Chapter 14

  When I get home I find Gabe lying on the settee watching the football. Sinking down beside him I tease him saying, “What did you get up to last night?”

  Groaning he holds his head in his hands. “Quiet Grace you’re shouting.” Not giving up I say, “What about Piper. She says she’s your girlfriend now?” His eyes swivel round and he grins at me. “Sorry about that Grace. I know she’s your friend but when I saw what you had done to her I saw her in a whole new light. I never realised what a stunner she really is. I’m sorry but she’s mine now.”

  Laughing I push him saying, “She’s still my friend, what do you mean?” He throws me a wicked look. “She’s not invisible anymore and will have to hang out with me. I’m not having her grab the attention of Ash and his bunch of goons. I need her with me to protect her.”

  Snorting I push him playfully. “Some protector you are.” He jumps up in alarm. “Why what happened?” Feeling cross with myself I try to smooth it over. “Oh, Ash and Jacob turned up at the beach but I told him to leave me alone, that’s all no harm done.”

  He looks at me and I will myself not to blush. Then with a thoughtful expression he sits back down. “That explains it then.” In alarm I say, “Explains what?” He shrugs. “I heard that Skylar was pissed last night because he never showed up to her party. Her and Teagan were out of control and hooked up with more than one guy there, probably in revenge. Apparently they are on the war path though and if they find out that they were with anyone else, then God help those girls.” His eyes narrow as he looks at me. “They weren’t were they?” Shaking my head I try to look normal. “Why are you asking me, ask them if you want to know.” Gabe settles back to watch the football but I feel unnerved by what he says. I am not sure that Ash can protect me from Skylar and I can definitely feel a storm brewing.

  I spend the rest of the day lounging around indoors. I know that Ash wants me to meet up with him and I feel excited but worried at the same time.

  After dinner I grab my bag and tell my Aunt that I am going out to meet my friends. Once again this is a variation on the truth as I am only meeting one person, although he is much more than just a friend.

  Grabbing my bike I use the time that it takes me to get to the ridge to think about all that has happened. Despite my misgivings about my new found situation I ignore the warnings going off inside my head. My heart is well and truly winning this battle and I push away the warning bells that are ringing loudly inside of me.

  As soon as I get there I see him waiting and my heart does a somersault as he looks over. As he approaches I see his eyes glittering and drawing me in. Reaching me he takes my hand and pulls me against him. “I’ve missed you Grace,” he says softly and then kisses me gently, blowing my mind in the process.

  Pulling me down next to him he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box. In surprise I watch as he offers it to me and when I open it I see a little silver heart on a chain. Looking up at him my eyes shining I say, “It’s beautiful Ash.” Reaching up he puts it around my neck and kisses me. “Now you have my heart Grace and all that comes with it. You have nothing to fear and my heart will work with your locket to protect you. Never take it off and then nothing can harm you.”

  Looking puzzled I hold the heart in my fingers and immediately feel a sense of calm as I hold it. He smiles at me softly. “You’re not the only one who has magical powers.” Reaching up to him I whisper, “Thank you.” Then I kiss him gently. He crushes me to him and we just kiss enjoying the feeling of being together again.

  Later on I say. “What did you do today?” Suddenly he looks annoyed. “Well after I got some sleep I was woken up by a visitor.”

  Seeing my worried expression he grabs my hands and looks reassuringly at me. “Skylar came to the house, pissed that I never showed up to her stupid party. I told her that she didn’t interest me anymore and that I had heard that she had put it about last night. She got angry and blamed me but I told her that we were finished and that she had better stay away from me in the future. She didn’t like it and told me to watch out and if she heard that I had been seeing anyone else they wouldn’t be safe.”

  I look at him in alarm and his face contorts with hatred. He hisses, “I told her that if she ever hurt anybody close to me then I would come after her. She wouldn’t be safe from me and I would destroy her.” Chuckling evilly he says, “I think she got the message. I can be very intimidating when I want to be.” I grow quiet. I know that he can and that worries me. We are poles apart, opposite ends of the spectrum, and I worry what he is capable of. Looking at me sadly once again he quotes from Tess.

  “I was born bad, and I have lived bad, and I shall die bad in all probability.”

  Squeezing his hand I look at him steadily. “I too can quote with the best of them - You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow; and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted!”

  Thoughtfully he says, “Is that what you think, that I could be converted?” He laughs sadly saying, “Like that would ever happen.” Then he grins. “Maybe we should read a different book.” Grinning I reply, “Why, don’t you like the ending of this one?” He shakes his head, “No I do not. It’s a tragedy and I for once want a happy ending. Anyway enough of all this, let’s not waste time talking about such things. I want to get to know everything about you. I need to lose myself in you to forget my own sorry existence.