Page 6 of Born of Ice

  "I'd like to do without it and keep my hair, too."

  A smile toyed at the edges of his lips. "Vik? Where's the closest stop?"

  Vik let out a dramatic sigh. "Not like you couldn't run a search for yourself, is it?"

  "Just run the damn search."

  "There's one on Miremba II. A couple of hours from here."

  He growled at the aggravation. Miremba IV was owned by the Gourish, but II... "That's Rit territory, isn't it?"

  "Last I looked."

  Devyn cursed.

  Alix was confused by his anger. "What's wrong with the Rits?" Other than the fact that Merjack, the Ritadarion Chief Minister of Justice, wanted to torture and kill him.

  "Bad family history with the Rits. I try to stay out of their territory if I can... Vik? Is there any place else?"

  "Don't you think by now that I've learned how to read a map? If there had been another place to go, I would have suggested it. Yes, there are other places, several days from here. But that wasn't what you asked me."

  Devyn let out another feral growl. "Set the course and stay alert."

  "Yes, Captain Courageous."

  Alix pulled the panel closed. Devyn held it in place as she tightened the screws. "May I pry as to what happened with the Rits?"

  Devyn started to tell her to mind her own business, but what difference did it make? If she did even a modest search on his parents, she'd find it all out, anyway. "My parents brought down their ruling house a few years before I was born. As a result, the Rits are holding a grudge against any Dagan or Syn they can find. Being their only child, I'm a special nubby treat for the Rits."

  "But your last name's Kell."

  His grin was even more charming. "And now you know why. My parents were paranoid that one of the Rits would take revenge on me for what they did, so I've never had their names. Hell, their real names aren't even listed on my birth certificate."

  She gaped at that. In this day and age when IDs ruled everything, how had he gone to school or even owned anything? "Then how--"

  "They had fake IDs they used whenever I had to register for something as a kid. Keeping me safe and alive has always been their primary objective."

  She couldn't fathom that kind of love. Her father would have gladly thrown her to the worst predators to keep himself safe.

  And it went a long way in explaining why Merjack was so gung-ho to get him. He was in a grudge match with the ones who'd taken down his family. "Have you ever done anything to the Rits?"

  "No. As I said, we stay out of their territory. While I'm pissed off over what they did to my dad when he was a kid, the ones who tortured him are long dead by his hands. I'm not one to take my anger out on the innocent."

  He was a better man than Merjack, and it sent a wave of guilt through her. But she refused to listen to her conscience. That same conscience would be screaming even louder if something happened to her family because she failed them.

  Which reminded her.

  "You have a son?"

  A proud smile curled his lips. "I do. He's a great kid, in spite of having been around me."

  "But he doesn't travel with you?"

  "Normally he does--he's actually my co-pilot. He's been off with some friends for a couple of weeks and he's the most important thing we'll be picking up on Nera when we get there."

  She loved the way his face lit up while he talked about seeing his son. It warmed her in a way she would never have thought possible.

  "Ah, gotcha."

  "You'll like Omari. He's a lot like me, only much better-looking." That she couldn't imagine. "I'm sure I'll adore him."

  Devyn didn't know why those words seared him, but they did. More than that, they caused an image of her holding a baby to flash through his mind. That would probably scare most men, but having partially raised Omari, he wanted more children. He'd thoroughly enjoyed watching Omari grow up and learn things while becoming one hell of a man. If he could ever find the right woman, he'd love to have a house full of kids.

  And that thought turned his mind to what it took to create a baby...

  Which brought him back to an image of Alix naked.

  I have so got to get laid...

  This was getting ridiculous. "I'm heading back to my office. Let me know if you need anything."


  Alix watched as Devyn walked away from her. Damn, he had the best backside she'd ever seen. She could stare at that man all day long.

  It was getting harder and harder to reconcile his ruthless reputation with a man who loved his son so much. One who was so easy to talk to and who looked after her.

  Sighing, she headed back to her room to get ready to de-ship and buy the part they needed.

  As soon as they docked on Miremba, Alix met Sway and Devyn at the ramp. Sway was dressed in dark gray while Devyn, freshly showered, was delectable in black. The mere scent of him was enough to make her hot.

  Sway smirked at Devyn, who refused to even look at her. "Happy hunting, buddy. May the gods be with you."

  "Fuck you, Sway," he snarled. He shot down the ramp as soon as it finished extending.

  Alix passed a puzzled frown to Sway. "What was that about?"

  Sway laughed evilly. "Devyn's got a bad case of blue balls, which, while common for me, is an extremely rare condition for him. He's hoping to find some relief from them while you and Vik get the part and repair the ship. I'm staying behind to make sure no one here screws with the Talia."

  "Ooookay," she said, emphasizing the word. "More than I needed to know about the captain."

  "Not really. You're the one who gave them to him." Sway laughed again as he walked off.

  Alix could only gape as Vik joined her. Her face exploded with heat. "You should be flattered."

  She arched a brow at Vik. "How so?"

  "One, that Devyn wants you that badly and two, that he thinks enough of you not to come on to you--another thing that is rare for him. Usually when he wants a woman he's lusting after, he gets her pretty easily."

  She gave the mecha a droll stare. "You know that could just mean he's not attracted to me but that I'm the only female on board, thus reminding him of sex."

  "You keep on believing that, cupcake. I'm the one who monitors his biometrics and I've noticed that every time he gets near you, his heart rate and breathing elevate and his blood all rushes to a certain part of his anatomy. Trust me, I know the signs of sexual arousal when I see them. And it only happens when he's near you. Which is really good because I definitely don't want him coming on to me. Definitely not in my programming or job description."

  Now she was so embarrassed, she wanted to crawl under something. "You don't monitor my bios, do you?"

  "Not at all. No offense, don't care if you live or die. You're not my responsibility."

  "Way to prop up my self-esteem there, Vik. Appreciate it."

  He led her from the ship. "Well, if the truth offends..."

  Rolling her eyes, she followed him through the hangar and toward the parts sector that had been set up for the convenience of the crews who traveled through here.

  It didn't take them long to find the part and purchase it, but as they headed back, she couldn't keep her thoughts from drifting to Devyn and what he was looking for.

  You don't care who he sleeps with. He's nothing to you.

  It was true, and she knew more about men and their baser urges than she wanted to. That had been the part of her duties on her father's freighter that she despised the most.

  I need their attention focused on their jobs. Go handle them, Alix. Make yourself useful for something.

  Not to mention if she kept them happy and drained, they didn't turn their attention to Tempest. Something that had become harder and harder over the last year. In truth, she was almost happy her father was dead. Her biggest fear was that he'd do to her sister what he'd done to her.

  Turn her into the crew's whore.

  "Are you all right?"

  She looked up at Vik. "Ye
ah, why?"

  "You're suddenly very sad. Did I hurt you with my comments? It wasn't my intention."

  "You didn't do anything, Vik. I was just thinking of something else."

  "Then I'm sorry for whatever thought gave you so much pain. You seem like a very nice woman and while I know I'm a bit thoughtless at times with my comments, I would never want to cause you so much sorrow."

  His sincerity touched her. "Thank you, Vik."

  He opened the door to the ship for her. "My pleasure."

  Devyn paused as he scanned the women around him in the bar. Half of them were prostitutes and the other half were like him--here to find someone to ease the ache in their loins.

  One seriously built redhead in a skimpy leather halter top and slacks walked up to him as he ordered a drink. She scanned his body hungrily and smiled. "You interested in female company?"

  Yeah... but while he could easily take a bite of that apple, he knew he'd be hungry again as soon as he finished.

  Because he wasn't craving apples.

  He wanted something spicier.

  I am so messed up. How could he crave a woman who looked just like the bitch who'd almost killed him?

  The redhead rubbed her breasts against his arm. "What do you say?"

  He looked down at the deep cleft between her breasts and imagined what it would be like to bury his face there. His mouth watered. "I say you are one of the finest pieces of ass I've ever seen and I would love nothing more than to screw you until you beg me for mercy."

  She pouted seductively. "Why do I sense a 'but' in there?"

  Devyn sighed. "Because it wouldn't be you I'd be seeing while I did it."

  She ran her hand down his chest to his hip, then lower until she cupped his swollen cock in her hand. "I don't mind, baby. You can even call me her name if you want to."

  He ground his teeth as her hand teased him. Oh, yeah... That's what he'd been craving.

  "There's a room in back if you want privacy."

  The problem was he was so horny, he could screw her right here in front of everyone.

  But with that thought came an image of Alix. More than that was the memory of Alix's scent. And while the woman in front of him was truly beautiful--far more so than Alix--she didn't have those guarded dark blue eyes or long blonde hair.

  Determined to forget about that, he pulled the woman against him and kissed her. Her tongue swept against his.

  She nipped his lips as she pulled back. "Come on, baby. Let me eat you up."

  He took one step with her, then cursed. I don't want to be with her.

  Are you out of your fucking mind? Look at her body.

  It's. All. Yours.

  And still he didn't move. He knew from experience that eating something because it was convenient didn't make it satisfying. This wouldn't quell anything. As soon as he got back around Alix, he'd be horny again.

  He pulled the redhead into his arms and gave her a gentle kiss. "You are a stunning, beautiful woman and I am an idiot for doing this. But as much as I'd love to be inside you right now, I can't." She gave a wistful sigh. "Your girlfriend must be something else."

  "Yeah... she is."

  She reached up and toyed with his earlobe. "I hope she knows how lucky she is." She leaned forward to blow and whisper in his ear. "For the record... you're passing on one of the best fucks of your life."

  He almost whimpered as she walked away and headed for another guy. Sway's right, I am a woman. Even worse, I'm whipped by someone I haven't even kissed.

  Disgusted, he turned around and knocked his drink back with one gulp, then motioned for the bartender to return. "Keep them coming until I'm unconscious."

  Alix lowered herself from the engine well and descended the ladder. That repair had been a pain in the butt. But at least it was done. Wiping the grease from her hands, she used her elbow to push the button to close the hatch.

  She was so intent on making sure it sealed, she was oblivious to everything around her.

  At least until someone grabbed her from behind.

  Assuming it was Devyn, Vik or Sway messing with her, she didn't react until rough hands squeezed her breasts.

  "What are you doing here all alone? Stealing parts from someone's ship for your father?"

  Alix's blood went cold at the sound of a voice that sickened her. Irn Soilent. The man who'd ruined her father and had cost them everything.

  He tightened his grip on her, his hand sliding inside her shirt. "Now where's that whore sister of yours? I still want a piece of her before someone else beats me to it."

  Shrieking in outrage, she attacked him.

  Irn cursed as she busted his lip with her fist. "You worthless slut!" He returned her blow with one that caught her along the jaw. Her head snapped back so hard, it dazed her for a moment.

  Until he went to hit her again.

  She punched him in the stomach, wishing she had a weapon to carve his fetid heart out of his chest.

  "Get her!" he snarled at the men who were standing nearby.

  Alix panicked as she realized there were ten of them altogether. And while she was good in a fight, she couldn't win against that number.

  She ducked the first one to reach her and ran for the ship's ramp. Another man cut her off.

  Kneeing him in the groin, she shoved him away. But before she could step past him, a huge burly bear of a man grabbed her from behind and lifted her off her feet. He slung her around to face Irn, who glared his hatred at her.

  Irn spat blood on the ground. "You're going to pay for that, bitch."

  Alix tried to kick and twist out of their hold, but couldn't do anything more than hurt herself. Even so, she didn't let up as they laughed at her.

  "Since when did you get discriminating?" Irn passed an evil smirk at the others. "I know she don't look like much, but trust me, there's enough of her to satisfy us all, and it's free for our taking." He moved to kiss her. Shrieking in anger, she tried to turn her face away.

  He grabbed her chin to hold her still while the man behind tightened his grip on her arms, keeping her locked between them.

  Just as Irn's lips would have touched hers, his head was jerked back and he was spun about to confront the devil himself.

  Alix froze as she stared into the face of Devyn's fury. This was the man Merjack had described. Cold. Lethal. Terrifying.

  There was no mercy in his dark gaze. Nothing in his expression except the promise of death to those who'd pissed him off.

  One man went for him. Devyn raised his arm, blocking the punch before he slugged the man so hard, he fell to the floor whimpering. The next one to attack was flipped over Devyn's back. Devyn slammed him on the ground and twisted his arm, breaking it. The man screamed out in pain.

  Devyn turned and caught the next burly attacker by the throat. He shoved him into two more before he whirled on Irn again and backhanded him.

  The man holding her shoved her to the ground before he bellowed and rushed for Devyn.

  Devyn ducked his blow, then head-butted him. There were no emotions on Devyn's face as he pummeled the man.

  She pushed herself up, but before she could rejoin the fight, Sway and Vik were there. Irn's "friends" ran off, leaving the burly man who'd held her and the man Devyn was trying to kill--Irn.

  Sway pulled him off Irn. "Let it go, Dev. You've almost killed him."

  Devyn stomped Irn one more time before he snatched him up from the ground. He dragged Irn to stand in front of her and held him there so that she could see the rivulets of blood that ran from his brow, temple and nose. "You apologize to her right now, you animal."

  "I ain't apologizing to no whore."

  Rage descended over Devyn's face to such a degree that she was sure he'd murder Irn where he stood. "You don't ever treat a woman like that. You apologize to her or so help me I'll gouge out your eyes and shove them down your throat."

  Irn whimpered before he glared at her with a promise in his eyes that one day he'd make her pay for this. "I'm s

  Devyn slung him away. "Get out of here. If I ever see any of you again, you won't live long enough to regret it." He didn't move until they were gone.

  Then he whirled on Vik and Sway with a fury that made Alix take a step back. "Where the hell were you two?"

  Sway's eyes darkened as he tensed and stood his ground. "Don't come at me with that, boy. You know better."

  But Devyn didn't back off or back down. "Know better, my ass. She almost got raped while you two were jacking off. Why weren't you out here watching her?"

  Before they could speak, Alix intervened. "I told them I was all right on my own."

  Devyn scowled at her then. "You what?"

  She held her throbbing arm to her side. It was sore from the way the burly man had grabbed and held her. All she wanted to do was go hide from his anger, but she couldn't let Vik and Sway get into trouble over something as worthless as her. Determined to defend them, she steeled her spine. "Please don't blame them. It was all my fault. I told them not to worry about me. There wasn't anybody here at the time, and had there not been so many who attacked me, I could have handled it on my own. I'm really sorry I caused this to happen. I'll be more careful in the future."

  Devyn's heart lurched at her apology after the way she'd been so forcefully attacked. Her cheek was swollen with a bruise already forming under her left eye. And still her eyes blazed with restrained fury and pain.

  He saw the shame in Vik's and Sway's gazes that she was protecting them. "You didn't do anything to apologize for."

  "I should have been armed or called for help. It just happened so fast... I was caught off guard. I promise it won't happen again, Captain." She held her chin high, but even so he saw the tears in her eyes as she made her way back to the ship.

  Sway shook his head. "I'm really sorry about this, Dev. I was talking to Claire. Had I known... You were right. I should have been watching her."

  Devyn clapped him on the back as his anger dwindled into some tender emotion he couldn't even name. "Don't worry about it. I'm mad at myself for not being here and taking it out on you two. I should have never left."

  Vik cleared his throat. "Speaking of... we better get out of here before one of the ass-kickees goes to the authorities and reports the assault. I don't think any of us want to be arrested in Rit territory."

  Yeah, no kidding. That wouldn't go well for any of them. "Good point. Let's tel-ass while we all still have one."

  Alix leaned back against her closed door, shaking. That had been close on so many levels. What if Irn had told Devyn she was a slave? Had he not been so rattled by the ferocity of Devyn's attack, he probably would have.