Chapter 17

  Ash drops me off near to my house and I head off home with a heavy heart. I can’t get the images out of my head of the violent scenes that I witnessed. Pushing open the door I see Aunt Sarah baking in the kitchen. Wiping flour off her hands she smiles warmly at me. “Hi honey, come in and I’ll make you a drink and you can tell me what happened at the game.” As I sit there I just wish that I could. However I know that as soon as she finds out about Ash I would be out of here quicker than I could pack.

  Looking around me I realise what I have missed out on all my life. I have watched other people have a perfect family life with two parents who love them and brothers and sisters to share and argue with. How I wish that I had had that too. This is the first time in my life that I have come close and I will do anything to stay here.

  Interrupting my thoughts the door slams and Gabe flies into the room. Slamming his bag down on to the floor he goes to the refrigerator and grabs a can. Looking at me he says, “Where did you all go? I looked everywhere but nobody knew where you were.” Looking down I avoid eye contact. “We left when we heard there was trouble, sorry Gabe we didn’t think.” Sitting next to me he shrugs and then grins broadly. “We won though. It’s always good to beat Freyview. They are such a bunch of losers in more ways than one.”

  Aunt Sarah looks pleased saying, “I’m glad you won honey.” Then she laughs and waves her hands towards me. “Although Grace looks a bit shell shocked after her first game, what did you mean that there was trouble though?” Luckily Gabe chips in. “Some guys from Freyview got badly beaten. They got carted off in ambulances.”

  Aunt Sarah looks shocked. “Do you know who it was?” Gabe raises his eyes up. “No prizes for guessing who, but of course there were no witnesses and by all accounts the guys who were beaten up said they didn’t see who it was.” Aunt Sarah looks worried and turns to me. “You didn’t see anything Grace did you? I’m so worried that you could have been caught up in it all.” I look at them both nervously. “Don’t worry Aunt Sarah; I know that I’m to keep away from anything, that’s why I left.” Luckily they seem to believe me and I feel terrible. I know just what would happen if they discovered that I was very much involved and I can’t take that chance.

  We manage to have our dinner without further mention of the game and the drama that unfolded afterwards. The phone rings and Aunt Sarah passes it to me. I hear the urgency in Cally’s voice as she speaks. “Grace are you ok?” Trying to sound light hearted around my Aunt and Gabe I say, “Yes, you?” “Not really. Shall we meet up at Violet’s? I’ve already called Piper and she’s going to meet us there in fifteen. We need to get our story straight.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you there.” My Aunt looks up in surprise. I try to look normal as I say, “Cally wants me to meet up, she’s got something on her mind. Is it ok?” Aunt Sarah smiles. “Of course dear, but don’t be late; you look as if you need the sleep.”

  Gabe looks up. “Do you need a ride?” Shaking my head I say quickly, “No need, I’ll cycle there. It’s not far and I’ll be fine.” He looks relieved. “Good. I’m just going to get changed and then I’m meeting the guys for a celebratory drink.”

  Raising her eyes at me my Aunt laughs. “I can’t keep up with all the comings and goings in this house. Just be careful both of you.” Smiling reassuringly at her I too race off to get changed.

  In no time at all I am at Violet’s and see them waiting with worried faces in a corner booth. As I slide in beside Piper, Cally looks at me fearfully and whispers. “Oh my God, I am still shaking. Did that just happen?”

  Piper and I look as worried as she does and Piper says fearfully. “What will happen if Skylar finds out that we were with their guys? I can’t even tell Gabe because Quade warned me not to. He said that if I breathed a word of anything that happened he wouldn’t be able to protect me from Skylar and Ash.”

  Cally looks equally worried saying, “If Teagan finds out I’m in so much trouble. Do you think anyone saw us?” I shake my head firmly. “Gabe seems to think that no one saw anything. I just hope that it’s true. We’re probably best just keeping our heads down and denying anything if anyone asks.”

  Just then Piper says, “I’m not going to lie though, that was probably the most intense experience of my life. I never thought I’d be rescued by a bad boy and whisked away on his motorbike. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again.” Grinning at Cally I say, “Don’t let Gabe hear you talking like that. He’ll be turning up in a leather jacket with a motor bike quicker than you can blink.” Piper laughs, her eyes shining. “This is now officially the best week of my life.”

  I smile but I still feel hollow inside. Seeing my expression Cally says, “You’re worrying about the creepy guys aren’t you?” I try to smile. “Look I know they were evil and I’ll admit I was relieved to see Ash and his gang, but I can’t get the image out of my head of them on the ground. If the sirens hadn’t sounded then I don’t think that they would have stopped.”

  Cally and Piper look equally grim. Cally whispers, “Jacob was so wound up. I couldn’t believe it. He was so angry and I agree he probably wouldn’t have stopped. It took a lot to calm him down.”

  Piper looks surprised. “Didn’t they just drop you off like me then?” Cally and I share a look and say quickly, “Of course they did,” in unison and I see Piper’s eyes narrow. Luckily we are interrupted as Sylvia one of the waitresses comes over to take our order.

  By the time we have finished we decide to just carry on as normal and deny everything. It’s all we can do and I am dreading the thought of going to school tomorrow as I am sure that my guilt will be written all over my face.