Chapter 18

  The next day it is all anyone can talk about. I try to keep away from Ash and his gang, especially Skylar and her friends. The word is though that she is not happy. I overheard someone saying that Skylar thinks that Ash was at the game looking for someone. If she found out it was a girl then she would make it her business to destroy them. Feeling uneasy I carry on but it is difficult to concentrate. Luckily I have a shift at Violet’s after work to take my mind off it all.

  I feel so at home at Violet’s now. I love everyone that works there and feel part of a large family. It is such a happy place to work and Violet is a great boss. Once again I am set to wait on the tables and I am soon busy. As I come out of the kitchen my heart sinks when I see Ash sitting at a table with his friends. Averting my gaze I try to ignore them. Violet assigns one of the more experienced no nonsense servers to their table and I do my best to avoid them. I can feel Ash’s eyes on me though and it is extremely distracting.

  After about half an hour the door opens and with interest I see a man walk in who looks around him with a hostile expression. He is dressed in a black suit and his hair is also black and swept back away from his face. He has an arrogance about him and despite the fact that he is a handsome man he appears cold and callous. He surveys the room and as I watch I see Ash look at him with an angry glare. Just then Violet comes out of the kitchen and seeing him tightens her mouth saying, “What are you doing here Jake?” In fascination I watch as he prowls over to her and runs his fingers around her waist and then lowers them, gripping her from behind. Leaning down he brushes his lips against hers and I see him whisper something in her ear. Violet blushes and her expression changes as she licks her lips. Pushing him away she says loudly, “Go on then, pick me up at closing time and don’t be late.”

  I watch as he smirks at her and then his eyes scan the room and settle on Ash and his gang. The others look uneasy but Ash just stares at him with a bored expression. The man goes over to them and I can see him say something to Ash. Whatever it is Ash doesn’t like it and slapping some money on to the table he grabs his jacket and I hear him say, “Come on guys, we’re out of here.” The man looks pleased with himself as he follows them out.

  As I return to the kitchen I ask Sally my fellow waitress. “Who was that?” Shivering she says, “Jake Knight. He goes out with Violet and that was his nephew who he spoke to. Not a family you want to be involved with in any way take my word for it.”

  I feel uneasy at her words. There is an air of menace that surrounds them and I am not sure that I will be able to cope with it.

  Heading home later I decide to have an early night. I need some time alone to re group and clear my head. I did think of going to the Ridge but can’t take the chance that Ash would turn up. I am starting to feel more and more imprisoned as each day goes on.

  When I get to school the next morning once again the talk is of a disturbance on the other side of town last night. Apparently some thugs went to a bar and trashed it. The rumours are that the owners owed Mr Knight money and he had run out of patience. The bar was completely destroyed and the owner was badly beaten. Most people believe that it was down to Ash and his gang and I feel sick thinking about it.

  I overhear Skylar boasting to her friends near the lockers. “Of course it was Ash and his gang, Jace told me. It’s them all over. Mr Knight calls and they come running. I’ll tell you what though girls, I had a good time afterwards if you know what I mean. Jace was on fire. Ash doesn’t know what he’s missing with me. I always used to help him calm down after a fight, it’s what I do best.”

  They all laugh and Teagan says, “Well you were lucky. I haven’t seen much of Jacob at all lately. I’m getting quite worried really; do you think he’s gone off me?”

  Another girl who I know to be called Paisley laughs saying, “You’re joking aren’t you. Have you looked around lately? There’s not much to choose from amongst this bunch of nerds. If he’s got someone else they must be from Freyview.” Then what I hear next chills me to the bone as Skylar says darkly, “Jace told me that Ash is interested in someone called Ana. I have a friend who goes to Freyview and she is going to find out if she goes there. When I find out where she is I think a visit might be in order, don’t you agree girls.”

  They all head off laughing viciously and in my nervous state I drop my books on to the ground. As I bend down to retrieve them somebody else goes to help me at the same time and we bump our heads. In alarm I look up and see a good looking guy kneeling before me. He has twinkling blue eyes and a kind face. His hair is a sandy colour and is the typical buzz cut that most of the Jocks prefer. Even from this position I can see that he is extremely fit. Smiling at me he hands me my book and helps me to my feet.

  Blushing I say, “Oh, thank you. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” He laughs and rubs his head. “Don’t worry about it; I am just glad to be of service.” Grinning at me he holds out his hand and as I shake it he says, “Hi, my name is Easton, you’re Grace right?” Smiling nervously I nod and he smiles. “I’ve seen you around. You’re Gabe’s cousin aren’t you?” I nod at him shyly. “I’m sorry, I don’t think that I’ve seen you before.”

  He pretends that I have wounded him. “And there I was thinking that you were dreaming about me in lessons.” He laughs good naturedly. “Anyway, just a thought but I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee with me after school? I’d like to get to know you and I promise to make you laugh.”

  Feeling completely shocked I don’t really know what to say. He is looking at me with such a hopeful expression and seems like a really nice guy. Any other time I would have taken him up on his offer but my heart is taken and I know that none of this would go down well if Ash found out.

  Before I can answer Gabe comes around the corner with his arm around Piper and seeing us they come over. “Hey Easton, what’s happening?” Grinning ruefully Easton says, “I was just asking Grace is she fancied a drink with me later after school, and then you bulldozed in before she had a chance to reply.” Laughing Gabe slaps him on the back. “We’ll all go, how about that. You up for that Piper honey?” Slipping her hand in his she grins. “Of course I am. What about you Grace?” Before I can answer Gabe says loudly, “Of course she is; we’ll have fun. Right then girls we’ll meet you by the entrance after school.”

  Easton smiles sweetly at me and then goes off with Gabe leaving me shell shocked. Piper grins at me. “He’s gorgeous. He’s on the team with Gabe and is a real catch. Look at us, two invisibles with two of the hottest guys in school. I knew that this was going to be a good year.”

  Feeling extremely worried I say quickly. “They never gave me a chance. I can’t go on a date with him, please Piper you’ve got to help me.” She shoves me playfully. “Oh no, you’re not getting out of it that easily. You’ve got to conquer your fear of boys some time Grace and it may as well be with him.” The bell rings and she pulls me off to class.

  I spend the rest of the day trying to think of how I can get out of the coffee date. Maybe if I pretend to be ill I will be sent home. I certainly feel ill at the thought of what might happen.

  By the end of the day my nerves are frayed.

  Piper grabs me by the lockers and marches me to the entrance and my heart sinks when I see Easton and Gabe waiting. Looking around quickly I am grateful that there doesn’t appear to be any of Ash and his gang around at least.

  As we draw near I try to get out of it saying, “I’m sorry Gabe but I don’t feel well. Maybe we can do this another time.” Gabe grins knowingly. Leaning towards me he whispers, “You’re not getting out of this Grace. Easton is a good guy and you deserve some fun. You work all the time and go to school. It’s about time you found out what school life is really all about. Don’t worry though; I won’t let anything happen to you, that’s why I’m here.”

  Resigned to it I think that if we can just get this over with then no harm may be done. My knees trembling I follow Gabe to his car and climb into the ba
ck beside Piper. Sinking down into my seat I just pray that nobody saw us.