Page 23 of Dragonbane

  The god probably needed the light from the fires to read with his old eyes.

  As if sensing their presence, Apollo stopped playing and narrowed his gaze angrily on the shadows that concealed them. "Little dragons, all in a row. Tell the big Greek god, how deep is your sorrow flow?"

  A chill went down Max's spine. He grabbed Illarion's arm and tried to pull him back, but his brother wouldn't obey. It was as if he was being drawn forward by some unseen, mystical force. Like the music lured him against his will.

  Apollo rose to his feet, while he continued to pluck at his lyre. "I know you're there, son of Ares. I can feel you. Come and give your uncle a hug ... sing with me."

  Illarion actually took a step forward.

  Max sank his claws into his brother's arm, hoping the pain might get through to him since nothing else was working, and shook his head no. It's a trick!

  Pressing his lips together, Illarion finally hesitated.

  "Ahh," Apollo said in a petulant tone. He plucked a sour note. "Don't you trust me? You do know that's why Dagon chose you for his experiments all those centuries ago, don't you? Because you were my nephew, he thought to use you to spare the Apollites my curse. He knew my love for you, as your uncle, would sway my mercy. It's why I begged Zeus and the Fates to spare you from the slaughter."

  Apollo tsked. "Your jealous half brother Max didn't tell you that, did he? That I never wanted you harmed. You and Lycaon's sons were to be excluded from the cleansing. Your brother lied to you, Illarion, to save his own ass, and to win you to his cause. It's what he's been doing since the very beginning. Why do you think he left you trapped all those centuries in Le Terre Derriere le Voile?"

  Max gaped furiously at that accusation. How dare he! Bullshit! You know better, Illy. You were there. You heard them, same as I. That's not the way it happened! And I never knew you were trapped. I would have come for you, had I known.

  The sudden doubt in Illarion's eyes cut him soul deep. How could he believe Apollo for even an instant over him? Especially after everything they'd been through together.

  "You aren't born of Arel blood, little nephew. You have no loyalty to anyone save our pantheon. Join us and I'll give you what you want most."

  "Illarion," Max spoke out loud, trying to reach his brother through whatever spell the god was weaving with his lyre and words. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. You know he's lying!"

  His brother took a step back and grabbed on to Max's arm to steady himself.

  Relieved beyond belief that his brother had chosen wisely, Max wrapped his arms around him and held him close. He could feel Illarion trembling against him.

  Until a light, musical voice called out with the cadence of a perfect angel.


  His breathing ragged, Illarion pulled back and looked up with wide eyes. Edilyn?

  "I'm here, my precious dearling. I've missed you so much!"

  Apollo laughed. "All you have to do is join me, nephew. Help me take back what was stolen and I'll see you reunited with your Edilyn."

  Max shook his head and held on tight to Illarion's arm. "You can't do this! Illarion! It's a trick!"

  His eyes haunted, Illarion met his gaze with a longing insanity he'd never forget. And if it were Seraphina? What choice would you make, brother?

  Damn it! The truth of that statement burned like fire in his gut. He knew what choice he'd make.

  The same one Illarion did as his brother shoved him back and ran to Apollo.

  In that moment, Max knew he couldn't stay. If he did, he'd be forced to fight the last creature on this planet he'd ever harm.

  The brother he'd spent a lifetime protecting.

  Worse, he knew that wasn't Edilyn. It couldn't be. It was an illusion of some kind. But Illarion was so desperate to have her back that he didn't care. He was past listening to reason.

  Distracted, Max glanced back into the temple to check on Illarion as he embraced whatever demon or creature wore the skin of his brother's wife. His thoughts and emotions were so scattered and raw that for a moment, he forgot he was still in a human body.

  Forgot he was in the middle of a war and a battle.

  But he was reminded fast when a demon materialized in front of him and ran him completely through his heart with a sword, and kicked him to the ground, leaving him there to die.


  Savitar went into Kalosis expecting a war zone. But the absolute silence of Apollymi's dark palace was even more terrifying. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.


  It was so quiet that only the sound of his own heartbeat filled his ears. The dark was oppressive and sterile. Unsettling. Downright terrifying in its own right. Yeah, this had all the markings of a Creature Feature film and was exactly the type of home you'd expect for a woman termed The Great Destroyer.

  Zakar scowled at him as Savitar turned around, looking for the body count that should have been here. "Is it supposed to be empty like this?"

  Styxx shook his head. "I don't think so," he said slowly, stretching the words out. "It's a little too..."

  "Normal?" Zakar asked.


  Savitar couldn't agree more. "I could have sworn there'd be more..."

  "Blood?" This time it was Sin who weighed in. As the grandson-in-law of the Destroyer, he was well versed in her more vicious mood swings and bloodbath parties.

  Zakar nodded. "And violence. Definitely expected blood on the walls and violence."

  "Violence? You dare barge into my home without an invitation? Oh, violence I can definitely give you, Sumerian dog."

  They turned to find Apollymi standing in all her regal glory on the stairs of her palace, glaring at them. Her black gown spread out around her ethereal figure and contrasted sharply to her snow-white hair.

  Her swirling silver eyes glittered like ice. "Why are you here? How dare you barge into my home." To be barely more than a whisper, those words carried more threat than any shout.

  Savitar cleared his throat. "We thought the demons would be attacking you."

  "So ... what? You were going to ride in on your white surfboard, and save helpless little me from the big bad demon horde of my enemies? How vulgarly heroic of you, Savitar. But as you can plainly see, I've no need of rescue. Everything's fine and normal here."

  "Were you not attacked?"

  Apollymi laughed. "Oh yes. I was attacked, and I unleashed my tidal and formidable wrath upon the vermin who dared such." She shivered as if in the throes of ultimate pleasure. "It was exhilarating. Positively divine and delightful. If you have any more demonic issues that plague you on the surface, please, please send them here for my enjoyment. I've so missed the thrill of the kill. The taste of blood and orgasmic screaming they do just before they expel that final breath where they uselessly cling to life but ultimately must surrender to death. Such sweet, precious harmony." She expelled a breath of supreme satisfaction and smiled in complete ecstasy. "That is what I live for."

  Zakar looked at his brother and snorted. "I'm thinking she needs some private time."

  Savitar slapped him on the chest. Hard. "Be nice. Be polite. Or I'll unleash her on you." He left them to climb the stairs where she stood above him, the epitome of utter icy perfection. "Are you sure you're all right?"

  She passed him a droll stare. "I would show you the bodies, but my Charonte are having a feast with them. If you hurry, you might find a few remaining scraps. Maybe a fingernail or tooth they have yet to consume." She arched a brow. "Were you truly concerned?"

  "Of course. As was Acheron."

  Her features softened. She glanced past him to see Styxx at the bottom of the stairs. For him, she smiled warmly. "My beautiful boys. You may rest assured that it will take much more than Sumerian gutter rats to threaten me. However, there is a matter of concern."

  She returned her attention to Savitar. "It would seem Apollo unleashed a nasty disease among the Apollites here. We've already lost a number of them to it. Many more are si
ck. The only ones who appear immune are Medea and Stryker, no doubt because they're his children. Even Zephyra is ill. I've tried everything I know to offer a cure, but I'm not a goddess of healing."

  "Is it a curse or a plague?"

  "The Greek bastard called it a plague. An illness, I presume. Can you help them? Please."

  Those were words he could never ignore when she uttered them. For her, there was nothing he wouldn't do. "Absolutely. I'll do everything I can."

  She swept her gaze over his clothing and sighed in total irritation. Shaking her head, she grasped the edge of his wetsuit where he'd unzipped it and pulled it closed. "Will you ever learn to dress as a human?"

  He snorted at her condescending tone. "Will you ever cease to nag me for my wardrobe?"

  "No ... and you reek of sea and sunshine. It's a revolting combination." She shivered and curled her lip. "Smacks of happiness and good times. Disgusting things, that." She gave him a light, dainty push.

  By that alone, he knew he didn't irritate as much as she claimed. If he did, she'd have thrown him down the stairs or blasted him through her walls.

  She jerked her chin toward the Sumerian gods. "Get on with you, now. See to curing my Daimons. They need you."

  As they started to leave, she called Styxx to her side.

  Styxx was bashful as he climbed the stairs and stopped in front of her. "You're not thinking of throwing me down them, are you?"

  Smiling as if she savored that thought, or maybe his playful cheekiness, she ruffled his hair. "You dress as poorly as Savitar. I swear, you and your brother. You ever seek to vex me." She took a moment to straighten his clothes. "I expect a visit soon from your Bethany and the babies. I rely on you to care for your brother and Tory and their sons in my absence."

  "You know I do."

  She nodded warmly. "I do. It's why you live." Kissing his cheek, she gave him a hug. But the way she held on to him, it was obvious that it wasn't Styxx she imagined holding.

  It was Acheron.

  Apollymi cupped his head in her hand before she released him. Her gaze went to Savitar and turned to absolute granite. "Keep them all safe, Chthonian. I will not forgive you for the death of another child I love."

  "I will never fail you again."

  This time, she did blast him through the wall before she turned and vanished.


  Seraphina held the line at the kitchen door. Their instructions were to keep Nala and her warriors in the club and to not allow the fighting to spill into the street where the humans might see them, or into Peltier House where the children, human or animal, could be harmed.

  Nala kicked her back, into the wall. "You dare to call yourself an Arcadian and side with the Katagaria? I knew the day you brought that animal home with you that you'd turn on us one day, Katagari whore!"

  "Better a Katagari whore than a demon's bitch. You must have swallowed his nectar whole for him to let you live."

  Shrieking in outrage, Nala swung at her head.

  Seraphina used her sword to deflect the stroke and kneed her hard.

  Nala stumbled backward with a groan of pain. Sera gave her no mercy. She advanced on her, raining blows as fast and controlled as she could. This wasn't just about her. It was about protecting her family and what she loved most.

  "Apollo will return us to stone if we don't follow his orders. Is that what you want?"

  Sera struck out at her. "I won't live my life afraid. That is not part of our Amazonian code and it's definitely not drakonian." Furious, she swept Nala's feet out from beneath her and disarmed her. "And it damn sure isn't becoming of a basilinna! Hem me never," she said, repeating their code of honor. She angled her sword at Nala's throat. "Now cede your crown or lose your head."

  Suddenly, the fighting slowed and stopped as those around them became aware of the fact that Nala was no longer in the battle. That she was on her backside, crawling away from Seraphina's blade.

  Nala stopped moving as soon as she realized everyone was staring at her. Only then did she push herself to her feet and stand with her former haughty glower.

  Sera cut off her retreat. "Cede the tribe, or I'll call for a vote." Which, after this pathetically weak display, Nala would lose.

  And that would be even more humiliating.

  "Fine. I'll cede my position as basilinna, but not to a Katagari whore."

  Growling, Sera started for her, but Samia caught her and stopped her from taking the bitch's head in cold blood.

  "She's not worth your honor, Seraphina. Besides, we all know the truth. She gave up her honor attempting to take Max's and he, a simple Katagari, upheld his vow to you."

  Sam raked a scathing glare over Nala's body. "The only shame in this room belongs to her. Let her live knowing that. Let it haunt her every night when she attempts to sleep and it echoes in her head with the voice of the Furies until it drives her mad with the truth." She glanced around to the rest of Sera's tribe. "As the basilinna for the Thurian Riders, I call a vote from the Scythians. Who do you want to lead your nation? A coward, or do you choose someone worthy?"

  Tisiphone stepped forward and sheathed her sword. "Honestly? We just want to go home to what we knew. Scythians are done with the politics of the gods. They have brought us nothing save misery. Our only wish now is to return to our time period at the next moon. None of us are happy here. And while we would be honored to have Seraphina as our leader, we respect the fact that she will want to stay here with her mate and children. She has more than earned her peace. None of us will ever judge her for that."

  Sera lowered her sword from Nala. "Is that truly how all of you feel?"

  One by one, they nodded.

  "Then it is with great sadness that I lose my sisters. But I won't stop you. I know what it's like to live without what you need to be happy. And I wish that on no one."

  Seraphina narrowed her eyes on Nala. "Not even you." But in spite of those words, bitter hatred rose up inside her and she had one thing she needed to know. "I put my faith in you. I trusted you over even my own mate. Why did you lie to me about him?"

  "Because I hate you!" Tears glistened in Nera's eyes as she pulled off her leather gauntlet and showed her palm to Seraphina. A palm that bore a Katagari mating mark. "Like you, I was given to a Katagari bastard. But I held my dragonslayer's oath sacred and refused to seal the mating." She glared at the rest of their tribe. "They lied to us. The mark never fades. It stays as a forever reminder that I am sterile, and that the bastard who did this to me still lives. My only comfort is that he's impotent." She raked a vicious sneer over Seraphina's body. "It's not fair that you should have your Katagari mate and I, the basilinna of my sister tribe, should be without his comfort. Should be without children."

  While Sera felt bad for her queen, it didn't justify her cruelty to them. "You had no right to blame either me or Maxis for your cowardice. It wasn't your oath that kept you from mating. It was your own fear."

  Nala screamed and ran toward her, but Dev caught her and forced her back. "You need a time-out, woman." He glanced to Sam. "I'm putting this one on ice. I'll leave you ladies to attend the others."

  Sam swept them with a gaze. "It's up to you, my sisters. Behave and we'll allow you freedom here until the next moon. Start shit and you can sit in a cage with Nala to wait it out."

  The Amazons sheathed their swords and stood down.

  Fang sighed in relief. "Good. Now all of you can help us clean up the mess you made."

  Grateful to have it over and done with, Seraphina had moved forward to help him when someone touched her on the shoulder. She gasped, thinking it was another attack, then relaxed as she saw Falcyn behind her. She glanced past him, looking for her mate. "Where's Max?"

  The expression on his face made her stomach tighten.

  "What?" she gasped.

  When he didn't respond right away, she felt all the air get sucked out of her lungs as if she'd been punched.

  "No ... he's coming." Her tone brooked no argument. Max wo
uld be here. He'd promised and he never broke his word.

  Tears glistened in Falcyn's eyes as he gently took her hand and teleported her from the bar into the attic with Carson and a redheaded woman she didn't know.

  In his dragon form and on his side, Max lay on the ground with blood pooling around him. Carson and the woman were trying to stop the bleeding, but nothing was slowing it down. It ran everywhere and coated Max's beautiful scales.

  When Carson saw her, he winced. "I'm sorry, Sera. There's nothing we can do. He took a wound straight to his heart. Honestly? I don't know how he made it back alive and is still breathing."

  "No ... no!" She ran to Max's large head and threw herself against his neck. His faint labored breaths rattled ominously in his chest and throat. "Maxis? Can you hear me?"

  I hear you, Seramia.

  He was too weak to even speak. And even the voice in her head was nothing more than the faintest of whispers.

  Tears blinded her as she clutched at him. "You can't leave me! Not now. You promised me you wouldn't break my heart."

  I'm sorry. He slid one bloodied, taloned paw toward her so that he could touch her hip.

  Sobbing, Sera thought about all the times she'd slaughtered dragons in her past and had taken so much pride in it. Had stupidly worn their hides and scales as trophies. Was this her payback for that cruelty?

  She brushed her hand against his scaly ear and the prickly spined ridges along the back of his skull. "Please don't leave me, Max. I don't want to live without you. I love you ... I've only ever loved you, my dragon lord."

  And then she felt it. That last expulsion of breath as he died in her arms. His entire body went limp.

  Throwing her head back, she screamed out in misery. It wasn't fair. It wasn't right.

  Damn you, Fates!


  She ignored Falcyn as she cradled Max's head and continued to cry against his beautiful scales, wishing she could have one more day with him. Wishing she'd never allowed him to leave. Why had she ever chosen her tribe over him?

  Why hadn't she left with him when he'd asked her? This was all her fault. They could have been happy together.

  I'm such an idiot!

  "Seraphina? Look at me."

  It took everything she had to force herself to draw a ragged breath and lift her head to meet Falcyn's gaze. She realized that Carson and the woman had left them alone in the attic.