Chapter 8

  Luckily I manage to avoid Ash and his friends for the rest of the week. I finally begin to feel normal and just enjoy being ordinary. My shifts at Violet’s are going well and I enjoy spending time at the diner.

  One evening as I finish the last of the dishes I hear Violet talking on the phone. “It’s ok Jake, meet me here in fifteen. It won’t take me long to lock up and then you can spend the evening making it up to me.”

  She giggles flirtatiously and I wonder who she is talking to. Hanging up the phone she catches me looking and grins. “Every girl loves a bad boy don’t they Grace? It’s one of life’s mysteries. However don’t ever let them know that they’ve got you otherwise they give up the chase, and that my dear sweet Grace is the greatest part of all. It’s all in the chase.”

  Miranda one of the other ladies in the kitchen laughs loudly. “How many years has he been chasing you now?” They all laugh and I think about what she has said.

  As we leave I see an impressive large black car waiting outside the diner. Slowly Violet walks towards it and then gets inside. The car races off and I wonder if the mysterious occupant was Mr Knight, Ash’s uncle. I feel strangely subdued and what with the events of the past week I feel in need of a boost.

  Instead of cycling home I decide to go for a bike ride instead to clear my head. I set off down a track that I have never seen before and enjoy feeling the sense of freedom that the ride gives me. My journey takes me further into the mountains and with no sense of time at all I soon reach the top of a hill. I can see the whole town from here and notice the lights twinkling below me like stars in the sky.

  It is a gorgeous evening and the moon is particularly bright. There is still a lot of heat left though and coupled with my bike ride I now feel extremely hot. As I walk next to my bike I come across a clearing in the trees. To my amazement I see a sparkling pool of water before me. My breath catches in my throat. It is beautiful here. The reflection of the moon dances on the lake and reflects around the clearing.

  I drop my bike down on to the ground and suddenly feel the urge to take a dip in the cool clear water. This is just what I need, to cool down and to clear my mind and re charge. Listening keenly for any sounds all I can hear is the sound of nature. An owl hoots nearby and I hear nothing; everything is as still as can be. I quickly remove my clothes and put them on a nearby rock. With a slight hesitation I remove the locket from around my neck. I know that I am alone so five minutes won’t matter.

  As soon as it is off I feel the tremendous feeling of release. I lay back into the cool clear water and my hair fans out behind me. The feeling is pure heaven. I savour the feeling as my body bathes in the moonlight. The water laps against my body, cooling me down and I feel so alive. The feeling of being myself again is invigorating. Every part of me glows and I re charge myself in the light of the moon.

  Suddenly I hear a twig break near to me and open my eyes in alarm. There like a tiger stalking its prey he sits, his black eyes flashing in the darkness like two stars. In alarm I dip down underneath the water and try to swim to the other side. He mustn’t see me, not like this.

  Frantically I look around for an escape but remember that I am wearing nothing but my underwear and so won’t get far. Clambering out of the pool I am amazed to see him in front of me. How on earth did he get here so quickly?

  Resigned to my fate I lift my eyes to his and he steps back in shock. I know that he won’t recognise me as Grace and my only hope is to convince him that I am not from here.

  As he steps closer I can see the wonder on his face. He can’t tear his eyes away and my only hope is to dazzle him. Lifting my eyes to his I put everything into the look. All of my new found energy is directed at him and I watch as he falls underneath my spell. However he is stronger than most and we are soon locked in a battle of wills.

  His eyes darken dangerously and draw me in. He shifts closer and not breaking eye contact says in a low husky voice, “Who are you?”

  Shaking my head I say softly, “I’m nobody.” To my surprise he reaches out to take my hand and I recoil in shock as if I’ve been burned. He holds on and I can feel his power as he tries to read me. His touch is sending such raging heat through my ice cool body and the mixture of the two colliding is very powerful indeed.

  Slowly he pulls me towards him until our faces are centimetres apart. He lifts his fingers to my face and traces the outline of my features. The water from the pool is dripping from my body but I feel hot inside. He says in a whisper. “You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever laid eyes on. I cannot read you though. Who are you, what is your name?”

  Shaking my head I whisper, “I can’t tell you.” I lower my eyes and in surprise feel him lifting my chin up towards him. “Why do you make me want to protect you?” He says, almost as if he is talking to himself. Then to my surprise he removes his T Shirt and I gasp at the sight of his well toned body, glistening with sweat from the heat. Tenderly he places his T Shirt over my head and I feel the soft fabric falling around me, caressing me with the heat of his body.

  Taking my hand he pulls me down beside him on to a nearby rock and once again looks into my eyes. “Well mysterious lady, here we are.” I look at him savouring the sight of him. I know that I must make the most of this moment because it can never happen again. I study every inch of his face committing it to memory. This is a special moment that we will never have again.

  Looking deeply into my eyes I sense his struggle within. He is desperate to know everything about me but his power doesn’t work on me. He will be confused and after tonight he will wonder if it was a dream.

  He leans closer and taking my face in his hands he says, “I am drawn to you and I don’t know why. Please tell me your name?” Quickly I think of a name that I can tell him. I strangely don’t want to lie to him, so I choose one of my other names. Looking gently at him I say, “It’s Ana.” He whispers my name, “Ana. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” Smiling sweetly I say, “What is your name?” He smiles gently. “Ash. So there it is Ash and Ana. Two people who have found each other against all the odds and yet are still strangers.”

  As I look at him I feel mesmerised. Gone is the self assured, swaggering bad boy. In his place is a sweet, protective guy, showing more to me than I would have ever believed possible. His face is relaxed and his eyes sparkle.

  As he gazes into my eyes he says, “You make me feel different Ana. I want to kiss you so much but something is holding me back. I want to protect you from me which surprises me. Why would I do that I wonder?”

  Shrugging I look down. Pulling me back to look at him he says, “Don’t look down Angel. I want to look at you and imprint your lovely face on my mind forever.” Laughing nervously I grin. “Well we can’t sit here just looking at each other all night. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Suddenly his face changes and he looks angry. “You don’t want to know about me, it would only drive you away. Somebody like you will never understand.”

  Reaching out I grasp his hand and he gasps as he feels the effects. “Tell me Ash, I won’t judge you.” I can sense the inner turmoil in him and he is obviously battling against something inside of him. I can’t read him, it is too complex and my images are blurred. I recognise that he is in torment so interrupt his thoughts saying, “Don’t worry Ash, I won’t pry, but can I ask you something?”

  In surprise he looks at me. “Anything Ana, I just want to please you for some reason.” I smile shyly at him. “Will you kiss me Ash?” My words obviously shock him and he looks at me with a stunned expression. “I would like nothing more Angel, but why?” Looking embarrassed I say quietly. “I have never been kissed before and I want my first one to be with you.”

  I can see the battle within him. I know that if I kiss him all will be lost to me, but I want to help him. If he kisses me I may be able to take away some of his obvious pain.

  His eyes flash dangerously and I can see that he is trying to contr
ol himself. I just sit next to him waiting silently. He looks into my eyes and I know that he is a lost soul.

  Tenderly he pulls me towards him. Tracing the contours of my face he leans towards me and tilting my head up to meet him his lips brush against mine. My legs feel weak and I can hear his heart beating in his chest. His lips press against mine and I part them to let him in. It is the softest kiss that I would ever have imagined from him. It shows so much love and caring with gentleness mixed with passion. He almost hesitates but then I feel him pull me even closer and his tongue enters my mouth, probing it gently, entwining with mine as I taste him. I feel the explosions around us. It is like fire and ice have collided.

  My brain goes into meltdown and frantically I try to regroup. I need to put everything into this kiss. I need to heal him and soothe his battered soul. We are locked together, both fighting our own battle within and the kiss seems to last the night. Finally we pull away, both of us shocked to the core.