Page 7 of Numbers

  “I want to spread your legs apart and bare you to my mouth.” He licked his lips, noticing how her gaze darted down to watch his tongue. “I’ll be gentle and take it slow. It will feel good. I promise you this. Don’t fear my fangs. I thought all day about what objections you might have, and that has to be one of them. Though I am bigger than a human male, when I mount you I’ll be extremely gentle. I won’t crush you with my weight or bruise you with my hands. I am very aware of my strength. As for the size of my dick, your body will stretch to take me and you’ll be very wet after I make you come. I’ll work my way inside you with care, and make sure it feels good for you. I have control. Let me show you.”

  She lifted her gaze to lock with his. Dana remained mute, still looking stunned. It was a possibility that he had been too direct, but he saw no fear. That was the most important part.

  “You can trust me, Dana. What will convince you?”

  “I…” She swallowed. “This is a bad idea. You’re not thinking straight.” Once she began to speak, it was as if she couldn’t stop as words poured out. “You’ll hate me, and come to believe I took advantage of you when you were vulnerable. I couldn’t stand for you to think that I—”

  He snarled in frustration. He regretted it when she jerked under him, and her nails dug into his skin. She stopped speaking. He still didn’t see any fear in her expression, but he knew it could turn that way fast if he didn’t control his reactions. She wasn’t used to Species, and didn’t understand that she wasn’t in any danger. That was something she’d learn by spending time with him.

  He softened his voice to soothe her. “Don’t tell me what I’d think. I’ll tell you where my thoughts are. I want you, Dana. You’re the only female who has stirred my body and my interest. It isn’t because you remind me of 139. Listen to me well and hear my words. You are nothing like her. It is part of the reason I am intensely attracted to you. I have never spoken to anyone with the ease that I do with you. I didn’t have a choice when I was given 139 as a mate, but I’m choosing you. You told me to let go of the pain and try to live. That’s what I’m doing right now if you will allow it. Say yes. Bend up your knees and spread them apart.” He sat up a little and gave her room to move. She had to release his arms when he did it.

  “You’re confused about what you want. I’m the first person you’ve spoken to.”

  He scowled.

  “It’s true. Remember when I told you about how some people in the group turned to sex to try to deal with their grief? I think this is a classic case right here. You can’t just make a long-term commitment to someone who is virtually a stranger. We barely know each other. I can’t be your mate.”

  Perhaps the term frightened her and made her leery. He really needed to learn more about her kind. She was nothing like a bad human. He’d been certain his biggest obstacle would be his fangs or his size. Instead it seemed that she worried about long-term commitment, and that he’d come to regret offering to spend the rest of his life with her.

  “Take one day at a time. That’s what you said. Today…” He glanced down at her body, mostly interested in shoving the material out of his way to bare her pussy. “We will focus on pleasure. You are attracted to me. We will start with that. I won’t push you for more, but I’m not going to change my mind. I want you as my mate. I’ll show you how much I mean that if you’ll spread your thighs and let me lick you.”

  She seemed mute again, just lay there staring at him.

  He carefully wrapped his fingers around her thighs. “You talk about living and encouraging me to do it.” He used his thumbs to stroke her skin. “Let me. You also said those humans felt empty having sex. I won’t allow that to happen to you. I’ll stay inside you afterward, and all you will feel is me.”

  Her features grew flushed and she bit down on her bottom lip. “Mourn…that’s not exactly the kind of empty I was talking about.”

  “I know, but you can’t feel alone if I’m inside you and holding you.” He paused, watching her closely. “How long has it been since you’ve been touched?”

  She hesitated. “Too long.”

  He gently applied pressure to her inner thighs. She didn’t resist when he parted them. He bent her leg up and adjusted it behind his back. He scooted down the bench at the same time. “You’ll like this. Trust me.”

  She didn’t protest when he lowered his gaze, taking in the sight of her pussy. It fascinated him. She wasn’t completely hairless there. A small strip of short hair covered her mound. He rested her bent leg against the wall and reached out, stroking his thumb over that strip.

  Dana sucked in air, but didn’t try to slam her legs closed. He inhaled her scent. She was slightly aroused and he wanted to find out if she tasted as sweet as she smelled. He lowered his face, released her other thigh, and parted her vaginal lips to get a better look at her. She was pink and small. He wanted to snarl. It was possible he would accidentally hurt her when he mounted her.

  Females stretch. He’d never taken a class about sex with humans, but he’d heard some of the males talk about what they’d learned in the community rooms at the dorm. He knew it was possible since some males had taken humans as mates. He’d figure it out. He needed to prepare her to share sex first though.

  “Relax,” he coaxed, moving in closer, fixing his attention on her clit. Excitement coursed through him when she didn’t try to twist away as he put his mouth right on that pink flesh and lightly ran the tip of his tongue over it. His chest tightened and he took his own advice, relaxing. The vibrations started, and he didn’t hold back the desire to purr. He deepened them, knowing she’d enjoy the sensations.

  “Oh god,” Dana whispered.

  She didn’t pull away so he licked at her, pressing his tongue against her more firmly, keeping it there as he rubbed up and down. One leg moved, and she pressed her thigh against his cheek. He shifted his arm, hooking her thigh, and pinning it up and to the side.

  She started to move against him, her hips rocking. He had to pin her other leg, and press down on her lower stomach to keep her from moving too far away from his mouth. Darkness had warned him that humans tried to pull away from pleasure. He was intent on giving her a lot of it.

  The scent of her arousal increased as he continued to lick and purr against her clit. The bud hardened under his tongue, and he knew she was close when her moans grew louder. She bucked her hips, almost unseating his mouth. He put more strength into holding her in place, careful not to hurt her, but wanting to keep her still. Her fingers suddenly dug into his hair at the back of his head, but she didn’t pull it. Her fingernails lightly raked his scalp, an encouragement since it felt good.

  He snarled, his dick so hard it hurt. He wanted to be inside her. She had become soaked from arousal. It was tempting to slide his mouth lower and use his tongue to see how tight she’d be and get a better taste of her but he resisted the urge. He needed her to come first. Then he could enjoy that experience.

  Dana was going to die. Her back arched and she clawed at the top of the cushion above her head with one hand. Her other one held on to Mourn. His hair was silky, and she was tempted to fist the short strands and tear him away from her pussy. He was vibrating and licking her at the same time. Her bullet sex toy couldn’t do that. Nothing could, except Mourn.

  It felt a bit surreal that she had allowed him to do that to her, but he’d managed to talk her into it. He’d been too sexy to resist, and she had to admit she’d been curious. Now she knew. He hadn’t lied about how good it would feel.

  Every muscle in her body seemed tense, and despite him telling her to relax, she couldn’t. She tried to slam her legs closed, but he had a good grip on them, keeping them spread apart so he could torment her with his mouth. It was almost torture since nothing should ever feel that incredible. It almost hurt. She’d been worried it would be awkward to have someone touch her, but now even thinking was impossible. It was all about sensations and aching.

  She forgot how to breathe when ecstasy slamm
ed into her. She must have sucked in air though, because she realized she was crying out Mourn’s name. The climax was sharp, nearly brutal and all-consuming as it rolled through her. Her entire body quaked. She panted and her body went lax in the seconds following her release. Mourn pulled his mouth away, and she could feel his hot breath fanning her oversensitive clit.

  She kept her eyes closed, unwilling to look at him, not even sure she could work up the nerve. He’d just gone down on her. It was slightly embarrassing to be that exposed to someone, especially since the only person who had ever known her that intimately was Tommy. She shoved back thoughts of him. No guilt. She hadn’t cheated. She was more concerned about what she’d say to Mourn, and if things would be uncomfortable between them now.

  She jerked in surprise when his tongue pressed against the opening of her pussy and he breached it. He had a thick tongue. He snarled, the sound a little menacing, but she wasn’t afraid. He withdrew almost as fast as he’d entered her. His hold on her thighs and lower stomach eased and he adjusted her legs. It was easy to do since she felt boneless at that moment.

  The bench she lay on creaked a little and the sound finally forced her to open her eyes. She lifted her head to stare at Mourn. He was focused on her lower half, his chin lowered, his gaze locked there as he sat up and scooted his hips closer. He released her thighs entirely and reached up, grabbing the edges of the bench on each side of her waist.

  “I’ll be gentle.” His voice came out unusually deep. He almost didn’t even sound human.

  Dana knew what he planned to do. She shifted her legs, bending her knees more and lifting them up. Mourn looked at her then. His eyes were amazingly beautiful and she licked her dry lips. He paused and then surprised her by sliding off the bench. He moved to the end of it and knelt.

  “This will work better. I don’t want to crush you.”

  He surprised her when he leaned forward, shoved his hands under her ass, and gripped her. He pulled her and the cushion down the bench until her bottom was at the edge of it. Mourn released her ass and gripped her calves, lifting her legs until her feet were braced on the sides of his chest near his shoulders. He parted her thighs farther and inched closer.

  Dana tried to relax. Mourn was going to fuck her. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time. It might be a huge mistake, but she wanted him. He rested one arm over her lower stomach, as if he wanted to pin her there, and reached between them with his other hand. It was tempting to lift her head and look at his cock, which he must have gripped with that hand. She didn’t though. She stared into his eyes.

  Mourn brushed the crown of his cock against her clit. He rubbed it lower, using the tip to slide through her wet folds. He didn’t enter her right way, instead rubbed higher, teasing her clit. Dana grabbed hold of the sides of the bench, needing something to grasp. Her toes curled when he kept doing it. Her clit was still a little oversensitive but it felt amazing. She was really wet and so was he, from rubbing up against her.

  He maneuvered his cock lower, and she felt it at the opening of her pussy. He froze there, but then lightly pressed against her. She spread her thighs a little more, adjusting her feet on his solid chest. She’d never had sex before with her legs up in that manner, but she’d never been with a New Species either.

  The sensation of him entering her had her closing her eyes again. He was big and thick. It didn’t hurt though. The pressure was welcome, and it actually felt good when he drove deeper. He purred again, a deep, rumbling sound.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head, unable to find words.

  “You’re so tight.” He growled. “You feel perfect.”

  He moved slowly inside her. He was rock-hard. He increased the pace. She clawed at the bench. She’d missed sex, missed having a man inside her, bringing her pleasure. One of her feet slipped off his chest, but Mourn grabbed her ankle, held it in place.

  “Fuck,” he snarled.

  He drove into her deep, completely filling her, and bent forward, groaning. His body shook. Dana opened her eyes, watching his face as he came inside her. She could feel it. His semen was hot and his cock pulsed against her pussy walls, almost like a heartbeat. He shook again. His eyes were closed, lips parted to show off his fangs. His handsome features twisted into a harsh but sexy contortion that looked a little pained.

  His expression quickly changed to a frown when he opened his eyes. They stared at each other.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “You felt too good. I tried to hold back, but I came.”

  She lifted her foot off his chest and lowered it, hooking that leg around his hips. Her heel made contact with his bare ass cheek and she dug in, pulling him closer. She opened her arms to him. His apology made him even sweeter and more endearing. “It’s okay. Come here.”

  He released her ankle and lowered over her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s okay. I came first.” The aftermath of them having sex wasn’t uncomfortable, as she’d feared. She mostly wanted to assure him it was fine. She understood being over-excited and not lasting long. She’d been guilty of that too when he’d gone down on her. “You said you’d hold me.”

  He braced his elbows on the padding next to her ribs and lowered his chest until her breasts were smashed against him. His weight on her felt right. It put their faces inches apart. She liked having him against her, still inside her. They were linked. She hesitated but then reached up, brushing his hair with her fingers.

  “How do you feel?”

  He hesitated. “Disappointed.”

  It was a verbal slap, and it hurt. “I knew you’d regret this.”

  “No.” He scowled. “Not about what we did, but that I couldn’t hold back. I’ll do better next time.”

  Next time. He wanted to see her again. Dana breathed easier, grateful he wasn’t sorry that he’d talked her into having sex with him. She didn’t regret it either, but admitted to herself that she was confused over how she felt about it.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve shared sex. I grew too excited. I’ll do better in a few minutes.”

  “A few minutes?”

  “I have to recover. My balls ache a little, but it will stop fast.”

  She was confused. “You hurt yourself?”

  “I came so hard it hurt. I think it’s from spasms. My balls feel twitchy and ache a bit, but it’s lessening.”

  “Is that a Species thing?”

  “Possibly. I’m not certain. I’ll have to ask other males. It doesn’t happen when I masturbate, but you excite me much more than when I’m tending to my own needs.”

  His candor stunned her, but she appreciated it. “Do you do that often?”

  “Yes. Don’t you?”

  His openness about the subject of masturbation helped her to be honest too. “Sometimes. Not when I’m visiting Paul though. I didn’t bring my vibrator. I was too worried about my bags being checked at the airport.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You know.” She winced. “An employee there could search my bag and find it. It would be horrible to know someone might have seen it.”

  “Why are you so shy about sex?”

  “I don’t know. I just am.”

  “I’ll teach you not to be. Am I better than your sex toy?”

  She blushed, the memory of his mouth on her was something she’d never forget. “Yes.”

  “How often do you use it?”

  She hesitated, not sure how to answer that, or if she even should.

  “I need to know so I can meet your needs. I enjoy masturbating at least three to four times a day. You must have been tense if you didn’t bring your vibrator to Homeland. I grow testy if I don’t find sexual release. Are you the same way? Do you do it every few hours or just in bed before sleep and when you wake?”

  He wasn’t going to let it drop. “It helps me sleep.”

  He smiled. “That wasn’t difficult, was it? I’ll make certain
I lick you every night. You should allow me to do it in the morning too so you start your day off feeling relaxed.”

  It was becoming a habit that his words surprised her. “Every night?”

  “Every night. Every morning.” His cock hardened inside her. “I’m recovered.”

  “I feel.”

  He withdrew a little from her, and then drove back in. “This time I won’t come until you do. I’m more prepared for how extraordinary you feel.”

  Dana moaned, clutching at his shoulders. Mourn had pegged it. Extraordinary was a great way to describe how it felt when he moved inside her. He lifted his chest off her by straightening up and she had to release him, but she locked her legs around his waist. He hooked one arm under her lower back, holding her in place while he fucked her.

  She watched as Mourn lifted his free hand to his mouth and licked the tip of his thumb. He reached down between them and pressed it firmly against her clit. He wiggled it.

  “Oh god.”

  “You’re very religious.”

  She let that go, making a mental note to explain it later. He yanked her ass closer with his arm hooked under her, holding her in place as he fucked her faster. She closed her eyes, bit her lip, and just enjoyed the feel of him inside her while he played with her clit at the same time until she cried out his name, the climax tearing through her.

  Mourn didn’t let up on her clit, and she bucked, squeezing his waist with her thighs. He snarled, and she felt it when he came. His motions became almost violent and jerky, and then there was the warmth spreading inside her.

  She wanted to ask him about his warm semen, once she caught her breath and could form sentences again. He pulled his thumb off her clit and came down on top of her, pinning her with his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he kept his word, not pulling out of her, but instead kept them linked.