Page 15 of Jealous?

  since the Preteen Queen broadcast, Lili had felt like everything was slipping away.

  Max rejected her and then snubbed her at French class. He hadn't even bothered to turn up this week, probably because his new girlfriend was taking up all his free time. Everyone at school was still smirking about the hidden camera footage. And at the party on Saturday night she'd felt like a child sent to sit on the naughty stool in the corner. Lili felt really great in the dress she'd borrowed from A.A., but after Max showed up, all her positive feelings disintegrated into misery and shame. She'd gone home early, reconciling herself to a lonely single life and perpetual social shame.

  But now things were looking up at last!

  "We need the other two!" Matt snapped at the production assistant. "We have enough problems tonight without the talent going missing."

  "He's in a bad mood," A.A. observed to the PA, who gave a despondent shrug.

  "I don't even know if this is going to happen," the PA muttered, hurrying off in search of Ashley and Lauren.

  "Did you hear that?" A.A. asked Lili. "What do you think she meant?"

  "I don't know," Lili said. Her head was still reeling from hearing that she was number one. Was it even true? How was


  this possible? It was everything she'd dreamed of since she'd first heard about AshleyRank.

  "Okay--now stay here!" Another production assistant was dragging Ashley and Lauren toward them.

  Ashley, who was puffy-eyed, was still harassing Lauren. "I know it was you. Admit it, you're the one behind AshleyRank. Especially since you're the only one who's benefited from it."

  "You've got to believe me, I had absolutely nothing to do with it!" Lauren protested.

  "But your dad runs that tech company!"

  "We own a video-sharing website. What does that have to do with anything? Lots of people in San Francisco own tech companies. Duh. It doesn't mean we have some inside connection to anyone's blog."

  Ashley looked stumped for a moment. "But your driver-- Dex--he's like some programming genius. ..."

  Lauren rolled her eyes. "I can assure you, Dex has better things to do than follow us around. Get serious, Ashley."

  "C'mon, Ash, pull yourself together," Lili urged, giving her the sweetest smile. Now wasn't the time to rub in her triumph. She would wait . . . let's see, maybe five minutes?

  Lauren was smoothing down her hair, still looking kind of shell-shocked after Ashley's attack. If she was really the one behind AshleyRank, then she was pretty brave--and/or foolish--


  kicking Ashley out of the top three. If she wasn't the one writing the blog, then it was pretty unfair of Ashley to go postal on her. But someone had to be the fall guy, and Lili was a little glad that Ashley wasn't venting her rage on her.

  A TV camera was pointed in their direction, its red light on, and Lili made sure she was smiling straight into the lens. Finally deciding to drop the subject, Ashley wriggled her way into the center as usual and pasted the fakest smile ever on her face. Lili couldn't help admiring her. Even in a moment of disaster, Ashley could rise above her distress, and look as serenely perfect as ever.

  "Everyone quiet!" shouted someone--it sounded like Matt--and the room was hushed. "We're on in ten seconds."

  Lili looked up at the big screen for a few seconds to see what was happening. Vanessa had been handed a piece of paper and she was staring at it, not saying anything.

  A.A. grabbed Lili's hand and squeezed it. "I feel like a dork," she whispered.

  "Shut up and smile!" Lili whispered back, gritting her teeth.

  "Why don't you shut up?" hissed Ashley, probably thinking that Lili was talking to her.

  "Don't forget we're being filmed!" Lauren murmured out of the side of her mouth.

  "I'm sorry." Vanessa Minillo's voice boomed through the


  room. "I've just been told we can't announce the San Francisco results tonight. The servers are still down. Sorry about this! We're going to go back to the victory party in Dallas, where I hear a food fight has broken out among the unsuccessful contestants. Over to Dallas!"

  The Ashleys stood staring at each other, stupefied, as the noise level in the room reached an all-time high. Lili couldn't believe it, and clearly nobody else could either.

  "You mean, that's it?" A.A. asked. "Can we go home now?"

  "I guess," said Lauren uncertainly. "At least, do we still have to stand here?"

  "This is a total travesty," raged Ashley, hands on hips, her eyes flashing fire. "They'll be hearing from my dad's lawyer about this."

  "Maybe they could sue AshleyRank as well." Lili couldn't resist the snarky comment.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" demanded Ashley.

  "You know--for crimes against Ashley?"

  "Oh God," A.A. groaned. "I'm going to get some more food. Hunter's waiting for me with a plate of shrimp tempura and it's probably freezing by now."

  "And I'm going to find Christian," said Lauren quickly, scanning the room. "And Guinevere, because she's still got the charm he gave me."

  "Ladies, ladies, we are so sorry." Tiffany, the third producer,


  rushed toward them. "This is a disaster! There's a blackout at headquarters and the generator won't kick in."

  "Whatever!" said Ashley, holding up a hand. She gave a loud sniffle. "I need to look for my boyfriend! Where is he?"

  God, Ashley is so jealous, Lili thought. She couldn't stand the other girls having boys hanging around, and she couldn't stand Lili being number one on AshleyRank. Lili saw Ashley approach Tri with her sob story, but Tri pushed her away with an angry look on his face. Tri was staring at Hunter and A.A., who were slow-dancing to a song.

  Then Lili noticed someone else.

  Someone looking straight at her. Someone blond, dark-eyed, and unbearably cute.


  All Lili's resolve to never look at, speak to, or approach Max again flew out the window. When he caught her eye, he didn't turn away this time. Instead he smiled, and she smiled back and began to walk toward him. Why was he here? What did he want?

  "Lili," he said, hurrying up to meet her halfway. "I'm sorry to crash your event like this, but I had to talk to you."

  Lili couldn't trust herself to reply. She looked up at Max's handsome, frowning face and felt her heart performing a triple toe loop.

  "I wanted to tell you I was sorry," he continued. "About-- you know. Walking out on you at the party the way I did. Not


  calling you. Not speaking to you at all at Madame's. I've been a real idiot. And then I saw you at the party last weekend, but you disappeared before I had to chance to say anything."

  "Well, you were with another girl," Lili reminded him.

  "She's just a friend."


  "Really," Max assured her. "Anyway . . . I'm sorry. I just thought--I don't know, that we were moving too fast. I mean . . . I like you and . . . What I'm trying to say is, I guess I've never had a girlfriend before and ..."

  Lili wished the cameras were here now so she could relive this moment until eternity. Max admitted he liked her! And he'd mentioned the sweetest word a girl could hear. "Girlfriend." Did this mean . . . ?

  "Anyway, do you want to go grab some food or something? Get out of here? Those screaming girls are kind of freaking me out," he said, looking over his shoulder at a group of giggling sixth graders who were eavesdropping on their conversation.

  He looked so anxious and nervous and cute, and Lili understood that his fate was in her hands. She could choose to be with Max, or she could choose not to be with him. It was her prerogative, like the Britney Spears cover of that old Bobby Brown song.

  "Sure," Lili said, taking the hand he was offering. His


  hands were cold from the air-conditioning, and Lili felt a pang at how vulnerable he really was. He wasn't some unfeeling jerk. He was just human. They were going to go grab a bite to eat,
and then . . . maybe they would kiss again. Lili hoped there would be a lot of kissing in her future.

  Max grinned his shy, sleepy grin, and at that moment, Lili wasn't jealous of anyone. She was just glad to be herself.



  Dear Diary,

  I'm sorry I haven't written much lately. My life's kind of crazy these days, ever since I acquired not are but two boyfriends. How did this happen?

  I still can't decide which ore I like the best. So for now I've decided to avoid any sort of social situation where the two guys could end up bumping into each other. I'm a strictly one an one girl, for now anyway. If only my mother can keep their names straight, I might get away with it.

  Speaking of results shows, we got the call a week later from the preteen Queen producers. They finally got the server back online, and the machine spit out the winner.

  It was Ashley Spencer, of course.

  Her triumph was short-lived, I'm glad to report. The network decided not to pick up the series, so there's no second round in a New York City penthouse apartment. Preteen Queen is dead. Long live whatever else Ashley decides to win in the future.

  She's pretending she doesn't care, but I can tell she's mad


  As hell. At least she's got something else to fume about aside from Ashley Rank. Which, by the way, has nothing to do with me. A group of sixth graders finally came forward to claim credit. Apparently they've been obsessed with the Ashleys since prekindergarten. Anyway, they're tired of writing about us and have started their own site: The Madisons. The kids are all right!

  Till next time,

  Lauren Page







  Hello? Ready? Last time my voice came out all muffled, like I had a cold. Stupid gadget. Maria? I hope you can understand my voice this time. I'll speak r-e-a-1-l-l-l-y slowly.

  Anyway, I won the Preteen Queen contest. Hello! Who else was going to win? Loser Lauren? Lili-I-Got-Dumped-on-National-TV? A.A. the tramp? I don't think so. I should have won by a landslide, but instead the margin of victory was ... oh, who cares. I stopped listening when I heard my name. I don't even know who came in second.

  The show was canceled, but whatever! I'm too busy to go to New York right now, anyway. Ever since I found out that stupid AshleyRank was run by a group of nerdy sixth graders obsessed with the Ashleys, I've been working with my father's lawyer to have it closed down. They're lucky I decided against suing for defamation. I mean, a two for my smile? As if!

  Tri and I have split. Good riddance, that's what I say. He's too short and too immature. I'm only going to consider taller boys from now on. Everyone else seems to have a new boyfriend, so snagging one should be supereasy for me.

  Maybe even snagging one of theirs . . .

  Watch this space!



  I haven't been on top of my journal work this week. Having a boyfriend is a lot of work! I hardly have time to see Max, and hope that those Reed Prep hoochies don't get their claws in him again.

  Anyway, ever since I took over the number one spot on AshleyRank, things have changed. Strangely enough, Lauren seems more of an Ashley these days than Ashley. She has two boyfriends. I have a boyfriend. A.A. has a boyfriend. Ashley has no one! She says she broke up with Tri, but between you, me, and the grapevine, I don't think he was all that upset about it. I have Guinevere Parker investigating. (BTW, I don't believe the rumor that it was the sixth graders behind AshleyRank--my money's on Miss Gamble's ; own tabloid journalist.)

  Ashley may have closed down the blog, but nobody at Miss Gamble's is going to forget she scored a two for smile. She's letting the Ashleys down! Doesn't she know we have a reputation to maintain?

  Maybe it's time for us to reconsider our position. Should Ashley get kicked out of the Ashleys?

  Yours in serious consideration, Lili


  HEAR YE. HEAR YE. WE NOW CROWN A NEW QUEEN of the Rank. For the first time since the inauguration of our little social experiment. we've got a new winner of the seventh-grade sweepstakes!


  Because every lax king needs a queen. Enjoy your reign, and don't forget the little people!


  Could probably wear a sack and make it work.


  Tamed the biggest player at Reed Prep.

  (And we don't mean lacrosse!)

  SMILE: 10

  It's official: It's megawatt.


  What do you call a girl who claws her way to the top but still comes out smelling like a rose? Brilliant!

  CUMULATIVE SCORE: 39 (Because no one's perfect!)



  There's nothing we like more than a girl in love.

  STYLE: 10

  Proves you don't have to match your shoes to your handbag to look good!


  Her new BF is gorge! We love redheads too!

  SMILE: 8

  Smiles as if her heart is breaking . . . why is that?


  Unlike other girls we won't mention, this one doesn't kiss and tell. . . .




  The Cinderella story of the semester!

  STYLE: 10

  Is it her new wide-leg Rich & Skinny jeans or the way she walks in them, as if she owns the world, that we like so much?


  No slouch in the boyfriend--or should we say

  boyfriends--department either.

  SMILE: 10

  Totally bubbly these days.


  It's foolish to toy with boys' affections-- they're not the only ones who could get hurt!




  The former Queen Bee has lost her buzz. . . .

  STYLE: 7

  For once, we find her outfits a little too contrived.


  Ouch! She's been recently dumped by her boyfriend and the network.

  SMILE: 4

  Oh. pookie. Things can only get better.


  Don't count her out yet. She's bound to have more tricks up her Paul & Joe sleeve.




  Many thanks to Emily Meehan, Courtney Bongiolatti, Richard Abate, Josie Freedman, Paula Morris, Christina Green, Jennie Kim, and Arisa Chen.

  Love to everyone in my family, especially Mike & Mattie. Thanks to all my readers. You're all numero uno in my book! Kisses!




  Melissa de la Cruz once received a "four" for

  Funny and has (almost) forgiven the friend who gave it to her. She has written many books for teens, including the bestselling series The Au Pairs, Angels on Sunset Boulevard, and Blue Bloods. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.

  Check out her website at and send her an e-mail at [email protected] .




  Melissa de la Cruz, Jealous?

  (Series: The Ashleys # 2)




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