Chapter 6

  Aunt Sarah and Gabe are not as thrilled as I am about my new job, however when I tell them that I will be working in the kitchen they relax a bit.

  I also broach the subject of the beach party at dinner and my Aunt looks over at Gabe with a worried look. Gabe thinks for a minute and then says, “You should be ok if you stick with us. Bring your friends over and just try to go unnoticed. It is unusual for Ash and his gang to come to it anyway so you’ll probably be ok.” Grinning I begin to feel excited. My first proper party. I have never been allowed to go to one before and I feel ecstatic.

  By the time the weekend comes I have already completed a shift at Violet’s which I enjoyed much more than I ever thought I would. It was busy but the time just rushed by. I was exhausted at the end of it and Violet appeared pleased with my work.

  I was working with some older ladies who kept me in fits with their constant chatter. I am going to do an afternoon shift after the library so the day will be extremely hectic.

  Gabe drops me off at the library saying, “I’ll pick you up at 1pm and drop you to the diner if you want.” I nod at him gratefully. “Thanks Gabe. Where are you off to now?” “Training. I might have lunch at the diner as I’m always so hungry afterwards so I’ll probably see you later, good luck.” Waving to him I walk up the stone steps towards the door of the library.

  Pushing open the door I take in the dim, dusty interior. It is quite dark in here and smells musty. The room is crammed from floor to ceiling with rows upon rows of books and there are several tables dotted around housing piles of books that have apparently been abandoned there.

  Walking in I see a man sitting behind a desk and as I approach him I notice with a pang that he appears dishevelled and unkempt. As he raises his eyes to look at me he looks tired and weary, worry lines evident on his face. Tilting his glasses forward he says, “Can I help you Miss?”

  “Um my name is Grace Gray Mr Watson. My Aunt Sarah Rivers may have told you to expect me.” Suddenly jumping up he smiles saying, “Of course, welcome dear. I am pleased to meet you. It is kind of you to give up your Saturday morning to help out an old man like this.”

  I smile brightly at him. “It’s my pleasure Sir. What would you like me to do?” Looking strangely at me he clears his throat and then points to an area in the corner of the room. “Would you mind making a start on the literary classics section? I need them in alphabetical order by Author. Follow me and I’ll show you where to start.”

  As I follow him I take in my surroundings. It all looks a complete mess and with the dingy lighting and dusty shelves it is a depressing place to be. Libraries usually excite me as I love books and enjoy reading so much. This one though will need a lot of work before it is a relaxing place to hang out.

  I get on with my task and soon start to enjoy myself. I must have been sorting the shelves out for an hour before I come across a copy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Rocking back on to my heels I open the pages and start to read. I can’t help myself and know that I should be working but the story sucks me in. All at once though the book is plucked from my hands and somebody crouches beside me saying, “Can’t you hear me, where are the Thomas Hardy books?”

  Surprised I look to see who has disturbed me and find myself staring into the most beautiful face that I have ever seen in my life. Two of the blackest eyes are staring at me and swallowing hard I jump up in confusion. Pulling back I can see that they belong to a guy who must be about my age.

  As he stands up I notice that he is taller than me and has an extremely muscular body, very evident through the T Shirt that he wearing. He has jet black hair that is slightly unruly and he reeks of testosterone and a heady aftershave.

  He looks extremely irritated and is staring at me angrily. Shaking myself I look down and mumble, “I’m sorry, I’ll find them for you.” As I go to move he moves in front of me blocking my exit and looks at me intently. “Wait a minute. Do I know you from somewhere?”

  I am suddenly glad of the dingy light and say, “No, I don’t think so. I’ve just arrived here.” Looking into my eyes I can see that he is trying to place me. His expression is puzzled and breaking away I say, “Follow me.”

  Luckily he does just that and I soon hand him several volumes of Thomas Hardy’s work. Coughing nervously I say, “Are you sure you want them all? I mean you can only take three books out at a time.” Looking lazily at me he says, “Who said I wanted to take them out. I just want to look at them here.” Nervously I gesture to an empty table and then place some more books on to it. Looking back he picks up the book that I was reading and studies the cover. Smirking he looks at me with a look that almost takes the breath from my body and says, “Tess of The D’Urbervilles. How interesting.” I look down and say quietly, “Why is that interesting?” Leaning forward he says in a whisper, “It’s my favourite book that’s why.”

  Shocked I look up and once again he looks at me with a puzzled expression which is soon replaced by a wicked grin that makes my heart beat faster than it ever has before. “So my little Tess,” he says raising an eyebrow. “The question is do you prefer an Alec or an Angel?”

  Flustered I look down. “Neither.” Laughing he drops the book on to the floor and moves to sit down at the table. Flicking his gaze back to me he says, “It might be interesting to find out.” Backing away I hurriedly pick up the book and return to my work.

  There is silence in the library as he reads and I work. Occasionally I glance up at him from across the room and can’t help but be drawn to him. He has stretched his legs out and raised them up on to the table. He is engrossed in the books and my heart flutters every time I catch sight of him. I have never before witnessed such a beautiful face on a man. The sight of him gives me palpitations and I can’t concentrate on the job in hand whilst he is here. Mr Watson ignores him completely, even though he is lounging on the table with his feet up. If anything he appears to make him nervous and he soon disappears outside for a break.

  I watch in fascination as he takes each book one by one and flicks through them. There is intense concentration on his face and he doesn’t so much as read the books, but absorbs them. Suddenly in shock I realise that is exactly what he is doing. It can’t be. I have only ever heard of someone doing this, I have never actually seen it happen though and I wonder if I am right.

  Suddenly I notice the time and jump up. My shift is due to start in Violet’s soon and I mustn’t be late. Quickly I grab my things and then after saying goodbye to Mr Watson who luckily comes back at the same time I head for the door. However I have to pass his table and as I do a foot shoots out and he blocks my exit. Looking at me with a strange look on his face he says softly, “Where are you going?”

  The way he says it makes me think that I am doing something wrong. Nervously I suck in my lower lip and watch as his eyes flash. Clearing my throat I say, “Um, I’m meeting someone.” Just as I say it the library door bursts open and I am relieved to see Gabe standing there.

  Seeing what is happening he races over with a grim look on his face and grabbing my arm pulls me behind him. Staring angrily at the man sitting down he shouts, “Leave her alone,” in an extremely menacing voice. I am surprised as Gabe is not normally like this.

  The man just laughs wickedly. “It would appear that little Tess likes Angel. Now isn’t that interesting.” Feeling myself blush Gabe looks between us in confusion. Pulling him along with me I say, “Come on Gabe, I don’t want to be late.”

  Throwing the man an angry stare he follows me outside. Once I am seated in his car he says angrily, “What was that all about, what did he say?” I look at him warily. “He was just reading, or at least I think he was.” Gabe looks confused and I ask, “Gabe who is he?” I am surprised when Gabe hits the steering wheel in anger. “Your worst nightmare Grace, that’s who. I told you to stay away from him.”

  I had sort of guessed but for confirmation say, “Ash?” Letting out a deep breath Gabe nods. “Yes.
As soon as I drove up I noticed his motor bike outside. That’s why I came in. He didn’t touch you did he?” Shaking my head I say, “Of course not. I wouldn’t let him.” “Good, that’s one thing I suppose. Look Grace, you’d better not tell Mom. She will only worry and you may get shipped out. With any luck it was a one off encounter and he may have just been there for the books anyway.”

  I look at him thoughtfully. “I think he was. But that’s not all Gabe, he didn’t read the books; I think he’s an absorber.” Gabe’s hands tighten on the steering wheel and I notice that his knuckles have turned white. “I know,” he says huskily. “He is the cleverest guy in school but appears to do no work. His memory is almost photographic and it almost seems as if just by touching someone he instantly knows everything about them. You mustn’t go near him Grace. It’s not safe in more ways than one.”

  Now I know why Gabe is so worried. He mustn’t find out who I am and I will make sure that I keep well away from him in the future.