Chapter 13

  Ash and I fall asleep, my head on his chest as he cradles me against him. The first rays of the sun touch our sleeping bodies and with a start I realise that we have been here all night. Sitting up in alarm I look down in wonder at the beautiful man beside me.

  As he looks at me I can see his eyes flash with excitement. Reaching towards me he takes a piece of my hair in his hands and says in wonder. “You are beyond beautiful in the moonlight, but the sun against your face is breathtaking. It is as though you are nature itself.” Laughing I say, “Careful, your reputation will be in tatters if you say any more.”

  Laughing he jumps up and grabs hold of me and dips me to the ground. He kisses me with raw passion, a hard unyielding kiss that lights the fire within me and as he pulls away he laughs at my flushed cheeks. “That good enough for you?” He smirks and reaching up I touch my lips that he has just ravaged. Looking at him with what I know must be a wanton expression he gasps. “Put your locket back on Grace before I lose my resolve.”

  Laughing I get dressed and we are soon back to the motorbike. Looking subdued he pulls me behind him again. “We will find a way you know, leave it to me.” I look at him in alarm. “You must ignore me down there Ash. Nobody can know about us, especially not Skylar and her friends. You must keep away from me.”

  I can tell that he is angry and he looks at me petulantly. “I don’t want to. It will be difficult as I want you to be with me all of the time.” Shrugging I say, “It’s that or nothing. I will tell Cally that I left you on the beach and nothing happened. You get on with your life and I mine. This will be the only place that we can meet. Promise me.” Ash nods but then says urgently. “Meet me here again tonight, please Grace.” Touching his face I say softly, “I’ll try.” He kisses me gently and then starts up the motorbike. As we speed back to reality I wonder what the future will hold.

  Ash drops me off some way from the house and I manage to sneak in before anyone gets up. I quickly change and jump into bed, hugging my knees to my chest as I re-live every moment from the night before.

  I drift off to sleep and am woken up about 10am by Aunt Sarah who brings me a drink. Sitting on my bed she smiles. “It must have been a good night because I was fast asleep when you and Gabe got in. In fact where is he? I just took him a drink but his bed hasn’t been slept in.”

  In surprise I wonder what Gabe has been up to and then remember Piper. Goodness what a lot must have happened to us all last night. Looking at her I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. I made my own way back. When Cally and I left he was dancing with Piper.” Thankfully I don’t need to lie as that was the truth and luckily my Aunt doesn’t push it.

  When she leaves I grab the phone. I must know what happened to them. Punching in Cally’s number I am relieved when she answers, albeit in a sleepy voice. “Cally, thank goodness, are you ok?” “Hmm Grace hi…….Oh my God Grace are you ok?” Laughing I reply, “Yes I’m fine but I’m not sure about Piper. Why don’t you call her and we can meet up at Violet’s for a de brief.”

  “Great, oh Grace I have so much to tell you.” Smiling I wish that I could tell her what had happened to me, but I know that I can’t. It’s our secret and no one must ever know.

  When I get to Violet’s I can see Cally already sitting there waiting. She looks trashed and I smile as I see the flush in her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes. Grinning at her I raise my eyes. “Good night?” Pulling me down beside her she says dreamily. “Oh Grace, you can only imagine.”

  “Then tell me!” I say in desperation. Laughing she whispers. “Well, Jacob carried me up the beach and I couldn’t believe it. He put me on the back of his motorbike and drove us to the other side of town, to a beautiful place where there was nobody but us. He took me in his arms and told me that he had always loved me and had ignored me to protect me from Skylar and her gang. He didn’t want me involved with that crowd and the fact that he sees me every day has been killing him. Then he kissed me Grace and it was everything that I have ever imagined it would be. He kissed me all night long and then we spoke like we never had before. It was the best night of my life.”

  Thoughtfully I say, “But what now? I mean won’t Teagan find out and then you’ll be in trouble.” She shakes her head sadly. “No, we have to go back to how it was before. He told me that once school has finished we can be together properly. He did say though that he would find a way for us to meet where it would be safe.”

  Lowering my eyes I feel sympathy for their predicament as mine is the same.

  Before she can question me Piper walks in a dreamy look on her face. Sliding into the seat opposite us she looks at us both with utter contentment on her face. “I’m in love with your cousin Grace. I’m just putting it out there, ok.”

  Laughing Cally and I exchange excited looks. “Come on, spill everything.” Cally shouts. Dreamily Piper says, “Gabe and I spent the whole entire night together, talking, dancing, kissing and cuddling. We fell asleep on the beach and when we woke up he asked if I would be his girlfriend.” We stare at her in amazement and I think how lucky she is that she can be open about her relationship.

  We are interrupted by our server and all order huge breakfasts. Violet stops by and throws us all a knowing look. “Looks like you all had a good night. Oh to be young again.” Winking she walks away and we all grin at each other.

  The others look at me expectantly. “Well, your turn Grace. What happened to you?” Feeling myself grow hotter I say matter of factly. “Nothing. I told Ash to leave me alone and then I went home.”

  Once again I miss out most of what did happen and I hope that they will buy it. Cally’s eyes widen and she says, “I was worried about you Grace. He had the look of a predator and I was afraid for you. It was like Jessica Parker all over again.” Piper looks confused. “What did I miss?”

  As I look at Cally she says quickly, “Nothing much. Ash and Jacob showed up and Grace put Ash in his place. Hopefully he will leave her alone now.” Piper looks worried. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry girls. I was so wrapped up in Gabe I sort of ditched you didn’t I?” Laughing we do our best to lighten the atmosphere. It’s best that nobody ever finds out what we were really up to last night.