Page 15 of Loving You

  “I won’t. Night, Mom. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Jase.”

  Pulling in behind Taylor’s car, I glanced at the cabin. I could see a faint hint of a light coming through the front window. Jumping out of the truck, I shut the door and quickly made my way into the cabin. Taylor had sent a text and told me to come in and head straight to her bedroom. I’d been uncomfortable the whole drive here with a hard-on the entire trip.

  “Tay?” I called out as I opened the door and locked it behind me. The last thing I’d want is for her dad to make a surprise visit.

  “In the bedroom!”

  I dragged in a few deep breaths before making my way to her. The bedroom door was shut some so I pushed it open. The sight before me almost had my legs buckling out.

  “Holy. Shit.”

  Her face was lit up by the candles that flanked either side of her bed. She was dressed in the sexiest piece of lingerie I could ever imagine. It was red and white satin and lace. My eyes swept across her body as I tried to take everything in. I swallowed hard when I saw the thigh-high stockings and garter. To top it all off, she had on red heels.

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven,” I mumbled.

  Her face blushed as she motioned with her finger for me to come closer.

  “I wasn’t sure if I could pull off sexy, but Lauren assured me I could.”

  I ripped my shirt off my body and threw it to the floor. “You sure the hell can. I’ve never seen anyone so fucking sexy in my life.”

  With a grin from ear to ear, she softly replied, “Good.”

  My jeans where the next thing to go as I tried desperately to get my boots off.

  “Having a hard time?”

  When I finally got my damn boots off, I kicked my jeans off and crawled onto the bed.

  Taylor’s chest rose and fell fast. Kissing her neck, I softly spoke. “I want to slowly peel everything off of you piece by piece.”

  “O-okay,” she panted. Not being able to stop myself, I smiled. Ava was spot on when she said Taylor was innocent. I loved that about her though. Knowing I was going to be the one to teach her everything made me look forward to so many things.

  After giving her a proper greeting, I pulled my lips away and took her hands, standing us both up.

  Dropping down, I lifted one foot and slipped her heel off, followed by the other foot. My fingertips gently moved up her legs. Glancing up at her, I smiled as she stared at me with wide eyes. No matter how many times I made love to her, it always felt like it was the first time.

  Unclasping the garter, I slowly rolled her stocking down as she mumbled something under her breath. Not taking my eyes off of her face. I moved my hands up her other leg. Taylor’s lips parted slightly while her tongue moved across her lips. My dick was aching, I was so hard.

  “Jase,” she whispered as I did the same thing with the other stocking. My eyes zeroed in on her lace panties. I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me.

  “Dear Lord,” she panted. Her fingers laced through my hair as she tugged me closer to her. Placing my mouth over her, I blew hot air as her entire body trembled.

  “I want you so much, baby.”

  Her hands tugged harder as she said, “Please. Take me now. I want to feel you on top of me.”

  I slipped her lace panties off and moved my hands back up her legs. Removing her garter, I dropped it to the floor and stood.

  Searching my face, I could see she was nervous and I wanted her to know how she made me feel. “Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? How you make my body crave yours?”

  She chewed nervously on her lip. Reaching up, I pulled it out. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She closed her eyes as I reached behind her and finished undressing her. The lingerie dropped to the floor as I cupped her breasts in my hands. Giving each nipple equal attention, I moved my hand down and pushed my fingers inside her.

  My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I moved in and out of her. “You’re so wet, sweetness.”

  “I. Want. You.”

  Her breathing was heavy as she pierced my eyes with hers.

  “Lay down, Taylor.”

  Doing as I asked, she moved quickly to the bed. Reaching into the side drawer, I pulled out a condom and quickly put it on before moving onto the bed. Positioning myself over her, I teased her entrance.

  “Jase, please don’t tease! I need you.”

  With a slow push, I sank into her as we both moaned.

  “Fucking hell . . . I can’t get deep enough inside you.”

  Her legs wrapped around my body as we both moved slowly. Nothing on earth would ever compare to making love to Taylor.



  “I can’t believe Grams is ninety-five today!” Lauren said as we walked up to the table Jessie pointed us to. Each of us carrying I swear a hundred cupcakes a piece.

  “Why in the world did your mom make so many cupcakes?”

  Lauren laughed. “I think she’s nervous. I mean after all, this is Grams’ birthday celebration and Jase’s family will be here too! The first time the parents are meeting!”

  Rolling my eyes, I set the cupcakes down. “You laugh because you didn’t have this stress. Our parents all knew each other.”

  “That’s true,” Lauren said as her eyes drifted up in thought. “But Gunner and my dad have both told your father they thought Jase was a fine young man.”

  I peeked over to Gunner and smiled. “Jase reminds me so much of Gunner. Colt too. He says the most wonderful things to me. I remember being little one time and hearing Gunner and Ellie in the kitchen together. I’ll never forget what he told her.”

  Lauren’s smile grew bigger. “What did he tell her?”

  “He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her forehead.” Glancing back over to Gunner, I continued, “Then he told her, I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow to your beautiful face.”

  Lauren sighed. “So simple, but so utterly romantic.”

  “I know.”

  Lauren stole a peek at Colt. “The apple didn’t fall from the tree. The things Colt says to me makes me weak in the knees.”

  “Wow. I think that’s amazing. He must have learned it from his father.”

  Lauren chuckled. “Some guys think they have to swoon their girlfriends to win their hearts, but that’s not true. I think they should always be trying to win our hearts no matter how long we’ve been with them.”

  “I agree.”

  My eyes drifted over to Matthew. He was sitting peacefully off to the side painting.

  Arms wrapped around my waist while my stomach dropped. “What do you agree with?”

  “Jase!” I said, spinning around and throwing myself into his arms. “What are you doing here? I didn’t think you were coming until six.”

  “My father called Gunner and asked if he and Jeff could spare a few minutes to talk about business.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t they ever know how to not work?”

  He looked deep into my eyes. “Let’s hope I’m not the same way once Walker and I take over full time.”

  My eyes snapped over to Lauren’s as we both smiled. “Come on! I want to introduce you to everyone! My parents are not here yet, but that’s all the better.”

  Jase chuckled as he turned to Lauren and tipped his cowboy hat. “Lauren, how are you?”

  “I’m doing good, Jase. Thanks for asking.”

  Taking his hand in mine, I led him over to Matthew first.

  Clearing my throat, I asked, “Matthew? Would you like to meet my boyfriend?”

  “Not now.”

  Jase looked surprised, but then smiled. I had already told him all about Matthew and Fragile X.

  “Are you sure? He’s right here, maybe you could say hi?”

  Matthew turned to Jase and sized him up.

  “You look like an assmole.”

  “Matthew!” I gasped and then giggled.

  Jase w
idened his eyes in surprise. “A what?”

  “Asshole. He is saying you look like an asshole, which you are not.” Turning to Matthew, I said, “He is very much not an assmole.”

  Matthew nodded. “I’ll paint him a picture then.”

  “Thank you!” Jase said with a smile. “I love paintings.”

  Matthew smiled. “Okay. I have to paint now, so bye.”

  I giggled and took Jase’s arm.

  “Wow, he is an amazing painter!” Jase said glancing over his shoulder to Matthew.

  “I know. He is a sweetheart. He’ll be easier to talk to when he isn’t painting. It’s kind of his escape. His happy place if you will.”

  I pulled Jase through the back door and into the kitchen where pretty much everyone was standing. Gunner and Ellie’s kitchen opened up to a family room that held pretty much all of us at one given time.

  “Um . . . everyone. This is Jase!”

  Jase nodded his head as Gunner walked up. “Jase, long time no see.”

  Both Gunner and Jase had met last week to go over ideas for the house Jase was wanting to build.

  “Nice to see you again, sir.”

  “Please, call me Gunner.” Turning to take Ellie’s hand, Gunner went on. “Jase, this is my wife, Ellie.”

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Jase. Gunner has spoken very highly of you. Thank you so much for coming.”

  With a huge smile, Jase replied, “Thank you for inviting me.”

  Introductions went around the room. I was worried Jase would be overwhelmed meeting everyone, but he took it like a trooper.

  “This is Jeff and Ari,” I said as Jase shook Jeff’s hand.

  “I believe we’ve met before. I was with my father once when he came to look at a horse he was having trained by Ari.”

  Ari’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! Reed brought you along and you couldn’t have been but maybe seventeen or so.”

  With a light-hearted laugh, Jase agreed. “Sounds about right.”

  “What a small world,” Heather said.

  Grinning, I pointed and said, “This is Heather and Josh.”

  Jase shook Josh’s hand. “Josh Hayes?”

  With a surprised look, Josh nodded his head. “Yes.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about your wood working. I actually saw a desk and custom cabinets you made for one of my friend’s father. He’s a lawyer in Llano.”

  With a stunned expression, Josh said, “Yes! Rob Price . . . I believe that was his name. Man, that was a long time ago.”

  “I can’t believe how connected we have been all these years yet not connected,” I said.

  Jase chuckled. “I know.”

  Spinning around, I smiled. “You already know Scott and Jessie. Now it’s time for the real test. The best friends.”

  Everyone laughed as Jase made a frightened face.

  With our arms laced together, we made our way around as I introduced Jase to everyone he hadn’t met yet. We’d had dinner at Meagan and Grayson’s place twice already. My heart melted with how Jase took to Arabella and Charlotte the way he did. The entire time we were there I went back and forth in my mind about if I would be pleased or disappointed if I turned out being pregnant. In the end, I knew it would be best if I weren’t. Jase and I needed to spend time together. I still hadn’t had my period and made an appointment for Monday. Jase hadn’t asked and I wasn’t ready to talk about it so we both simply ignored it.

  “Libby, Luke, I’d like you to meet Jase. Libby is Will’s sister and Heather and Josh are their parents. Luke’s sister is Grace, who is married to Noah. Jeff and Ari are their parents. And this is little Trey and the sweet little girl running around us is Mireya.”

  Luke shook Jase’s hand as he held Trey while Mireya sang a song she clearly had just learned.

  “Wow! I sure hope there isn’t a quiz after this,” Jase said with a chuckle.

  Luke slapped him on the back and said, “If you remember half this shit and you decide to stay with Taylor after today, I’ll be very impressed.”

  “Stop that!” Libby said as she playfully hit Luke. “Welcome to the family, Jase. It makes me so happy to see Taylor in love.”

  I felt my face heat up as I guided Jase on to the next group. “This is Alex and Will.”

  Jase pointed to Will. “Libby’s brother. Parents are Josh and Heather.”

  Will raised his eyebrows. “Impressive.”

  Alex reached her hand out for Jase’s. “It’s so nice to finally formally meet you, Jase. I’ve heard so much about you. Oh . . . I belong to Gunner and Ellie.”

  Jase tilted his head. “You have a daughter if I remember right from Taylor. Bayli?”

  All three of us turned to look at Jase while Will replied, “Dude, you’ve impressed me. I sure as hell hope you like football and beer.”

  “Very much so,” Jase answered.

  Turning to me, Will kissed me on the cheek. “I like him.”

  With a chortle, I pushed Will away. “One more and you’ve met them all.”

  Jase wiped his forehead. “This is Grace and Noah.”

  Noah and Jase shook hands as Jase smiled and said hello to Hope. “And who is this beautiful princess?”

  “Oh, yes. I do indeed like you. Good looking, goes right for the kid and starts giving her attention.” Grace turned to me. “I hope he’s good in bed because this one is a keeper.”

  “Grace!” I gasped.

  Noah laughed and slapped Jase on the back. “So, do you like football?”

  They walked off toward the kitchen as Grace pushed me with her shoulder. “Damn that boy is good looking, Taylor. And the whole cowboy hat thing. Meow.”

  Pressing my lips together to contain my smile, I nodded and said, “I know.”

  “Those blue eyes. Dreamy.”

  Glancing over to her, I scowled. “I can’t believe you said that!”

  Grace smiled and winked. “Yes you can.”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out a quick chuckle. “You’re right. I can believe it. Don’t scare him off, Grace.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Like I could scare that boy off? If meeting all of us and spending the day with this crazy-ass family isn’t enough to scare him off, I seriously doubt anything I say would.”

  I stared at her in disbelief. “Don’t underestimate your power with words, Grace. You have a gift.”

  With an evil laugh, she handed me Hope. “Go see your Aunt Taylor and slobber all over her.”

  Hope smiled as I took her in my arms. “She’s getting so big.”

  With an adoring smile, Grace traced her fingertip along Hope’s jaw. “I know. I can’t wait for another one.”

  My head snapped up to meet her eyes. “What? Are y’all trying?”

  Grace never blushed, but when her cheeks turned red I couldn’t help but feel such excitement for her. “I know it’s soon, but we decided one more and we wanted them to be close together. We haven’t told anyone yet I’m pregnant.”

  “Oh Grace, I’m so happy for you both.”

  Her eyes danced with happiness as she gazed back down at Hope. “Thanks. So things will be crazy at the shop with both me and Alex pregnant.”

  Sucking in a breath, I whispered, “Alex is pregnant too?”

  Graze froze. “Oh shit.”

  My eyes quickly dashed around until I found Alex. How did I not notice? Look at her face glowing. “Holy crap. You, Alex, and La . . . um . . . you and Alex! Wow!”

  “Oh no. No way, Taylor Atwood. You were about to say . . .” Grace did a once over and turned back to me. “Lauren. You were about to say Lauren!” She started jumping up and down as she covered her mouth.

  “Don’t you dare say a word, Grace. They don’t want to tell anyone yet. They were going to tell everyone today I think.”

  “Our little Lauren is pregnant!”

  With a giant grin, I nodded. “Yep.”

  “Now we just need you to pop one out and we’ll all have kids.”

  My smile quickly fa
ded as I looked back at Hope.

  “Oh hell. Taylor please tell me you’re not.”

  Swallowing hard, I looked at Grace as tears filled my eyes. “I really hope not. I’m not ready.”

  “Oh, sweets.” Pulling me into her arms, Grace held me while I held onto her daughter and fought to keep my tears in.


  The rest of the afternoon was filled with meeting more family. I was positive I’d be quizzed after this. There was Jack, Gunner’s father. I’d already met his mother Grace. Ellie’s mother and stepfather were there, Sharon and Philip.

  My eyes scanned everyone as I saw Greg and Elizabeth. Shit. Whose parents are they again? When I saw Bayli running into Greg’s arms it hit me. Josh’s parents!

  And to think there are even more I haven’t met yet. I’m going to have to ask Taylor for a family tree.

  Blowing out a breath, I caught sight of Taylor. She was talking to Grams and Gramps. They had to have been the nicest people I’d ever met. Both still so sharp, especially Gramps for being in his late nineties.

  Taylor leaned over and kissed Grams on the cheek and made her way over to me. Smiling, she stopped in front of me and said, “So, has anyone scared you off yet?”

  Pulling her into my arms, I gently kissed her lips then whispered, “Never.”

  “You’ve never said, do you have a big family?”

  “No not really. My father’s parents died years before Liza and I were born. His brother, Mike, died in the military when my father was young and Mike’s daughter Kate got married a few years back and lives in Phoenix with her husband. We don’t get to see her very often which sucks. But her mom, Jen, still lives in Llano. My mother’s mom and dad live in New York. They used to come to Texas a lot to visit, but have slowed it down some the older they have gotten. They’ll be here this summer though.”

  Taylor softly smiled. “I’d love to meet them,” she said before glancing over her shoulder. “They’ve already done the whole happy birthday thing. We’re just waiting on one more announcement and then we can leave if you want.”

  Pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, I nodded. “I’m in no rush, sweetness. It’s whenever you want to leave.”