Chapter 7

  As I set to work at the diner I can’t get the image of him out of my mind. His face fills my head and all sorts of images flash across it. I must get him out of my head. This is dangerous unknown territory and I have been well and truly mesmerised by him. I am glad that I am secreted away in the kitchen with my thoughts and by the time my shift ends I am exhausted. Gabe comes and picks me up and as soon as I get home I am glad to reach the sanctuary of my bedroom.

  I spend the evening with my Aunt as Gabe has gone out, just glad to be here safe and sound away from dark compelling eyes and wicked grins.

  The weekend passes and soon it is time for school again. Gabe gives me a lift in and as I walk towards the entrance I hear the distinct sound of a motor bike. My heart leaping I turn to look and am glad to see that it is Jacob.

  Pulling my hat down firmly on to my head and hiding behind my pretend glasses I set off inside. Luckily I don’t see him and listen to Cally and Piper talk excitedly about their weekend. I am finding it difficult to concentrate as I keep on expecting him to walk around the corner at any moment.

  At break time we are getting stuff from our lockers when Cally nudges Piper and I see Skylar and Teagan by the lockers. All of a sudden the conversation stops and everyone turns to look as the hall is filled with guys in leather jackets. There is a hushed silence as everyone looks at them. All eyes though are on one person only. There in the middle of the group looking every bit as dangerous as I remember is Ash.

  He walks down the hallway looking bored and just flicks irritated looks around him. I watch in fascination as Skylar approaches him. Her walk is suggestive and standing in front of him she flicks back her hair and juts out her hip. Speaking in a sultry tone she says, “I wondered when you would be back.”

  I watch as he lifts his hand and runs it around her waist. His eyes glitter dangerously and he pulls her against him. Gripping her backside he runs his other hand down her front. Then raising his hand he winds her hair around his fist and kisses her a crushing, bruising kiss that almost sets the place alight with its intensity.

  His gang stand there grinning lasciviously and I notice that Cally’s eyes are as wide as saucers. I will myself to look away but can’t seem to manage it. After what seems like forever he pushes Skylar away. She stumbles back and I can see that her face is flushed and her lips bruised and trembling. Feeling a flush creep through my body I turn away. By the time I look back they have gone.

  Fanning herself Piper says, “Oh my God, that was sooo hot. Only in my dreams can I imagine that.” I’m inclined to agree with her. I have never even been kissed although many have tried. I can only imagine what it is like. I wonder what it would be like to be kissed by him. I have never wondered before but then again I have never come across anyone like him before either.

  The morning passes and I join my friends for lunch underneath the tree as usual. It is an extremely hot day and I fan myself with a text book and stretch out on the grass. Cally plops down beside me and rolling over we both lay there our elbows to the floor propping up our chins and watch events around us.

  I see Gabe with his ever present band of followers. He also has a commanding presence and I know that the girl who eventually wins his heart will be very lucky indeed.

  In the distance we can see the cool gang. Due to the heat of the day they are minus their trademark leather jackets which only makes them seem sexier, as now their tight fitting t shirts just accentuate their rippling muscles.

  I hear Cally sigh beside me as she watches them and I know the reason for it. I can see her watching Jacob as he lounges against a tree. He takes a swig from his can and then pushes his hair back from his eyes.

  In a whisper I say, “You like him don’t you?” Turning to me in alarm Cally says breathlessly, “Ssh Grace, they’ll hear you.” Laughing I say, “They haven’t got super hearing you know.” Grinning Cally raises her eyes. “They’ve got super human everything else though.”

  We laugh and watch with interest as Skylar and her friends join the group. Teagan goes over to Jacob and I feel Cally tense up beside me. She sits in front of him on the grass and then sets herself between his legs and kisses him, bringing his head down to meet hers. Cally sighs and I know that this is agonising for her to watch. I think about asking her to come to the rest room with me but then I watch as Skylar approaches Ash and takes hold of his arm. With interest I watch as he turns to face her and even from here I can see an expression of irritation on his face. However she either doesn’t notice or ignores it and runs her fingers down his arm and moves closer. He just pushes her away as he would an annoying insect and I can see an expression of hurt cross her face.

  Cally whispers incredulously. “Goodness, that’s interesting. Normally they’re all over each other. Obviously absence hasn’t made the heart grow fonder in this case.”

  Nodding in agreement I jump up. “Look I need to use the rest room before the bell. Do you want to come?” Cally nods and we grab hold of our bags and head off inside. It is some relief to reach the air conditioned interior and I don’t hurry myself. I need to cool off in more ways than one.

  Just before I finish I hear voices outside and recognise that it is Skylar and her friends. Deciding to stay put until they have gone I hope that Cally does the same.

  I hear Skylar say angrily. “Whatever he’s playing at I’m going to find out what it is. If he has found someone else I am going to break her.” One of her other friends says, “Quade hasn’t said anything to me. Apparently he has been with his father all summer. You know what that does to him Skylar, he always returns like this.”

  I hear Skylar say, “Yes, you’re probably right. I’ll just have to sit tight and weather the storm because if I’ve got it right there is about to be a major one if he’s pissed at his dad.”

  The bell rings and I hear them leave. Pushing open the door I see that Cally does the same. In a whisper I say, “What was that all about?” Cally grimaces. “Whenever Ash comes back from visiting his dad he’s always in a foul temper. He tends to take it out on everyone else and trouble normally follows.” As I wash my hands I say, “Don’t they get on then?” Cally shrugs, “I’m not sure, but I once overheard Jacob in the yard on his phone. He appeared to be calming Ash down and I heard him mention his father.”

  Her eyes shining she says, “That’s what Jacob does for him. He is like a brother to Ash, a calming presence unlike Jace who likes nothing more than a bit of violence and trouble. They are like chalk and cheese but both serve a purpose in their friend’s role.”

  As we walk to lessons I ask, “Who are the other members of his group?” Cally lifts her fingers and starts checking them off one by one. “Well there’s Lucian. He is the quiet one and Quade, he is the funny one. Then there is Killian, the clever one. So as you can see the perfect band of brothers.” Before I can probe any further we reach English and I scurry into my seat and set about getting my things out of my bag.

  Miss Peters stands up to begin the lesson but is interrupted by the door banging open and we all look to see Jacob enter the room closely followed by Ash.

  All eyes turn to look at them and I notice that Miss Peter’s looks resigned to their late entrance. “Hurry up guys we’re about to start.”

  They move to their seats at the back slowly, seemingly in no hurry at all. As they pass me I look down. I mustn’t make eye contact with him. Jacob moves on past but as he reaches my table there is a slight hesitation as Ash stops, then leaning down he picks up a pencil that has fallen on to the floor. Banging it down on the table in front of me I can feel his eyes on me. Without looking directly at him I mumble my thanks and then look down again. He moves away and once again I feel the heat flood through my body. Cally is looking at me in shock and I will myself not to blush. Luckily Miss Peter’s starts the lesson but I can feel his eyes burning into my back. I don’t even need to turn around I can just feel it and I know that I’m in trouble.

  Trying t
o pull my thoughts back to the job in hand Miss Peter’s starts reading from the book Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Feeling uncomfortable once again I can feel his scrutiny.

  Trying to focus I enjoy hearing Miss Peter’s read the story and I am soon engrossed in it. The hour flies past and as soon as the bell rings I shake myself out of my trance and bundle my books into my bag. Before I can get them all though my copy of the book is knocked off the table and looking up in surprise I see a pair of black menacing eyes level with mine as Ash crouches beside me as he picks up the book.

  Feeling uncomfortable I clasp my hands together in my lap feeling suddenly scared. Turning towards me he holds out the book saying in a whisper, “Always dropping your book little Tess, didn’t your mama teach you to respect the written word?”

  His eyes glitter dangerously and trying not to touch him I take the book from him and mumble my thanks. Once again he looks at me with a puzzled look and lowering my eyes I can feel myself blushing.

  Jacob comes up behind him. “Come on Ash. We’ve got Mr Clark next and you don’t want to give him an excuse to kick you out of the lesson again.” Standing up Ash throws me another look over his shoulder as they walk away.

  Cally jumps up alarm on her face. “Oh no, we have a problem.” Following her I say, “What do you mean?” She looks at me agitatedly. “Look Ash never picks up anything for anybody. He would more likely kick it across the room and watch as you go to get it. Also the way that he looked at you showed that he was interested. If Skylar gets wind that he’s interested you’re in danger.”

  “Interested! You’re joking aren’t you? I don’t even know him and I’m certainly not interested in him.” Cally looks at me and raises her eyes. “Methinks the lady doth protest too much. If you’re not interested then why did you sit for most of that lesson looking hotter than I’ve ever seen you before? Also as soon as they came into the room you changed.”

  I look at her in alarm. “What do you mean changed?” Shrugging she says, “I don’t know. I mean despite all of our best efforts we still can’t make you look ordinary. But when he passed you you seemed to glow from within. There was an aura around you. It was like the sun was trying to get out.”

  Her words fill me with fear. Leaning back against the wall I can feel the tears springing into my eyes. Cally rushes over. “What is it Grace, do you feel unwell?” Swallowing hard I try to look normal. “It’s ok just a headache. I’ll be fine.”

  The trouble is I am anything but fine inside. I know that he affects me and I can’t risk anyone seeing the real me. This locket is meant to suppress things and works most of the time, but what if it’s not powerful enough? I could be in danger. The last thing I want is to have to move again. I must try to avoid Ash and his friends at all costs.