Kerry Germain resides on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, where she writes and publishes children’s picture books. She’s a fan of inspirational reading and enjoys telling stories—or, as they say in Hawaii, “talking story.” Her newest picture book will be released in midsummer 2007. Visit her website at

  Loree Gold is a writer/producer for television and film. Her company, GoldPitt Films, Inc., produces educational and social awareness documentaries. Loree’s also a professional songwriter and has been an NPR commentator. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and enjoys traveling, boxing, studying foreign languages, and living like there’s no tomorrow.

  Carol Sue Hahn received her M.Ed. from the University of Missouri. She has been a rehabilitation counselor and is now a special education professional. She enjoys hiking and traveling with her children, and her writing collection reflects the heart of her experiences.

  Jeff S. Hamilton is a financial specialist living in Spruce Grove, Alberta. Besides spending much of his free time writing, he is also a collector of rare books and an avid traveler. Contact Jeff and read more of his essays at

  Bonnie Compton Hanson is the author of several books for adults and children, including the popular Ponytail Girls series, plus hundreds of articles and poems. She also speaks for Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), seniors, and women’s and writing groups. Contact Bonnie at 3330 S. Lowell St., Santa Ana, CA 92707; [email protected]

  Jonny Hawkins dedicates the cartoons in this book to his sweet little baby, Kara Elise—a precious gift from God. His work can be seen in over 350 publications, in cartoon-a-day calendars, and in his latest book, The Awesome Book of Healthy Humor. He can be reached at [email protected] liveswith hiswife, Carissa, two boys (Nate and Zach), and baby Kara in Sherwood, Michigan.

  E. M. Hector is a lifelong creative writer. In high school, the National Council of Teachers of English chose her among 600 winners nationwide in their annual Achievement Award writing contest. Most of her writing, be it poetry, prose, or essay, has been inspired by her family. Her e-mail address is [email protected]

  Sheila S. Hudson is published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, the Chocolate for Women series, God Allows U-Turns, Stories from the Heart (Volumes 1 and 2), Taking Education Higher, and God’s Vitamin C. Sheila is a travel columnist for Athens Banner Herald, contributor for several publications, and past president of the Southeastern Writers of America. She and her husband, Tim, are the proud grandparents of seven grandsons, known as the “magnificent seven.” E-mail her at [email protected]

  Karen R. Kilby resides in Kingwood, Texas, with her husband, David. As a certified personality trainer with CLASServices, Inc., Karen enjoys helping people understand themselves and others through her seminars. Karen is also a regional speaker trainer and speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. Please reach her at [email protected]

  Betty King is the author of It Takes TwoMountains toMake a Valley, but It Was in the Valleys I Grew, The Fragrance of Life, and In the Palm of His Hand. She is a newspaper columnist of two weekly columns and a public speaker who lives with multiple sclerosis.

  Emily King is the author of Clopper the Christmas Donkey, Clopper and the Night Travelers and The Twiggenbotham Adventures. She also contributed to Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul. Please visit Emily’s website or contact her at or [email protected]

  Cheryl Kirking is an author, songwriter, and popular women’s conference speaker who tickles the funny bones and tugs at the heartstrings of audiences nationwide. Her many books include the Christmas book with CD, What Can I Give Jesus? and her book for moms, Crayons in the Dryer. For booking information, visit

  Mimi Greenwood Knight is a freelance writer and artist living in what’s left of south Louisiana with her husband, David, four kids, four dogs, four cats, and one obnoxious bird. Her parenting essays and articles have appeared in Parents, American Baby, Working Mother, Christian Parenting Today, Today’s Christian Woman, and in anthologies including several Chicken Soup books.

  Nancy Julien Kopp lives in the Flint Hills of Kansas. She writes fiction, essays, articles, and poetry. She has been published in newspapers, magazines, e-zines, and anthologies, including three Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She is a former teacher who still enjoys teaching through the written word.

  Cheryl M. Kremer lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with husband, Jack, and her two children, Nikki and Cobi. She works as a preschool teacher’s aide and spends the rest of her time watching her children play field hockey, soccer, and basketball. She has been published in several other Chicken Soup books and can be reached at [email protected]

  William Livers is a school social worker with Southwest Parke Community Schools District in Montezuma, Indiana. He earned a master’s degree in psychology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Illinois, and a master’s degree in social work from Indiana University. William and his wife Tina have two children, Adam and Sarah. He enjoys spending time with his family and watching his kids do and say amazing things. He can be reached at [email protected]

  Alice Malloy lives with her husband on Long Island, New York. Since her recent retirement, her new life consists of long walks by the ocean, spending time with her children and grandchildren, and writing a memoir about growing up in the fifties. Alice can be reached at [email protected]

  Jennifer Martin is an author, speaker, television producer, and screenwriter living in Roseville, California. She gives workshops in writing for the metaphysical market and in Huna, the ancient tradition of the Hawaiian kahuna. You’re invited to check out her website at or e-mail her at [email protected]

  Lisa May has enjoyed writing short stories and poems since she was young. She has had previous writings published in local and city papers, along with Chicken Soup for the Latter-Day Saint Soul. Her talent of expressing life in words, from pen to paper, has always been fascinating to her. She is the mother of two wonderful children and lives in the beautiful country of Temecula, California, with her husband, children, and yellow Lab, Lucky.

  Dahlynn McKowen is the dedicated mother of two and a full-time author. She is an active coauthor for Chicken Soup for the Soul books and has created many titles, including Fisherman’s Soul, Entrepreneur’s Soul, Soul in Menopause, Sisters’ and Brothers’ Soul and the upcoming Female Entrepreneur’s Soul.

  Sharon Melnicer is a writer, artist, and teacher in Winnipeg,Manitoba, Canada. She also frequently broadcasts the “slice-of-life” pieces that she pens on CBC local and national radio. A high-school English teacher on leave, she teaches “Lifestory Writing” to seniors for “Creative Retirement Manitoba.” She is a busy, working artist who shows and sells throughout Canada and the United States.

  Raymond L.Morehead, KTJ, FSA, Scotland. AA degree/BusinessManagement with Highest Honors, Former USAF, Vietnam Veteran, father of three children and grandfather of seven, married thirty-seven years to his first and ony love. Raymond writes to inspire others and his grandchildren do the same. E-mail him at [email protected]

  Brenda Nixon ( is dedicated to building strong families through parent empowerment. She is the author of Parenting Power in the Early Years, a resource for parents/caregivers of young children, a contributing author to twenty books, and a popular speaker at family events.

  Mark Parisi’s “off the mark” comic panel has been syndicated since 1987 and is distributed by United Media. Mark’s humor also graces greeting cards, T-shirts, calendars, magazines, newsletters, and books. Please visit his website at Lynn, his wife/business partner, and their daughter, Jen, contribute with inspiration (as do three cats).

  Denise Peebles is from Rogersville, Alabama. She and her husband, Keith, have been married for twenty-four years. They have two children, Ashley and Jonathan. She has appeared in Chicken Soup
several times and featured in magazines. Her dream is to publish a children’s book. You can contact her at [email protected]

  Christian novelist Perry P. Perkins was born and raised in Oregon. His writing includes Just Past Oysterville and Shoalwater Voices. Perry is a student of Jerry B. Jenkins ChristianWriter’s Guild and a frequent contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies. Perry’s work can be found online at www.perryperkins

  Teacher Marilyn Phillips is a cum laude graduate of Texas Woman’s University. Her articles have appeared in Guideposts, Living with Teenagers, Obadiah, Home Life, and Parent Life. Contributed stories appear in six books, including Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul. Marilyn has been married to Nolan since 1972 and has two children.

  Stephanie Piro lives in New Hampshire (not too far from the beach!) with her husband, daughter, and three cats. She is one of King Features’ team of women cartoonists, “Six Chix.” (She is the Saturday chick!) Her single panel, “Fair Game,” appears in newspapers and on her website: Her new book, My Cat Loves Me Naked, is available at bookstores everywhere. She also designs gift items for her company Strip Ts.

  Barbara Puccia became a freelance writer after a twenty-year career in computers and education. She enjoys tennis and reading but spends most of her time dedicated to her children and volunteer work. Barbara is currently working on a series of humorous chapter books for early readers.

  Kayleen Reusser has published more than 1,000 articles in dozens of publications, including Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul 2, Today’s Christian Woman, Decision, The Lookout, and Live. She writes regularly for the travel and entertainment sections of a large metropolitan newspaper. Visit her website at

  Phyllis Ring’s work has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, Writer’s Digest, and Yankee. An instructor for the Long Ridge Writers Group, she taught English to kindergartners in China and served as program director at Green Acre Baha’i School in southern Maine. She can be reached at

  Kimberly Ripley is a freelance writer and published author from Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A wife and mother of five, her days are filled with homeschooling her two teenagers and planning trips to Fort Myers, Florida. Kim is the author of Freelancing Later in Life, available online and through major bookstores.

  Sallie A. Rodman is an award-winning author who loves to write about true inspirational moments in her life. She has contributed to many Chicken Soup anthologies, magazines, and the Orange County Register. She swears her three grown children, a husband, plus a cat and a dog, provide lots of writing ideas!

  John E. Schlimm II is the author of several books, including Corresponding with History, Straub Brewery, The Straub Beer Cookbook, and The Pennsylvania Celebrities Cookbook. He earned his master’s degree in education from Harvard University. He was born and raised in St. Marys, Pennsylvania. Please e-mail him at john [email protected]

  Tracy Schmid teaches first graders. After hours, she teaches multiaged students poetry. Tracy is a member of Ash Canyon Poets. She lives in Carson City, Nevada, with her two children and two dogs. She enjoys music, writing, theater, and a hot cup of black tea. Please email her at [email protected]

  Michael Jordan Segal, who defied all odds after being shot in the head, is a husband, father, social worker, author, and inspirational speaker. His miraculous comeback story was first published in Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul. Since then, he’s had numorous stories published. To contact Mike, please visit or call 877-226-1003.

  Dayle Allen Shockley’s byline has appeared in dozens of publications. She is the author of three books and offers editorial services through her website at Dayle lives in Texas with her husband and daughter. Please e-mail her at [email protected]

  Robin Lee Shope is a language arts teacher and has had two dozen short stories published in popular collections such as Chicken Soup. Currently, her three novels are out in bookstores: The Chase, The Replacement, and The Candidate. Her next book, Ruby Red and the Color of Home, will be available through Amazon by Christmas 2007. You can e-mail her at [email protected]

  Jennifer Smith works with her husband at a boarding academy for at-risk teenagers. She is blessed to announce the arrival of her first children’s book, Things I Wonder. Please visit to view the book and look for her upcoming book, Rose, the Bubble-Breathing Dragon.

  Lizanne Southgate is an Oregon screenwriter and ghostwriter. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Ruth Spiro lives in Illinois with her husband and two daughters. Her articles and essays have appeared in Child, Woman’s World, and Family Fun, as well as several anthologies. She is also the author of a children’s book, The Bubble Gum Artist. She can be reached at

  Elva Stoelers is an award-winning Canadian writer. Most recently her work has appeared in Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Shopper’s Soup, Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul, and Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations. In addition to being broadcast on CBC Radio, she has been published internationally in a variety of small press parenting magazines.

  Glorianne Swenson is a Minnesota-based published freelance writer and small business owner of Gloribks. Her genre includes creative non fictionmemoirs, devotionals, poetry, and children’s picture book manuscripts. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother and enjoys singing, piano, geneology, photography, and antiquing. She may be e-mailed at [email protected]

  Kimberly Welsh, M.Ed., has been writing poems and stories since she was a child as gifts for family members and friends. She is a high-school English teacher. Kim loves to spend time with her husband and her two children. Her e-mail address is [email protected]

  Ann Greenleaf Wirtz received a bachelor’s in education from Bradley University and a master’s from Illinois State. She has one son, was widowed, and remarried to Patrick, and authored Sorrow Answered: A Journey of Grace. She writes for the Times-News in North Carolina and is a hospice volunteer in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Write to her at [email protected]

  Helen Xenakis loves retirement living on Hilton Head. The lifestyle gives her plenty of time to pursue her interests, especially writing.

  Pauline Youd is the author of children’s Bible story books, magazine articles, and devotions for both adults and chidren. Her hobbies include musical comedy theater. Pauline teaches reading and Sunday school. She lives in California with her husband, Bill, and one very fluffy cat.


  We would like to acknowledge the following publishers and individuals for permission to reprint the following material.

  Christmas of My Dreams. Reprinted by permission of Cheryl Kirking Kilker. ©1994 Cheryl Kirking Kilker.

  Cheap Sax. Reprinted by permission of Robin Lee Shope. ©2007 Robin Lee Shope.

  A Closed Highway Opened Hearts. Reprinted by permission of Martha Jane Ajango. ©2006 Martha Jane Ajango.

  In Touch withMy Inner Elf. Reprinted by permission of Loree Jean Gold. ©2003 Loree Jean Gold.

  It’s the Simple Things. Reprinted by permission of Nancy J. Kopp. ©2006 Nancy J. Kopp.

  The First Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Sharon Melnicer. ©2005 Sharon Melnicer.

  The Christmas Doll. Reprinted by permission of Lizanne Southgate. ©2006 Lizanne Southgate.

  Connecting at Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Brenda Nixon. ©2005 Brenda Nixon.

  The Focus. Reprinted by permission of Pauline O. Youd. ©2005 Pauline O. Youd.

  Dad’s Christmas Gift. Reprinted by permission of Kimberly Welsh. ©2006 Kimberly Welsh.

  Once a Year. Reprinted by permission of Lindy B. Dolan. ©2007 Lindy B. Dolan.

  The Gift of Time. Reprinted by permission of John Forrest. ©1996 John Forrest.

  The Nativity Story. Reprinted by permission of Amy Christine Breitmann. ©2006 Amy Christine Breitmann.

stmas in the Heart of a Child. Reprinted by permission of Joan Clayton. ©2000 Joan Clayton.

  A Little Angel’s Big Prayer. Reprinted by permission of Phyllis E. Ring. ©2006 Phyllis E. Ring.

  Sarah’s Christmas Wish. Reprinted by permission of William Livers. ©2007 William Livers.

  TheWish List. Reprinted by permission of Cheryl Marie Kremer. ©2000 CherylMarie Kremer.

  Love for Tots. Reprinted by permission of Lynnea Bolin and Lars Bolin. ©2006 Lynnea Bolin.

  Tree of Thanks. Reprinted by permission of Brenda Nixon. ©2006 Brenda Nixon.

  Memories of a Christmas Doll. Reprinted by permission of Ann Louise Wirtz. ©2006 Ann Louise Wirtz.

  The Christmas Gift. Reprinted by permission of Raymond Morehead. ©2006 Raymond Morehead.

  Christmas at Six. Reprinted by permission of Kerry Anne Germain. ©2006 Kerry Anne Germain.

  Here Comes Santa Claus. Reprinted by permission of Carol Sue Hahn. ©2004 Carol Sue Hahn.

  Dear Santa. Reprinted by permission of Eileen M. Hector. ©2005 Eileen M. Hector.

  Skinny Santa. Reprinted by permission of Elva Rae Stoelers. ©2007 Elva Rae Stoelers.

  The Greatest Christmas Gift. Reprinted by permission of Bonnie Blanche Hanson. ©1986 Bonnie Blanche Hanson.

  Christmas Spirit. Reprinted by permission of Lisa Beringer. ©2006 Lisa Beringeri.

  Just One Gift. Reprinted by permission of Ruth B. Spiro. ©2007 Ruth B. Spiro.

  The Christmas Present. Reprinted by permission of Karen Rae Kilby. ©2006 Karen Rae Kilby.

  Six Brown Eggs. Reprinted by permission of George H. Baty. ©1955 George H. Baty.

  The Treasured Gifts Come Without Ribbons or Bows. Reprinted by permission of Cookie Curci. ©1989 Cookie Curci.

  Papa’s Radio. Reprinted by permission of Cookie Curci. ©1989 Cookie Curci.

  Elvis Was Wrong! Reprinted by permission of Sallie A. Rodman. ©2006 Sallie A. Rodman.

  A Christmas Moment. Reprinted by permission of Glorianne Marsyl Swenson. ©2002 Glorianne Marsyl Swenson.