Chapter 15

  I am dreading going to school today. I spent way too long with Ash last night and am now paying the price for lack of sleep. It is going to be hard seeing him and not being able to speak or even acknowledge him. Thinking of my predicament I realise that Cally will also find it tough. Sighing I grab my bag and join Gabe downstairs.

  On the way to school he says urgently. “Listen Grace. You had better join us today. Ash is unpredictable at the moment and seems to have more than just a passing interest in you. The last thing I want is another Jessica Parker situation so make sure that the three of you sit with us and we’ll protect you.” Looking sideways at him I smile. “Are you sure it’s not just because you can’t keep away from Piper?” He grins at me. “That’s just the icing on the cake. I get to spend time with her at the same time as protecting you.”

  As we park up I see the usual group of motorbikes with their riders milling around with Skylar and her gang. Putting my head down I walk with Gabe, trying not to make eye contact. However as we pass I am surprised to see Skylar draped around Jace. They are kissing each other and his hands are all over her. Gabe whistles as we pass. “Well, well. I wonder what Ash will make of that new partnership.”

  Saying nothing I head inside and find my friends. Gabe comes with me and I laugh as he makes a bee line for Piper. She is looking amazing as her acne has now well and truly gone and her eyes are shining, mainly due to my gorgeous cousin who can’t seem to keep his hands off her.

  Cally laughs and winks at me, then drawing me aside she whispers, “I wish that I could be like them with Jacob. It’s going to be hell on earth seeing him around with Teagan hanging off of him.” I look at her in surprise. “Is he still with her then?” Nodding sorrowfully Cally says, “He told me that if he finished with her then she would be suspicious and he didn’t want it to lead to me. He reminded me of what they’re capable of and until he can think of another way we will have to carry on as before.” I squeeze her arm in sympathy. How horrible to see your guy with another and not be able to do anything about it.

  The air then goes tense as the hallway is suddenly filled with leather jackets and testosterone. I try to look interested in my locker and out of the corner of my eye see Ash and his gang followed by Skylar and hers. They reach their lockers and I watch as Skylar walks up to Jace and reaching up pulls him down to meet her for a long lingering kiss. She does it right in front of Ash and there is a collective holding of breath from everyone around.

  Looking disinterested Ash slams his locker shut and heads off to his first lesson. I see Teagan grab hold of Jacob as he goes to follow him and he just gives her a brief kiss on the cheek and follows his friend. Her expression is one of annoyance and she looks with irritation at his retreating figure.

  As soon as he leaves Skylar moves away from Jace and flicking her long dark hair over her shoulder she says to her friends, “Come on. I need a pee.”

  They head off to the restrooms and I see Jace grin at his friend Quade. “She’s one hot chick, that’s all I’m gonna say.” He smirks and after much slapping on the back from his friends they all head off.

  Leaning against the locker Cally’s eyes are wide. “That was tense. I wonder what Ash thinks about his girlfriend going off with Jace?” Gabe turns around saying, “You’re joking aren’t you. She is obviously just trying to make him jealous. My guess is that he’s cut her loose and she’s trying to get back at him. Not that he’ll be bothered; he hasn’t got a heart anyway and has probably already moved on with someone else.” Feeling myself blush I grab my books and hurry off to my lesson. I am not sure how long this will work for. I just hope that Ash keeps his part of the bargain and keeps well away from me around here.

  We have our lunch with Gabe and his group of friends and have a lot of fun teasing him and Piper. Despite the fact that the second best catch of the school has been taken the girls are surprisingly welcoming to the three of us. I see Ash in the distance but don’t make eye contact. Despite this I do feel his eyes on me whenever I am near him. They burn into my very soul and once again I wish that we could be together with no complications.

  Gabe reminds us that the football game is tonight with Freyview High. There is an intense rivalry at these games and we are all expected to turn out to cheer our team on. Cally, Piper and I have decided to go together to show our support. Luckily, Ash and his friends don’t bother going to games, they are usually causing trouble somewhere else instead.

  I am actually quite looking forward to it. I can’t wait to see Gabe and the team and it will be a break from the normal routine. I have told Ash that I won’t be able to get away tonight. My Aunt is becoming suspicious of the fact that I am out so late and I need to restore her trust in me. He wasn’t happy about it and I could tell that it made him really mad. For somebody who is so used to getting his own way all of the time, this situation is going to be harder for him than most.

  The evening soon comes and it is time to take our places to watch the game. Armed with hot dogs and popcorn Piper, Cally and I take up our seats in the stands.

  Looking around me with interest I see that the place is almost full and despite the fact that it is a home game, there are large amounts of visiting fans to support Freyview. The atmosphere is on fire and we watch as the cheerleaders do their stuff. I had once wanted to be a cheerleader but never fitted in. The other girls hated me and I soon left because it was too stressful and started impacting on my studies.

  Cally nudges me and points as Gabe comes out followed by his team. We laugh as we see Piper jumping up and down in excitement cheering for him. Looking up, somehow he sees her and blows her a kiss and we all dissolve into hysterics. They are going to make a great couple, that much is obvious.

  Before long the game begins and we get caught up in it. By halftime Falcondell is slightly ahead and feeling pleased we head off to get some drinks. We listen in amusement as Piper rattles on incessantly about Gabe.

  As we wait in line I feel somebody pressing against me from behind. Turning around I see a guy wearing the Freyview colours laughing as his friends egg him on. “Hello ladies. Would you like to come and experience the joys of sitting with some real men for a change and not those boys from Falcondell?” I push him away angrily. “No thank you. We are perfectly happy where we are thanks.” Laughing they close in on us and we don’t have much space. Cally says angrily, “Stand back and give us some space. You heard her back off.” Holding up his hands the creepy guy moves back and they all laugh wickedly.

  Quickly we get our drinks and make our way back to the stands. “Urgh, horrible Freyview creepy guys. Thank goodness we go to Falcondell.” Cally says pulling a face. “Could you imagine dealing with creeps like that on a daily basis?” We laugh and then turn our attention back to the game.

  Luckily Falcondell wins and we all cheer and shout until we are hoarse. Her eyes shining Piper turns to us, “Come on, let’s go and find Gabe.”

  Pulling us along behind her we tear off to wait for him to get changed. As we turn the corner my heart sinks as I see the creepy guys leaning against the wall. We will have to pass them and I know that we may not be lucky enough to avoid a confrontation.

  As they see us coming they spread out and we can’t pass them. Nervously I look behind us to see if there is anyone around for support but there is nobody around in this part of the ground. Keeping our heads down we push past them. Then one of them grabs my arm and pulls me around to face him. He leers at me and I can smell the alcohol mixed with cigarettes on his breath. “Going somewhere honey?” Trying to pull away I look at him angrily. “Let go of me.” His eyes narrowing he says in a threatening voice. “Listen honey, I don’t like to lose and certainly not twice in one night. Me and the guys here figured to make up for it we would have some fun of our own and you lucky ladies are going to provide the party.”

  Cally and Piper look frightened and I watch as they are also grabbed by two of the other guys. A further two move
across to guard the exit and all of a sudden I feel myself pushed against the wall as he holds me with one arm and then moves his other hand down to my waistband. Cally screams and then her attacker puts his hand over her mouth and also pushes her against the wall. Trying to fight him off I am no match for him and tears run down my face as I am powerless against him. His mouth is all over me and I can feel his heart beating in excitement as he tries to remove my jeans.

  Suddenly all hell breaks loose. In shock he raises his head as one of the guys on guard flies across the floor. With relief I see Ash and his gang standing there looking more intimidating than anything I have ever seen.

  Before he can react, Ash is on the guy and hauls him off of me with a howl of rage. He brings his fist up to the guys face and in horror I see him throw a powerful punch that brings the guy down. He then starts kicking him mercilessly and I realise that the guy doesn‘t stand a chance.

  At the same time I see Jacob inflicting the same on Cally’s assailant and Jace, Quade and Killian punching the lights out of the other guys. I feel sick, somebody must stop them. There is no respite and they carry on punching and kicking the guys who are overwhelmed and can’t even seem to fight back. Screaming at Ash to stop I don’t think that he is even registering anything other than his extreme anger. He shows no mercy and nothing is stopping him.

  Suddenly Lucian appears as if from nowhere. “Guys it’s time to go.” We hear a shout and then people running towards us. I hear sirens in the distance and then everything stops.

  Grabbing hold of me Ash pulls me along after him. I can see Cally and Piper being dragged along behind Jacob and the others and they don’t stop until we reach their bikes. Pulling us behind them we roar off into the night and I have never been as scared as I am at this moment. It appears that we all split up and as I cling on to Ash as he races off into the night I fear what will happen next.