
  “Don’t you want to go to your office and check in?” she asked with a raised brow.

  “Sure. I would love to work in my office. At my company. But I need to get a functional knowledge of this operation.” That gave him an idea. She knew Crawford Industries and loved it. Managing the corporation until Sara could take over might bring them closer together. “You can start filling me in over dinner tonight. We’ve got reservations at Le Cirque.”

  She frowned a little. “I suppose you chose someplace public for show.”

  He didn’t want anything about their relationship to be an act, but she wasn’t ready to believe that she could fit into his world. Until she was, he would take whatever time with her he could get. “No, I like the food, but we’ll make it a working dinner. You can fill me in on the management structure here. You know, what’s working, what needs to be changed.”

  “I suppose this has really disrupted your life, too. You know, you could go back to Bond Aeronautics for the afternoon. I’ll talk to Tavia about the photos. I assume she gave them to Maddox but I’ll verify.”

  “Not happening.” Gabe wouldn’t budge on this point. Between the fire and the swarm of press, the idea of leaving her here made him more than uneasy. “Someone tried to kill us last night. I’m not letting you far from my sight. Whether you believe me or not, whether you think you need it, I will protect you.”

  “Those two men didn’t come to kill us. We merely happened to be there when they tried to burn down Mad’s house. I think they meant to destroy some evidence, cover something up.”

  “Yes, but they were willing to kill us to do it,” he pointed out. “One of them got away. We don’t know that he won’t return to try to finish the job here. So you’re stuck with me.”

  “Fine.” She frowned as she booted up her laptop, then turned to the screen beside it, her eyes narrowing.

  That was not her thinking face. That was her pissed-off face. He tried not to find it attractive but failed. “What’s wrong?”

  She leaned forward and her fingers worked over a different keyboard that appeared to be connected to a mega-sized monitor. “Someone tripped the security.”

  “For the building?” Entering or leaving the premises required magnetic security badges. Everyone had to wear them inside the building, too. The plastic rectangles showed their picture and contained codes that dictated what floors and sections the employee was authorized to access. Before the security guards had buzzed him in yesterday, he’d had to prove he was the new CEO of Crawford Industries.

  “No. For my computer. Someone tried to access my desktop.” Her fingers flew across the keys. “It’s my main system. Both this and my laptop are hooked up to my backup system and my monitors, but this has way more power and storage than my laptop. Someone tried to get on it, but the system shut them down after three unsuccessful attempts at my password.” She stood again and reached for the phone. “Henry? Hi. Thank you, it’s nice to be back. Can you pull the security cameras around my office for the last thirty hours or so? I need to know everyone who went in and out of my office. I know it was secure. I unlocked it when I arrived yesterday morning, but clearly someone tampered with it since. Thanks.” She hung up. “He’s going to review the tapes. Someone was in here but what were they looking for? Company secrets?”

  Gabe shrugged. “You’re a hot property right now. Most likely, one of the employees tried to break into your system to look for torrid e-mails or dirty pictures they could sell to the tabloids for a buck. If they gained access to your computer, they could gain access to your cloud account, too, right?”

  “I do not have a cloud account. And why would I have pornography on my work computer?”

  Oh, she was so naive. “I wasn’t talking about porn. I was talking about naked pictures. Of you. Of us.”

  She blushed prettily. “I wouldn’t have those, either. That’s ridiculous.”

  He would love to have a couple of pictures of her all soft and naked and flushed from orgasm. “But it happens. You’ve heard about celebrities who store those shots on their phones or computers.”

  “I hate this. I hate all of it. How do you live under a microscope?”

  He wanted to put his arms around her, but she’d probably protest since they were alone now. “People are always watching and judging. We all encounter that in life. It’s the scale of the scrutiny that’s new to you.” He shrugged. “I’m used to it, having lived with the press for years. I don’t have it as bad as Mad did, though he often seemed to court the attention. And Mad didn’t have half of what Zack endures.”

  There were days Gabe turned on the news and wondered why Zack didn’t shoot himself. Being the president was one of the world’s most difficult jobs. Everyone had their opinion and no one hesitated to tell him what it was.

  “I don’t think I can function like this. It’s impossible to walk down to the corner market or hop on a subway without attracting attention.”

  Yes, she’d made it plain that was a wall between them. “Believe it or not, it won’t always be this intense. The paparazzi loses interest once a man like me gets married, pops out a couple of kids, and starts spending his evenings at home with family. Of course, some of the perks go away, too. When I’m not so interesting, the maître d’s at the hot spots aren’t as willing to slip me a prime table.”

  “When you have little kids you’ll be lucky to choke down a burger at a fast-food place.”

  Oddly, the thought didn’t scare him the way it used to, not when he pictured kids who looked like her. It would be nice to go home to his family each night. He’d raise children differently than his parents. He would be there to tuck them in, to listen to their worries, and provide guidance. He would never send his babies away for their education. As much as Gabe loved his friends, he wanted his kids to rely on their parents for love and comfort.

  “I’ll probably want to eat at home a lot, actually. It’s not something I’ve done much of in my life. I think it would be a nice change.”

  “Please.” She rolled her eyes. “You’d be so bored.”

  No, he wouldn’t. “I’m not the playboy the tabloids have made me out to be. I’m ready for something low-key and steady. Let me take you out to the Hamptons. We could grill and walk on the beach, spend time together. We’ll start there. It’s beautiful and quiet this time of year.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “I’m sure it is, but this whole cozy picket fence thing isn’t possible in your reality. I don’t think I fit in your five-star world.”

  “Everly, baby . . .”

  “Stop. You think I’m going to be so dazzled by your jet-setting life that I’ll change my mind. But I’m not built for the spotlight. I don’t want to worry about someone photographing me if I trip on the sidewalk or I go to Duane Reade for tampons.”

  At least they were talking about a potential future. Right now, her logic wasn’t leading the discussion, just fear. Gabe did his best to soothe her. “This scrutiny really will let up. I know all this attention seems overwhelming now, but it will pass. Then we can make our own future. No matter what happens, you will be a part of my family. I’ll always be here for you, and Sara will, too. My sister is a wonderful woman and she’ll need all the help she can get to raise that baby. You’re the only family from Mad’s side. She’ll want you around, like I will.”

  There was a sheen of tears in her eyes as she looked up at him. “Neither of you has anything to worry about from me. You get that, right? I really won’t come after Mad’s money or the company.”

  “That concern never crossed my mind,” he softly assured. “Not once I knew who you were.”

  “Good. Crawford Industries belongs to Maddox’s child.”

  He nodded. “Yes. And we’ll keep it safe for him.”

  “Or her.” She was very firm about that.

  “Or her.”

  God, he was crazy about Everly. He couldn’t help himself. He leaned over and brushed his lips across hers.
She stilled. Her breath caught. But she didn’t move away. Her breasts brushed against his chest and he could feel his cock jerk in his slacks. All he had to do was get in the same zip code as her and he couldn’t think about anything except how good she felt, how much he needed her.

  Gabe took advantage of the moment to kiss her softly, doing his best to convey his adoration. He wouldn’t give up or leave her. It occurred to him that she’d been alone since her father’s death. She was the type of woman who needed a family, and he would give it to her. That was his real way in. Not money or fancy trips or gifts. Family. He could give her a place to belong, a place where she was valued and loved for the unique woman she was.

  As he deepened the kiss, she wound her arms around his neck. He could inch her onto the desk. Given all the computer equipment on the surface, he wasn’t sure he could sweep it away to lay her out, step between her legs, and find his way home—but he’d give it a hell of a try.

  Hungry and aching, Gabe started to maneuver her back.

  The door burst open.

  Everly jumped away, her whole face flushing.

  Tavia stood in the doorway, blinking and pressing a hand to her chest. She blushed every bit as much as Everly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Gabe knew they’d come to Crawford to talk to her, but right now he wanted to throttle the woman because Everly looked horrified. And clearly, he’d lost his chance to seduce her for the moment. Already, she was stepping away from him, putting distance between them.

  Everly shook her head, brushing her hands down her skirt. “No, it’s fine. You weren’t interrupting anything.”

  Tavia’s wide mouth pursed as her face fell. “I obviously did, but when I heard you were here, I couldn’t help myself.” She rushed forward and threw her arms around Everly. “I was so scared for you. I saw the news this morning. Oh my goodness, a fire? You almost died, sweetie.”

  Everly hugged her back stiffly. “It wasn’t that dire, but it also wasn’t pleasant.”

  “That sounds awful.” Tavia jerked, her shoulders moving as though she cried.

  Everly patted her. “I’m fine. Everything’s all right now.” She looked at him over Tavia’s heaving shoulders. Her eyes were wide and she looked a little like a deer caught in the headlights.

  He frowned, wondering if Tavia was always this emotional.

  Everly looked a bit lost, too, while she comforted her friend. She’d nearly died, but Tavia needed consoling. His sweet Everly provided it. That was how she worked. She couldn’t help but give people what they needed. If he played his cards right, she would give him everything he craved: her body, her affection, her tomorrows.

  Gabe braced himself to say and do whatever it took to win.

  • • •

  Twenty minutes later, Everly sat in Tavia’s office and accepted a mug of coffee from Gabriel. She needed it. In the chaos of the morning, she hadn’t gotten more than a couple of sips at Connor’s penthouse and she was a three-cups-a-morning kind of girl.

  Gabriel allowed Tavia to cry a bit more before he’d taken control and herded them to the woman’s office, ostensibly to make her more comfortable. Everly felt sure it had more to do with not wanting to talk about what they’d found in Maddox’s house in an office someone had recently broken into.

  “Thank you.” She couldn’t help but be grateful that Gabriel had put a stop to Tavia’s emotional display. She’d been a little surprised at the woman’s reaction to her near-death experience. They were friends, no doubt. Tavia had been the first woman to befriend her when she’d come to Crawford, but she hadn’t realized how close Tavia considered them.

  Everly owed her right now. Tavia had saved her from making an idiot of herself because about ten seconds more of Gabriel’s kisses, and she might have surrendered to him right on her desk. She might have laid back and spread herself out and welcomed him inside.

  She’d been moved by his nearness, by the thought of always being in the baby’s—and therefore Gabriel’s—life. It would be smarter if she walked away . . . but she didn’t see how. They would meet up every few weeks or so, and she would have to watch his life play out. How was she going to spend years close to that man and not give in to him? Worse, if she managed to keep her distance, how much would it tear her apart to watch him fall in love and marry another woman?

  “So you said you found some pictures?” Tavia had fixed her makeup and looked like herself again, though her nose still appeared a tinge red. Pacing behind her glass and metal desk, she looked every inch the modern female executive as she gave Gabriel a brilliant smile and accepted a mug from him as well. “Thank you so much. I’m really sorry I interrupted you two earlier.” She regarded Gabriel. “I have to admit I warned Everly about you. I thought you were using her for sex.”

  “Not entirely. I’ll never turn it down but . . .” Gabriel sent her a smooth smile. “You can’t believe everything you read in the papers and see on TV. We’re quite serious.”

  Everly chose not to comment. She’d promised to keep the secret that they weren’t really a couple and she intended to honor it. “Tavia, those photos Maddox had hidden? They were pictures of some missing girls. He kept them in a lockbox with his most private documents. Did you give those snapshots to him? I recognized the girl we discussed on Monday. The others you showed me at lunch a few weeks ago. I couldn’t get their faces out my head.”

  Tavia nodded and seemed on edge again. “It’s hard to even talk about this. I get so attached to these girls.” She shot a glance Gabriel’s way. “You have no idea how much. They’re young and they should have their whole lives ahead of them. The world is a nasty place.” She paced the room again, her steps quickening. “The truth is, Maddox was going to pull the plug on the foundation. He came to me a month ago and threatened to defund the entire project.”

  Everly set the mug down with a shocked clatter. “He did?”

  Tavia held a hand up. “I talked him out of it. He was concerned about a pattern of overspending on the fundraisers. He brought a bunch of receipts into my office.”

  “For catering and liquor for the last two years?” Gabriel leaned across the desk.

  “Yes.” Tavia looked surprised that he knew such details. “You have to understand, I don’t have a lot to do with the ins and outs of the actual party anymore. That’s been Valerie’s role for the last two years. I’m embarrassed I didn’t pay more attention to what she was doing. From what I can tell, she skimmed roughly a hundred thousand dollars during her tenure. She has a network of caterers who are probably splitting the money with her. I managed to persuade Maddox not to fire her. He wasn’t happy but he agreed.”

  Everly looked Gabriel’s way. Tavia’s intervention explained why Valerie still had her job.

  “How did you persuade him to forget about being scammed?” he asked.

  “I didn’t. All I did was ask him to wait until after this year’s gala so we can get a better paper trail. We weren’t looking for fraud last year, so we don’t exactly understand how she stole so much.”

  Gabriel stared a hole through Tavia. Everly didn’t know how the woman held up under that stare without buckling. It nearly made her squirm in her seat.

  “What would have happened if Mad had yanked his funding before the upcoming fundraiser? Would the foundation have gone under without Crawford support?” he quizzed.

  “Not at all. I have plenty of corporate sponsors who would love to take over. I take calls from cosmetic companies and feminine product producers all the time. It would be great promo for them,” Tavia explained, then sighed. “I’ll be honest, I could likely find a better corporate sponsor. I’ve been offered enough money to quit my corporate work and spend my time exclusively on the foundation.”

  “Why haven’t you?” The foundation was Tavia’s obsession, her passion. She barely slept, it seemed, working nearly twenty-four seven to make these girls’ lives better.

  Tavia shrugged. “I felt as if I owed Maddox. He took me in and funded the foundati
on at a desperate time. Besides, my mother had a fondness for this company.” She raised her gaze, looking a bit sheepish. “Apparently, your mom wasn’t the only one seduced by Benedict Crawford.”

  “Tell me you’re not my half sister.” Apparently her biological father had gotten around.

  Tavia’s laughter filled the room. “No. I look like my dad, actually. My mother had her affair with the elder Crawford in his later years.”

  “What about you and Mad?” Gabe asked. “I know you two were lovers and—”

  “Eons ago,” Tavia interrupted. “It was a fling. He wasn’t any more serious than I was. We realized we were better off being colleagues and friends, so we left it there.” She smiled at Everly. “Your press conference this morning shocked me. What a bombshell. Now I understand why Maddox was so crazy about you. He wasn’t having sex with you; he was getting to know his sister.”

  The whole subject of Maddox made her a little teary. They’d agreed in the limo not to mention the fact that she’d only learned that day that she was related to him. Everly simply nodded.

  “Maybe that will calm Val down some,” Tavia mused.

  “What do you mean?” Gabriel asked.

  Tavia flushed. “Um, how do I put this delicately? Everly, there’s a reason she hates you.”

  “Mad was sleeping with her.” Gabriel’s jaw tightened. “And thought you were, too, baby.”