Page 25 of The Closer You Come

  Beck glared right back. "I planned to leave as soon as I'd eaten the strawberry waffles Brook Lynn promised me. If you'd never had her cook for us, I would have left sooner. This is on you, my friend."

  "Last night you agreed to go before breakfast."

  Beck scratched his chest. "Did I?"

  Jackass! "If you want the room the way it was, you'll have to rearrange the furniture yourself," he grumbled, then stormed to the gym he'd just finished building at the back of the house. All he had left to do was put the equipment together. But as one hour bled into two, the physical exertion failed to calm him. His body remained revved.

  He heard Beck and Brook Lynn...laughing? He tensed. When the suspected laughter turned to definite arguing, he threw down the wrench and stalked down the hall. No way he would allow Beck to intimidate--

  "--got to make him beg for it, the way he's making you beg for it," Beck was saying. "But you were seconds away from going all-in."

  "Keep your voice down," Brook Lynn whispered. "And don't you remember? I do this my way."

  Jase stopped. Do what her way?

  Seconds away from going all-in...

  Make him beg for it...


  His heart hammered wildly. He quickened his pace, ready to yell--

  But then he paused. If Brook Lynn wanted him enough to work for him, she might want him enough to keep him--despite everything. A heavy burden seemed to lift from his shoulders. He backtracked, returning to the gym. He had to think, make a few decisions. Because once he took the next step--once he went all-in--there would be no going back.


  BROOK LYNN PACED inside her bedroom. She'd turned her implants to silent so she could reflect in peace.

  After Zombie Fighting 101, Jase had disappeared into the gym. He'd stayed there for several hours, and when he'd finally emerged, he'd acted weird. Almost...happy. Why?

  Because Beck had stopped them from going all the way? Or because Brook Lynn had almost given in to Jase's advances without insisting on a commitment?

  She turned--gasping when she saw that Jessie Kay stood in her doorway.

  "You've got to tell your man to stop throwing rocks," her sister said.

  "What are you talking about?" Brook Lynn asked, switching the implants on.

  Jessie Kay motioned to the window with a tilt of her chin. "See for yourself. Jase has done gone eighties heartthrob on us," she said and shut the door.

  Frowning--even while her heart hammered against her ribs--Brook Lynn padded to the window. Clink. A rock hit the glass as she parted the curtains.

  Outside, Jase stepped into a pool of light...and utterly stole her breath. The man who'd turned her world upside down wore a black T-shirt that hugged every one of his muscles and a pair of jeans almost as dark. He'd recently showered, his dark hair damp and plastered around his face.

  Her heart pounded a thousand times faster as she lifted the pane. A dog barked in the background. A car's headlights illuminated the man who'd obsessed her further before fading away.

  "What are you doing here?" she demanded in a whisper-yell, praying she wouldn't wake the neighbors who were an acre away.

  "A romantic gesture." He moved to the sill and crossed his arms over the bottom frame, leaning in.

  Brook Lynn took a step back as bumblebees took flight inside her stomach. "Why are you making a romantic gesture?"

  "Because I want you."

  A flare of disappointment. Not this again. "You've said that before."

  "All right, then, how about this?" His eyes glittered like freshly polished emeralds, snaring her. "You are gorgeous, Brook Lynn, and you are sweet. You are protective and loyal. I've never seen anyone care for her family the way you care for yours. It's admirable, and I want to be part of that family. I want more from you."

  She rubbed her chest in an attempt to dull the ache his words had caused. "I--I've heard that last part, too."

  His gaze slid over her and heated. "I'm happiest when you're nearby. You make me smile and laugh. Do you know how tough that is to do? You make me want to be worthy of more...of better. You make me want to hold on to you, hold on to what we have, and never let go."

  Her knees threatened to melt. Can't jump into his arms. Must proceed with caution. "'re my boss."

  "And I want to be your man. I can be both. Boss by day, boyfriend by night."

  Boyfriend. He'd put a label on it.

  He was deadly serious about this.

  "Yes," she said, tremors running through her. "Yes, I want that. Want you."

  She expected him to smile. She'd just given him the green light. But he frowned, confusing her.

  "Don't agree just yet. There are things you don't know about me," he said, taking her hand, linking their fingers, gripping her almost painfully, as if he feared she would try to jerk away. "Things about my past. Things you're not going to like and that I don't want to tell you. Things that might even scare you. But I hope you'll give me a chance to explain anyway."

  A tremor moved through him and into her. He'd never--never--looked at her like this, as if there really had been a zombie-virus outbreak, and he had to be the one to tell her. Her mouth went dry. What could be so bad?

  Car lights flashed yet again, and in the light she caught a glimpse of his guilt, regret and sorrow, emotions he couldn't hide.

  "Did you chop up an old girlfriend and put her in your freezer?" she asked easily.

  "No," he rushed out. "Never."

  "Are you sick or dying?"


  "Do you kick puppies in your spare time?"


  "Then I don't need to know. Yet." They'd just decided to try for more. The bonds between them were fragile, easily breakable.


  "Jase," she said softly, tracing her fingers over the hand holding hers. "It's okay. Really." At the moment, he only wanted to tell her because he felt he had to, and that's not what she wanted from him, or for him. One day he would realize sharing their pasts was a way to grow closer. But until then, he would only feel pressured, forced or coerced. They might be over before they started. "I know the man you are now, and I like him."

  He expelled a breath, brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. His tongue stroked her skin, and heat only he could ignite spread through her.

  "I should warn you," he said, gaze locked on her. "I might not want to chop you up and put you in my freezer, but I'm a little obsessed with you. I want you to be mine fully. Mine to touch. Mine to taste and to strip and play with. And I will do so. Often."

  Was he trying to prepare her or scare her off? Well, news flash. He'd failed to scare her. She only wanted him more. To be the center of his attention, to be the object of his attraction--yes.

  "No one else can have you," he said.

  "Will you see other people?" she asked. "Because that would be a deal breaker."

  "Hell, no. There is only one woman I desire, and I'm outside her window, waiting to be invited in."

  Oh, this man. Tenderness welled inside her. "I would invite you in so hard, but Jessie Kay is here and the walls are thin."

  "I can be quiet. The noise problem is all you, honey." He offered a sweet, sexy grin that weakened her knees. "Brought you a present."

  "For me?"

  "Yes, you." He dug into his pockets and pulled out handfuls of ripped paper. "Your contract had to go," he said, "and a new one had to be drafted." He lifted an eight-by-eight frame he must have propped against the house before he'd started throwing those rocks.

  She peered down and read, "'I, Jase Hollister, give Brook Lynn Dillon all the nights, mornings and afternoons she so desperately desires. I'm in this thing long-term.'"

  He was giving her more than she could ever have hoped. Happy tears stung her eyes as she set the plaque down and cupped his cheeks, her thumbs stroking over his stubble. "Get in here. Your presence isn't invited--it's commanded."

  He took her hands, squeezed. "You get to comman
d me now? That's how this works?"

  "Yes," she said and heard rustling in nearby bushes. She moved aside so Jase could climb into the bedroom, in case wild animals were out scavenging. When he stood before her, she closed and covered the window and gripped the hem of his shirt, ready to tug the material over his head. "But don't worry. You'll soon be thanking me."


  NAKED AND SATED, Brook Lynn snuggled into the warmth and security of Jase's hard body. They'd gone at it like animals, dozed and then gone at it again. And the sex had been amazing, just as before. But--

  I'm such a slag, adding a but.

  But. Since they'd committed to each other, she'd expected something...more. More intimate. More meaningful. More emotional than physical.

  I'm seriously complaining about four orgasms? I think I can hear women all over the world cocking their guns to shoot me.

  "Should we call ourselves Brase?" she asked to distract herself. "Or maybe J-rook? Jaselynn?"

  He snorted.

  "Too soon for a Hollywood nickname?"

  "Considering the things we've done to each other," he said, "nothing is too soon." He smoothed the hair from her temple and stroked the shell of her ear, careful of the implant.

  She tensed at first, but the more he did it, the more she liked it, and soon she was leaning in to the touch. It was so new, a pleasure she hadn't known she could have until him. "Are you really my boyfriend?"

  "I am."

  "And I'm..."

  "My girlfriend."

  She kissed the spot just above his heart and stroked her fingers over his chest. "Then I need to know more about you. Where are you from?"

  "Oklahoma City. But I've lived in Mustang, Yukon, Norman, Moore...McAlester. Even Pawnee."

  "Have a favorite?"

  His arms tightened around her. "Definitely Strawberry Valley."

  She playfully bit his nipple. "Trying to seduce me when I'm already naked?"

  "Maybe it's not only your body I'm hoping to seduce," he grumbled.

  Her mind? Her...heart? She sucked in a breath. It was far too soon in their relationship for love...right?

  A pang shot through of longing. Was that what had been missing from their lovemaking--the love?

  I want him to love me, she realized. And he could--surely. I won this from him. I can win more.

  "What about you?" he asked.

  "I've been here all my life," she said. "Never really wanted to live anywhere else."

  "Is there somewhere you've wanted to visit?"

  "Wichita Mountain." She remembered the way Harlow Glass had bragged about all the fun she and her family had there, climbing Mount Scott, seeing the patchwork of lakes, the rock formations and the bison herds.

  "Camping?" He laughed. "You?"

  "Hey! I told you we did it once a year when I was a kid. I excel at camping."

  He rolled her to her back, a grin still in place. "I'd like to go camping right now. At Lake Bliss. And I know just where I want to stake my tent."

  She moaned as he slipped a finger deep inside her.

  A vibration rattled the nightstand. A ring followed.

  "Ignore it," Jase said, kissing her neck. "The rest of the world no longer exists."

  "But what if Jessie Kay needs me?"

  He lifted his head to check. "It's not Jessie Kay. It's--" He whipped out an arm and swiped up the phone. "You've missed a call and two texts from Brad." His tone had gone flat, his eyes dark. "He'd like to go out again."

  It reminded her of the anger he'd displayed at the wine-and-cheese tasting, the moment he'd gone still--a predator preparing to strike--and gave her a momentary twinge of unease. "I'll tell him no," she said, knowing she should have taken care of this already. This wasn't the first time Brad had contacted her. "Tomorrow, after work."

  Jase gave a clipped shake of his head. "Now. This second."

  "No way. I'll do it in person, not through a text."

  "Fine," he said. "But you'll do it this morning."

  I willingly hitched my wagon to an alpha. What did I expect? "First, you'll need to adjust your tone if you want results. Second, I have too much to do at your place."

  "You're right about the tone. I'm sorry. As for the other thing, your very generous boss will give you an hour off."

  Brad didn't love her or anything like that, but rejection was rejection, and it always hurt. "Maybe I'll let him down in stages."

  "In one swoop. This is necessary to his survival," Jase said. "I don't want him thinking there's a chance he can have what's mine."

  What's mine. The caveman claim of possession reverberated in her head, thrilling her.

  "He's a nice guy, Jase, from a nice family. His dad is sheriff and one of the best--"

  "Sheriff?" Jase asked, going still again.

  "Yeah. Why? Is that a problem?"

  The color drained from his cheeks. "No," he rasped. "No problem. Just...tell Brad first thing in the morning."


  Fiery green eyes locked on her. "And bring an overnight bag to work."

  "Ask nicely."

  "Or what? You start counting?"

  "Nope. I put your body in a time-out corner."

  He arched a brow. "Going to be that girl, are you?"

  "For sure. As long as we're together, I'm going to use sex against you."

  "Well, well. I'm finally meeting that evil side I've heard so much about."

  "Too bad for you she only gets worse."

  "Nah. All she needs is an orgasm or two, and she'll forget all about that time-out corner." He palmed her breasts. "Let me prove it..."


  I CAN DO THIS. I've got this. Except I probably can't do this, and I most likely don't have this.

  Brook Lynn marched down Fragaria Street, heading toward Lintz Automotive, giving herself the best-worst pep talk of all time. She'd never had to reject someone before. It's not about saying all the right things when there's nothing right to say. It's about believing I won't destroy his self-esteem even though I probably will.

  Jase walked at her side, his steps clipped, his posture tense.

  He'd stayed the entire night. Anytime she'd inadvertently rolled away from him, he'd begun to toss and turn. When she'd snuggled up close, he'd calmed. They'd woken up wrapped in each other's arms and made love again. It had been thrilling and satisfying--but still she couldn't shake the sensation that something had been missing.

  She'd expected him to head home, but he had errands in town, he'd said, and would escort her to the auto shop. When she'd refused to ride with him--no need to encourage him--he'd followed her. He wanted to ensure she made it to Brad's safely, and she understood that. But waves of anger pulsed from him, and she found herself wondering what he'd do to the guy if they ever came face-to-face.

  "Go," she said, waving him away.

  "Not till you're at the door."

  "Don't think I'll do as ordered?"

  "There's just something I need to do--ah, finally," he said and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  The contact startled her, and she gasped.

  Charlene Burns had just turned the corner, she realized, her steps stuttering when she spotted them. She pasted a smile on her face and skipped the rest of the way over.

  "I didn't realize you'd be bringing your assistant to our meeting," she said, not sparing Brook Lynn a glance.

  What! What meeting?

  Jase kissed Brook Lynn on the temple and said, "I didn't. I brought my girlfriend."

  Charlene gaped at him. "Oh, that's...lovely." Her tone suggested lovely was the new word for craptastic.

  Warmth spilled through Brook Lynn as she realized what, exactly, was going on. Charlene must have turned her sights to Jase, and this was his way of letting her know nothing was going to happen. Meanwhile, though he had no idea he was doing it, he was proving Charlene's "use her and lose her" comment wrong.

  Just like that, Brook Lynn forgave him for his brutishness last night.

  "Just wanted to thank you for those muffins," Jase said. "The tin is in my car." He kissed Brook Lynn again, smack on the lips, and said, "I'll be at the house when you're done, and I'll be missing you every second, honey." He gently caressed her cheek before walking off with Charlene.

  I am going to fall so hard for this man.

  Charlene looked so envious, Brook Lynn actually felt sorry for her. She patted the girl's arm, saying, "Everything will be okay. I'll see you later, Charlene."

  Charlene jolted away from her and hissed.

  Brook Lynn didn't let it affect her, just ambled away. About to turn the corner, her step faltered. Not because she'd reached her destination, but because she caught the reflection of a man in a store window, barreling toward her from behind. She attempted to sidestep him, but she wasn't fast enough, and he plowed into her. She tripped, landing on her knees. The pavement cut into her skin, and her purse thumped heavily against her hip.

  The man stopped to help her up. "I'm so sorry...was in a hurry...didn't see you."

  "Don't worry about it." She hooked her purse strap over her shoulder, letting it crisscross over her middle. "I'm fine."

  As he looked her up and down, she recognized him as the tourist who'd entered her shop only to leave without saying a word. "Your poor knees. They're bleeding."

  "They'll be fine." Up close like this, she could tell he was roughly her age. He had sandy-colored hair and eyes as dark as slate, but he appeared sickly. His skin had a yellow tint, and there were bags under his bloodshot eyes. His button-up and slacks were ill-fitting, with several stains.

  "Well," he said, staring at her so intensely she shifted uncomfortably. "I should be going." He turned on his heel and rushed off.

  O-kay, then. Weird.

  Brook Lynn continued on to Brad's shop. When she stood at the door, she withdrew the sandwich she'd made for him from her purse and drew in a deep breath. I can do this. Maybe.

  Cool air enveloped her as she entered the lobby. She bypassed reception and slipped into the garage. Brad was a few cars down, twisting something under the hood of a car. He wore his work coveralls, and his hands were stained with grease.

  What am I going to say to him?

  Her mind drifted back to the breakfast she'd shared with Jessie Kay while Jase showered. As they'd munched on a fruit platter she'd bought to sample for Tessa's party, she'd explained her dilemma to her sister, asking, "How can I let Brad down easy?"

  "Tell him you'll give him another chance if he'll consider a penile-enlargement surgery, and boom, he'll be done with you."