Page 112 of Anna Karenina

Chapter 11

Everyone took part in the conversation except Kitty and Levin. At first,when they were talking of the influence that one people has on another,there rose to Levin's mind what he had to say on the subject. But theseideas, once of such importance in his eyes, seemed to come into hisbrain as in a dream, and had now not the slightest interest for him. Iteven struck him as strange that they should be so eager to talk of whatwas of no use to anyone. Kitty, too, should, one would have supposed,have been interested in what they were saying of the rights andeducation of women. How often she had mused on the subject, thinking ofher friend abroad, Varenka, of her painful state of dependence, howoften she had wondered about herself what would become of her if she didnot marry, and how often she had argued with her sister about it! But itdid not interest her at all. She and Levin had a conversation of theirown, yet not a conversation, but some sort of mysterious communication,which brought them every moment nearer, and stirred in both a sense ofglad terror before the unknown into which they were entering.

At first Levin, in answer to Kitty's question how he could have seen herlast year in the carriage, told her how he had been coming home from themowing along the highroad and had met her.

”It was very, very early in the morning. You were probably only justawake. Your mother was asleep in the corner. It was an exquisitemorning. I was walking along wondering who it could be in afour-in-hand? It was a splendid set of four horses with bells, and in asecond you flashed by, and I saw you at the window--you were sittinglike this, holding the strings of your cap in both hands, and thinkingawfully deeply about something,” he said, smiling. ”How I should like toknow what you were thinking about then! Something important?”

”Wasn't I dreadfully untidy?” she wondered, but seeing the smile ofecstasy these reminiscences called up, she felt that the impression shehad made had been very good. She blushed and laughed with delight;”Really I don't remember.”

”How nicely Turovtsin laughs!” said Levin, admiring his moist eyes andshaking chest.

”Have you known him long?” asked Kitty.

”Oh, everyone knows him!”

”And I see you think he's a horrid man?”

”Not horrid, but nothing in him.”

”Oh, you're wrong! And you must give up thinking so directly!” saidKitty. ”I used to have a very poor opinion of him too, but he, he's anawfully nice and wonderfully good-hearted man. He has a heart of gold.”

”How could you find out what sort of heart he has?”

”We are great friends. I know him very well. Last winter, soon after came to see us,” she said, with a guilty and at the same timeconfiding smile, ”all Dolly's children had scarlet fever, and hehappened to come and see her. And only fancy,” she said in a whisper,”he felt so sorry for her that he stayed and began to help her lookafter the children. Yes, and for three weeks he stopped with them, andlooked after the children like a nurse.”

”I am telling Konstantin Dmitrievitch about Turovtsin in the scarletfever,” she said, bending over to her sister.

”Yes, it was wonderful, noble!” said Dolly, glancing towards Turovtsin,who had become aware they were talking of him, and smiling gently tohim. Levin glanced once more at Turovtsin, and wondered how it was hehad not realized all this man's goodness before.

”I'm sorry, I'm sorry, and I'll never think ill of people again!” hesaid gaily, genuinely expressing what he felt at the moment.