her. ”

  Chad just stares at me, his face almost blank. My threat made no impression, but then again, it was fairly empty. I’m definitely not going to tangle with this douche, because any bit of trouble I land myself in will revoke my parole.

  Reaching into his wallet, he pulls a fifty-dollar bill out and throws it on the bar. Calling over his shoulder, he yells out to his friends, “Let’s get out of here and find somewhere a bit cleaner to drink. ”

  The two guys get up from the table they were at and walk past us toward the front door. Chad eyes the money he just threw down. “That’s for the beer, and you can keep the change. I’m sure it’s the most you’ve earned in a while. ”

  I leave the bill where it lays, crossing my arms over my chest. “Stay away from her. ”

  He gives me a sleazy smile and turns to leave. Before he reaches the end of the bar, he turns around. “Oh, by the way… I think it’s just adorable that Alyssa gave you a key to her place. I’m sure she feels quite safe at night. ”

  My blood races through my veins, and the hair stands up on the back of my neck. The f**ker has been watching her place, and the fact he knows I have a key means he’s been at her house in the early morning hours.

  I don’t respond to his threat but hold his gaze, refusing to let him see the barb hit its mark. He gives me a snappy salute, another grin, and stalks out of the bar.

  When the door closes behind him, I pull my phone out and dial Alyssa. She answers on the second ring. “Hey, hot stuff. ”

  “Get inside your office and lock the door. ”


  “Now, Alyssa. I’m on my way over to you. ”

  “Is it Chad?” she asks with worry. I can hear her closing a door in the background, which eases my tension. She’s taking me seriously.

  “Yeah. He just left here and while I don’t think he’s coming there right now, I don’t want to take any chances. ”

  “Okay, I’m in my office. Door is locked. What did he do?”

  “No time, baby. I’ll be there soon. Hang up because I want to call Wyatt. ”