Page 27 of Born of Defiance

  Aghast, he pulled his head back as if she'd slapped him. "Excuse me?"

  "You have ripped out my heart and made me cry more than anyone ever has. You are everything in this life to me. I don't care about laws or names or anything else. I just want you safe, Talyn."

  "And that's how I feel about you."

  Yet they were the greatest threat to each other. Felicia picked at her food. Honestly, she had no appetite for it.

  He placed his cheek to hers. "Finish your dinner. I'm going to call Ferrick and get him started on transferring funds."

  She held him to her. "I don't need a contract to be yours, Talyn. Screw Andarion custom and laws."

  "Love you, too." He kissed her, then left.

  Alone, she touched her throbbing cheek and winced at how much it burned and ached. Like it was on fire. Her eye was still watering from the blow. Anatole had barely struck her. She couldn't imagine what it would feel like to take the blows that Talyn did in a single fight.

  Worse were the hints of the horror stories Anatole had sneered at her about Talyn while he'd tried to drag her into his transport. Covering her ears, she closed her eyes and did her best to blot it all out.

  She still couldn't believe what Talyn was willing to do to bail her out from this. It was more than any male should have to do for a female who wasn't his blood or wife.

  "I will pay you back," she whispered. "Every last bit of credit."

  And somehow, she was going to find her own way to permanently remove Anatole from their lives. Even if she had to kill him herself.


  "Where is she?" Galene pulled up short in the foyer as she eyed Talyn leaving the kitchen to head back to their bedroom.

  She'd made remarkable time, crossing town. He'd only called her a short time ago to ask her what he should do to help Felicia. He'd barely finished saying Felicia had been attacked before his mother beelined to them.

  She hugged him close. "Are you okay?"

  He shook his head as another wave of fury scalded his throat. "I want to kill the bastard who's responsible, Matarra. It's all I can think about."

  She cupped his face in her hands. "I know, baby. I know."

  Guilt, fear, and impudent rage suffused every molecule of his body. "If Aaron hadn't been paying attention, she'd be in his hands. Right now." He ground his teeth. "I came so close to losing her..."

  Nodding, she blinked back her tears. "Don't you worry, precious. I'll stay tonight and make sure she's not left alone for anything. And I already put a call in to Jayne. She's going to handle security for Felicia. No one will get near her again. I promise you."

  "Tell her to bill me."

  His mother gave him an irritated glare. "You know better than that." She kissed his cheek and went to the bedroom. As soon as she saw Felicia, she cursed.

  Felicia's eyes widened as she met Galene's gaze. "Commander? What are you doing here?"

  "I came as soon as I heard. How are you doing?"

  "Wondering how Talyn can stand up after a fight. I never realized how much it hurt to be hit."

  Nodding, Galene sat down on the bed beside her to inspect her cheek and lip. "I know. I was struck once in training and my eye watered for days." She cupped Felicia's chin in her hand and tilted her head back very gently. "I'm so sorry about this."

  "It wasn't your fault."

  "I somehow feel like it is."

  "Don't, Commander. I'll be much more vigilant in the future. No more texting while I walk."

  Galene patted her hand. "Have you told your brother?"

  "Not yet." She cut her gaze toward Talyn. "I figured one highly irate male filled with bloodlust was all I could handle tonight. Like you, Lorens would head straight over, and then I have a bad feeling the two of them would team up and go looking for a head to bust."

  Galene laughed.

  Talyn, not so much. "He needs to be found and taken out of the gene pool."

  Felicia gestured at him. "See."

  Completely unrepentant, he crossed his arms over his chest. "My job is to protect the females who are important to me. I'm not my father. I don't walk away from my responsibilities."

  "You shouldn't blame your father for that, Talyn. He didn't know I was pregnant when he left me. That is solely on me for bad judgment. Had he known, he wouldn't have left."

  Talyn let out a derisive scoff.

  "Why didn't you tell him?" Felicia asked Galene.

  "I didn't want him to stay out of obligation. That would have been wrong. As stupid as it sounds, I wanted him with me because he loved me. That is where I was selfish. If I could go back, if I'd only known then how hard that decision would make Talyn's life, I'd have told him and just dealt with it. But I was a stupid kid who thought that things would work out differently. That somehow magic fairies would swoop in and make it all wonderful and fun. I had no idea just how mean-spirited and cruel Andarions could be. Never mind my own family."

  Talyn touched his mother's shoulder. "You did what you thought was best."

  "For me." Closing her eyes, Galene moved his hand to her cheek. "I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. I wish I could change that day and my reaction."

  "Matarra, don't. It's been my honor to be your son. Regardless of assholes."

  Felicia wasn't sure which of them was crying harder. Her or his mother. Galene pulled Talyn into her arms. "No mother has ever borne a better son." She kissed his cheek.

  As Talyn pulled back, the intercom buzzed. Excusing himself, he went to answer it.

  No sooner had he left the room than Galene's link buzzed, too.

  Suddenly afraid, Felicia swallowed. "Is there something wrong? Are we under attack?"

  Galene scowled even more deeply as she met her gaze. "Talyn's signed up for four blood title matches? Is he out of his mind?"

  Felicia sputtered, unsure of what to say.

  "I'll kill him!" Furious, Galene got up to go after him.

  Suddenly terrified for Talyn should his mother get her hands on him, Felicia followed and drew up short as an older couple entered the foyer to meet Talyn, who was waiting for them.

  She exchanged a confused frown with Galene as she belted her robe over her nightgown.

  Solemn and respectful, Talyn inclined his head to the couple.

  The elder male appeared as baffled as they were. His disbelieving gaze danced over Talyn. "Major Batur?"

  "Was. I'm now Lieutenant Batur."

  The fury in the older male's eyes was tangible. "Because of what you did for our daughter?"

  "For many reasons."

  The female looked past his shoulder. "Your mother and female?"

  Talyn stepped back. "Yes. Deputy Commander Galene of the Winged Blood Clan of Batur and Ger Tarra Felicia ... this is Pyra and Selahan of the Fighting Blood Clan of Altaan."

  Felicia choked up as he gave her the highest honor by claiming her as his true lady.

  Pyra smiled as tears filled her eyes. Covering her heart, she bowed her head to them. "It is my greatest honor to meet you both, and especially you, Commander. I commend you on your noble and honorable son. He is a light to our race."

  "Indeed," Selahan agreed. "He is a credit to you both."

  Her hand shaking, Pyra pulled out a set of prayer beads that held a small Asukarian emblem on the end of them. "I don't know if you're Yllam Orthodox or not--"

  "I am," Talyn breathed.

  She smiled as a tear slid down her cheek. "These were my Berra's. They belonged to her grandmother who gave them to her as a Confirmation gift. It would be our eternal honor to hand them over for your child, one day."

  "Ger Tarra, I can't take a piece of your family history."

  She pressed them into his hand. "Please. I know what you did for my precious daughter. How hard you fought to keep her safe. Had it not been for you and your friends, we would have never known what happened to her. Never had her body to send her on her way to eternity. She would want you to have these so that she can always watch over and protect wh
at you love."

  In true Andarion fashion, Talyn cupped her hands with his and inclined his head to her--a gesture of supreme respect and appreciation. "I shall treasure them always."

  She rose up and placed her cheek to his. "Thank you."

  When Talyn went to salute her father, he pulled Talyn into a tight hug. "May the gods watch over and protect you, son. Always." Then he pressed his cheek against Talyn's as well. "Thank you for doing what you could." Pulling back, he saluted Galene, who returned it with tears in her eyes.

  "I'm very sorry for your loss," Felicia breathed. "I know the gods and saints are welcoming her home."

  "Thank you." They bowed respectfully before they left.

  Felicia moved to rub Talyn's back while he ran the beads through his fingers. "Berra?"

  "Nightdice. I tried to keep Anatole from attacking her and Syndrome. They were both punished for it, and she died on Onoria right as I was rescued."

  "I'm so sorry."

  He turned and wrapped her in a hold so tight, she could barely breathe. "I won't let that happen to you, Felicia. Whatever it takes, I will keep you safe. To my dying breath."

  "And what about you?" Galene asked angrily. "You are my baby, Talyn. But right now ... it's taking everything I have not to shoot you where you stand."

  Releasing Felicia, Talyn went pale. "What? What did I do?"

  She held the link out to him. "I'm on the Ring newswire. Ferrick just released to the media that you've accepted blood matches with the Mortician, Widowmaker, Soulless, and Slaughter House? What the hell is this? Why would you do something so stupid? Have you lost your mind?"

  He clenched his teeth before he answered. "I had a reduction in pay and rank."

  Shaking her head, she moved to confront him. "I forbid this! Do you hear me? They are four of the most ruthless killers in the business. They make Death Warrant look like a petulant schoolboy. All of them pride themselves on killing anyone dumb enough to step into the Ring to fight them. You've always refused their invitations. Why would you accept now? For a title blood match, no less!" She turned to Felicia. "Talk to him! Tell him no!"

  Felicia swallowed hard as she met Talyn's sullen gaze. "What's a blood match? Is that different from normal somehow?"

  "Oh yeah," Galene said, breathlessly. "Blood matches are fought with Warswords."

  For a moment, Felicia couldn't breathe. Talyn had left one extremely important detail out of their discussion. At no time had he told her he'd be fighting to the death ... with swords! Good thing he outweighed her by about ten times over. Otherwise, she'd start a blood match with the Hammer early.

  Like here and now.

  Dizzy with fear, she gaped at him. "Why them? With that?"

  He glanced to his mother before he responded. "Bloodier the match, the higher the purse. We needed a full house. It's what I told Ferrick to do. I handpicked them as my opponents."

  Felicia felt sick to her stomach. "I'm with your mother. I don't want you up against anyone with those names. Definitely not with swords. Are you crazy?"

  "I have no choice." He looked from her to his mother. "I can't even put in for a promotion for three full years. Walking into the Ring with them isn't as dangerous as what I do every time I report to post. Especially now." He flicked his claws against the scars on his shoulders that marked him as an Outcast. "So long as I bear these marks, any Andarion who sees them is honor bound to attack me. At least they pay me in the Ring. And I can legally fight back there."

  Galene shook her head in denial. "Tylie promised that she'd get you transferred to the palace again. And that wasn't to me. She made that promise to her sister, who wants you under my command."

  "And Tylie isn't the tadara," he growled. "She doesn't run the military. She's never even worn a uniform. I'm a fighter, Mum. It's all I know to do. The tadara herself reduced my rank. You think for one minute that bitch is going to let me into her personal guard and that close to her family members I want to tear the throats out of? Unfortunately, she's not quite that stupid."

  Growling, Galene flicked her claws at him. "I'd throw dirt at you if I had some." Furious, she left them, cursing him and his father under her breath as she headed to her guest room in back.

  Talyn met Felicia's arched brow. "She needs to calm down. I can't talk to her when she's like this. She's completely unreasonable. My luck, she'll shoot me, just to keep me out of the Ring."

  "Maybe she should. The gods know, I'm tempted."

  "We talked about this, Licia."

  "No. You talked about fighting. Not..." She gestured after his mother. "Walking into a killing match with Andarions out for your throat and wielding Warswords."

  "It's why they call the Ring the Splatterdome and not the Land of the Pink Fluffy Bunnies." He bit his lip before he spoke again. "What do you want me to do, Felicia? Pull guard duty in Anatole's bedroom and watch while he violates you? 'Cause I promise you, that's what he's planning to do."

  She reached to touch him, then quickly pulled away. "I can't do this, Talyn. I can't risk your life for my freedom. My God, what if something happens to you in one of those fights?"

  He turned on her with his eyes blazing. "I'd rather die than have that animal lay his hands on you. Sooner or later, death comes for us all. None of us can stop that. But I'm not going quietly to my grave. Whether it's tomorrow or a hundred years from now, I'm checking out with blood on my fists. Fighting every step of the way into eternity."

  Wanting to kill him herself, she pulled his head down so that she could press her forehead to his. "I want to beat you so badly I can taste it. You are so infuriating!"

  "And you love me for it."

  She bit his chin.

  Hissing, he pulled back. "Ow!"

  "You're lucky that's all I can bring myself to do to you. Because what I really want is to take a paddle to your butt like an angry priestess catching your hand in the temple collection bin."

  "Now you're just trying to turn me on."

  As his mother had done, she flicked her nails at him. "Don't even try to make this a sexual thing. You're sleeping in another room tonight."


  "I mean it, Talyn. I'm so mad at you that I don't trust myself to be in the same bed with you right now while you're defenseless."

  A tic started in his jaw. He was far from defenseless. At least against anyone other than Felicia.

  "Fine," he snapped, heading for the bedroom. He grabbed his pillow from the bed. "Sleep alone. I'm a big boy. I can take it. The gods know I've taken worse." He headed for a room farther down the hall.

  Felicia started after him.

  Don't you dare!

  You let him stew until he comes to his senses!

  She forced herself to go to the bedroom and lock the door. This wasn't about his hurt feelings. It was about saving his life. Honestly, she wanted to vomit at the mere thought of his going up against those monsters to buy her from her agency. She wished she'd never found out that was what he'd done to get her this condo and to buy her contract in the first place.

  Patrons were supposed to be old males whose wives were tired of servicing them. Or widowers who wanted companions to take care of them until they could find a respectable family to pledge with. Seventy-five ... that was the average age for a patron. Seventy-five. Not twenty! Her own father had been well into his fifties when he contracted with her mother. She'd never heard of a patron as young as Talyn before. Which had been part of the reason she'd agreed to meet him.

  Utter curiosity.

  Unless they were pledged or married, males Talyn's age went to prostitutes. That was how their society worked.

  His mother was right, he'd never done anything in his life like other Andarions did. Ugh! She could kick his--

  Talyn's link went off.

  She looked over to answer it and froze as she saw the name Jayne and the picture of an incredibly beautiful female blowing a kiss.

  What the hell was that?

  Before she could recover from t
he shock, it rolled to the speaker voice mail he used whenever he was home.

  "Hey, sexy baby. It's Jaynie calling about your girl problems. As always, I'm more than happy to take care of your needs, and will be there as soon as I can. Just hold tight and stay precious, my beautiful sweet cheeks. Don't want to see no frownie baby when I get there. I promise, I'm going to put a giant smile on that gorgeous face of yours. Love you, sexy T! See you soon."

  Her jaw slack, Felicia wasn't sure what pissed her off the most. The woman's looks. Her words. Or that exaggerated high-pitched sopping, sweet, sultry voice. Maybe it was all three that came together to light a fury in her so foul, she could taste the Talyn-blood she intended to let.

  Oh, forget the Ring. The Splatterdome was here. Tonight. This condo. And she was going to get her pound of Iron Hammer flesh.


  Snarling in aggravation, Talyn slammed his fist into the pillow as he tried to get comfortable on the bed. He still couldn't believe Felicia had thrown him out of his room, given everything he'd done to make her happy.

  Did she think he wanted to fight those animals? Did his mom? Who did his females think they were to be pissed off at him?

  Everything he did, he did for his mother and Felicia.

  Face it, you can't please anyone! Andarions suck! Females most of all.

  The door opened. For a second, his heart lightened at Felicia's appearance.

  Until she furiously hurled his link at him so hard that had it made contact with his body, it would have hurt.

  "You rank, two-timing bastard!" Felicia seized his pillow, snatched it from under his head, and started beating him with it. "Stralen, my ass!"

  Talyn lifted his arm to protect himself. Damn, for a pillow, it hurt more than it should have. "What is wrong with you?"

  "Besides you? Nothing! Not a damn thing. I hate you!"

  Talyn jerked the pillow out of her hands. She moved to actually bite him.

  With fangs.

  Talyn caught her and rolled with her so that he could pin her on the bed. Gently, he held her hands by her face.

  Shrieking, she tried to buck him off.

  If he wasn't afraid of being gelded, he'd laugh at her useless efforts. His thigh bone weighed more than she did.

  "Felicia, what is wrong with you?"

  "Who the fuck is Jayne, Talyn? Huh? You should have taken your link with you, you faithless bastard!"

  Instead of clearing things up, that only confused him more. "What?"

  "'Sweet cheeks'? 'Stay sexy'? You bastard! I hate you!"