Page 43 of Rebel

  Ian nodded.

  “I’ll hold Alaina until you’re mounted,” Jerome said.


  A few minutes later, they were riding together through the swamp and hammocks.

  Jerome in gray.

  Ian in his Union blue.

  Ian looked at his cousin curiously. “How did you happen to find us?”

  Jerome turned to him, opened his mouth, closed it, and looked ahead again, a strange light in his dark blue eyes. “A friend of yours arrived.”

  “A friend?”

  “Miss Magee.”


  “It was interesting.”

  “Oh. Are you going to tell me about it?”

  Jerome looked at him again. “No,” he said after a moment.

  Ian arched a brow, but didn’t push the point. He was becoming far too worried about his wife.

  Jerome… thanks.”

  Jerome smiled and nodded. “You know,” he said softly after a moment, “we are stiU at war.”

  But they both knew as well that a truce had been called for the night.

  She was dizzy. So dizzy.

  When she opened her eyes at first, the room was spinning. Slowly, it came to a halt.

  She narrowed her eyes, then blinked furiously.

  She was home! Really home. In her own room.

  She tried to sit up. The room spun a little, then came to a stop. Someone was there. She blinked, and the visitor came into focus.


  She cried out, reaching forward, hugging Jen, being hugged in turn.

  “How do you feel?” she asked Jennifer.


  “But you were… hanged.”

  “And you were shot.”

  “I was?” Alaina said. Then she remembered. Remembered everything. “Oh, my God, Ian—”

  “Is fine. He stayed awake all night, afraid that my mother was wrong, that you would stop breathing. He kept making sure that you were breathing, that your heart was beating. Then he said he had to let his men know what had happened. He promised he’d be back.”

  “Oh!” Alaina said with relief. She lay back, then sat up worriedly again.

  “Your father won’t shoot him, will he?”

  “Ian brought me back here. My father wouldn’t harm a hair on his head.”

  Alaina smiled. “Good. Oh! Jerome—”

  “Is fine as well. But he’s back at sea. With a passenger.”

  “A passenger?”

  “Risa Magee. She came here and found my brother somehow. That’s how he went after you and Ian. It was rather strange, but now… they’re gone.”

  “Gone? Risa left here in a Rebel ship?” Alaina queried disbelievingly.

  “So I was told; apparently they left at dawn.”

  “Why would Risa leave now?” Alaina wondered aloud.

  “Maybe she thought you and Ian needed some time alone.”

  “After… helping us? And Ian isn’t even here now.”

  Jennifer shrugged. “Ian will be back—and Jerome can be very persuasive—who knows?”

  Alaina, frowned, still puzzled. It was her head, surely. She touched her temple, felt the bandage there. “I was shot?”

  “Nicked. A flesh wound. You were lucky.” Jennifer was silent a moment. She touched the scarf she was wearing around her neck and smiled at Alaina. “We were both lucky. We’ve served, Alaina. We’ve done our part. You know… wounded men are sent home.”


  “The war is over for me. I think you need to let it end as well.”

  Alaina shook her head. “Jennifer, we can’t end the war.”

  “We can end the wars we wage inside,” Jennifer said. She stood suddenly. “Go back to sleep; rest.”

  Jennifer left her. Alaina didn’t think she’d rest; she was too anxious to see Ian.

  But she did sleep.

  And when she awoke again, she felt better.

  More than better.


  And life was out there.

  There to be taken.

  He was standing on the little strip of beach that faced the mainland, looking toward shore. Out there where Alaina had nearly been drowned by the deserter the day Teddy had died. When the war hadn’t really begun.

  They had chosen separate sides.

  But she had been willing to die for him. Even after he suspected her of the worst kind of betrayal.

  He closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of the surf. From somewhere, he heard gulls cry. This was his home. Florida, with the water, the sun, the beautiful exotic birds. He loved his homeland.

  Eventually it would return to the Union.

  And so would he.

  But now…

  He smiled. He heard her coming, no matter how soft her footsteps.

  He inhaled deeply, and breathed in her scent. She paused behind him, and he turned very slowly.

  She was in white. A soft, simple, eyelet gown, no petticoats or corset beneath it. Her hair was free, streaming down her shoulders. She’d rid herself of her bandage and allowed a lock of her hair to fall over the healing wound on her forehead.

  “Hello,” she said gravely.

  “Hello.” He leaned against the small coconut palm at his side, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “This is enemy territory.”

  “Is it?” he queried.

  She shrugged slightly, walking toward him, smiling a sensual little smile that almost made him insane. He refused to touch her, though, waiting.

  She punched him. Luckily, he was prepared, and tightened his muscles.

  “Woah! So it is enemy territory!” he exclaimed, capturing her arms and drawing her against him.

  “You thought that I would have betrayed you with that despicable man—” She broke off, lowering her head. “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

  Ian nodded. “I’m sorry, Alaina.”

  “I’m sorry, too. Once, it was just my father. God, Ian, the cost of war is so very high!”

  He pulled her closer. “I’m afraid it will be higher before it’s over.” He drew back slightly. “But I pray it will end soon. And I pray we’ll be together then. All of us. As a family.”

  She stroked his face. “You’re going back to war, aren’t you?” she asked him.

  He caught her fingers and kissed them. “Alaina, they send men to the firing squad for deserting.”

  She lowered her head, nodding. “But you’ll believe in me now, won’t you?”

  “With my whole heart. Except that I’ll wring your neck if you ever try to take a bullet for me again. A snake for Risa, a bullet for me. I need to have more faith in your need for self-preservation, especially since we’re going to have another child.”

  “Did you see Risa? Is she all right?”

  “Yes, I saw her. And she was fine. A bit strange, perhaps, but …”

  “She left with Jerome willingly?”

  “I imagine. I was with you. Why are you so worried about her?”

  “Well, she does keep trying to save me.”

  “My cousin is a good man. You know that. And a Rebel, to boot.”

  Alaina nodded. “I guess.” She looked up at him. “Have you fallen out of love with Risa yet?” She shook her head. “You never will, will you?”

  Ian laughed softly. “She’s a very good friend. I could have loved her, and I do—as a very good friend. Is that all right?”

  Alaina nodded. “She’s the very best friend!” she said softly, then added, “Oh, Ian, what are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know yet, except for one thing, of course.”


  “We’re going to love one another,” he said very gravely. “And trust in that love, above all else.”

  Alaina nodded.

  She smiled.

  And the sun shone in a dazzling display upon the water.

  And suddenly she was spinning away from him. “Remember how we first met as grown-ups?” she asked him.

/>   He frowned. “Of course—” He broke off, for she was pulling the white gown over her head.

  And he had been right. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath it. Anything at all.

  She let it fall to her feet in a cloud.

  And smiled again. A wicked smile.

  “Well… let’s go swimming.”

  She turned and ran into the surf.

  He stripped in a flash.

  And followed.

  He would be returning to the Union, he thought. But that would be later.

  He would always love a Rebel.

  Florida Chronology


  Christopher Columbus discovers the New World.


  Florida discovered by Ponce de Leon.

  Juan Ponce de Leon sights Florida from his ship on March 27, steps on shore near present-day St. Augustine in early April


  Hernando de Soto lands on west coast of the peninsula, near present-day Tampa.


  The French arrive and establish Fort Caroline on the St. Johns River. Immediately following the establishment of the French fort, Spain dispatches Pedro de Menendez to get rid of the French invaders, “pirates and perturbers of the public peace.” Menendez dutifully captures the French stronghold and slays or enslaves the inhabitants.


  Pedro de Menendez founds St. Augustine, the first permanent European settlement in what is now the United States.


  Sir Francis Drake attacks St. Augustine, burning and plundering the settlement.


  Pensacola is founded.


  British General James Oglethorpe invades

  Florida from Georgia.


  At the end of the Seven Years’ War, or the French and Indian War, both the East and West Florida territories are ceded to Britain.


  British rule in East and West Florida.


  The “shot heard ’round the world” is fired in Concord.


  The War of Independence begins; many British Loyalists flee to Florida.


  By the Treaty of Paris, Florida is returned to the Spanish.


  The War of 1812.


  The Creek Wars. “Red-Stick” land is decimated. Numerous Indians seek new lands south with the “Seminoles.”


  General Andrew Jackson captures Pensacola.


  The Battle of New Orleans.


  The First Seminole War. Americans accuse the Spanish of aiding the Indians in their raids across the border. Hungry for more territory, settlers seek to force Spain into ceding the Floridas to the United States by their claims against the Spanish government for its inability to properly handle the situation within the territories.


  Don Luis de Onis, Spanish minister to the United States, and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams sign a treaty by which the Floridas will become part of the United States.


  The Onis-Adams Treaty is ratified. An act of Congress makes the two Floridas one territory. Jackson becomes the military governor, but relinquishes the post after a few months.


  The first legislative council meets at Pensacola. Members from St. Augustine travel fifty-nine days by water to attend.


  The second legislative council meets at St. Augustine: the western delegates are shipwrecked and barely escape death.

  The Treaty of Moultrie Creek is ratified by major Seminole chiefs and the federal government. The ink is barely dry before Indians are complaining that the lands are too small and white settlers are petitioning the government for a policy of Indian removal.


  The third session meets at Tallahassee, a halfway point selected as a main order of business and approved at the second session. Tallahassee becomes the first territorial capital.


  Payne’s Landing. Numerous chiefs sign a treaty agreeing to move west to Arkansas as long as seven of their number are able to see and approve the lands. The treaty is ratified at Fort Gibson, Arkansas. Numerous chiefs also protest the agreement.


  Summer. Wiley Thompson claims that Osceola has repeatedly reviled him in his own office with foul language and orders his arrest. Osceola is handcuffed and incarcerated.

  November. Charlie Emathla, after agreeing to removal to the west, is murdered. Most scholars agree Osceola led the party which carried out the execution. Some consider the murder personal vengeance, others believe it was prescribed by numerous chiefs, since an Indian who would leave his people to aid the whites should forfeit his own life. December 28. Major Francis Dade and his troops are massacred as they travel from Fort Brooke to Fort King. Wiley Thompson and a companion are killed outside the walls of Fort King. The sutler Erastus Rogers and his two clerks are also murdered by members of the same raiding party, led by Osceola. December 21. The First Battle of the Withlacoochee—Osceola leads the Seminoles.


  January. Major General Winfield Scott is ordered by the Secretary of War to take command in Florida.

  February 4. Dade County established in

  south Florida in memory of Francis Lang-

  horne Dade.

  March 16. The Senate confirms Richard

  Keith Call governor of the Florida


  June 21. Call, a civilian governor, is given command of the Florida forces after the failure of Scott’s strategies and the military disputes between Scott and General Gaines. Call attempts a “summer campaign,” and is as frustrated in his efforts as his predecessor.


  June 2. Osceola and Sam Jones release or “abduct” nearly 700 Indians awaiting deportation to the west from Tampa. October 27. Osceola is taken under a white flag of truce; Major Sidney Jesup is denounced by whites and Indians alike for the action.

  November 29. Coacoochee, Cowaya, sixteen warriors, and two women escape Ft. Marion.

  Christmas Day. Jesup has the largest fighting force assembled in Florida during the conflict, nearly 9,000 men. Under his command, Colonel Zachary Taylor leads the Battle of Okeechobee. The Seminoles choose to stand their ground and fight, inflicting greater losses to whites despite the fact they are severely outnumbered.


  January 31. Osceola dies at Ft. Marion, South Carolina. (A strange side note to a sad tale: Dr. Wheedon, presiding white physician for Osceola, cut off and preserved Osceola’s head. Wheedon’s heirs reported that the good doctor would hang the head on the bedstead of one of his three children should they misbehave. The head passed on to his son-in-law, Dr. Daniel Whitehurst, who gave it to Dr. Valentine Mott. Dr. Mott had a medical and pathological museum, and it is believed that the head was lost when the museum burned in 1866.)

  May. Zachary Taylor takes command when Jesup’s plea to be relieved is answered at last on April 29. The Florida legislature debates statehood.


  December. Because of his arguments with federal authorities regarding the Seminole War, Richard Keith Call is removed as governor. Robert Raymond Reid is appointed in his stead.


  April 24. Zachary Taylor is given permission to leave command of what is considered to be the harshest military position in the country. Walker Keith Armistead takes command.

  September. William Henry Harrison is elected president of the United States; the Florida War is considered to have cost Martin Van Buren reelection. December 1840-January 1841. John T. MacLaughlin leads a flotilla of men in dugouts across the Everglades from east to west; his party becomes the first white men to do so.

  John Bell replaces Joel Poinsett as secretary of war. Robert Reid is ousted as territorial governor, and Richard Keith Call is reinstated.

r />   April 4. President William Henry Harrison dies in office: John Tyler becomes president of the U.S.

  May 1. Coacoochee determines to turn himself in. He is escorted by a man who will later become extremely well known— Lieutenant William Tecumseh Sherman. (Sherman writes to his future wife that the Florida war is a good one for a soldier; he will get to know the Indian who may become the “chief enemy” in time.) May 31. Walker Keith Armistead is relieved. Colonel William Jenkins Worth takes command.


  May 10. Winfield Scott is informed that the administration has decided there must be an end to hostilities as soon as possible. August 14. Aware that he cannot end hostilities and send all Indians west, Colonel Worth makes offers to the remaining Indians to leave or accept boundaries. The war, he declares, is over. It has cost a fledgling nation thirty to forty million dollars, and the lives of seventy-four commissioned officers. The Seminoles have been reduced from tens of thousands to hundreds scattered about in pockets. The Seminoles (inclusive here, as they were seen during the war, as all Florida Indians) have, however, kept their place in the peninsula; those remaining are the undefeated. The army, too, has learned new tactics, mostly regarding partisan and guerilla warfare. Men who will soon take part in the greatest conflict to tear apart the nation have practiced the art of battle here: William T. Sherman, Braxton Bragg, George Gordon Meade, Joseph E. Johnston, and more, as well as soon-to-be president Zachary Taylor.


  March 3. President John Tyler signs the bill that makes Florida the 27th state of the United States of America.


  The conflict known as the Third Seminole War takes place with a similiar outcome to the earlier confrontations—money spent, lives lost, and the Indians entrenched more deeply in the Everglades.


  Robert E. Lee is sent in to arrest John Brown after his attempt to initiate a slave rebellion with an assault on Harpers Ferry, Virginia (later West Virginia). The incident escalates ill-will between the North and the South. Brown is executed Dec 2nd.