Chapter 11

  The next day is Saturday and I am due to go to work at the library. I decide to tell my Aunt that I don’t feel well enough to go. I just know that Ash will turn up and I don’t feel ready to deal with him yet.

  Instead I have a lie in and phone Cally to talk about the plans for this evening. I have the afternoon off from the diner as well because tonight is the school’s beach party. Everyone is talking about it and are very excited. Cally and Piper are going to come and get ready here and we have spent the week planning our outfits and generally getting really excited. Ash and his gang are not expected to attend, and I heard Skylar boasting about a party that she was throwing for the cooler element of the school, stating that school parties were for nerds and losers.

  Subsequently everyone is happy. They get to hang out with their cool friends and the rest of the school get to have fun without the threat of being bullied or ridiculed.

  Around 7pm Cally and Piper turn up with their outfits and Aunt Sarah keeps us supplied with drinks and snacks as we get ready. I am having so much fun and feel more relaxed than I have in a long time. Gabe is going to drive us there and we have promised to stick close to him and his group just in case of unwelcome visitors.

  As we get ready I notice just how pretty both of them really are. Like me they dress down all the time in case of drawing attention to themselves. Tonight though I think that they should pull out all the stops and look amazing. I decide to give them a little help and ask if they would let me do their hair and make up. They don’t know that I have special powers which enable me to heal things and give life to otherwise lifeless objects. Not that I am saying that this applies to them but I may just be able to give them a little bit of extra sparkle this evening.

  By the time I have finished they both look amazing. I have styled Cally’s hair so that it hangs down her back in waves. The make up accentuates her beautiful blue eyes and her cheeks have a hint of colour to them. Piper looks amazing too. I have cleared up the acne on her forehead. She thinks that it’s make up but she will be surprised to find it gone in the morning. I have put her hair up in an elegant style and her make up draws out the colour of her green eyes.

  They look absolutely amazing and both of them are over the moon with their transformations. Cally claps her hands in delight. “Thank you Grace. You are a miracle worker. I have never looked so glamorous. I feel amazing too; you have a real gift for this.”

  Piper also thanks me. “Grace, I have never ever looked so good. Thank you so much.” I feel pleased that I can help my friends.

  I decide that I will just wear my hair down with minimal makeup. I will leave the glasses behind though and just pick out a white sundress with a pale blue jacket to wear if it gets cold. I pull on some sparkly sandals and we are soon ready to go.

  As we head downstairs Gabe is waiting impatiently. Aunt Sarah’s eyes mist over as she sees us and when I reach her she smiles at us all. “You all look lovely. Have a great time and make sure that you all stick together and don’t drink any alcohol.” Gabe looks at us in admiration and I notice with interest how he keeps on looking at Piper in disbelief. She has really transformed this evening and her slim figure and blonde hair are totally his type. This evening is going to be interesting.

  When we reach the beach I am amazed at the transformation. There are little camps set up along it with fires burning in drums. The music is loud and there is a band playing on a makeshift stage. There is also a bar area and people are dancing and drinking and generally having a fantastic time. Gabe gets us seats with his group and we sit there watching his friends in amazement. I haven’t ever really spent much time with Gabe’s friends and I soon realise what a fun group they are. I feel proud that Cally and Piper hold their own against the cheerleading crowd and I am amused to see how much attention Gabe gives Piper. He is really fussing over her and I nudge Cally when he hands Piper a drink and leans over and says something to make her laugh.

  Cally grins and raises her eyes. “At least one of us is set for a good time.” My heart sinks as I think of Ash and what might have been. I really thought that he liked me and I can’t believe that it had followed the same pattern as Jessica.

  A couple of the team chat to Cally and I and we all get on really well. I can tell that they are interested in us but I don’t want to encourage them. If Cally is interested I will support her but I don’t want to get into anything.

  After a while Cally pulls me up to dance and the two guys follow us. Pace, appears to have latched on to me and his friend Carter appears to like Cally. Its fun but I soon decide that I would rather not lead them on. I whisper to Cally. “Let’s go for a walk without them. They may get the message then.” Leaving Piper dancing with Gabe we sneak off down the beach.

  We walk some distance from the party and sink down on to the sand. It is such a lovely night and we both lean back and watch the waves crashing to the shore.

  Cally looks across at me. “Are you having fun Grace?” I nod happily. “I am. This is my first ever beach party and I have been looking forward to it.” Cally looks thoughtful. “You don’t really talk much about your past Grace. I worry that it hasn’t been easy for you.” Picking up the sand and letting it filter through my fingers I say sadly, “I’ve moved around a lot and haven’t had time to make many friends. As soon as I do we move away again.”

  Looking alarmed Cally says, “You’re not going to move again are you?” I shrug my shoulders. “Probably. I can’t stay with Aunt Sarah and Gabe forever and when school finishes they will probably move me on again.”

  She goes to speak but then we are aware that we are not alone. Two bodies sink down on to the sand beside us and in alarm I see that it is Ash and Jacob. I try to jump up but Ash pulls me down anchoring me beside him with a firm grasp. “Hi girls. Aren’t you enjoying the party? I see you’ve ditched your dancing partners.”

  Cally looks at me her eyes wide. Jacob laughs saying, “Come on Cally; let’s leave Ash and Grace to talk.” He pulls her up but she resists him. “No, let me go. I won’t leave Grace with him. He’s dangerous and I don’t want her to get hurt.” Ash laughs and motions towards Jacob who all of a sudden lifts Cally over his shoulder and strides off up the beach with her.

  I try to follow but he keeps me in his iron grip and says softly, “Just think of me as her Fairy Godmother. All of her wishes are about to come true.”

  I look at him in alarm. “What do you mean?” Laughing softly he says, “I know that they like each other so I thought that I would give them a helping hand. The way she is looking tonight is amazing and Jacob is well and truly smitten more than he was before.”

  “How do you know?” I say incredulously. He grins. “I make it my business to know things that will help me in the future. You never know when they might come in useful. Take tonight for instance, I wanted to get you alone and Jacob has always had a hidden thing for Cally. There you go, problem solved.”

  Looking at him I say quietly. “Why are you doing this? You have a girlfriend and I don’t want to be part of your fun and games.” Ash suddenly looks serious. “So you said before. Anyway where were you today? I looked everywhere.” Snapping I say, “Avoiding you.” I see him smirking at me. “I thought so. I didn’t like it though.”

  Shrugging my shoulders I look down. “I don’t care.”

  Turning to face me I see his eyes glittering in the moonlight. Reaching up he touches my face. “It’s taken me a little longer than usual but I know who you are my little Tess or should I say Ana.” Jumping back as though I have been burned I try to jump up.

  Pulling me against him he whispers, “I know it’s you. When you left me I was driven to distraction. At first I thought it had been a dream, then I realised it must have been real. How could I have feelings and memories so strong if they were just my imagination?”

  Looking down I try to hide my face. I know that one look into my eyes and he would know. This can’t happen and I must do eve
rything that I can to put him off.

  However he is no ordinary guy and tilting my face towards his, even in the moonlight he can see everything. He gasps as he stares into my eyes. The very fact that he is so close to me means that I cannot disguise my feelings.

  He whispers, “I know it’s you, you cannot hide from me. Leaning forward his lips brush against mine gently. I can feel the heat tearing through my body and I know that I am powerless against him. The distant sound of the music coupled with the crashing waves on the beach add to the intense atmosphere. His kiss is gentle and loving, almost hesitant as if he doesn’t want to scare me away. The very fact that it is so tender lifts my spirit and gives me feelings that I have never felt before.

  Taking me in his arms he moves in time to the music, both of us dancing in perfect time with each other. It feels so right to be in his arms yet so wrong at the same time. For now there is nothing that I can do. I have been overcome and I know now that all is lost.

  After a while he breaks away and still holding my hand says in a whisper, “Come with me Grace, I want us to be alone somewhere safe. You need to be free again and we need to talk about this.”

  I know that I would go anywhere with him at this moment but I am still afraid. Sensing this he pulls me close whispering, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I just want to talk. Go and tell your friends that you are not feeling well and are leaving with Cally. I promise you that you will be safe.” For some reason I do feel safe with him, all of the fear that I did have appears to have left me. Nodding I look up at him and smile. His breath catches in his throat and he gazes at me an unfathomable expression on his face. He is fighting some demons of his own, I can tell. Maybe just maybe I can help him.

  Pulling away I run back up the beach towards the party. I search for Gabe and ask one of his friends if they’ve seen him. Smirking he points to the dance floor and I stifle a giggle as I see him and Piper dancing together locked at the lips. Raising my eyes up I tell his friend to tell Gabe that Cally and I have left and I’ll see him at home. I feel better about telling him that as it’s the truth and I cannot lie. Grabbing my jacket I leave in search of Ash.