Page 9 of Numbers

  He surprised her by suddenly laughing.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Humans are. No one at Homeland will think you took advantage of him. It’s funny every time I hear those words. He pursued you. Our males can be very convincing, as I suspect you’ve learned firsthand since he kept you all night and most of the morning. Go inside to your brother.” He stepped aside.

  Dana hesitated. “Is Paul really angry?”

  “He’s worried.”

  She nodded, took a deep breath and blew it out. She advanced, passing the two guards without glancing at them, and entered the house. Paul was in the kitchen with Becky. They were talking, but stopped the second they spotted her. Paul rushed forward.

  “Where the hell have you been?” He came to a halt a few feet away, taking her in from head to toe. “Are you all right? Did that crazy son of a bitch hurt you?”

  “Mourn isn’t crazy.”

  “So you were with him? Darkness said you’ve been meeting him every night after we went to bed.”

  “Calm down, Paul,” Becky urged.

  “Stay out of this.”

  Dana winced. “Don’t talk to her that way.”

  “I’m the bad guy?” Paul threw up his arms. “I woke and you weren’t here. Then I find out you’ve been lying to me and hanging out with Mourn. I told you to stay the hell away from him. He’s not right in the head.”

  “He lost his mate, and he’s been struggling with that. I’ve been there, remember?”

  “Yes.” Paul nodded. “You were nuts after you lost your husband. We all worried you’d take a self-inflicted bullet to the head.”

  “Paul!” Becky rounded the island and grabbed his arm. “Stop it.”

  Paul closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He took a few breaths, and opened his eyes. “I was scared shitless that Mourn would hurt you. He’s in Medical all the time after picking fights with men. They aren’t like regular guys, Dana.” He looked past her. “Tell her, Darkness. Mourn is a danger to his own kind, and she’s not one of your females. My kind killed his mate. He could take it out on my sister.”

  Dana glanced back, realizing Darkness stood directly behind her. He was so close, she could move her hand a few inches and touch him if she wanted. He glanced down at her, and then frowned at Paul.

  “She makes Mourn stable. He sees her as a reason to live. He wouldn’t harm her, just the way I told you earlier, Paul. He does have a lot of rage directed at anyone associated with Mercile, but what Species doesn’t? He’s aware that your sister is nothing like them. He’s interested in her as a female.”

  “Fucking wonderful,” Paul muttered.

  Dana stared at her brother. “Mourn isn’t going to hurt me.”

  “How do you know? You only spent a few nights talking to him. I’ve known him far longer than you have, and I’m the one who keeps seeing him brought in with injuries. He’s got a death wish.”

  “I know him better than you do.”

  “Bullshit. You are being naïve, Dana. You know nothing about Species. I’d rather you hook up with one from the Wild Zone than Mourn. You don’t even know what that means, but at least I’d know one of them would never turn on you. They call it the Wild Zone for a reason. Some of them are almost feral, but Mourn is crazy. He lost his mate and he snapped. He attacks people who try to befriend him. Hell, he attacked the man standing behind you. Take a look at Darkness. Only a crazy son of a bitch would pick a fight with him. He’s scarier than shit.” Paul glanced over her head. “No offense, man.”

  “None taken,” Darkness murmured.

  “You’re upset, and you were worried. I get that, and I’m sorry.” Dana wanted to defuse the situation. “We overslept or I would have been back before you woke up. Mour—”

  “You slept with him?” Paul lowered his head to stare at her clothes. He paled, and then jerked his gaze up. “You just slept, right?” He jerked out of Becky’s hold. “Did he fuck you? Tell me you didn’t let him touch you.”

  “Calm,” Darkness ordered, his tone harsh.

  “Did you let him have sex with you?” Paul reached for Dana.

  Darkness suddenly hooked her around her waist and jerked her back against his body, retreating a few steps in the process. He snarled, the sound scary and menacing. “Don’t touch her in anger.”

  “I wasn’t going to hurt her.” Paul let his hand drop. “That’s my baby sister.”

  Darkness released her waist and stepped to her side, staying close. “You’re the one acting crazy, Paul. She’s a fully grown female who shared sex with Mourn. It was consensual. They are bonding, and Mourn is moving into one of the cottages so they have a place to spend private time together. She’s attempting to tell you that, but you won’t allow her to speak.”

  Paul backed up and bumped into the island. He gawked at Dana. “Is that true?”

  “I wouldn’t have worded it just like that but yes. Mourn asked me to move in with him, but I told him I wasn’t ready for that. We’re going to spend more time together and see how that goes.”

  “Have you lost your mind?”

  She could see how upset Paul was. She hated being the cause of it. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. He’s the last person you should get involved with. He’s emotionally unstable. I know you feel sorry for him, but this is taking it way too far.”

  She’d just dropped a bomb on them so she was willing to forgive Paul for being a bit of an ass. She could even understand why he’d be upset, but she needed to rectify his last statement.

  “Stop right there. I don’t feel sorry for Mourn. I actually really care about him. I haven’t felt anything for anyone since Tommy.” She paused, shifting her gaze to include Becky as she glanced between them. “Mourn makes me feel. I know it’s irrational, and a few days ago I’d probably be thinking what you are. You don’t know him the way I do. He talks to me, and I can open up to him too. He also wouldn’t hurt me. I trust him. He’s sweet and really wonderful, Paul. I don’t know how to explain this so you’ll understand, but I want to give a relationship with Mourn a try.”

  The silence in the room was terrible. Dana could see Paul’s anger.

  “You don’t know what it’s like to watch someone you love die, or the kind of pain that comes with it. I put on a brave face, and tell people that time heals all. That’s bullshit, Paul. There’s this gaping hole inside me, and I exist every day with just the hope that I’m going to feel something besides the loss and loneliness that has become my life. For the first time, I wanted to be touched by someone. I slept without dreaming about Tommy or waking up to the realization that he’s dead. It’s like reliving that loss over and over, ripping off a scab and making it bleed again. I opened my eyes this morning to Mourn holding me. I wasn’t alone. I didn’t even think about Tommy until now. Do you know how wonderful that was? How great?”

  Tears filled Paul’s eyes. “Dana, I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me what you were still going through?”

  “I knew it would tear you up, and there was nothing you could do to fix my problems. I realize I can get my heart broken if things don’t work out with Mourn, but I’d rather try this than go home to the life I left behind. It sucked, Paul. Mom setting me up with every loser she could find made it worse. You think Mourn is nuts? At least he doesn’t live in his mother’s basement, or give our mother pelvic exams.”


  She glanced back at Darkness’s horrified expression. “It’s a long story but trust me, you don’t want to know.” She faced Paul again. “I don’t expect you to be overjoyed, or anything. I want to get to know Mourn better, and see if we can be happy together. I need to do this, hell, I want to do this. I’m taking a big risk, but guess what? It’s living instead of just existing. I’m scared and nervous that this could be a disaster, but I’m also excited to see where it leads. I’m pretty sure that I’m falling in love with him.”

  Becky walked over to Dana and hugged her. “We support

  Paul still didn’t look thrilled, but the anger had drained out of him. “I will kill him if he hurts you.”

  “Fair enough,” Darkness stated. “I’m going to arrange for Mourn to get new living quarters, and make phone calls to explain this situation. I take it that everything is fine here now?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Darkness.” Paul nodded at him.

  Becky released Dana and Paul hugged her next. He held her close and sighed.

  “I worry. That’s all. Couldn’t you have picked anyone besides Mourn?”

  “No.” She held onto him. “We’re a lot alike.”

  “Why are your clothes damp? Do I even want to know?”

  Dana laughed at Paul’s question. “This was Mourn’s attempt to seduce me. You asked.”

  He groaned, eased his hold on her and stepped back. “These guys aren’t normal. I’ll forget I’m your big brother for the moment, but I’m a nurse. Are you okay? Did he hurt you in any way? Bite?”

  Becky gasped. “Shit. I forgot about that. Did he bite you? That means he wants to mate you. They mark their territory.”

  “Mourn wouldn’t bite me. He didn’t hurt me at all.”

  “It’s not to mark territory. I think it’s more like getting a taste of their mate’s blood.”

  Dana gave him a dirty look. “You’re just saying that to scare me.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “No. That’s a New Species trait, and it’s classified. They aren’t fully human. They get those urges. He might bite you at some point. The good news is, he’ll be careful not to tear your skin with his fangs. Just don’t fight him if it happens. Hold still. Promise me.”

  She nodded, hoping he was full of shit. She’d seen Mourn’s fangs. They were big, like everything else on him.

  Paul suddenly tensed. “Tell me he used condoms.”

  Dana shook her head.

  “Son of a bitch!” Paul shouted, and stomped across the room. He punched the wall. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Calm down, honey.” Becky left Dana’s side to rush to her husband. She grabbed his fist and inspected it.

  He jerked out of his wife’s hold, glaring at Dana. “Don’t let him touch you without a condom.”

  “I highly doubt Mourn gave me a sexual disease. He’s only been with his mate. I know I don’t have anything. I only had sex with Tommy. He didn’t have any STDs.”

  “Species don’t carry STDs. They are immune. Just use condoms from now on if you insist on letting that bastard touch you, okay?” He looked furious. “I need to get out of here. I can’t talk.” He marched to the front door, yanked it open and slammed it behind him.

  Dana winced. “He didn’t take that well.”

  Becky came back to stand in front of her. “He likes to take walks when he’s really upset, but he usually kisses me goodbye first.” Becky looked at the door sadly and then back at Dana. “He just wants to protect you.”

  Dana sighed. “I knew he wouldn’t be thrilled to find out about Mourn, but I didn’t expect him to storm out.”

  “He’ll be back once he cools down and has time to wrap his mind around this. Are you okay? You look upset too.”

  “I didn’t come to Homeland expecting to meet someone. I’m having a tough enough time coming to grips with this sudden relationship with Mourn. I didn’t need Paul to blow up like that.”

  “You wanted a little emotional support and understanding,” Becky guessed. “I’m happy for you.”

  That helped. “Thank you.”

  “Paul is right about the condoms though. Apply that no glove, no love rule.”


  “Paul has a lot of secrets he has to keep from me about New Species. I never press because he gave his word to the NSO not to repeat anything he learns about them. I do however read and watch TV. There’s a rumor that their genetics can be transferred to humans via sex,” Becky whispered. She suddenly grinned. “You might grow fangs if that’s true. They interviewed some doctor with a long list of credentials, and he thinks that’s possible.”

  Dana didn’t buy it.

  Becky shrugged. “I didn’t tell Paul about that show, because he’s asked me to avoid that kind of stuff. He gets really angry when they write about or do shows concerning New Species. Some of it is total bullshit. One of those talk shows interviewed some of the local residents who live a few blocks from Homeland. They were worried that the NSO would kill them in their sleep so their homes would go on the market after what is happening at Reservation.”

  “Why would they think that?”

  Becky pulled her over to the couch and they sat. “Reservation is expanding. They’ve bought up some properties next to their borders. Keep in mind that Reservation is in a little town up north, and most of the properties they are buying are usually fifty-plus acres. The Wild Zone started taking in rescue animals. You know how some people get illegal animals like bears and lions as pets, but then they get too big to care for? Reservation takes them in. The zoos can only accept so many of them and there aren’t a lot of rescue places that can handle those types of large animals. Anyway, some of the properties came on the market so the NSO bought them. They offered to buy anyone’s land that adjoins Reservation, and they pay well over market price. Idiots around here think the NSO might force them to sell by any means necessary, but it’s stupid. They don’t plan to expand Homeland, and they wouldn’t hurt anyone unless they had no choice. You know, like in self-defense.”

  “They sound paranoid.”

  “They are. The NSO would never intimidate or force people to sell their homes. That’s bullshit.” Becky faced her. “You do realize there could be some fallout if anyone finds out you’re dating Mourn, don’t you? That’s probably part of the reason Paul is so upset.”

  “I know. I do see the news and am aware of the stories about women who were attacked because of their associations with the NSO.”

  “There’s also the issue of your mom. Paul is probably thinking about that too. It’s one thing for her to tell her friends that her son works for a nonprofit organization overseas, but what would she say about you? She’s used to him not being around. You’re her baby. She’s not going to like it if you and Mourn get serious. It would mean you’d live here, and she couldn’t keep you close.”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”

  Becky grimaced. “I don’t envy you.”

  Dana dreaded the thought. “Me neither.”

  “Are you okay?” Becky studied her. “How do you feel about spending the night with a man? This was your first time, right?”

  “Since Tommy, you mean? Yes. I thought it would be a really uncomfortable situation, but it wasn’t.” She felt a little heat rise in her cheeks.

  “You enjoyed it a lot.” Becky grinned. “I’ve heard New Species have some serious bedroom skills. I’ll take that as fact.”

  “I don’t want to go into details. Should I not stay here? I don’t want to make Paul uncomfortable. Mourn asked me to move in with him. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet, but I’d hate to overstay my welcome.”

  “You’re fine. Paul will calm down. Our home is yours for as long as you want to stay at Homeland.”

  Dana rose to her feet. “I should shower.”

  “Are you hungry?”


  “I’ll make you something.”

  “Thank you.”

  Becky stood. “I’m happy for you, Dana.”

  “Thanks.” She returned to the guest bedroom.

  * * * * *

  Mourn wished that Dana had agreed to live with him, but they’d get to spend more time together. Darkness had texted him right after he’d gone on shift that he’d secured couples housing for him. Mourn planned to stop by the men’s dorm after work to grab the two duffle bags he’d packed, pick up food from the bar and go get Dana. It made him smile, thinking about seeing her soon.

  He exited one of the buildings and came to a halt when he spo
tted Paul leaning up against his Jeep. The male didn’t look pleased, but he’d obviously sought him out. Mourn stifled a snarl but couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice. “I promised Dana I wouldn’t fight you. Don’t attack me, Paul.”

  “I’m not the suicidal bastard. That’s you.”

  “Did you come to threaten me to stay away from Dana?”

  “I would if I thought it would do any good.” Paul shook his head. “She made it clear that she is set on getting to know you better.” Paul reached behind him and Mourn growled, prepared to defend himself if the male had a weapon.

  Paul withdrew a package that he’d stashed under the back of his shirt, and held it out. “Take this.” He tossed it.

  Mourn caught it and looked at the large padded envelope. “What is it?”

  “Condoms. I wasn’t going to walk around searching for you with a clearly marked box. I put a few dozen of them inside. I can’t stop you from seeing Dana, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to allow you to get her pregnant. She has no idea that can happen, and I know you can’t tell her because she’s not your mate. Don’t ever touch my sister again without wearing one. Am I clear?”

  “I wasn’t aware you knew about the children.”

  Paul snorted. “Of course I do. I work with Trisha. They tried to hide it from me at first, but I’m not a moron. She’d never cheat on Slade. I knew as soon as she got pregnant who that baby belonged to, and I also could figure out why it’s classified. I’m not going to let you trap my sister into mating to you because you knocked her up. It’s not like she can leave here with your baby. The NSO wouldn’t allow it, because of the danger to her and the baby.”

  Mourn glanced down at the package, and then back at Paul. “Thank you.”

  “Do you know how to use them?”

  Mourn shook his head.

  Paul cursed, spun around and put his hands on the hood of the Jeep. “This is so messed up.” He turned around. “Ask someone. I can’t even go there. She’s my sister. It was hard enough bringing you those, knowing you need them because of what you plan to do with her. You hurt her, and I’ll make you pay. You come into Medical often enough. Remember that. You lay a finger on her in anger, and I’ll get even. You’ll wake up in a full-body cast. That’s way worse than restraints. Am I clear?”