Devon Harrington, a history professor and academic and Honor Harrington’s cousin, inherited Honor’s Manticoran title after her supposed execution by the People’s Republic of Haven. Upon her return from Cerberus, he remained Earl Harrington when she was granted the title of Duchess Harrington.

  Hauptman, Klaus

  Chairman and CEO, Hauptman Cartel

  Klaus Hauptman is the owner and principal of the Hauptman Cartel, the largest and most powerful of all of the Manticoran shipping and industrial cartels. The Hauptman family’s business empire has built up over several generations, and Klaus Hauptman is the single wealthiest individual in the entire Star Empire.

  Hauptman, who is noted for his volcanic temper, has had many conflicts with the Navy over the years and some very personal confrontations with specific officers, most notably with Honor Harrington. He is also noted for intense personal loyalty, however, and has become a powerful political ally of Harrington following her 1910 Silesian cruise in HMAMC Wayfarer.

  Hauptman is one of the galaxy’s most bitter opponents of genetic slavery and quietly authorized the construction of a number of frigates for the Anti-Slavery League even before the liberation of Torch, in addition to funding early research on the Torch wormhole.

  Hauptman, Stacey

  Operations Director, Hauptman Cartel

  Daughter of Klaus Hauptman and sole heir to the Hauptman Cartel, Stacey Hauptman is the operations director of the Hauptman Cartel for Manticore-B and takes an active role in the Cartel management. She is also a personal friend of Honor Alexander-Harrington.

  Hemphill, Lady Sonja, Baroness Low Delhi

  Fourth Space Lord, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Sonja Hemphill has consistently led the effort to push Manticoran technology in new directions, although some of her critics have dismissed her as opposing traditional ideas simply because they were “old.” As leader of the derisively dubbed “jeune ecole,” she became a tireless advocate (with Jonas Adcock’s support) of technical advancement and turned the dismissive label into something quite different. Although many of the jeune ecole’s ideas ultimately failed, many others succeeded, and led directly to Manticoran victories.

  Hemphill was instrumental in the development of the FTL grav-pulse com and of the hollow-cored, pod-laying superdreadnoughts and “super light attack craft” which made Operation Buttercup possible and which signaled a revolutionary change in traditional naval tactics. As Adcock’s eventual successor at the Bureau of Weapons, Hemphill has subsequently overseen the development of Project Mistletoe (stealthed recon drones with laser and nuclear warheads designed to kill fixed defenses) and Project Apollo (the development of a faster-than-light command link missile).

  Henke, Lady Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Countess Gold Peak

  Vice Admiral of the Red, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Michelle Henke, daughter of Lord Edward Henke, Earl of Gold Peak, and Caitrin, Duchess Winton-Henke, and sister of Lord Calvin Henke, is Queen Elizabeth III’s only living first cousin on the Queen’s father’s side. After the death of her father and brother, she became the Countess of Gold Peak and fifth in line of succession for the throne of Manticore.

  Her close friendship with Honor Harrington began at Saganami Island, and she has served with Harrington a number of times throughout her career. As a rear admiral, she was wounded and captured during Operation Cutworm, when her flagship HMS Ajax was destroyed in the Solon system.

  After Henke had recovered from her injuries, Havenite President Eloise Pritchart paroled her and sent her back to Manticore with an offer of truce for Queen Elizabeth. Under the terms of her parole, Admiral Gold Peak was prohibited from serving against the Republic of Haven for the remainder of the war. Accordingly, the Admiralty assigned her command of the newly created Tenth Fleet and sent her to the Talbott Quadrant to support Vice Admiral of the Red Augustus Khumalo and Baroness Medusa.

  Hibson, Susan

  Brigadier, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  Susan Hibson, determined from a young age to become a Marine, survived a ski lift accident and was able to alert rescuers to her location, saving the lives of others. As a result, she became one of the youngest recipients of the Queen’s Cross for Bravery and was guaranteed a spot in the OCS when she was old enough. Her career with the Royal Marines has been distinguished, starting with the assault on Blackbird Base in the Yeltsin System in 1903 PD. Promoted to brigadier in 1919 PD, Hibson is currently the commanding officer (designate) of the 19th Brigade (Independent), Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, earmarked for assignment to the Talbott Quadrant in support of Tenth Fleet.

  Higgins, Allen

  Admiral of the Red, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Allen Higgins commanded the task force defending Grendelsbane Station in the face of Thomas Theismann’s Operation Thunderbolt in 1918 PD. When he realized that his force was far too weak to defend the station he ordered the system’s evacuation and destroyed all ships under construction. Placed on half-pay by the Janacek Admiralty pending a board of inquiry, he was fully exonerated and returned to active duty by the Alexander Admiralty in 1920.

  Houseman, the Honorable Reginald

  Second Lord of Admiralty, Royal Manticoran Navy (retired)

  Reginald Houseman, an honors graduate of Mannheim University’s College of Economics in 1891 PD, subsequently held a succession of minor government appointments and served as a Foreign Office advisor for the Courvosier Mission to Grayson in 1903.

  Although his diplomatic service ended after the Queen expressed her displeasure at his actions during the Masadan attack on Grayson, Houseman was embraced by the Cromarty Government’s political opponents and held several advisory positions for the Opposition. His political career seemed revitalized when he was named Second Lord of the Admiralty under First Lord Janacek, but his strong support for the build-down of the fleet proved unfortunately timed. His renewed career plummeted disastrously after Operation Thunderbolt (and the Navy’s weakened posture) led to the fall of the High Ridge Government, and he is currently a guest lecturer at Mannheim University.

  Janacek, Sir Edward (deceased)

  Admiral of the Green, Royal Manticoran Navy (retired)

  First Lord of Admiralty

  Edward Janacek, having risen through the ranks in the Bureau of Planning, spent three years as First Lord of Admiralty before the war until his replacement by Baroness Mourncreek in the wake of the Basilisk Incident. Following the cease-fire in 1915 PD, the High Ridge Government named him First Lord again, during which time he was responsible for the downsizing of the Navy amid steadily worsening relations with the GSN and other member navies of the Manticoran Alliance. Janacek committed suicide after the disastrous opening battles of what became known as the Second Havenite War.

  Janvier, Lord Michael, Former Baron High Ridge

  Former Prime Minister, Star Kingdom of Manticore

  Michael Janvier, head of the Conservative Association throughout the twentieth century, was one of the Cromarty Government’s fiercest critics. Following the Duke of Cromarty’s assassination in 1915 PD, High Ridge refused to agree to a coalition all-parties government until the war with the People’s Republic of Haven could be concluded. Instead, he became Prime Minister of a government built from an alliance of the Conservative, Liberal, and Progressive parties when he managed to convince enough Independent peers to support him by playing upon the fear that Elizabeth III intended to curtail the power of the House of Lords. Needless to say, his support in the House of Commons was effectively non-existent.

  In 1920 PD, following the news of Operation Thunderbolt, he asked the Queen for permission to form an all-parties government, which she denied. When news came of the disaster at Grendelsbane Station he resigned and his government fell. Following a spectacular (and squalid) trial, High Ridge and several members of his government were convicted on charges of bribery, malfeasance, and corruption, and he himself was sentenced to twenty-nine years in prison and deprived of his seat in the L
ords by a majority vote of his peers.

  Jaruwalski, Andrea

  Captain (JG), Royal Manticoran Navy

  Andrea Jaruwalski’s career was effectively destroyed by the spite of a senior officer who refused to listen to her advice and suffered a catastrophic defeat in 1913 PD. The following year, however, Admiral Harrington asked Jaruwalski to be her aide at ATC, where Jaruwalski quickly gained the respect both of the midshipmen in Harrington’s “Intro to Tactics” class and of the prospective starship COs passing through the “Crusher” under Harrington’s auspices. In 1919, Jaruwalski was promoted to captain (jg) below the zone and Harrington selected her as operations officer in Task Force 34. Jaruwalski continues as Harrington’s ops officer with Eighth Fleet.

  Kare, Jordin

  Chief Astrophysicist, RMAIA

  One of the most brilliant astrophysicists in the Star Kingdom, Jordin Kare holds at least five degrees. He was the first chief astrophysicist of the Royal Manticoran Astrophysics Investigation Agency, and in 1918 PD he and a team at Valasakis University began working on a new approach to the mathematical model of the Manticoran Wormhole Junction that led directly to the discovery of the Lynx Terminus. Although he was ordered not to accompany the ship through the wormhole, he led the team that explored the Torch wormhole in 1921.

  Khumalo, Augustus

  Vice Admiral of the Red, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Augustus Khumalo, a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth III and Rear Admiral of the Green, became CO of Talbott Station in 1919 PD. He was appointed to the command mainly on the basis of his credentials with the Conservative Association, despite a reputation for being difficult to work with. However, he also had a reputation for working long hours and distinguished himself in the eyes of the Grantville Government by his strong support for Captain Aivars Terekov after the Battle of Monica. He was subsequently promoted to vice admiral and retained in command of Talbott Station and the overall defense of the Talbott Quadrant.

  Krietzmann, Henri

  Minister of War, Talbott Quadrant

  Henri Krietzmann, a native of Dresden, was president of the 1920 Talbott Constitutional Convention. When the Quadrant approved its constitution and joined the Star Empire of Manticore, he became the Talbott Quadrant’s minister of war, responsible for administration of the Quadrant’s local defense military forces and coordination with Imperial Naval and Army authorities.

  Kuzak, Theodosia

  Admiral of the Green, RMN

  Theodosia Kuzak performed admirably as second-in-command of Sixth Fleet and was placed in command of Third Fleet at Trevor’s Star after the system was captured. Under the Janacek Admiralty, she was the only one of two admirals from the war left in command of a major unit. When war broke out again between the Republic of Haven and Manticore, she continued to lead the defense of San Martin and Trevor’s Star.

  Langtry, Sir Anthony

  Foreign Secretary, Star Kingdom of Manticore

  Anthony Langtry began his career in the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, where he was a highly decorated officer. Following his retirement from the Corps, he moved to the Foreign Office. Shortly before the First Havenite War began, he was chosen as the first Manticoran ambassador to Grayson. His support of Honor Harrington’s actions in that star system in 1903 PD led to a strong alliance between Grayson and Manticore. Under the Grantville Government, he was named Foreign Secretary in Grantville’s cabinet.

  Lewis, Ginger

  Captain (JG), Royal Manticoran Navy

  Ginger Lewis was assigned to HMAMC Wayfarer in 1910 PD as a gravitics specialist first class and quickly was promoted far outside the zone to acting senior chief. She received the Osterman Cross for her actions during the Battle of the Selkir Rift and was offered a position at Fleet Officer Candidate School, where she received a commission. In 1920, as a commander, she served as chief engineer on HMS Hexapuma, and in 1921 she was promoted to captain (jg) and assigned to HMSS Weyland.

  MacGuinness, James

  Senior Master Chief Petty Officer, Royal Manticoran Navy (retired)

  Steward First Class James MacGuinness was assigned to Commander Harrington onboard HMS Fearless in 1900 PD, and has accompanied her from command to command throughout her career. In 1906, when Harrington moved to Grayson on half-pay, the servants at Harrington House accepted him as majordomo.

  He remained Commander Harrington’s steward when she was returned to active service in the RMN in 1910 PD. When Harrington was lost on HMS Prince Adrian and declared dead, she left him forty million dollars in her will with the proviso that he retire from the RMN and look after her treecat Samantha and the treekittens. Since Harrington’s return from Hades, he has continued to serve as her steward, despite being the only steward in the RMN who isn’t actually in the service of the RMN.

  Matsuko, Lady Dame Estelle, Baroness Medusa

  Imperial Governor, Talbott Quadrant

  Estelle Matsuko was appointed the Resident Commissioner for Planetary Affairs of Medusa in 1897 PD, where she and the Native Protection Agency fought to preserve the rights and culture of the Medusan natives with limited assistance. Her work with Honor Harrington during the Havenite-inspired Mekoha Uprising and her ongoing efforts in its aftermath helped to resolve many of the issues which had previously endangered the native population.

  For her tireless service in the Basilisk System, Matsuko was named a peer of the realm and awarded the newly created Barony of Medusa. In 1920, the Grantville Government chose her as Home Secretary. Following the discovery of the Lynx Terminus and the Talbott Cluster’s request for annexation, she was named Provisional Crown Governor of the Talbott Cluster and then Imperial Governor of the Talbott Quadrant when it joined the Star Empire.

  Maurier, Lady Francine, Countess Mourncreek

  Chancellor of the Exchequer

  Francine Maurier served as the First Lord of the Admiralty during the last ten years of the Cromarty Government. After Duke Cromarty’s death, she was replaced at the Admiralty by Admiral Janacek under the High Ridge Government. In 1920 PD in the new Grantville Government, she was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer and elevated to Countess Mourncreek by the Queen.

  Maxwell, Richard

  Richard Maxwell, a former Royal Marine who was awarded the Manticore Cross, became one of the SKM’s leading criminal defense lawyers following his retirement from military service. In 1914 PD, Willard Neufsteiler recommended him to Honor Harrington for her in-house counsel, a position which he accepted and has held continuously ever since.

  McKeon, Alistair

  Rear Admiral of the Red, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Alistair McKeon served as Honor Harrington’s executive officer on the original HMS Fearless at the time of the Basilisk Incident. Following the First Battle of Basilisk, he was promoted from lieutenant commander to commander as CO of HMS Troubadour and again served with Harrington during the First Battle of Yeltsin, in which Troubadour was destroyed. In 1903 PD, shortly before the outbreak of war with the PRH he was promoted to captain (jg) and assigned to command HMS Prince Adrian. By 1911 he was a captain (sg) and Harrington designated him as her tactical deputy in CruRon 18.

  McKeon was among those captured during the surrender of HMS Prince Adrian and was held as a prisoner of war with Honor Harrington on the planet Hades. After the prisoner revolt led by Harrington, he served as president of the court that tried the surviving StateSec personnel. He commanded two separate ships in the Elysian Space Navy during the return to Manticore.

  Promoted to Rear Admiral of the Red in 1915, he commanded a LAC-carrier division in Eighth Fleet before he was reassigned to command one of the task groups in Harrington’s Task Force 34 on Sidemore Station. Since 1920, he has served as one of the senior commanders of Eighth Fleet and as the commanding officer of BatRon 61, once again under Harrington’s command.

  Montaigne, Catherine, former Countess Tor

  Catherine Montaigne, a close childhood friend of Queen Elizabeth III, was a peer and a member of the Libera
l Party and one of only three nobles ever excluded from the House of Lords. A long-time anti-slavery activist and a leader of the Anti-Slavery League, she moved to Old Earth following her exclusion from the Lords for her very vocal support of then Commander Honor Harrington’s Casimir Raid. On Old Earth, she established direct contact with the Audubon Ballroom, considered a terrorist organization.

  She reappeared in Manticore some years later with Anton Zilwicki, his genetic daughter Helen, and his adopted children Berry and Lars, all of whom had been rescued by the Audubon Ballroom from agents of Manpower Incorporated. At that time she provided Crown prosecutors documented evidence of the involvement of over a dozen prominent Manticorans in the genetic slave trade, which led to a series of spectacular trials. After the realization that her continual exclusion from the House of Lords had rendered her position as Countess of Tor as much a liability as an asset, she renounced her title and ran successfully for a seat in the House of Commons for the Borough of High Threadneedle. After the fall of the High Ridge Government, she became the leader of the Liberal Party.

  Montoya, Fritz

  Surgeon Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Fritz Montoya served on HMS Fearless (CL-56) as a surgeon lieutenant under Honor Harrington in 1900 PD. Promoted to surgeon commander by 1903, Dr. Montoya was the chief medical officer on HMS Fearless (CA-286). In 1904, he was the chief medical officer on HMS Nike. In 1910, he became the chief medical officer on GSN Jason Alvarez and Harrington considered him an adjunct to her squadron staff. In 1911, he accompanied Harrington to HMS Prince Adrian and was taken prisoner with her by the People’s Navy.

  Promoted to surgeon captain in 1913 after his return from Hades, he was selected as the senior medical officer for Task Force 34 by Harrington in 1920. Following TF 34’s return from Silesia, he was promoted to surgeon commodore and selected to head the Combat Surgery Faculty at Bassingford Medical Center.