Page 29 of Henry V

  243 Les ... France "In France it is not the custom for ladies and young ladies to be kissed before their marriages"

  249 entendre ... moi "understands" better "than me"

  252 Oui, vraiment "Yes, truly"

  253 nice fastidious/coy/trivial

  254 list boundary (literally, barrier enclosing a jousting or dueling area) 256 follows our places goes with our high rank

  256 find-faults people who seek to criticize

  268 apt ready, quick to learn

  269 condition disposition

  274 conjure i.e. raise up (spirits, but here a penis) 274 make a circle magic circle for conjuring/open her vagina 276 naked and blind like Cupid (Roman god of love, traditionally depicted thus)/in the form of a penis (with its "blind eye") 276 maid virgin

  277 rosed ... modesty i.e. blushing in modesty/flushed in sexual excitement 278 in within (emotionally)/inside (sexually)

  278 naked seeing emotionally exposed/aware of her physical nakedness 279 hard plays on the idea of penile hardness

  279 consign assent

  280 wink and yield close their eyes and give in

  281 enforces (love/the penis) pushes his way in

  283 do plays on the sense of "have sex with"

  284 consent winking agree to wink and yield

  286 on at

  287 know understand (with sexual connotations)

  287 summered tended, nurtured

  288 warm comfortably, well off/sexually aroused

  288 Bartholomew-tide Saint Bartholomew's day, 24 August 288 blind ... eyes sluggish, unaware (from the summer heat) 290 handling with sexual connotations

  291 moral lesson

  291 ties me over confines me to

  292 latter end late summer/lower body

  294 before it loves i.e. until it sees the object of its love/before sexual consummation 298 perspectively obliquely, distortedly (through a perspective: either a lens that distorts objects or a painting that only becomes clear when viewed from an angle) 299 maiden unbreached by military/sexual force

  300 entered invaded in war/penetrated sexually

  303 so so long as

  304 wait on her follow her (as a dowry)

  305 will political, military desire/sexual desire/penis

  306 terms of reason reasonable terms

  309 in sequel succession

  311 subscribed signed, agreed to

  313 matter of grant official conferment of lands or titles 314 addition title

  314 Notre ... France "our very dear son Henry, King of England, heir of France"

  316 Praeclarissimus ... Franciae "our very dear son Henry, King of England, heir of France"

  319 request i.e. to marry Katherine

  324 Issue descendants

  325 pale due to the chalk cliffs

  327 dear tender/costly

  328 neighbourhood friendly, neighborly

  329 bosoms hearts

  329 advance raise

  337 spousal marriage, union

  338 ill office disservice, poor dealings

  338 fell fierce

  340 paction pact, contract

  341 incorporate united in one body, indivisible

  347 surety ... leagues security of our alliance

  349 Sennet trumpet signaling a procession


  1 rough imperfect, coarse

  1 all-unable inadequate

  2 bending i.e. over his work/bowing

  4 by starts in fits and starts, intermittently

  5 Small time Henry died aged thirty-five, after a nine-year reign 7 world's best garden i.e. France

  9 infant bands strips of linen babies were wrapped in

  11 Whose of whose

  13 their i.e. Shakespeare's plays concerning Henry VI 14 this acceptance take this play find favor



  William Shakespeare, Henry V

  (Series: # )




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