Chapter 10

  When we get to Violet’s I find the place heaving with customers. As soon as she sees me Violet says, “Grace, you’ll have to waitress today. Linda is sick and I’m one down.” Quickly putting my things away I go to my first table. I have covered a few times now and know the drill. I quite like it and enjoy interacting with the customers. The place seems busier than usual and I am so engrossed in my work that I am surprised when I hear Violet say darkly, “That’s all I need.” Looking up I can’t believe my eyes as I see Ash, Jacob and Jace, sitting themselves at an empty table.

  Ash catches me looking and grins wickedly. Violet notices the look and says under her breath, “I’ll put Tina on that table. They won’t mess with her. Just ignore them and carry on.” That’s going to be difficult I think to myself.

  Trying to block them out I set about my work. After a while I come out of the kitchen with some dishes and find Ash blocking my way. Raising his eyes he says, “I didn’t know you worked here little Tess. Quite the worker aren’t you?” Blushing I just nod and try to get past. He grins, “I may have to come here more often now.”

  Seeing what is happening Violet shouts. “Move out of her way Ash, she’s got work to do and if you obstruct my staff I will have to ask you to leave.” Ash’s friend’s laugh and cat call and grinning he holds up his hands and moves aside letting me pass.

  He saunters back to the table and I can feel them watching me as I work. They stay for the rest of my shift and I can tell that Violet is annoyed. “I hope they don’t start coming here, they’ll scare my customers away.” Looking at me thoughtfully she says, “He’s not bothering you is he?” I shake my head. “No.” Her eyes narrow. “Well tell me if he does. I’m not about to lose another good waitress because of him.” As she walks off I wonder if it was the mysterious Jessica Parker. I vow to ask Gabe the story when I see him next.

  As I leave I am worried to see Ash and his friends outside the diner on their motorbikes. Ash calls out, “Fancy a ride little Tess?” Blushing I manage a small, “No Thank you.”

  Just then Gabe pulls up in his car and thankfully I race over to it. Gabe looks at them angrily. “What did he want - again?” I shrug my shoulders. “Nothing, it’s fine.” As we drive off I catch him watching us go with a strange look on his face.

  Looking at Gabe I remember what I wanted to ask him. “Gabe, tell me the story about Jessica Parker. Did she work at Violet’s?”

  I notice that Gabe grips the steering wheel and his knuckles turn white. In a tight voice he says, “Jessica was my girlfriend. We were really happy and then Ash took a liking to her. He has this way about him that no girl appears to be able to resist and she soon fell under his spell. He used to go where he knew she would be. She worked at Violet’s the same as you and he started hanging out there with his friends. She was flattered and it wasn’t long before he seduced her. Once Skylar found out all hell broke loose. With her friends she cornered Jessica in the rest rooms. One of them held her down and Skylar cut off her hair. They then beat her up and knocked her teeth out. She was lucky not to have been seriously injured.” My heart freezes inside as I hear him talk. That poor girl and poor Gabe, he must have been devastated.

  “What happened next?” Gabe says bitterly, “Ash thought it was funny. He had got what he wanted from her and was bored with it all. Skylar and her gang were suspended for a couple of weeks and then came back to school as though they were heroes.”

  I feel sick at what I have just heard. “What happened to Jessica?” Gabe looks upset. “Her parents sold up and moved to a different town. Jessica was badly damaged psychologically and they had no choice but to start over. So you see Grace, you have to keep away from him. It’s all a game and when he has had his fun he will drop you and then Skylar will have hers. It’s what they do.”

  I feel absolutely devastated. I can recognise the same pattern emerging with me and if I hadn’t been so afraid of my secret coming out I would have succumbed to his charms. It was all probably part of his act and I feel well and truly taken in. Fighting back the tears I resolve not to let him get to me as he did poor Jessica Parker. I will not play his game and he can do his worst for all I care.

  With my new found resolve I manage to avoid him all week. Every time I see them coming I dodge them and by the end of the week I congratulate myself on a job well done.

  As we leave school for the weekend Cally nudges me and I follow her gaze. “Oh no this looks like trouble.” Looking I see Ash and his gang hovering at the foot of the steps, which means that we have to pass them to leave. There is no sign of Skylar and her friends which doesn’t surprise me. Straightening up in determination I grab Cally’s arm and walk purposefully down the steps.

  As I draw near to them I pointedly look in the other direction. I can feel Ash’s eyes burning into me but I make myself look away. I almost think we have got away with it but then he speaks saying, “Well, well, little Tess and her faithful friend. Long time no see.”

  I feel Cally stiffen beside me and I pull her along ignoring him. Before I go to pass his arm shoots out and he grabs hold of my arm. “Wait up there little Tess, where’s the fire?” His friends snigger and I feel the anger welling up inside me. Pulling my arm away I turn to him and say angrily. “Leave me alone. I’m not interested in being part of some sick game that you play because you’re bored. My cousin has told me what you’re like and I’m not interested in being yours and Skylar’s next target.”

  I stomp off and Cally follows me in disbelief. I can almost hear a pin drop such is the silence that follows. I almost make it to Gabe’s car when I feel someone behind me and then I am picked up off the ground and carried away from the cars to a clearing behind the bike sheds.

  Struggling I shout, “Put me down now!” I hear him chuckle and then I am carefully placed on the ground and pinned against the wall. Looking up I see Ash looking at me with amusement. There is nobody around and I feel suddenly afraid. I try to get away but he holds me there and then looks at me carefully.

  “I don’t know what on earth you are talking about but I do know that you have been avoiding me. That has made me curious little Tess and I like to know what’s going on.”

  He leans towards me, his eyes searching my face as if looking for something. I can feel my face burning and then I hear, “Let her go!” Turning my face in the direction of the voice I almost weep with relief when I see Gabe standing there looking extremely angry.

  Ash turns to him and says wearily. “You just don’t give up do you?” As he relaxes his hold I break away and run to safety behind Gabe. I pull on his arm. “Come on Gabe, let’s go, he’s not worth it.”

  Gabe stands his ground and I can feel the menace in the air. As I look I notice that Jacob and Jace have moved in behind us and their expressions are threatening.

  Feeling afraid I look at Ash and plead with him. “Please, just leave us alone. We don’t want any trouble.” Tearing his gaze away from Gabe Ash looks at me and gestures towards his friends. “Let them go, this can wait for another day.”

  The others part and let us through. I pull Gabe away and thankfully we are soon at his car. Shaking I say, “Please, just drive Gabe. I don’t want to be the one responsible for you getting hurt.” Gabe is angry I can tell. Sinking back into the seat I know that a confrontation is only a matter of time.