Page 14 of Born of Defiance

"Not the same. Besides, I didn't know that until you told me. Had no idea he was a fighter pilot. But I can easily get him transferred to the Tadara's Guard or any place else. Hell, the Guard's where he should be with his skill set. I don't understand why he's not. And why are you crying, anyway?"

  Wow, he only just now noticed that. Typical.

  She sniffed. "Anatole propositioned me. He's threatening to hurt Talyn unless I meet with him."

  Lorens screwed his face up as if he couldn't fathom what she was telling him. "Can I ask why he's threatening you about the Hammer?" Now there was the condescending tone she was used to.

  She glanced over to Galene before she cleared her throat. "I'm Talyn's female."

  "Ah, hell, no, you're not..." He gaped. "Are you really?"

  The doubt in that one word offended her. "Yes, I am."

  "And you're just now calling me? You. Suck. So hard."

  "Well, you've never been this nice to me before. Why would I have told you?"

  "Yeah, well, you weren't sleeping with the greatest fighter to ever step into the Ring. This changes things."

  Offended, she growled at him. "Thanks, Lorens."

  "What? You want me to lie?"

  She narrowed her eyes at him. His honesty was the only good thing she could say about him, sadly. "I would call you an obnoxious ass, but I don't want to insult obnoxious asses or for you to reconsider transferring Talyn."

  Lorens laughed good-naturedly. "Not going to happen. I'll put him wherever you tell me." He signed something before he glanced back to his monitor. "Can I bring my oldest boy to dinner, too?"

  "You get my baby transferred away from Anatole's control and you can bring both boys."

  He flashed a fang-tinged smile at her. "Have I told you how much I love you, Felicia?"


  "Bad oversight on my part. I'll put in for an immediate transfer. And I'll do you one better. The Hammer wins his next fight, I'll personally give your male a promotion in rank."

  And for that, she would kiss her obnoxious brother's cheek, and those of his evil spawn, too. "There is one condition to all of this."

  "I still have to kill Anatole?"

  She laughed, even though she wanted to say yes. "No. Don't tell Talyn I requested this from you. Ever."

  "Then how are you getting him to dinner?"

  "I'll worry about that. You get the transfer and I'll get you your dinner with Talyn."

  "Deal. I'll put it through today."

  "Thank you, Lo. I won't forget this."

  "Hey, I'm just glad you called me and not Paka. He wouldn't have invited me along. He's selfish that way." Lorens inclined his head to her. "I'll see you soon."

  "Bye." She hung up and met Galene's stunned expression.

  "Your paka is Satrapehs Saren ezul Terronova? The male head advisor for Tadara Eriadne? And your brother is Lieutenant Commander ezul Terronova, the second-in-command of the entire Andarion armada?"

  "Yes," she said sheepishly. "I told you my father was high-lineaged."

  "You did, but you left out those vital details at the hospital when we talked about this."

  Nervous over the nondisclosure, Felicia twisted a strand of her hair around her index finger. "I didn't know if Lo would do it. He really is a big jerk. Normally."

  "Yes, I know. I've dealt with him on several unpleasant occasions. And he's never sounded that nice before."

  "I know, right? But he's been a huge Ring fan all his life. It's the only thing our paka ever did with him, growing up. Lorens fought some, but he sucked at it so he quit within his first year of primary school."

  Galene shook her head. "Do you really think he'll do it?"

  "He usually has good follow-through. Especially when it's something he wants. And he definitely seems to want this."

  An evil glint appeared in Galene's eyes. "I would love to see Chrisen's face when those orders come through. He'll be livid."

  "You think he'll fight them?"

  That stole the happiness from the commander's face. "Sadly, I do. He's a spiteful bastard."

  Felicia released her hair as a new fear went through her. "What are the odds that he might be successful?"

  "I don't know. Your father is the head male advisor for the tadara. Chrisen's mother is the tadara's head female advisor and niece. If it comes down to it, the tadara will side with her blood relations. That I know for a fact. And God help Talyn if it comes to that."

  Felicia's stomach tightened. Please, don't let me have made it worse for him by trying to make it better. She'd never be able to live with herself if she hurt him.


  "What are you doing?"

  Talyn froze instantly at Felicia's peeved tone, wondering what he'd done to piss her off. "The most obvious answer seems to be getting into trouble with my girl. But against my better judgment and common sense, I'm going with the typical male response to female ire, and answer with ... nothing."

  She stood up from the couch and put her hands on her hips. "Nothing? Really? Then why are you up?"

  He frowned, even more confused than before. "I was thirsty."

  She cursed under her breath. "What did the doctors tell you, Talyn? You're not supposed to be out of bed! What were you thinking?"

  "That I was thirsty, and unless I wanted to drink out of the toilet, I needed to come to the kitchen to get water."

  He could tell by her expression that she was struggling not to laugh at him. "Did it not occur to you to ask someone to get it for you?"

  Talyn snorted at her sarcasm. "I dare you to try that in the barracks. When I get my ass kicked, I expect to get paid and be applauded for it."

  "You are a sick male ... in more ways than one. Now get back in bed where you belong, and I'll get the water for you."

  "Yes, ma'am." He trod back toward the bedroom, then paused. "Would I be pushing my luck to ask for a snack, too?"

  "Yes, and yes, I'll bring you something to eat. Now go!"

  "Gah, bossy thing. You should work for Command."

  "I heard that!"

  "I should hope so, given that I didn't whisper it," he groused as he returned to bed.

  Felicia joined him there a few minutes later, with a small tray that she set on the bed beside him. Frowning, she tested his temperature with the back of her hand. "How are you feeling?"


  "Just good?"

  "I felt better till I got yelled at for trying not to disturb you while you were studying for your exams."

  "Sorry, mi keramon. I'm just worried about you. You've slept for almost thirty straight hours."

  His jaw went slack. "What?"

  She nodded. "Your mom was about ready to call an ambulance for you."

  "How'd you keep her from it?"

  "Your vitals were good. I told her that your body must need it, and that you were better off here than in the hospital where they annoy you, and you bark at them constantly." She fed him a bite of chicken.

  Raking his hand through his hair, he frowned as he chewed and considered that. "I need to call my CO. I'm sure they've notified him that I'm at home, and--"

  "We took care of it for you. All you need to do is focus on getting better."

  Fear lacerated him. What had he missed? "Took care of it, how?"

  "Your mother and I talked to Anatole."

  Fear turned to a sick feeling of dread. "Shit. I'm screwed, aren't I?"

  "No." She handed him the water. "Have a little faith."

  Yeah, right. Faith was a heartless bitch who hated him worse than Anatole did.

  "I know nothing of this faith you speak of." He took a drink and sighed at the inevitable. There was no way to fix it until he faced the wretched bastard.

  What's done is done.

  Instead of focusing on it and being mad, he changed the topic to something much more pleasant.


  "So how are your tests coming?"

  "I have one more tomorrow. Your mom has graciously volunteered to baby
sit you while I take it."

  He rolled his eyes as he reached for bread. "Is she going to change my nappies, too?"

  "If you need it." She fed him a bite of fruit.

  The lift buzzed.

  Talyn frowned at the sound.

  "It's your mom returning."


  Felicia went to the door to let his mother know that he was finally awake.

  Grimacing, Talyn leaned back and pulled the tray closer so he could reach the food easier.

  His mom swept into the room with a huge smile on her face. "Guess what I have?"

  "I can't imagine, and that look on your face kind of scares me."

  Scoffing at his irritable tone, she moved to his side and duplicated Felicia's gesture of checking him for a fever.

  "Satisfied I'll live?"

  "Very." She smiled at his sarcasm, then handed him the files she held. "I have a present for you."

  He glanced at the Andarion military badge on the folder and bit back a snarl. Just the mere glimmer of a thought of returning to Anatole's "tender" care put him in a shitty mood. "Work!" he said in an exaggerated, sarcastically happy tone. "Just what I wanted! Thank you, Mum. How thoughtful!"

  She jerked at his braids. "When you open that, you're going to feel like the ass you're being."

  He doubted that. With a grimace, he licked the grease from his fingers, then opened the file to see what order he'd violated now that would be on his record forever.

  The moment his gaze fell to the words, he gasped. "Is this for real?"

  "It is."

  He started to get up, then remembered why he was in bed as pain ripped through him. He cursed and grimaced.

  "Talyn!" Both his mother and Felicia started toward him.

  "I'm okay. I just wanted to hug you. How'd you get me transferred?"

  She glanced to Felicia. "I know people."

  Grateful beyond belief, he took his mother's hand, led it to his cheek, and held it there. "You're right. I feel like a total asshole. Oh gah, Mum, I can't thank you enough for this."

  Felicia smiled at his heartfelt happiness and gratitude. That tone of voice told her just how bad Anatole had treated him. Her eyes tearing, she met Galene's grateful gaze.

  Until guilt for taking credit for the transfer darkened Galene's eyes. By her expression, she knew his mother was about to tell him the truth.

  Felicia shook her head to let her know it was all right to keep this secret. They'd decided that this would be best. While she was still learning about him, one thing Felicia knew for a fact was that Talyn didn't like to feel beholden to anyone. He hated being in debt, even in favors.

  "What is it?" she asked Talyn, feigning ignorance.

  Opening his eyes, he grinned at her. "I'm being transferred to the Royal Guard Corps as soon as I'm cleared for active duty again."

  Now that was something she hadn't known for sure. Lorens had been frustratingly short on the exact details of what he was doing for Talyn. "You'll be at the palace?"

  He nodded. "I don't know my CO, though. Commander ezul Nykyrian?"

  "He's a cousin of the former syzygos," Galene explained. "Stern, but fair. I think you'll like him. I know he'll adore you ... you'll be guarding the tahrs and his court."

  Talyn bit back a curse and steeled himself not to show his revulsion at the thought. Part of the tahrs's court included Colonel Asswipe. If an enemy ever came after Anatole while Talyn was on duty, he'd have a hard time protecting the douche.

  But he didn't want to dampen his mother's happiness, so he held it in and hoped an assassin made a move on the bastard. Soon.

  "Will you two be seeing each other?" Felicia asked hopefully.

  Galene stepped away from the bed. "Not too much. My duties are with Tizirah Cairistiona. She's mostly ... bedridden. She doesn't really leave her quarters in the palace. Tahrs Jullien, on the other hand, travels quite a bit. So I'm sad to say that we probably won't see Talyn much, as he'll be required to travel with Tahrs Jullien and his entourage."

  That was another big concern for him. "What about my fight and training schedule?"

  "There are special accommodations for that. It's all in there for you to look over. I think you'll be more than pleased."

  Happiness returned as he pulled his mother against him for another tight hug. "You are the best, Matar! I don't know how you did this, but I am forever in your debt."

  Felicia's eyes teared at his exuberant gratitude.

  Patting his head, his mother bit her lip as she met Felicia's gaze over his shoulder. The guilt there was so sweet, but there was nothing to feel guilty over. This was for the best.

  Don't, Felicia mouthed to her. "Your mum is wonderful, Talyn. We're both in her debt." She scooted across the bed to pick up his folder. "Can I read it?"


  Felicia smiled as she saw what her brother had done for them. She felt awful about every nasty thought she'd ever had regarding Lorens. "I'm so jealous! Your new barracks are at the palace. Near their guardhouse. Are those as nice as they sound?"

  Galene snorted. "They're not this." She gestured at their bedroom. "But they're not as miserable as gen-barr, which is what he had. He'll finally have a private room and his own bathroom."

  "Really?" Talyn gasped with wide eyes.

  She nodded. "It's very small. Just a bed, chest of drawers, monitor, and tiny shower stall. Really a closet, but you don't have to share it."

  The look of sincere joy made Felicia sick. What she'd learned was that Talyn had been relegated to using public washrooms at his old duty station. And he'd been allowed to use their showers only during certain hours, and never when there was a Vested soldier in them.

  "It sounds great," he said with a grin.

  Not to her. It sounded miserable. But she didn't want to dampen his happiness, so she returned his smile.

  Galene headed for the door. "I'm meeting with my CO tonight for a status report so I'll leave you two alone for a bit."

  "Be careful." Felicia ate a piece of fruit from the tray.

  "Hey, Mum!"

  She paused in the doorway. "Yes?"

  "Love you."

  Smiling, she blew him a kiss. "You too, baby."

  As soon as she was gone, Talyn picked the folder up and flipped through it. "This is the best present in the universe. I've got to do something really nice for my mom. But there's no gift that's equivalent to it."

  "I think the look on your face was gift enough."

  He grimaced. "I don't."

  "Trust me. I do." She kissed him. "Did you get enough to eat?"

  "Mmm." He nibbled her chin. "It didn't quite fill me."

  She shivered as his fangs gently scraped her skin. "Are you up to this?"

  He let out an evil laugh as he brushed her hand against his hard erection. "Oh, I'm definitely up for it."

  Sucking her breath in sharply, she pulled back. "Hold that thought. Let me get the tray out of here first. I don't want to roll around in your food."

  Talyn pouted as he watched her leave. She was right, but he didn't want to stop. Not when he was so happy and ready. Since the moment he'd first seen her photo, all he'd dreamed of was making love to her.

  Now ...

  Trying to distract himself in the short interim, he pulled the file toward him and flipped through his orders while he waited for her to return.

  He still couldn't believe his mom had pulled this off. Anatole would have a stroke and he might protest it. But there wasn't anything the bastard could do to stop it.

  At least, he hoped not.

  Then again, Anatole was the son of the tadara's niece. There was no telling what kind of reach he could pull.

  Don't think about it. He had other things that were on his mind tonight. A beautiful angel to hold on to for a while.

  More than eager for Felicia, he slid his pajama bottoms off and dimmed the lights.

  "Felicia?" he called, wondering what was taking her so long. Had she run for the exit?

"Just a second."

  Talyn was about to go after her when the door opened and his stomach hit the floor. Probably his tongue, too.

  Dressed in a sheer red negligee, she walked toward him so seductively that he was pretty sure he was drooling.

  With the most salacious smile he'd ever seen, she pulled the blankets off and straddled him. "Hi, gorgeous."

  His breathing ragged, he couldn't respond. All the blood had left his brain. Honestly, he was afraid to touch her. To move. If he did, he might ruin this by doing or saying something really stupid.

  Tsking at him, she led his hand to the ribbon bow at her hip. "Whenever you're ready, my panties are tied on. Just pull."

  "It's like opening a present."

  She nodded with the sweetest smile he'd ever known.

  His senses reeling, he rubbed himself against the scratchy lace. "Are you ready for this?"

  She leaned forward, her long, curly hair brushing against his chest as she moved. "I've been ready since the first time I met you."

  He hoped she couldn't see how unsteady his hands were as he pulled the ribbon between her breasts and uncovered her. Aching for a taste of her body, he slowly ran his hands over her breasts, reveling in the softness of them. He brushed his thumbs over the nipples, amazed at the way they hardened instantly. While he'd seen photos and films of naked females, he'd never seen one in the flesh.

  Her body was amazing to him. So incredibly supple and beautiful.

  Felicia bit her lip at the tender expression on his face as he gently and very slowly explored her. It was so obvious that he'd never been with a naked female before. He took his time and savored every inch of her flesh, inspecting it with great care and curiosity, which made her burn all the more.

  He was such a large, fierce beast and yet so incredibly gentle. She had a hard time reconciling this side of his personality with the Iron Hammer who fought so ferociously in the Ring. There, he was terrifying.

  Here, he was all hers and gentle. Something that was all the more precious because it didn't come naturally to him. He had to make an effort to be kind and sweet.

  With an adorable half smile, he untied her panties and slid his hand over her hip and through the small curls until he touched her where she ached most for him. She hissed as he lightly teased her with his thumb.

  Talyn swallowed hard as he stared into her eyes. The wetness of her body amazed him. The velvety skin, even more so. He'd had no idea how incredible a female's flesh would feel. How very different her body was from his. Unlike him, she was so soft and supple. Smooth. Licking her lips, she held his gaze as she slowly rode his fingers.