Page 28 of Numbers

  She nodded.

  He wiped her tears away. “Thank you. I’m going to baby you. Deal with it.”

  She smiled. He’d learned that last phrase from her as they’d been growing up. She’d said that to him often when he’d complain about something too human that she’d do. “Fine but this no-sharing-sex thing is stupid. I refuse to wait until you deem me at a good weight for that.”

  “I want to disagree with you, but you’re sooooo bad.” He smiled. “I can’t resist you but we’ll only share sex with great care, and not too much.”

  “What is too much?”

  He hesitated. “I don’t know. We’ll have to figure it out.”

  She asked him the question that had bothered her since she’d studied herself in the mirror and put herself in his frame of mind. “Do I disgust you?”

  “No,” he snarled. “Why would you even think that?”

  “I don’t look good.”

  “You’re my Candi.” He suddenly grinned. “You could have been very ugly in your face and I would have still loved you. You’re mine.”

  She laughed. “You don’t think I’m ugly even with my funny features.”

  “I said it when we were small, and I still mean it.”

  She lifted her arms and he bent forward so she could wrap them around his neck. “I love you.”

  He enclosed her in his arms and lifted her off the floor. “I love you too. You have my heart and always will.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I missed you so much.”

  “This is the first time I’ve felt completely alive, and not broken inside, since I lost you.”

  “Me too.”

  He eased her down to her feet and removed her arms from his neck. “I won’t lose you again. That means you need to help me make you stronger without being difficult. Shower now, we will watch the movie so you can eat popcorn, and nap after that.” He paused. “Do you need a nap now?”

  “No. I’m not sleepy.”

  He stepped away and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature for her. He backed up. “Go in. I am going to clean up the couch.”

  “Shower with me and I’ll help you when we get out.”

  “No. That will lead to trouble. You’ll touch me and I’ll touch you.”

  She grinned. “I’d like that.”

  He shook his head. “Movie, popcorn and nap. I’ll feed you a big meal when we wake and that is when we’ll consider sharing sex. Not before.”

  “What if I were to slip and fall?” Her grin widened. “I could get hurt if you aren’t in there with me.”

  A deep growl burst from him. “You’re being bad. I know you, Candi. Don’t manipulate me.”

  “I had to try.”

  A slow smile spread across his lips. “You are a troublemaker, but one who won’t share sex with me before you get some sleep and eat another meal.”

  “All right. I can compromise.”

  “We both will.”

  “I would have rubbed you all over,” she teased, stepping into the shower stall. “I want to learn how to touch you in all the ways that make you feel good. That’s difficult to do if you won’t let me.”

  He didn’t respond and she glanced back. He wasn’t in the bathroom with her. He’d fled. She laughed. He might run, but he wouldn’t go far and he’d come back. He was her male. An overprotective one who would be difficult to deal with until she had padding on her bones, but he wasn’t the only stubborn one.

  Hero scrubbed the couch down, grateful it was leather. It had been hell pulling out of Candi but his fear of getting her pregnant had motivated him to find the willpower and determination to do it. It had left a mess though.

  He needed to get condoms, unwilling to further test his ability to pull away from her during sex. The shower turned off as he entered the bedroom to put on a pair of sweatpants. He jerked them up his legs and paused by the bathroom door, though he avoided watching her dry off.

  “I have to leave our home for a few minutes. Find one of my shirts to wear and I’ll hurry back.”

  “You need more popcorn?”


  He didn’t expand on that. He rushed to the front door, unlocked it and stepped into the hallway. Not many Species who shared the floor with him were at Homeland. They were doing their rotations at Reservation. He realized no one who might be home would have any condoms. Only Species who wanted to attempt to share sex with humans obtained them. He passed the elevator and jogged down a floor. He knocked on Searcher’s door. The male opened it quickly.

  “Hi, Hero.” He examined him with a quick sweep of his gaze and inhaled. The male grinned. “Congratulations.”

  The male couldn’t miss the scents coming off him. “Do you have condoms?”

  “Somewhere.” The male stepped back. “Come in.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I just have to remember where I put them.”

  “You don’t know?”

  Searcher shook his head. “I haven’t opened them. I like to be prepared.” He snapped his fingers. “Bathroom. They are right next to my first-aid kit. I used word association to remember where I put things. I’ll be right back.”

  Hero scowled, replaying what the male had said. He decided not to ask why the male believed he should keep condoms next to the first-aid kit. Searcher returned and held out a large, sealed box. “Here.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  “How is your female doing? Everyone is worried about her.”

  “She’s well.”

  A smile curved the male’s lips upward. “I would assume so since you’re sharing sex with her. I’m happy for you. Is there anything we can do?”

  Hero held up the box. “This is it for now.” He spun away and left his friend’s home. He hurried upstairs, but the sight of two males and Breeze standing in the hallway slowed his steps. Breeze faced him with a grim look.

  “We have trouble.”

  “Candi!” He tried to shove past Breeze.

  The female flattened her palms on his chest and pushed him back. “We called your cell but you didn’t answer. I was about to knock until I heard you coming. She’s fine. We need to talk.”

  “What is it?”

  Breeze let her hands drop and eyed the box he held. She smiled, staring at up him. “I’m glad you worked out sharing sex.”

  “Breeze.” He scowled. “What is the problem?”

  Her expression sobered. “We interviewed Candi when she first arrived, but we only got basic information because she didn’t look well. Her health was the priority and we planned to do a more in-depth one once Trisha released her and she was deemed fit enough to answer all our questions. Then she found out you were alive and we knew it was important for you two to bond again.”

  “You want to interview her now?” He shook his head. “Give her more time.”

  “We did.” Fury spoke from behind him. “That’s the problem.”

  Hero spun, studying the grim male. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t working this week.”

  “Your female’s photo is being shown on every news station. They found the body of the doctor she killed and the homicide investigation led back to the hospital where she was held. The police are actively hunting for Candi. We need to deal with this now, or it’s going to look bad later when we admit she’s here.”

  “They were keeping her prisoner.” Indignation flashed hotly through Hero. “She killed to save her own life.”

  “We’re aware of this, but we didn’t reach out to the human authorities because we didn’t have enough details.” Breeze slid between Hero and the wall to stand next to Fury. “We can’t put it off any longer, Hero. That’s why we’re here. I wish we had a few more days but this has to be handled right now before some human is mistaken for Candi. They have a full manhunt out for what they believe is an unstable and dangerous female who has already killed once.”

  “That’s bullshit.” Hero snarled.

  Fury no
dded. “We know that, but the human authorities don’t. They only have the information that was given to them, which came from where she was being held. We need to clear this up fast before someone innocent is injured.”

  “I’m not allowing humans near my Candi.” Hero wouldn’t let them upset his mate.

  “They won’t be allowed to interview her directly. The NSO is going to handle this, but we need more details from your Candi. It will help us give them all the correct facts.” Fury softened his tone. “We’re going to protect her. She’s one of ours. We just need specific details the police will ask about. That’s all. We’re going to go out of our way not to upset her. It’s the last thing we want.”

  Breeze nodded. “We’ll make this as easy as possible.”

  “Mate papers are being drawn up right now and postdated to when she stepped through our gates.” Fury paused. “Sign them and get her to. We need the paperwork in case this gets messy. It covers our asses. Breeze will question your female, and I need to sit down with you. I need details about when you were held with her at Mercile in case the humans want to establish why we’d accept her as one of our own, and that she was yours long before she made it safely to Homeland. We don’t want this to become a publicity nightmare with our enemies accusing us of shielding a murderer behind our gates.”

  “I won’t let them take her.”

  Fury reached out and gripped his shoulder with one hand. “We wouldn’t allow that to ever happen. Human authorities don’t have the right to storm our gates to try to take her away. They’d be met with force if they did. We’d just like to avoid that. Our entire task force and legal department are on this. They are just waiting for us to fill in the blanks.”

  Hero nodded. “Let me go talk to her. Give me a few minutes.”

  Everyone moved out of his way and he entered his home. He located Candi in his bedroom. She wore one of his shirts and smiled at him. “You took a long time.”

  He placed the condoms on the nightstand, snagged her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Species are waiting in the hallway. They need to ask you questions. You’re not in any trouble or danger. It’s just that the humans found the body of the female you killed.”

  He hated the fear he saw in her expression.

  “No. Don’t be afraid. There’s no reason to be. Breeze just needs to ask you questions. The NSO is behind us, Candi. They aren’t going to allow anyone to take you from me. Humans have no right to come here. The human police might want to question you, but I said no. You won’t have to talk to anyone but Species.”

  She took a few breaths. “I’m not sorry I killed Penny. She planned to kill me.”

  “I know. I would leave out the part about it feeling good to do it.”

  A smile played at her lips. “Okay.”

  “I understand. Are you okay? I can stay at your side while Breeze talks to you.”

  “I feel safe with Breeze.”

  “I have to tell the NSO all about our history. Are you comfortable with that?”

  “I don’t mind. Do you? You said you’d never told them anything about me. Don’t say anything if it’s going to get you into some kind of trouble.”

  “It won’t.”

  “Let’s just get this over with.” She scooted off his lap.

  He snagged her hand and stared down at her bare legs. “Let’s find you more clothes first.”

  “It’s just Breeze.”

  “There are more males in the hallway. I don’t want any of them to see so much of you.”

  She grinned. “I’m yours.”

  “You’re mine.”

  While she dressed, he thought back to their childhood. She’d always been strong inside, but there had been some things he couldn’t protect her from…

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  When they returned Candi to their cell, her expression was solemn as she took a seat next to him on the mat. “Teach me how to fight so I can be like you.”

  927 scowled. “No. You are too little.”

  “I’m growing.”

  He stood and yanked her to her feet. The top of her head only came to his shoulder. “I seem to be the one growing. You are getting shorter.”

  She laughed. “I am not!” She made fists of her hands and threw a punch, catching him in the stomach. “Did that hurt?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  Her good mood disappeared. “I’m ten years old now, not a baby. I need to learn to protect myself. The technicians don’t go near you unless they drug you first. They just grab me and drag me down the hallway because they know I can’t hurt them.”

  “You want them to drug you?” Sometimes she made no sense to him.

  “Well, no. But I need to learn how to fight.”

  He pulled back his upper lip to show her his sharp fangs. “They fear these.” He reached out and gripped her chin, forcing her mouth open. “You don’t have them. You couldn’t tear their skin with those smooth little things.”

  She jerked out of his hold and threw another punch. That one caught him in the ribs and he took a step back. “Don’t do that.”

  “It hurt, didn’t it?” She grinned. “Teach me.”

  He shook his head. “It would only get you drugged and hurt more when you fight.”

  She grew solemn again. “They had a female in the place where they take me for checkups.”

  He cocked his head, curious. “A human?”

  She shook her head. “They beat her, 927. She is about your size and she was so hurt. The technicians did that to her.” Tears filled her eyes. “Worse than I’ve ever seen them hurt you when you fight before they take you away for their tests. She probably didn’t know how to fight when they attacked her. I don’t want that to be me.”

  Fury filled him. “Scream for Dr. C if they start to hit you.”

  “I don’t think he’ll protect me.”

  “You are his daughter. The tests said so. He didn’t kill you so he must want you alive. You wouldn’t survive a beating, Candi. He must know that.”

  “I’m not supposed to tell anyone that I’m his daughter. He said only a few people know. Evelyn and a few of the ones who watch our cell.”

  “Tell them if they are going to beat on you. It might make them stop.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  He stepped closer and gripped her hand. He curled her hand into a clawed position. “You fight like this. Use your nails. You don’t have the strength to hurt them with a fist.” He yanked her hand to his face. “Go for the eyes.” He positioned her hand lower. “The throat next.” He released her hand and leaned forward and gripped her leg behind the knee and bent it, bringing it up to his groin area. “Do that as hard as you can to males. It will take them down.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll teach you.” He wanted her to be able to defend herself if she had to. It frightened him, thinking of all the times she was taken from his cell—for tests or if they wanted to ask her questions—when Dr. C ordered it done.

  “Thank you.”

  “It won’t be easy,” he warned, backing up to the mat they slept on. “Come over here. I don’t want you to fall on the floor. Are you certain about this?”

  She followed him and curved her hands into claws. “I need to know.”

  She was brave for one so small and weak. He respected her inner strength, but that was his Candi. She always amazed him. He crouched a little and swatted at her with one hand, making sure not to make contact. “Block me. Use the backs of your hands and wrists to knock my hands away and prevent me from touching you.”

  She threw up her arm and did it. He swiped at her again and she managed to knock his hand away, avoiding his grasp. He grinned. She was cute as she scrunched her nose to concentrate. He moved faster and actually grabbed her that time, fisting her shirt. He pulled, yanking her right off her feet and dropping her onto her back. She landed hard and he instantly regretted it when she gasped. He crouched, worried he might have hurt her.

  “Are you well?”
  She smiled. “I’ll get better. Don’t treat me like a baby.”

  He wanted to. He never wished for her to need to use anything he taught her. He straightened and pulled her to her feet. “Come at me.”

  She did and he knocked her flat back onto the mat. She landed but rolled, coming back up. He admired her for that. She launched herself at him and he had to twist to prevent her from slapping his face. She tripped on his leg, and he grabbed her around her waist to keep her from falling to the floor. She twisted in his arms and grabbed hold of his jaw.

  “Pow! I could have hurt you if I’d done that hard.”

  He chuckled and opened his mouth, licking her fingers near his lips. She yanked her hands away. “I could have bit a few of those fingers off.”

  “Technicians don’t have sharp teeth.”

  “Good point.” He grabbed her with his other arm and eased her to her feet. “Are you sure you want to learn? This won’t be easy, and you might get bruises when we work harder to teach you how to defend yourself. I don’t ever want to hurt you, Candi.”

  She nodded. “I know that, but I need to learn. I’m tougher than you think, 927. You aren’t always with me when they take me from our cell.” She got that determined look he knew so well. “Don’t baby me.”

  “You are my baby,” he teased. “My short one.”

  She took a swing at him and caught him low on his abdomen. He grunted and rubbed it. It caused her to laugh.

  “See? I’m getting better.”

  He nodded. “We will do this if you insist.”

  “I do.” She clawed her hands and backed up.

  He crouched a little and she mimicked his stance. He took swipes at her and she blocked them. He grew more aggressive once he felt her reflexes were improving. He touched her a few times, but she never flinched, even when he knew it hurt a little. She just kept coming at him.

  She was tougher than he had believed. He finally tackled her and twisted in the air so she would land on top of him when they hit the mat. She was out of breath. He chuckled, holding her close. “That’s enough for today.”

  She turned her head and kissed his cheek. “I’m wearing you out. Admit it.”