Page 14 of Loving You

  Lauren beamed with happiness. “Not yet. I think we’ll wait a bit longer. Maybe make the announcement at Gram’s birthday party.”

  I was so happy for Lauren. She looked happier than I had ever seen her. “I’m so happy for you and Colt.”

  Resting her head on my shoulder, she sighed. “I’m happy too. If only the morning sickness would go away.”

  We both giggled as Libby came up next to us. “What are you two going on about?”

  “How happy we both are,” I said with a huge smile.

  “It’s about time we’re all happy and there is no damn drama!” Grace called out.

  Walking into the garage, I glanced up and laughed. “Libby, do you remember when you caused Luke to fall back in the chair when he saw you standing there after he talked a bunch of crap?”

  She chuckled and nodded her head. “I do remember that. He was talking shit indeed. Oh! Then Alex and Will snuck off.”

  Alex grinned as she shook her head. “It seems like yesterday, but at the same time it feels like forever ago.”

  Grace sat on a hay bale and pulled her knees up to her chest. “Can you imagine all the memories this barn as seen? The secrets it must hold.”

  Lauren sat next to Grace. “I remember playing hide and seek in here so many times.”

  Meagan laughed and said, “What about the football games we used to play? Luke and Will would get so mad when the girls played better than them.”

  We all laughed as the memories came flooding back.

  Leaning against a stall, I looked at each of my best friends. They were more than friends; they were my sisters. “Now look at us. Grown women managing kids, jobs, and owning businesses. Who would have thought?” Alex said with a huge smile.

  “Do you know what makes me so happy?” Grace said as we all focused on her.

  “What?” Alex asked sitting down on the other side of Grace.

  Her eyes filled with tears as she attempted not to cry. “That we’re all together. When Meagan and Noah moved to Texas I couldn’t believe how happy I was. Now, Tay is back and it seems like everything is how it’s supposed to be. Our kids will now all grow up together and I pray like hell they are as close to each other as we all are.”

  “They will be,” Libby said coming and sitting on the floor in front of Grace. “Look at them all now. They love each other so much. They’re going to have beautiful memories here just like we do.”

  Alex chuckled and looked around in amazement. “Do y’all realize our kids are the fifth generation to grow up here? How crazy is that?”

  The idea that so many of us walked and ran around these pastures made my heart feel light. “What about Grams and Gramps? I can only dream of living a long happy life like they have. And when Gramps put’s on that song and dances with Grams.”

  Libby sighed. “It’s Nate King Cole’s ‘Send for Me’.”

  “Yes!” we all said with a laugh.

  Meagan pointed to me and wiggled her eyebrows. “Speaking of . . . spill it. I want to know everything.”

  My face instantly warmed. I placed my hands over my cheeks to hide my blush.

  “Are you blushing?” Libby asked with a snicker.

  “Holy shit, Tay. Look at you turning red. I take it the sex is good then,” Grace said as she turned to Meagan and winked.

  Wrapping my arms around my waist, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I had been bursting to talk to them. “Oh my gosh. The sex is amazing!”

  They all laughed except for Meagan who pretended to gag. “Stop it, Meg! You have to be happy for Taylor,” Lauren said.

  My sister turned to me and gave me the sweetest smile. “I truly am. I’m glad it all worked out. I know how much you love him.”

  Alex walked up and grabbed my hands, pulling me over to the other girls. We were soon all gathered around talking and giggling. I told them almost everything. I left out a few times when Jase and I got a little into things.

  “He made love to you in the back of his truck?” Libby gushed.

  I nodded. “It was so wonderful. He’s so romantic and treats me like a princess.”

  “Good. The last time we talked about him he was making you cry more than making you smile.”

  Looking at Meagan, I nodded. “I know. Sometimes though . . . I worry.”

  Alex took my hand in hers. “Worry about what?”

  “That I’m too happy and something bad is going to happen.”

  “Oh, Tay. I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say we have all felt like that before. It’s not something you only feel in the beginning either. When I wake up each morning and see Luke sleeping there I want to pinch myself,” Libby said.

  With a surprised look, I asked, “Really? Still?”

  “Yes!” Libby said with a giggle. “Love is funny that way. It brings you so many emotions. Happiness, desire, fear, anger . . .”

  “Lust, passion, heat, hunger . . .”

  Libby turned to Grace. “Thank you for those added emotions, Grace.”

  With a shrug, Grace winked. “I’m keeping it real. There is nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual appetite.”

  “Agreed,” Alex said as Libby moaned.

  Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “There is nothing missing in my sexual appetite.” I’d sat in the shadows for so long listening to everyone else talk about their sex lives, I was practically bursting at the seams to brag about mine.

  All five of them leaned closer to me. “Is that so?” Meagan asked. “Explain.”

  “Well, all I mean is Jase and I are both very attracted to each other and he is an amazing teacher.”

  Grace clapped and pointed to me. “There it is! I knew it. What has Jase been teaching you, oh so innocent one?”

  “Ugh, I’m not sure I like where this is going,” Meagan said with a groan.

  I shrugged. “I will say one thing, Grace. Anna’s tips have come in handy!”

  All six of us started laughing as Meagan buried her face in her hands. “Oh my God! My baby sister is dishing out blow jobs!”

  Grace held up her hands to get everyone to stop laughing. “Wait! There is something I have to know.” She looked directly into my eyes and asked, “Tay, do you spit or swallow?”

  I shuddered at the memory of the first time I gave Jase a blowjob. “That shit is nasty. I’m a finish yourself off kind of girl.”

  We all roared with laughter as we spent the next hour talking about sex, the latest in baby toys and big girl toys, as well as how utterly happy we each were. It was the perfect way to spend time. All of us going on about our past, our present, and what we all hoped for with our futures.

  When we started back up to the house, my heart tugged as I watched Mireya and Bayli come running up to Libby and Alex. Something strange came over me as I watched them. I couldn’t help but peek over to Lauren. I was positive she was thinking the same thing I was.

  For one crazy moment I let myself dare to dream of what it would be like if I was carrying Jase’s baby.

  “What are you doing on the front porch all alone, young lady?”

  I jumped up when Grams came walking up to me. With a slight chuckle, I replied, “Just wanted some time alone. It gets a bit overwhelming when the gangs all together, especially on Christmas Day.”

  Grams nodded and took a seat in the rocking chair next to me.

  “I hear you’ve got yourself a beau.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, I nodded. “I do. His name is Jase.”

  “Does he make you laugh?”

  I looked at her. “That’s an odd question.”

  She pulled her forehead down. “Is it? I don’t think so. But I guess most people would ask you if he makes you happy or treats you well.”

  “I suppose so.”

  Grams chuckled. “But if he makes you laugh, then you’ve already answered all of those other questions. If you’re happy and he treats you well, then you’ll laugh more. A man who can make a woman laugh knows how to treat her right.”
br />   My teeth sunk down into my lip as I nodded. “It must be so wonderful to share so many memories with Gramps.”

  “Oh my dear, it’s been a blessing. Not many people are as lucky as we are. Plus, we both have our wits about us still. That’s important. I’m not sure what I would do if I woke up one day and Garrett didn’t know who I was.”

  My heart dropped. I never really imagined life without Grams and Gramps. “That would be sad.”

  We sat for a few moments in silence before I turned to her. Her blue eyes still sparkled and I wondered how many wonderful memories she held in them. “May I ask you something, Grams?”

  “Of course you can, my darling.”

  “Did you ever feel like you didn’t deserve to be so happy? Like the life you were living was a dream and at any moment the rug would be pulled out from underneath you.”

  She tossed her head back and laughed. “Life is a series of rugs being pulled out from underneath us. I think it’s God’s way of telling us not to take things for granted. Keep us on our toes if you will.” She smiled and looked thoughtfully at me. “Life can change in a moment. Worlds turned upside down, or right side up. It’s okay to feel happy, Taylor. Don’t get caught up wondering when something will happen. Enjoy each day as if it was your last.”

  I couldn’t contain my smile. “Jase said something like that to me before.”

  “Then he’s a smart young man.”

  I nodded. “He is. And romantic!”

  Grams wiggled her eyebrows. “Really? My Garrett was terribly romantic. Still is. Do you know he puts a fresh flower next to my bedside every morning before I get up?”

  “That’s so sweet!”

  She chuckled. “It is. Crazy old man gets up early every day and walks out with Louise to the garden. She insists on going with him and I know that just makes Garrett so mad.” Grams covered her mouth as she smiled.

  Rocking in her chair, we talked a bit more about me coming over more often to visit her. She wanted to finish teaching me how to can veggies. Especially now that I had come to my senses and moved back home to the country.

  Grace, Gunner’s mother, walked out onto the porch with the warmest smile on her face. “Here you two are. We were wondering where you both snuck off to.”

  “Taylor and I were enjoying the peace,” Grams said as she stood up. Taking Grace’s arm, she looked back down to me. “Always kiss him goodbye and kiss him when he comes home. A man needs to feel loved and it’s usually the simple things that make him feel it.”

  Standing, I kissed Grams on both cheeks. “I’ll remember everything you told me. I love you, Grams. Thank you for all your advice.”

  Ever since I could remember, Grams had been there to give us all advice. From when was the best time of year to plant certain vegetables to how to get over a broken heart. It seemed like she had a story for everything. And I swear she had some magical gift to tell when someone was pregnant even before they knew. It was weird.

  With a nod, she replied, “I love you too, sweet girl.”

  Glancing over to Grace, I said, “I’ll be right in, Grace.”

  “Take your time, honey.”

  Once they were inside the house, I sent Jase a text message.

  Me: I miss you.

  It was less than a minute before my phone beeped.

  Jase: I miss you too. Are you going back to your parents’ tonight?

  Me: Nope. Santa left me a little something in my stocking just for you.

  When my phone rang, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “That was fast.”

  “What did he leave you?”

  I tried to hold my giggles back. Lauren and I had run into Fredericksburg yesterday for a few last minute gifts. When we stumbled upon a new store tucked away on one of the side streets, I thought Lauren was going to go nuts. It was a lingerie store. We both bought a little something for ourselves and few little things for Alex, Grace, Meagan, and Libby. It was nice to know we didn’t have to drive into Austin for something sexy.

  “I’ll give you one hint.”

  I could hear him moving away from everyone. “Okay, I’m on the front porch. I only get one hint?”

  “Yep!” I said, popping my p. “It’s lace.”


  “That would be two hints,” I softly replied.

  “I’m coming over tonight.”

  Desire blazed through my body. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Shit, I’ve got to go. They’re about to open gifts. Next year we’ll be spending all of Christmas day together.”

  I was on early kitchen duty this year and ended up staying last night at Ellie’s house along with Alex. That meant no waking up to Jase this morning, but Alex and I had our own little private slumber party last night, which had been fun.

  The thought of waking up Christmas morning in Jase’s arms was a wonderful one. “I’ll text you when I’m leaving and heading home.”

  “Sounds good. Taylor?”

  My breath caught like it always did when I knew what was coming next. “Yes?”

  “I love you.”

  My eyes closed as the most amazing feeling wrapped my body like a blanket. “I love you too.”


  “You’re off in another world,” Ava said as she hit me lightly on the stomach.

  Drying off the last dish, I placed it in the cabinet and turned to Ava. “Wondering what Taylor is doing.”

  A smile grew across her face. Nodding, she said, “Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about Ryder. I can’t wait to get back to Montana.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms over my chest. “Are you really going to move to Montana?”

  Her eyes lit up and her face beamed. “I love him, Jase. I can honestly say I’ve never felt this way before in my life. It’s like he brought a part of me I didn’t know existed to life. That’s the only way I can describe it.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir.”

  With a chuckle, she leaned her head back and took me in. “Taylor seems very sweet and . . . innocent.”

  “She’s both.”

  “Very beautiful too, I might add. The way she looks at you there is no doubt she is madly in love with you.”

  With a grin, I looked out the window. “I wish I hadn’t been so stupid and wasted so much time.”

  “Everything worked out like it should have and that’s all that matters.”

  I brought my attention back to Ava. “Yeah. So how are Reed and Courtney taking your decision to marry Ryder and set up roots up north?”

  She frowned and let out a low moan. “My father must have lectured me for I swear three hours about jumping into something so quickly with Ryder.”

  “It is kind of fast, Ava.”

  She glared at me. “Not you too, Jase. Of all people I thought you would understand. Look at you and Taylor.”

  My hands came up in defense. “Whoa. Hold on a second. I do understand and I get it. I’m just saying it would be different if he was in Austin and all of this was happening. Your parents are trying to deal with not only the fact that you’re going to be getting married, but you’re moving to Montana also. That’s huge.”

  With regard, she nodded. “I know. The whole time I was flying down here I think I pinched myself at least ten times to make sure this wasn’t all a dream. I realize what I’m walking away from. I have a great life in Austin. My job, my badass apartment, friends who are a blast. My family is here in Texas . . . I know what this means.”


  Her eyes filled with tears. “I love him so much. Being away from him the last few days has only shown me how much I love him. I honestly don’t think I could even attempt to have a relationship with him where I’m thousands of miles apart. Plus, I feel some sort of connection there.”

  With a speculative eye, I asked, “What kind of connection?”

  She shook her head and frowned. “I can’t explain, and if I tried you would think I
was insane.” Waving off where her thoughts were going, she continued. “But that doesn’t matter. What matters is I know being with Ryder is what I want. And he’s in Montana so that means I’m in Montana.”

  “I envy you, Ava.”

  She lifted her eyes and gave me a funny look. “Why?”

  “You knew what you wanted and no matter what the costs, you went after it. You explored it and you found happiness. I’m really happy for you, I really am.”

  Her face lit up as she pushed off the counter and walked up to me. Kissing me on the cheek, she winked and said, “I’m happy for you too. Are you going to be able to see her tonight?”

  Wiggling my eyebrows, I answered, “Hell yeah, I am.”

  Chuckling, Ava hit me on the chest and walked out of the kitchen.

  “Hey, make sure you say goodbye before you head back to Montana!” I called out as Ava turned and blew me a kiss. It was then my phone went off.

  Taylor: Heading home.

  Me: I’ll see you in a bit.

  Taylor: I can’t wait to see you! Be careful driving.

  Me: Will do! You too!

  Walking into the game room, I made my way over to my father. “Dad, I’m going to go see Taylor.”

  He smiled and nodded his head. “You staying with her tonight?”

  “Probably. I’ll be back home early. We’ve got a delivery of hay that I need to be here for.”

  “I can take care of that if you don’t want to rush home.”

  Placing my hand on his shoulder, I gave it a squeeze. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it, but this is my job and I have no intentions of slacking off.”

  He pinched his brows slightly together. “I’ve got to tell you, Jase, that is a very responsible thing to do. I’m not sure if at your age in a new relationship I would have picked my job over my girlfriend.”

  Letting out a gruff laugh, I shook my head. “Well, I learned from you so maybe you would have.”

  Laughing, he nodded. “Maybe. Make sure you say good-bye to everyone before you leave.”

  “Will do.”

  I made my way around to everyone and wished them a Merry Christmas before stopping in front of my mother last.

  “Thank you for dinner, Mom.”

  With a soft smile, she placed her hand on the side of my face. “Enjoy your evening, sweetheart. Tell Taylor I said Merry Christmas. Oh! And don’t forget her gift, it’s under the tree.”