She eased his zipper down carefully. “I don’t know about that. You seem a little hesitant tonight.”

  His cock sprang free. It seemed to strain her way as though it knew exactly where it wanted to be. He didn’t like being called hesitant, though. It looked like it was her night to push him. “Hesitant? Baby, I was trying to give you the freedom you seem to need.”

  She was staring at his cock, her fingers coming out to brush against his flesh. “I don’t need freedom. But I could show you I want you. I could lick you and suck you, but I’ve been thinking about something. The last few days seem to have taken a toll on you. Maybe you should lie back and let me take care of you.”

  “I did that this morning, for all the good it did me.”

  “Well, it might have gotten you further if you hadn’t told your sister I was just your convenient whore.” She sat back on her heels.

  Oh, she was spoiling for a fight. He might give her one. “I didn’t say that.”

  Everly shrugged one perfect shoulder. “Maybe not word for word, but close.”

  “You’re not going to listen to anything I say.” It ate at him. She’d only left him one avenue. “Well, baby, giving up control doesn’t seem to be working so maybe I should take it back. Come here.”

  Gabe couldn’t miss how her nipples peaked the minute his voice got rough. She enjoyed sex when he took over. He had no doubt she liked to be on top from time to time, but she was in a tough spot, too. He was asking her for an awful lot of trust, given his past and what he’d told Sara, not to mention what her informant had said. Sure, they could try to talk it all out now, but he rather thought it was time for some action. Maybe he could express his feelings for her more eloquently without words.

  “What do you want?” Everly ran her tongue over her lips as her breath hitched.

  “What do you think I want? You. Like I said, I always want you. I definitely want the Everly who was brave enough to get out of her clothes and on her knees in a car in the middle of Midtown on one of Manhattan’s most crowded streets. I think I want to fuck that Everly right now.”

  The limo had hit the typical traffic around Times Square. They were stopped in the lane closest to the sidewalk and Everly turned her head. Her eyes widened as she glimpsed the hundreds of people walking all around them. She raised her hands to cover her breasts.

  Gabe refused to have any of that. Instead, he pulled her into his lap. “Don’t you dare. You undressed for me. You wanted to show me how gorgeous you are. You’re not hiding now.”

  “But, Gabriel . . .” She gestured to the window.

  He wouldn’t let her use that as an excuse. “The windows are heavily tinted. No one can see in. No one can see how fucking pretty your breasts are. Except me.”

  He cupped one. He was never going to get over how perfectly she fit in his hand or how soft she was. She shivered in his arms, and he was fairly certain it wasn’t out of embarrassment or fear.

  Did the idea of sex with a crowd so nearby arouse her? Oh, he could get dirty if that got his girl hot. He held a breast in his hand as though showing it off to the people on the street. “If they could see you, they’d all stop and stare, transfixed. That’s how beautiful you are. They would watch you. They would worship you.”

  A shaky laugh came from her throat. “I hardly think so.”

  “Stop seeing yourself through your eyes. See through mine. See how gorgeous I think you are.” Even if she left him, he wanted her to know that. He wanted her to look in the mirror and see how amazing she was and never question it again. “Spread your legs.”

  “I don’t know.” But her knees were falling to the sides, revealing her pussy.

  His cock jumped at the sight. Her sex was swollen from her recent orgasm but it already looked wanting and needy again. He touched her, sliding his fingers through her cream and coating them. “And this is so lovely. They would watch while I rub you, letting my fingers fuck in and out. Like I will in a moment.”

  “Oh . . .” She arched her head back. “Do it, Gabriel. Touch me.”

  “I will, but in my time. First, I’m going to let the people out there watch the show. It’s better than anything on Broadway. It’s prettier than the lights.” He could feel her writhing, trying to get closer to his fingers. “They’ll watch how your mouth comes open when I do this.”

  He gently pressed on her clitoris. Exactly like he’d imagined, she gasped and her mouth opened in a surprised O as though she was truly caught off guard. He wanted to teach her to expect that pleasure from him, to demand it. He wanted her to know that when his hands were on her body, she would always be satisfied.

  Her back arched, breasts thrust forward, and she was such a sexy sight. She was laid across his lap, her legs spread for his pleasure. Though he was absolutely certain no one could see inside the limo, he could imagine the world admiring how stunning Everly was. But the sight of her naked and in ecstasy was only for him. He would play at exhibitionism, but he would never be able to show her off. Her body belonged to him, and he wasn’t about to let another man see it.

  The car moved but only another few feet. Someone brushed against the limo as they crossed the street.

  Everly’s eyes sprang open.

  He circled her clit again. There was only one way to make her lose her inhibitions and that was to overwhelm her with pleasure. “Get on your knees.”

  He helped her to the floor. She dropped to her knees, and then all he could see was her gorgeous ass in the air. He reached out and put a hand on her cheeks, stroking her.

  “Please, Gabriel. I can’t take much more.”

  “You’ll take as much as I give you.” But he wasn’t going to wait. He needed her. He got to his knees behind her, letting his slacks fall. He didn’t take the time to get out of them. His need was far too urgent and he loved the fact that he was mostly dressed while she was deliciously naked. There was something decadent about all her skin on display.

  He stroked himself before gripping her hips and aligning his cock. Yes. This was what he’d needed. The whole day would have gone differently if he’d kept her in bed.

  He winced. That was exactly what she was trying to avoid. She didn’t want to be his little sex toy. She wanted to be respected. Did she want to be loved? By him?

  Gabe was fairly certain that boat had sailed and there was nothing he could do about it. He loved her and he had to find a way to prove it. Sometimes the simplest way was the best. He’d learned that a long time ago.

  He pressed inside her, her body surrounding him, her heat pulling at him. “I love you.”

  She cried out and pushed back against him. He could feel how the words affected her. But she didn’t say anything in return.

  “I love you.” Maybe he would just say it until she believed him. He pressed deeper, every inch a pure pleasure. “I love you so much.”

  Her head shook, but she pressed back, taking more of him. “Gabriel, I can’t.”

  Everly had been through so much in the last forty-eight hours. Hell, only a couple of hours ago she’d nearly been mowed down. He couldn’t ask more of her now.

  Even if he lost her, he would love her. That fact hit him squarely in the chest as he held her tight. “You don’t have to, baby.”

  He let go, shoving his cock deep. So good. She felt so perfect, her silken flesh clamping around him. He pounded into her and she fought back. For every thrust, she matched him, fierce in her fight for pleasure.

  He pulled her up, keeping himself deep. Her hands flattened against the window with a thud as she tried to balance, her breasts close to the glass.

  “What would they see now if they could? A gorgeous woman being fucked by a man who can’t live without her. They would see you but they would see me, too. I wouldn’t be able to hide from them, and I won’t hide from you. Not one second more.”

  He looked down, watching his cock sink inside. Their joining was such a beautiful thing. But he needed to see her face, damn it. He didn’t care about the fan
tasy anymore, only her.

  He withdrew and dragged her down to the floor, grateful for the soft carpet beneath.

  As he flipped her over, her eyes were sleepy with desire. “What?”

  She was everything he’d never even known he wanted. Needed. The restless yearnings he’d had all of his life seem to vanish when he was with her. It made him nervous because this woman had so much power over him. She could ruin him in a heartbeat. A few cruel words from her, a betrayal, and he would never be the same. He’d seen it so often. Marriages in his world weren’t happy. They were unions of money, ambition, and sex. And he wanted more.

  He wouldn’t get it by backing down now. He lined up again and thrust home once more.

  This time, her legs wound around him and her arms enveloped him as she sighed. “That’s better. It always feels good, but I like this. I like when you can kiss me.”

  He held himself still, his cock deep inside, as he leaned in and kissed her. It was a sweet thing, a mingling of mouths. “I want to see your face. I want to see your face when I tell you how much I love you.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him. “Gabriel, I can’t. I told you.”

  He pulled out and slowly filled her again. “You don’t have to. You don’t ever have to tell me, but I need you to know. I love everything about you, Everly Parker.”

  He held her focus, looking into her eyes as he made love to her. She made him a better man. He wouldn’t hide or shrink back from it. Everly’s love was important. He would do anything to earn it, but feeling this love for her meant the world to him, too. His love for her had changed him in so many ways.

  He kissed her again, letting her off the hook for now. He would try again and again—as often as he could. He would never give up.

  For the first time, he fought a real-life battle. Sure, he’d fought on athletic fields, in schoolyard scraps, and in boardrooms, but winning Everly Parker would define his future. He would be ruthless in his pursuit of her.

  Gabe let her take his weight, wanting their skin connected everywhere. Chest to chest. Mouths kissing. Arms tangling.

  Over and over he thrust into her, wanting the moment to last. She clenched around him and came twice before he couldn’t hold out another second. His spine tingled and his balls drew up. He thrust in hard and gave her everything he had, the pleasure overtaking him.

  Breathing hard, he fell on her, reveling in how close they were, the way their hearts beat together, the way their breaths aligned.

  The car picked up speed as they moved through Midtown.

  “Gabe, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I need to head back to Connor’s. I’m afraid there’s been a development.” Dax’s voice came over the speaker.

  At least he had good timing, but Gabe’s heart sank. The last thing he needed was another problem.

  He looked down at Everly. “Are you okay? Can you come with me? I know you want to go home, but if Connor’s found out something, I want you there.”

  She nodded. For the first time since he’d fucked up, she gave him that same soft smile she’d had when they met. “Yes. I’ll be with you.”

  He pushed back onto his knees and helped her up. He touched the speaker that connected him to the front of the stretch limo. “All right. Turn us around.”

  He was about to reach for her dress when she curled up in his lap. “We’ve got a few more minutes. That traffic was bad. Just give me a little longer.”

  Gabe wasn’t about to refuse her. He held her as they drove through the Manhattan streets, the bright lights and masses of people still at bay for a few moments more.


  Everly tried to smooth out the sadly wrinkled fabric of her designer dress as she walked into the kitchen of Connor’s condo. Gabriel was right behind her, but his suit seemed to have survived their limo romp much better than the Prada dress.

  Romp? Was she really trying to fool herself? What they’d shared hadn’t been some random sex act. Yes, it had been hot and crazy sex, but Gabriel Bond had said “I love you.”

  And she hadn’t returned the words.

  They had been right there on the tip of her tongue. Replying in kind would have been so easy, natural even. But as much as Everly cared for him deeply, she was afraid of his affection not lasting, of his glittering paparazzi world, of how badly she could be hurt if she stayed. Gabriel scared her because she didn’t recognize herself when she was with him. She wasn’t the sexy girl who made love in a limo, her naked body mere feet away from a crowd of random people walking up and down the streets. But Everly had to admit, she liked who she was when she was with him.

  She wished she knew exactly what to do about him. About them.

  “You okay?” Gabriel’s fingers brushed against hers as though asking to be held.

  She stepped away because holding his hand often led her to discard her brain. “I’m great.”

  She was a little walk of shamey, but other than some soreness that had come from almost being murdered, she was surprisingly fine.

  Because he’d saved her.

  She glanced up at Gabriel. He didn’t even try to hide the hurt that her pulling away from him had caused. He locked his jaw and stared, his eyes burning with misery. Her stomach twisted as he frowned and walked into the room ahead of her.

  Dax stepped around her and joined Gabriel, putting a hand on his shoulder, as though giving him comfort. When the navy captain looked back at her, anger fueled his glare.

  She was the bad girl in this scenario.

  Everly squared her shoulders and walked into the dining room where Connor stared intently at his computer. His close-cropped hair looked like he’d been scrubbing a hand through it.

  He glanced up at Gabriel, his lips firming before he spoke. “The police found the second man from last night. Lester Hall. He’s dead. One bullet between the eyes and two to the chest.”

  Dax’s eyes closed and he groaned. “Shit.”

  So her mystery man had been right again. “Sounds as if he was executed. Most likely by the Bratva, if my information is correct.”

  “Why do you say that?” Gabriel asked. “We don’t know for sure the Russian mob is responsible.”

  Connor sat back. “I think Red’s right. Two to the chest and one to the head is the mark of a pro who wasn’t taking any chances.” He turned to her. “I’d like to know what information you have. When you left this morning, you didn’t have much.”

  She shrugged. “This afternoon I met with a man who’s been sending me mysterious texts and seems to have cut into the camera feeds in Maddox’s house.”

  Connor’s jaw dropped, and she was fairly certain she’d surprised him. She would bet not many people surprised Connor Sparks. “You met with a Deep Throat?”

  “That sounds a little like a porn film,” Gabriel replied with a shake of his head. “She met with a man who seems to know some things.”

  Connor sighed. “Excuse him. He slept through the second half of American history. He apparently missed the lesson about the shadowy figure during the Watergate scandal who led Woodward and Bernstein to the truth and eventually brought down Nixon’s presidency.”

  “I knew that.” Gabriel rolled his eyes.

  Something about the Watergate reference scared her. “Well, my Deep Throat was definitely playing the part to the hilt. He showed up in a trench coat and fedora. I almost walked away, until he proved that he knew some surprising things. He kept reiterating that what’s happening goes far deeper than Maddox’s murder and reaches further than I could imagine. Maybe it’s because you mentioned Watergate . . . but my mind goes to one place.”

  “Zack,” Gabriel said, his eyes grave.

  “You think this man is after Zack?” Dax asked.

  “I don’t know. He was purposely vague.”

  Connor rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Again, I think Red’s right. And she’s way smarter than I gave her credit for. The minute there’s a hint that Zack is involved in anything slightly scandalous,
this will explode.”

  “Did he shut down the FAA investigation?” Everly asked.

  “I don’t know.” Connor stood and stretched. “If we’re quick, we can catch Roman at that fundraiser at The Plaza in twenty