surrenders Paris, 48

  Churchill, Hon. Pamela (later Mrs Averell Harriman), 72

  Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston S., 6, 7, 9, 14, 20, 26, 29, 307, 324

  at the Briare Conference, 3, 5-6

  and Darlan’s death, 22

  visits to France, 108, 114–16, 117, 361

  Ardennes offensive, 120–21

  and Yalta, 121–2

  private visit to France, 208–9

  ‘iron curtain’ speech, 241

  receives Medaille Militaire, 283

  Claudel, Paul, 114, 140, 143, 179

  eulogy to General Marshall, 369

  Clay, General Lucius D., 216, 288, 325, 354

  Clouzot, Henri-Georges, 136

  Cocteau, Jean, 55, 60, 71, 111, 135, 140–41, 181, 252, 289, 318, 335, 365

  Codou, Roger, 86

  Cole, Harold, 42

  Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle, 135, 140, 351

  Collingwood, Charles, 72

  Combat (newspaper), 45, 73, 140, 316–17, 388n

  Combat (Resistance movement), 24, 25, 95

  Comédie-Française, 38–9, 143

  Cominform, 291–3

  Comintern, 58, 227, 291, 292–3

  Comité Français de Libération Nationale (CFLN), 27, 29

  Comité Militaire d’Action (COMAC), 32

  Comité National des Écrivains (CNE), 137, 143

  Comités de Libération, 80, 81

  Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives, 13

  Commissariat Général du Plan, 212–13

  Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), 197

  and strikes of 1947, 295–6, 301, 306

  and strikes of 1948, 328–9

  Connally, Senator Thomas, 239, 244–5

  Connor, William (‘Cassandra’), 67

  Conseil National de la Resistance see National Council of the Resistance

  Cooper, Lady Diana, 108, 111–12, 113, 152, 190, 209, 215, 253-4, 271, 307–8, 366

  Cooper, Rt. Hon. Duff, 14, 29, 67, 68, 101, 107–9, 111, 112, 114, 115, 121, 154, 173, 182, 192, 223, 225, 235, 240–41, 242, 245, 283, 288, 295, 306–7

  and SHAEF, 127, 128

  and de Gaulle, 203, 205, 206, 209, 210, 214

  and General de Lattre, 222

  and Treaty of Dunkirk, 275

  and Marshall Plan, 286–7

  Cortot, Alfred, 84

  Cot, Pierre, 339

  Courcel, Baron Geoffroy de, 9

  Courtade, Pierre, 339, 360, 377

  Couve de Murville, Maurice, 288, 322, 382

  Coward, Noël, 267

  Cowles, Virginia, 73

  Crapouillot, Le, 34, 373

  Crowder, Henry, 152

  Cuevas, Marquis de, 364

  Cunard, Nancy, 152

  Daix, Pierre, 146, 148, 149, 333, 334, 336, 337, 377

  Daly, Brigadier Denis, 74–5, 153, 154, 192, 222

  Darlan, Admiral François, 20–21, 25, 28, 117

  Darnand, Joseph, 63, 64, 165

  Darquier de Pellepoix, Louis, 384, 385

  Davis, Miles, 318

  Déat, Marcel, 63

  Debré, Michel, 25, 80

  Decour, Jacques (Daniel Decourdemanche), 137

  Defferre, Gaston, 297

  Degliame, Colonel Marcel, 326, 379

  Deharme, Lise, 60, 250

  Deloncle, Eugène, 63–4

  Denoël, Robert, 77, 88, 138, 143

  Depreux, Édouard, 231, 275, 299

  purges Communists, 277–9

  Derain, André, 136, 180, 181

  Desanti, Dominique, 184, 337

  Desanti, Jean-Toussaint, 184

  Despiau, Charles, 180

  Deutsche Institut, 143

  Dewavrin, Colonel André (‘Colonel Passy’), 15, 24, 224–5, 298, 323–4, 328, 381

  on de Gaulle’s foreign policy, 217

  arrest and imprisonment, 233–4

  Dien Bien Phu, 381

  Diethelm, André, 97

  Dietrich, Marlene, 72–3

  Dill, General Sir John, 5

  Dimitrov, Georgi, 25, 58, 93, 98, 116n, 199

  Dio, Colonel, 46

  Dior, Christian, 252, 308, 372

  and New Look, 255–9

  Djilas, Milovan, 291

  Dodds-Parker, Colonel Douglas, 21, 22, 24

  Doelnitz, Marc, 315–16, 317, 318, 319, 387

  Doriot, Jacques, 63

  Doudeauville, Duc de, 74–5

  Dreyfus, Captain Alfred, 11

  Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre, 28, 131, 132, 138, 143, 387

  Dronne, Captain Raymond, 43–4

  Duchamp, Marcel, 289

  Duclos, Jacques, 36, 57–9, 98, 99, 146, 182, 198, 201, 211, 274, 281, 304, 323

  and humiliation of PCF at Sklarska Poreba, 290–93

  Duclos, Maurice, 15

  Duhamel, Marcel, 351

  Dulles, John Foster, 308, 359, 379

  Dumaine, Jacques, 111, 154, 183–4, 213, 232, 239, 245, 369

  Duncannon, Eric, Viscount, 112, 246

  Dunkirk, Treaty of, 275

  Dunoyer de Segonzac, André, 136, 181

  Duras, Marguerite, 146, 148, 184, 311, 334

  Dutoit, Mgr Henri-Édouard, 12

  Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) see Marshall Plan

  Eden, Rt. Hon. Anthony, 5, 29, 115, 117, 242

  and Yalta, 121

  Eden, Mrs Anthony (Beatrice), 108

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, 119, 249, 335, 336

  Eichmann, Adolf, 13, 384–5

  Eisenhower, General Dwight, 21–2, 29, 36, 37, 41, 114, 117, 123, 146, 204–5, 285

  and Ardennes offensive, 121


  for Constituent Assembly, 207–8

  referendum, May 1946, 227–8, 230–32

  legislative elections, June 1946, 237

  referendum on Constitution, October 1946, 273

  legislative elections, November 1946, 274

  municipal elections, October 1947, 295

  Ellington, Duke, 318

  Éluard, Nusch, 71, 336

  Éluard, Paul, 71, 111, 173, 177, 332–3, 336, 337, 372

  Esprit (socialist Catholic journal), 170

  European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC; ‘schuman Plan’), 375

  existentialism, 172, 174

  Communist attacks on, 316–17

  Fabien, Colonel Pierre Georges, 18, 37

  Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 83–4, 89, 130, 131, 132

  Fadeyev, Alexander, 336–7

  Fajon, Étienne, 291

  Farge, Yves, 124

  and wine scandal, 266

  Faucigny-Lucinge, Prince Jean-Louis de (Johnny), 83, 134, 188–9

  Félix, Monsieur (Rothschild butler), 70

  Fellowes, Hon. Mrs Reginald (Daisy), 78, 111–12, 191–2, 258

  Feuillère, Edwige, 365

  Figaro, Le, 139, 209, 289

  Fischer, Maître Max, 187

  Flanner, Janet, 73, 146, 152, 154, 163–4, 318, 369

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 10

  Force Ouvrière (non-Communist union), 301

  Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur (FFI), 32, 33, 37–8, 39, 40, 54, 55, 56, 80, 84, 93–4

  Foucault, Michel, 332

  Fougeron, André, 376–7

  Fourcade, Marie-Madeleine, 17, 162, 225–6, 236

  Fourcaud, Pierre, 15

  Frachon, Benoît, 57, 197–8, 272–3

  Franco y Bahamonde, General Francisco, 4, 11, 95, 165

  Franc-Tireur (Resistance movement), 24, 25

  Franc-Tireur, Le (Resistance newspaper), 159

  Franc-Tireurs et Partisans Français (FTP), 26, 33, 36, 47, 86, 98, 99

  Franks, Oliver, Lord, 288

  Frenay, Henri, 24, 146

  French Communist Party (PCF), 93, 98, 105, 116n, 118, 119, 129, 159, 184, 208, 210, 272–3, 325–6

  failure to seize power after Liberation, 58

  and students, 172–3

  and Picasso, 180–81

  and subsidiary organizatio
ns, 197–8

  commercial empire of, 200

  and Allies and Red Army, 201–2

  ministries obtained from de Gaulle, 211

  approves Monnet plan, 212

  and de Gaulle’s resignation, 214–15

  and de Lattre, 222

  and tripartisme, 223

  problems on strategy, 237

  and Germany, 243

  and Indo-China, 279–80

  ministers expelled from government, 281–3

  and humiliation at Sklarska Poreba, 290–93

  and municipal elections, October 1947, 295

  and attempt to paralyse economy in 1947, 295, 297, 301–7

  and hostility to Marshall Plan, 295

  and existentialists, 308

  and events in Grenoble, 326–7

  strikes of 1948, 327–9

  and Prague coup, 331

  and intellectuals, 331–45

  Titoist heresy, 333–4, 378

  and Kravchenko trial, 337–43

  and seventieth birthday of Stalin, 371–2

  and peace campaign, 376

  and death of Stalin, 377–8

  Fresnay, Pierre, 244

  Fried, Eügen, 226–7

  Gager, Georges, 263

  Gager, Hersz, 263

  Gager, Jean, 332–3

  Gallimard, Claude, 232

  Gallimard, Gaston, 143, 144

  and Les Temps modernes, 179, 234–5, 342

  Galtier-Boissière, Jean, 33–4, 38, 40, 46, 55, 61–2, 64, 136, 146, 149, 160, 209, 230, 266, 269, 341, 372-3

  and VE Day, 195

  García Lorca, Federico, 139

  García Marquez, Gabriel, 379–80

  Gary, Romain, 60, 114

  Gaulle, General Charles de, 4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16–17, 20–32, 37, 41, 42-3, 44, 47, 49-50, 53-5, 6i, 63, 64, 81, 86, 105, 107, 108–9, 113–16, 121, 122, 143, 146, 154, 157, 159, 173–4, 179, 193, 233, 288, 292, 294–5, 304, 308, 323

  and Pétain, 3–4

  leaves France, 8–9

  broadcast of 18 June, 14

  and Pucheu, 27

  returns to France, 29–30

  enters Paris, 48–9

  and provisional government, 93–101

  visits Moscow, 116–20

  and Yalta, 121–2

  and tension with Allies, 128

  and execution of Brasillach, 141

  and Pétain’s trial, 161–2, 164

  and Laval’s trial, 168

  and VE Day, 196

  resignation of, 203–17

  and Syria and Val d’Aosta, 204

  and economics, 206

  referendum, May 1946, 231

  Vendée speech, 235–6

  Bayeux speech, 238

  and Union Gaulliste, 273

  and referendum on Constitution of Fourth Republic, 273

  Bruneval speech, 280

  planning RPF, 280–81

  and Ramadier, 284

  in winter 1947, 298

  and RPF, 323–4

  and reconstruction of Germany, 324–5

  and events in Grenoble, 326–7

  and effect of economic recovery on political ambitions, 374

  and May 1958, 381

  and Fifth Republic, 381–9

  and distrust of USA, 381–2

  and Jean Moulin, 383–4

  and May 1968, 388–9

  Gaulle, Mme Charles de (Yvonne), 109, 193, 214, 295

  Gaulle, Elisabeth de (Mme Alain de Boissieu), 214

  Gaulle, Pierre de, 146

  Geffroy, Georges, 252

  Gellhorn, Martha, 42, 73, 75–9

  Genet, Jean, 177, 232, 235, 289, 318

  Gerbe, La, 135

  Gerow, General Leonard, 53

  Gestapo, 16, 17, 28, 33, 34, 59, 63-4, 79, 81, 83, 155, 156, 165

  Giacometti, Alberto, 177, 290, 311, 314

  Gide, André, 142, 152–3, 296, 339

  Giles, Frank, 374

  Ginsberg, Allen, 380

  Giono, Jean, 132

  Giraud, General Henri, 20, 21–2, 26–7, 28

  Giraudoux, Jean, 114, 179, 180

  Giscard d’Estaing, President Valéry, 386

  Goncourt Prize (Prix Goncourt), 131, 184

  Gorlova, Zinaïda, 340–41

  Gottwald, Klement, 322

  Goudeket, Maurice, 135

  Gouin, Félix, 223, 233, 235, 274

  and wine scandal, 266

  Gramont, Margot de, 191

  Grant, Bruce, 42

  Grasset, Bernard, 85, 143

  Grau-Sala, Émile, 252

  Gray, Charles, 110, 226

  Gray, Cleve, 71, 72

  Greco, Juliette, 312, 313–14, 315–16, 318–20, 365

  Green, Julien, 45, 152

  Greene, Graham, 185

  Greffulhe, Comtesse, 190

  Grenier, Ferdinand, 339

  Gromyko, Andrei, 382

  Guggenheim, Peggy, 152

  Guitry, Sacha, 85, 131, 134, 184

  Guy, Claude, 209, 215, 235

  Hall-Patch, Sir Edmund, 355

  Hammarskjöld, Dag, 288

  Harriman, W. Averell, 117, 288

  and Marshall Plan, 353–4, 370, 375

  Harvey, Sir Oliver, 7, 329

  Hayter, Sir William, 246

  Heidegger, Martin, 172

  Hemingway, Ernest, 41–2, 43, 50, 51, 59, 72-3, 74, 372, 380, 381

  Henriot, Philippe, 56, 132

  Herold-Paquis,Jean, 138–9

  Herriot, Édouard, 20, 34, 304–5

  Hewlett-Johnson, Dr, 336, 339

  Heydrich, Reinhard, 13

  Hickerson, John, 228

  Himmler, Heinrich, 65

  Hitler, Adolf, 8, 10, 11–12, 17, 41, 64, 66, 70, 118, 119, 154, 164, 386

  death of, 181

  Ho Chi Minh, 279

  Hoffman, Paul G., 352, 354

  Holman, Adrian, 153–4, 188

  Humanité, L’ 32, 57, 59, 71, 104, 200, 263, 288, 302, 307, 332, 343, 377, 378

  and Picasso, 180–81

  attack on, 379

  Huxley, Aldous, 105–6, 132

  Huxley, Julian, 336–7

  Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent, 86, 88

  Institut Français d’Opinion Publique, 131, 158

  Ismay, Major-General Hastings, 5

  Isorni, Maître Jacques

  defends Brasillach, 139–41

  defends Pétain, 162–3, 164

  Izard, Maître Georges, 340

  Je suis partout, 63, 133, 139–40

  Jeanmaire, Zizi, 266

  Jeanson, Francis, 344

  Jessup, Philip, 356

  Joanovici, 156, 277

  Joinville, General (Alfred Malleret), 210

  Joliot-Curie, Jean Frédéric, 38, 57, 339, 342, 377

  Joliot-Curie, Irène, 336–7

  Jouvet, Louis, 180, 289, 350

  Judt, Tony, 387

  Juin, General Alphonse, 20, 54, 108, 116, 206, 222, 238

  Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henri, 71, 176

  Kanapa, Jean, 336

  Kaplan, Harold, 294

  Kardelj, Edvard, 291

  Katz, Milton, 354

  Kavanagh, Inez, 367

  Keitel, General Wilhelm, 10

  Kennan, George, 242, 356

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 337, 378

  Kirkpatrick, Helen, 73

  Klarsfeld, Serge, 384

  Knight, Ridgway, 110, 301, 323–4, 328

  Kochno, Boris, 71, 252, 289

  Koenig, General Pierre, 29, 32, 50, 53, 54, 97, 115, 158, 238

  Koestler, Arthur, 246–8, 293–4, 341, 342–3

  Koestler, Mamaine (Mamaine Paget), 247–8, 293, 341, 342–3

  Kohler, Foy, 327

  Kosma, Joseph, 319

  Kraus, Alfred, 78

  Kravchenko, Victor

  sues Les Lettres Frangaises, 338

  trial, 338–42

  Krukenberg, General (SS), 66

  La Rochefoucauld, Duchesse de(Edmée), 191

? (Henri Chamberlin), 155–6

  Langlade, Colonel Paul de, 45–6, 48

  Larminat, General de, 278

  Lascelles, Sir Alan, 192

  Lattre de Tassigny, General Jeande, 19, 61, 158

  character and ambitions, 221–3

  and Communists, 222

  Laval, Pierre, 6, 7, 11, 12, 23, 28, 34, 63, 72–3, 119, 156

  return to France and trial, 163–8

  execution, 168–9

  Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 14, 170–71, 172, 173, 332

  Leahy, Admiral William, 28, 107, 108, 110, 163, 228

  Lebrun, President Albert, 8

  Leclerc, General (Philippe de Hauteclocque), 31, 36–7, 41, 42–4, 46, 53, 54, 72, 93

  takes surrender of Paris, 48–9

  enters Strasbourg, 116

  death of, 302, 303

  funeral of, 306–7

  Lecoeur, Auguste, 18, 293, 306, 321, 326, 377, 378

  Leduc, Victor, 332, 334

  Leduc, Violette, 175, 178

  Legentilhomme, General Paul, 129

  Léger, Alexis (Saint-John Perse), 114

  Léger, Fernand, 336, 337, 376

  Legion of French Volunteers (LVF), 56, 131–2, 167

  Leiris, Michel, 54, 176–7, 178, 235, 314, 351

  Leiris, Zette (Louise), 38, 176–7

  Lelong, Lucien, 169, 250–51, 257

  Léonard, Roger, 277, 303

  Lettres françaises, Les, 60, 137–8, 142–3, 170, 184

  sued by Kravchenko, 338–42

  loses appeal, 343

  and death of Stalin, 377–8

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 351

  Lewis, General John, 127

  Libération (Resistance movement), 24, 25

  Lichine, David, 318, 364

  Lifar, Serge, 135, 364

  Lippman, Walter, 242

  Loustannau-Lacau, Georges, 17, 162–3, 278

  Luce, Clare Booth, 241

  Luce, Henry, 241

  Luchaire, Corinne, 65

  Luchaire, Jean, 156

  Luizet, Charles, 33, 35, 49, 54, 67, 81, 84, 86, 103, 155, 168, 210, 277

  Lukacs, George, 336

  Luter, Claude, 314, 320

  Lyautey, Marshal Louis Hubert, 15

  Maar, Dora, 60, 175, 177

  Mac Orlan, Pierre, 269

  MacArthur, Douglas, 11, 110, 112, 301

  MacLiammoir, Michael, 367

  MacNarney, General, 227–8

  Maeght, Galerie Aimé, 289–90

  Maillol, Aristide, 136

  Malraux, André, 9, 111, 143–4, 211, 234, 238, 308, 323, 326, 387

  and Les Temps modernes, 179

  and de Gaulle’s resignation, 214

  and de Gaulle, 293–4

  and RPF, 295

  and revenge on Sartre, 342

  oration for Moulin, 383–4

  Malraux, Clara, 184

  Man Ray, 71

  Mandel, Georges, 6

  Marais, Jean, 365

  Margerie, Roland de, 101

  Marjolin, Robert, 286, 354–5

  Marriott, Lady (Momo), 245

  Marshall, General George C.

  becomes Secretary of State, 276