Page 28 of Wolf Fever

Page 28


  Jake countered with, “She needs to have a mate first and foremost. If Ryan turns out to be the one, so be it. Maybe he can convince her to shift before it’s too late. None of us has had an ounce of luck with her. You know how dangerous it is for her not to get some control over her shifting. ”

  That was another thing Ryan wholeheartedly agreed with. Carol needed to embrace her werewolf half without delay.

  The brothers quit speaking, and their footfalls died away as they headed in the direction of the kitchen.

  Ryan kissed the top of Carol’s head in a protective, consoling way, unwrapped his body from hers, and began to leave the bed. She’d be getting ready for work at the hospital soon, and he intended to be with her every step of the way.

  She tossed and turned, her hands searching for something. Him? Hell. Maybe she didn’t have to work today. He crawled back under the covers and pulled her into his heated embrace, vowing this time to control his sexual urges better.

  Being a bodyguard had never felt quite this… pleasurable. He suspected it would never feel the same way again.

  Later that morning, after he had breakfast with Darien, Ryan intended to call Carol’s mother about the situation with the psychiatrist. But he didn’t want Darien, his brothers, or Lelandi to know about it and get the wrong idea. If they heard he was calling to verify that Carol truly had had an early vision, he was sure that would put him in the doghouse. His investigative skills dictated that he ask Carol’s mother about the episode with the psychiatrist to learn how he’d treated her and if her mother believed in Carol’s abilities now.

  “I’ve got to make an important call,” he said to Darien as he finished the last of his eggs and another slice of ham, the sun streaming in through the kitchen window and warming the room. Lelandi had relieved him a half hour earlier to sit in the recliner and watch over Carol while she still slept. Lelandi was using the time to catch up on her studies on behavioral psychology.

  Tom and Jake planned to hang around the house guarding the ladies today. The brothers had taken up positions in the sunroom and in the den, so they would be safe for the moment.

  Darien raised a brow and sipped his coffee. “I understand you slept with Carol last night. ”

  Alpha leader. Protective of his pack member. No beating around the bush. “She was experiencing night terrors. ”

  “Anything occur between you two that I should know about?”

  Again, to the point.

  “If you mean did we mate, no. She was drugged and consequently asleep for the most part, although her nightmares partly woke her half the night. ” Darien didn’t need to know about the rest.

  The doorbell rang and Tom hurried from the sunroom to get it, passing the kitchen on the way to the front door and giving Ryan a reproachful look. Darien smiled wryly.

  A couple of minutes later, Tom carried a vase of roses to the sunroom.

  Darien motioned to Ryan’s phone. “Go, make your call. We’re all here to watch over Carol until you return. ”

  “Take only a minute. ” Ryan headed for the great room and then made his way to the back patio. Outside, he called information, got Carol’s parents’ home phone number, and punched it in.

  “Hello?” a woman asked, sounding like Carol, only a little older, but with a voice a little sharper.

  “Hello, Mrs. Wood. This is Ryan McKinley. ”


  “I’m a private investigator out of Green Valley. ”

  “I know who you are,” she growled.

  He paused. Hell, had Carol told her mother about him?

  “I was calling about…” He rephrased the comment. “Carol told me about her ordeal with that psychiatrist, Dr. Metzger. About how—” The phone clicked dead in his ear.

  Carol woke to the turning of pages in the guestroom and felt her legs pinned beneath the comforter, but Ryan was gone. Disappointment vanished when she glanced down and saw what was wedged between her legs. Her heart lifted. Puss. Her tabby: soft, happy, and sound asleep. She couldn’t believe Darien had allowed her cat to leave the kennel so he could stay with her.

  A warm, fuzzy feeling instantly filled her with serenity. She smiled, pulled Puss into her arms and cuddled him soundly. Then she looked at Lelandi, who was seated in the recliner reading one of her psychology books. Lelandi was determined to become a psychologist. Darien backed her, but he had lots of stipulations about her work. No seeing males who needed her services alone unless she had his permission. He’d prefer it if only females wished her to help them with their life issues. But knowing Lelandi, if anyone made an appointment with her to discuss problems, she’d see them. With or without Darien’s approval.

  Even though Carol had had a bad experience with a psychiatrist, she knew Lelandi would be perfect as a psychologist. She was a lot more open minded, for one thing.

  Carol wished Ryan was still with her, although she was afraid things might have heated up between them again. And this time they might have gotten caught.

  On the other hand, maybe he regretted what they had done. She tried not to think of it, but still, a little irksome worry fluttered around in the pit of her stomach. Seeing him this morning without letting on was not going to be easy.

  Puss’s little motor began to rumble. He stretched a little and then continued to sleep, rolled up in a ball, eyes shut, breathing slight. Carol was thrilled to have Puss back. Sighing, she gave him another gentle squeeze.

  What had changed Darien’s mind?

  Lelandi looked up from her book and gave her a bright smile. “You’re awake. How do you feel?”

  “Fine. Except for my arm. ” The skin was bruised and the muscle sore. Carol thought what a lousy nurse the man would have made.

  “One of the men gave you a shot. The bruise should fade soon. Do you remember what happened?”

  “Someone grabbed me from the shower. Stuck the needle in my arm first, though, and I felt drugged. Then he dropped me on the grass, I guess. I must have been slowing them down once Sam and Darien were in hot pursuit. Ryan found me, I think. And carried me back to the house. I recall him rinsing out my eyes, and then that’s about it. ”

  “Hmm. He stayed with you last night. Did anything… happen between the two of you?”

  Carol raised her brows. “You think we had sex last night?”

  Lelandi smiled a hint. “If you’re mated, Darien has to let the bachelors know you’re no longer available. ”

  “We didn’t do anything last night. ” Not that Carol would admit to, but Lelandi was observing her closely, like a psychologist might observe a subject. She hoped she didn’t look as guilty as she felt. “He slept with me?” Wondering how anyone might have known. Had they heard their moans and groans while having sex?

  “That’s what Tom said. He peeked in on you sometime in the night to see if Ryan needed to be relieved from guard duty and found him with his arms wrapped tightly around you, his back naked. After Darien questioned Tom about every detail for what seemed an eternity— suspecting Tom was leaving some of the story out, Tom finally admitted he’d heard you whimpering and poked his head in to make sure Ryan was being honorable. ”

  Carol’s heart nearly stopped. Had Tom seen them in the throes of sexual frenzy? “Ryan was being honorable. Just helping to calm my night terrors. ”

  “About being kidnapped? Or something else? More visions?”

  “Don’t remember. ” Carol yawned. Then she sat up abruptly. “What time is it? I need to get to work. ”

  “Matthew and Charlotte are working extra half-days to cover for you. Darien doesn’t want you working today after what happened last night. Take a break, and you can go back to the hospital tomorrow. ”

  Carol slid out from under her sleeping cat, who stretched a little but didn’t bother opening an eye. She crossed the floor to the antique dresser, jerked the drawer open, and yanked out a bra and panties.

p; “I’m fine. And no way am I making Charlotte and Matthew work my hours. ” She’d fought hard to get a job at the hospital. She wasn’t going to shirk her responsibilities now. “Why is Puss here?”

  Lelandi hesitated to say.


  “Unofficially, and just between you and me, I believe Darien felt badly that he told Ryan he couldn’t stay with you and then you were kidnapped. But officially, he thinks that if you mostly have your life back the way it was before you were changed, you may accept our ways and shape-shift. ”

  To have her life back, she’d be living in her own apartment again. Instead, Darien had insisted she put her things in storage and close up her apartment. Her life as she had known it was over. Yet, she’d become accustomed to being with others—with Lelandi, with Darien, with his brothers. The thought of returning alone to her apartment and only having Puss to talk to didn’t appeal, either.

  Carol shook her head and grabbed a pair of kitty-cat scrubs from another drawer. “If I shift, I won’t be able to shift back. Simple as that. ” She entered the bathroom and shut the door.

  “Did you see this in a vision?” Lelandi asked from the recliner.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. ”

  “You say Darien shifts and can’t change back. Is he the only one?”

  “Doc also. Jake is in the same predicament as well. You’re really upset and want me to do something about it. But I can’t. I have no idea what’s happening. If everyone chooses to ignore me, I can’t help anyone. ”

  “We love to shift, Carol. It’s part of who we are. ” But this time Lelandi didn’t sound quite so sure of herself.

  Carol dressed, brushed her hair, and applied a little makeup.

  When she opened the bathroom door, Lelandi smiled at her. “Ready for some breakfast? With Sam and Ryan chowing down with Darien and his brothers, there may not be anything left. Mervin’s down there also, but he eats like a bird. ”

  “I can grab a bagel and green tea at the hospital. ”

  “Nonsense. If you want just tea and a bagel, the guys probably haven’t touched those. But the bacon and sausages? I’m sure Tom will have to make another trip to the store. ” Lelandi opened the door to the guestroom and walked into the hallway. “So, you’ve seen Darien, Doc, and Jake unable to shift and me agitated. Do you see me change and unable to shift back?”