Page 21 of Born of Ice

  DJ didn't appear the least bit amused by that. "Don't go there, Jay. I'm only one kill away from becoming a Command Assassin. Be a damn shame for that kill to be you."

  Jayce snorted. "You ain't that good, punk. Now let's get them inside with the others."

  Alix hesitated, unsure about this even if they were friends with Devyn and his family. "Are we in custody?"

  DJ nodded. "Yeah, the protective kind. Where's Devyn?"

  "Turning himself in."

  They both gaped at her.

  "What?" Jayce asked in a ferocious tone.

  "I tried to talk him out of it, but I don't think I need to tell you how stubborn he is."

  Jayce sent a peeved glare to DJ. "No, you don't. Obstinance runs thick through his gene pool."

  DJ snorted. "Yeah, 'cause it so passed straight through yours. You have met your sister, right?"

  Jayce shoved him.

  Paden stepped forward to break up their good-natured fight. "Look, if you guys have her, I want to go back and check on Devyn."

  Jayce cocked his head. "No offense, but I don't know how trustworthy you are." He turned to Darion. "Go with, and if he begins to look suspicious--"

  "Kill him before I make the call to let you know. Got it, boss."

  "Good man."

  DJ grabbed Paden by the arm and hauled him out.

  As soon as they were gone, Jayce led her into a League shuttle where Omari, Nero, Sway, Vik and Manashe were lounging around as if completely comfortable with their surroundings and oblivious to any danger.

  Omari looked up as she entered and left Manashe's side to hug her close.

  She squeezed him tight, grateful that this wasn't a trick of some kind. "I'm so glad to see you guys."

  "You, too." Omari released her and stepped back. "Where's Dad?"

  She hated to be the one to answer that. "He turned himself in to buy us time to get out of this."

  Every male there cursed. And inwardly, so did she.

  "That was about stupid," Nero sneered. "Where was his head?"

  "Obviously up his sphincter." Vik's tone was snide and dry.

  Alix tried to explain it. "He didn't know Jayce and Darion were here. He was just trying to save us."

  "It was still stupid," Vik and Nero said simultaneously.

  She had to give them that, and it wasn't worth arguing a point she actually agreed with. "I know. I tried everything to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen."

  "It's all right." Jayce drew near. "I sent DJ over. He'll keep an eye on him."

  Nero rolled his eyes. "You have the pot watching the kettle? I swear, Jayce, you must have gotten brain damage when Adron shoved you down the stairs when you were a toddler."

  "It'll be all right," she assured them. "Devyn said that once they realize the evidence was fabricated, they'll let him go."

  Sway looked ill at the news. "Alix, we had to make it real to sell it for this plan."

  "I don't understand."

  "He didn't fake that evidence. It's all true. Devyn just sent himself to prison to keep all of us safe."


  Paden arrived just as they were loading Devyn into the shuttle for transport to Ritadaria. He caught the look of fury on Devyn's face when he saw Paden, and he instantly understood the source of it.

  As soon as he could, he mouthed the words to his brother, They're safe. Promise.

  Still, the skepticism burned him. Not that he blamed Devyn for it. He wouldn't trust him either.

  "Good job, Lieutenant Whelms," the captain said as he joined them for the transfer. "The CMOD would like to speak to you immediately."

  Paden inclined his head before he stepped into a private communications cube to call Merjack and see what the bastard wanted. "Sir?" he asked as soon as Merjack's face came up on the wall. "Lieutenant Whelms here."

  There was an evil glint in the man's eyes as he gave him a smug smile. "Lieutenant, I hear congratulations are in order."

  "I don't know about that, sir, but Kell is in custody."

  "And the others?"

  "Dead, sir."

  Merjack cocked one arrogant brow at that. "Even the slave?"

  "Yes, sir."

  Merjack tsked. "Damn shame. She looked like she would have been fun for a night or two. Oh, well. I'll have to console myself with her sister... In the meantime, I want Kell brought to me as soon as you arrive."

  "Yes, sir."

  With a curt nod, Merjack cut the transmission. Paden leaned his head back as he debated what to do. But in the end, he knew he had no power against someone like Merjack.

  Setting Devyn free was going to require a lot more muscle than what he had, and inside, he knew the truth he didn't want to face.

  He'd just sent his only brother to prison.

  Devyn sat alone in a cell as they flew him toward Ritadaria and a future he really didn't want to face. Why didn't I tell her I love her?

  He should have. But for some reason, the words wouldn't come.

  It figured. He'd never been one for a lot of sweet talk, anyway. It was one of the things that Clotilde had complained about most.

  Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and summoned an image of Alix lying naked in his arms. Yeah, that helped a lot.

  "I've never seen anyone look so happy while going to prison."

  He opened his eyes to find Paden staring down at him. "I'm not happy."

  "You shouldn't be. I just saw the files. What the fuck have you done?"

  "I saved my family."

  "You're an idiot, Devyn. Have you any idea what they'll do to you?"

  "Yeah, I do. I've seen the scars on my father's back from prison. And I've heard the stories Nero has told that Dad denies. I know exactly what I'm facing. But at least I'm a man and not a child like Dad was when he went in."

  Paden cursed. "I don't understand you. You could have handed over the slave and been free."

  "Freedom bought on the back of a loved one isn't worth shit."

  "She's a slave."

  Devyn glared at him. "You better be glad I'm cuffed or you'd be looking for your teeth right now. Alix Gerran isn't a slave. She's a lady, and I would die for her."

  He shook his head. "I hope you're still saying that when Merjack executes you."

  Alix paced the shuttle floor as they landed on Gouran. Guilt rode her furiously over what Devyn had done.

  As soon as they were cleared to leave the ship, she bolted for the door.

  Vik caught her before she could get all the way down the ramp. "What are you doing?"

  "I have to get to Devyn."

  "Alix, there's nothing you can do."

  "I have to try. I can't leave him there. You don't understand, Vik. I love him, and I can't let him pay for something I did. I don't care what it takes, we have to save him."

  "Those words, little girl, just saved your life."

  Alix turned at the woman's voice that came from behind her. Tall, slender and beautiful, she wore a dark blue Armstich suit that hugged her curves in a way that said it had been custom-fitted to her.

  And in an instant, she knew that this was Devyn's mother. Though they didn't favor each other much in looks, there was no mistaking the lethal aura or deadly glare.

  She involuntarily took a step back.

  "You don't have to fear me. If I wanted you dead, you'd already be bleeding." She looked at Vik. "How could you let him do this?"

  "I know you're not going to pin this on me, Shay. I didn't raise the embryo. You did. It's what you get for teaching him things like honor, love, courage and loyalty." He made a mocking noise. "If you'd left him a scared little snot-nose, he'd still be living in your basement."

  "I don't have a basement."

  "Yeah, but you'd have built one if he wanted it."

  Shahara rolled her eyes. "I am so angry with you right now, Vik, you might want to curb your tongue before I forget how much Syn and Dev love you."


  Shahara turned as Oman came running. Sh
e caught him in a fierce hug that made Alix raise her brow. One, because he dwarfed her, and two, Shahara didn't really look old enough to be Devyn's mother, never mind Oman's grandmother.

  She gave Oman a tight squeeze before she released him. "I swear you get more handsome every time I see you."

  "You always say that."

  "It's because it's true." She stepped past him as Nero came down the ramp. "Nero, we need a full debriefing. Now."

  "What are you planning?"

  "To get my baby back and to kill anyone who gets in my way."

  Alix listened to Shahara, Nykyrian, Syn, Nero, Jayce, Sway, Vik, Darling Cruel and Devyn's legendary uncle Caillen all argue on how to get Devyn out of custody. But as every minute ticked by, she became more and more concerned about him.

  "I can shoot my way out without a problem," Shahara snarled. Syn shook his head. "The hell you say. You're not that good, baby. They'd mow you down."

  "It's quite a show, isn't it?"

  Alix jerked her head up at the sound of Zarina's voice. "What are you doing here?"

  She crooked her finger for her to join her outside.

  Curious, Alix followed her out into the hallway and into a small room.

  Her jaw hit the floor.

  Her mother and Tempest stood in the middle of the room, looking about nervously. Her heart pounding, she ran to them.

  "Alix!" Tempest squealed, pulling her into a tight hug.

  Laughing, she looked at the two of them, who didn't appear any worse for the wear. "I don't understand. How did you get here?"

  Her mother pointed to Zarina. "She and another lady came and they freed us."

  Alix looked at Zarina for an explanation. "While Jayce and DJ went to take care of you guys, Devyn had me, Taryn and DJ's sister take the freedom certificates to the Ritadarion high justice."

  No, that wasn't possible. "What?"

  Zarina smiled. "Well, you know it's illegal to hold a freed slave as chattel. You can be fined up to ten times their value, and when one of them is a prime virgin female... let's just say the warden let them go without a fight."

  "I don't understand. They're not freed slaves."

  "Oh, yes, they were, too. Your father freed them and you five years ago on Kirovar." Zarina winked at her.

  Alix finally understood what she was saying. "You forged the documents?"

  She blinked innocently. "Forgery's illegal. I would never do anything like that."

  Yeah, right. 'Cause that would just be wrong.

  "Thank you, Zarina."

  * * *


  Paden paced the floor outside the interrogation room as he tried to think of some way to save Devyn's life. For hours Merjack had been torturing him, and with his brother's weakened heart, he knew Devyn couldn't take much more of it.

  Merjack no longer wanted a public trial for Devyn. He wanted to torture and kill him, and then send the tape of it to Devyn's parents.

  Psycho bastard.

  He'd sent Darion on to see if he could get a League transfer to get Devyn out of Merjack's hands. But not a single word had come back from him.

  And every second brought Devyn closer to death.

  All he could do was wait and pray that his brother held on and didn't have a heart attack before they could save him.

  He heard someone approaching.

  Hoping it was Darion with good news, he waited until a group of League soldiers appeared. Sure enough, Darion and Jayce were with them. Relief tore through him as they marched past him and into the room with Devyn.

  Darion stopped in front of him and winked.

  "What did you do?" Paden asked.

  "Nothing. I couldn't. No one would listen to me." He indicated the soldiers with his thumb. "This is all from the Overseer's office."

  Paden scowled at that. The Overseer was the highest authority in the Ichidian Universe. Her will was law, and she ruled everyone, including The League.

  "Why is she involved?"

  "Alix is a firecracker. I don't ever want to be on her bad side."

  Shaking his head, Paden followed the soldiers into the room to see Devyn pinned and bleeding against the far wall. Merjack had done a number on him.

  The soldiers surrounded Merjack and pushed him away from Devyn.

  Jayce cornered him. "Uriah Jonas Merjack, you are being remanded into Overseer custody."

  Merjack's face flushed with color. "For what?"

  "False imprisonment, torture, trafficking in freed slaves and terrorism."

  Merjack was aghast at the charges. "What? Who would dare?"

  And it was then that Merjack fully understood as he saw the procession behind the guards. Emperors Nykyrian Quiakides and Caillen de Orczy, along with Darling and Ren Cruel. They led Shahara and Syn into the room.

  Yeah, that was the power-player brigade that no one in their right mind would cross.

  And at the rear of their company was one lowly slave, who ran to comfort Devyn as soon as she saw him.

  Paden shook his head in disbelief at how lucky his brother really was. Because in his heart, he knew that if he were the one chained to the wall, there wouldn't be a single soul who'd step forward on his behalf.

  Not a one.

  Paden watched his father run to Devyn's side while he faded into the crowd. He wasn't a part of this family and yet, he was morbidly curious about them. So much so that he couldn't bring himself to leave even though it hurt him to see Devyn with everything he craved.

  Alix ran to Devyn's side while his father released him. "Devyn?"

  His eyes were so swollen from his beating that he could barely open them. "Alix?"

  She choked on a sob as she hugged him close, grateful that he was still alive. "It's me, baby. I'm sorry it took so long to get here."

  "Devyn baby?" His mother brushed the bloody strands of hair back from his face. "Can you hear me?"

  "I hear you, Mom."

  But his voice was so weak that it made tears sting her eyes. She could kill Merjack for doing this to him.

  Syn caught Devyn as Caillan released the hooks that held him to the wall and let him slump against Syn's side. Nykyrian took Devyn's other side, draping his arm around his shoulders, and together they headed for the door.

  But they didn't get far before Merjack let out a bloodcurdling scream of rage and indignation. Grabbing the blaster from the soldier nearest him, he leveled it at the three of them.

  Alix moved to stand in front of Devyn to protect him at the same time Merjack fired.

  But it wasn't Devyn he was aiming for.

  It was Syn.

  The next few seconds happened in a blur as someone shoved her and Devyn away and tackled Syn. She and Devyn fell to the floor while Nykyrian pulled out his own weapon. The blast that had been intended for Syn landed solidly into the body that had tackled him.

  Merjack was brought down hard by Darion and Jayce.

  Shahara's face went white as she saw her husband on the floor. "Syn?"

  "I'm all right."

  As he disentangled himself from his rescuer, Alix gasped as she recognized him. "Paden?"

  Syn froze. "What did you say?"

  She pointed to the man who'd saved Syn's life. "That's Paden."

  Syn carefully rolled him over. His jaw ticced as he saw his son's pain-contorted face.

  Paden was bleeding badly. He'd caught the blast through his abdomen.

  Syn cursed foully as he examined the ragged wound. "Why did you do that?"

  "I couldn't let him kill you."

  "Syn!" Shahara shouted. "Devyn's going into cardiac arrest."

  Alix felt her stomach hit the floor as she cradled Devyn's head in her lap. Tears blinded her. "Stay with me, Devyn. Don't you dare die. You hear me? Don't you dare leave me."

  Syn looked panicked and stricken as he quickly examined Devyn. "The stress has caused another tear in his heart. We've got to get him on life support. Immediately."

  Paden reached out and touched Syn's arm. "He n
eeds a donor."

  "There isn't one."

  "Take mine."

  Syn shook his head. "You're not a match."

  Paden laughed bitterly. "Yes, I am. We're even the same blood type. Mom lied to you about me. I am your son."

  Syn scoffed. "I did the DNA test myself."

  "No. Her lover doctored the results. He thought you'd leave her if you found out she was cheating on you and believed I was his. After he learned who you were, he refused to have me in his house. Mom hated me from that point on because I reminded her of you and I'd cost her her next meal ticket."

  "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

  "I was angry at you for my birth. Angry at you for making Mom hate me. By the time I realized what an idiot I'd been, I was too embarrassed to apologize." He looked over at Devyn. "He's a better man than me and he's your real son, Dad. Save him."

  Alix watched as the medics came in and put Devyn and Paden on a lift to get them to surgery. She started to go with them.

  "This isn't over!" Merjack shouted, making her pause. "Do you hear me? I'll get all of you if it's the last thing I do!"

  Something inside Alix snapped at those words as she looked at Devyn's painful condition. How dare Merjack threaten any of them after all he'd done. There was no way she was going to allow that worthless bastard to hurt or intimidate another innocent person. And before she even realized what she was doing, she grabbed a blaster from the soldier closest to her and opened fire.

  The only thing was, she wasn't alone.

  As the sound faded and Merjack lay on the floor in a bleeding heap, there were ten blasters aimed at him: Syn, Shahara, Jayce, Darion, Nykyrian, Darling, Caillen, Vik, Sway, and hers.

  "Wow," Jayce said, "how's anyone going to prosecute a firing squad? Don't even think they can tell which shot ended his life since I think we all basically hit something fatal."

  "Don't worry about it," Nykyrian said in an emotionless tone. "We have a contract for his life. His death is considered a public service by The League."

  Darion's eyes widened. "In that case, can I claim it? I want my promotion."

  Syn inclined his head to him. "Take it."

  Because right now they had something a lot more important to fight over.

  Devyn's life.

  Alix wiped at the tears in her eyes as she waited for word from Syn about Devyn. They'd been in surgery for hours, and she couldn't stop herself from crying like a baby.

  Gah, what is wrong with me?

  But then, she knew. The only man she'd ever loved, the only one who'd ever shown her kindness, was lying in surgery and could be taken from her at any moment. Over and over, she saw his smile and felt his touch.