
  The Festival of Souls went on past midnight.

  At some point, Aldreya roused Lannon from a light slumber by squeezing his shoulder. He gazed at her questioningly.

  "What's going on?" he asked. The serious expression on Aldreya's face startled him. The Knights who remained were asleep at the tables, and the bonfire had returned to its natural color and had died down some. A warm breeze blew through the clearing beneath the stars.

  "It is time to leave," she whispered. "Furlus and I had planned it so we would depart in the dead of night. Our goal is keep Bellis from knowing that the White Flamestone is leaving Silverland."

  "But Bellis will eventually learn the truth," Lannon pointed out. "King Verlamer has spies everywhere--even inside Dremlock."

  "Yes," she said. "But hopefully we will be deep into our journey by then. Our supplies have already been gathered at the stable."

  Lannon yawned, feeling a bit weary for travel. He was annoyed that he had been kept in the dark. Didn't the High Watchman deserve better? "I would have preferred to know. I didn't have time to prepare."

  "I apologize," said Aldreya. "It was my decision, and Furlus did not agree with it. I wanted absolute secrecy and was afraid you might accidentally reveal our plans. The truth is, Lannon, sometimes you are not as careful about guarding secrets as you should be."

  It was true. Lannon wasn't fond of hiding things from his trusted friends, whereas it didn't seem to bother Aldreya at all.

  "If you're ready, we should depart," she said. "Everyone else is at the stable, waiting for us. I allowed you to sleep as long as I could, but the night will soon give way to dawn. Is there anything you require from the tower?"

  Lannon considered it, then shook his head. He had everything he needed--his Birlote cloak and his weapons. "I'm ready."

  Lannon glanced about. Furlus was gone. Four Knights were awake and keeping watch. His eyes lingered on Ollanhar Tower, a great shadowy bulk outlined against the stars. Leaving his home in the care of others made him anxious, but he reminded himself that Furlus was more than capable of defending the keep.

  "Come," said Aldreya, tugging at his sleeve.

  The two of them started across the field.

  The bard, who was seated in the grass with his back against a barrel, suddenly opened his eyes. He lifted his wide-brimmed hat, shook a moth from it, and placed it on his head. He winked at Aldreya. "Have a good journey."

  "We're merely going for a walk," Aldreya replied.

  The bard chuckled, his eyes shining. "Enjoy your walk, then, my young friends...however far it takes you and to whatever end. My lips shall reveal nothing. Would you like me to play a melody for you?" He lifted his flute.

  Aldreya gazed at the bard for a moment, looking annoyed. "Go back to sleep. It is late."

  He bowed and lowered the brim of his hat over his face.

  They moved on past him.

  "So much for secrecy," Lannon whispered.

  She shrugged. "We do what we can."

  "I'll bet the Knights are tired," said Lannon, "considering all the merrymaking. Are you sure it's a wise decision to leave on this night?"

  "Yes," she replied, "for the Lawkeeper is camped nearby. He will not be expecting us to depart during the Festival. This is a great opportunity to slip away unnoticed. We will ride until morning and then rest in a forest until noon."

  "I hope that bard isn't a spy of Bellis," said Lannon.

  He was only speaking in jest, but for a moment Aldreya hesitated--as if considering his words. Then she continued on.

  The quest for the Flamestone had begun.

  Lannon's weariness gave way to excitement. He was at last leaving on an adventure again, wondering what awaited him in strange lands where Divine Knights would be looked upon as mysterious intruders.

  But he didn't allow himself to get too excited, considering the perils that awaited them. Bellis would be there with its sprawling legions of soldiers intent upon dominating all the land. This was a desperate quest from a desperate kingdom struggling to survive against overwhelming evil.