Chapter 22

  I leave Mr Watson in the room and go back to my task in the cookery section. As I try and organise the books I rack my brains trying to think of a way to help him. Looking up I see Ash leaning against the bookcase, looking at me thoughtfully. “What was that all about?” He says, waving his hand in Mr Watson’s direction.

  I shake my head sadly. “Nothing, I’ll tell you later.” He shrugs but I can tell that he doesn’t like the fact that I haven’t told him.

  Then a thought crosses my mind and I say quietly, “Ash, do you know who owns this building?” Looking annoyed he replies, “Yes I do, I’ll tell you later.” I can’t help it and I burst out laughing. He grins slowly and I say, “You are so childish, you know that don’t you?”

  Grabbing hold of me he starts to tickle me. “You think I’m childish do you? Well I’ll show you childish.” I can’t stop laughing and try to get away but I can’t.

  Suddenly I catch sight of the clock on the wall and pushing him away I say in alarm, “Look at the time. Gabe will be here waiting and I’ll be late for Violet’s if I don’t get a move on.” Ash looks annoyed. “I hate this Grace. I want to be the one to take you to work, not Gabe. I want us to be able to be together at all times and not just in secret.”

  Pulling him close to me I say quietly, “Me too Ash, I want that more than anything but you know why. It’s what we have now or nothing and I know what I’d prefer.” Reaching up I pull his face towards me and kiss him gently. Groaning he pulls me towards him with more urgency and his kiss is one of desperation. I can feel the emotions within him and not for the first time worry about where this will all lead.

  I can hear Mr Watson coming so quickly pull away. “I’m sorry Ash, I have to go. Will I see you later?” His face softens. “Of course. Same time same place?” Nodding, I reluctantly move away. He’s not the only one finding this hard.

  Gabe looks at me as I climb into his car. “You’re cutting it fine aren’t you?” I raise my eyes. “Sorry I got involved in something and didn’t notice the time.”

  As we drive off I think about Mr Watson and decide to ask Gabe about him. “Gabe, what’s the story with Mr Watson, do you know why he is struggling?” He sighs heavily. “His is not a happy story. He wasn’t always like this. Mr Watson was and still is a good guy. He was happily married to his wife Annabelle and made his living as an artist. The library was her thing and he used to help her run it whilst painting at the same time. They were very much in love and real pillars of the community. Then one day it all changed for them and she got sick. He tried to keep it all going and look after her at the same time. They didn’t have much medical so it was hard. Mom and her friends did all they could to help but he was drowning in every way. When she died we all thought that he’d give up and were worried for him. But he kept on going and just retreated into himself. He to my knowledge doesn’t paint anymore and just struggles to make ends meet. The trouble is because the library is now such a gloomy place to be nobody goes there much, so it just adds to his depression.”

  I look at him thoughtfully. “Can’t we help him, I mean all of us. Surely if enough people give up their time to re organise it and clean it up then it would be a good start and we could make it a more welcoming place to go to.”

  Grimly Gabe says, “In case you hadn’t noticed most people in this Town don’t want to get involved in anything. They just want to keep their heads down and get on with their lives with no trouble.”

  Puzzled I wonder what that has to do with helping someone. “I don’t understand Gabe. Why would helping Mr Watson bring trouble on the Town?” Gabe looks at me angrily. “Because Mr Knight owns that Library as he does most things in this Town. The word is that Mr Watson owes him so much in back rent and interest on that property that it’s easy money for Mr Knight and if Mr Watson pays him up to date then he won’t get as much money from him each month. He likes people to owe him and be in debt to him, Mr Watson in particular.” Surprised I say, “Why Mr Watson. What’s he ever done to Mr Knight?”

  Gabe says in a low voice. “Annabelle was very beautiful Grace and Mr Knight took a shine to her. He tried to make her his but she chose Mr Watson.” Seeing my expression he grins. “Mr Watson was once quite a catch. They all went to school together and Annabelle and Mr Watson made quite a striking couple. Jake Knight wanted her but she didn’t want him. He wasn’t used to not getting his own way and tried to change her mind. Apparently it was quite a struggle that Mr Watson won in the end. Mr Knight has never forgiven him and the fact that he is now in misery gives Mr Knight everything he wished for.” Sitting quietly I digest the information. One thing I do know though is I can’t let him suffer anymore; I will find a way to help him.

  The afternoon flies by as usual. I have to push all thoughts of Mr Watson’s predicament out of my mind and just get on with things. Half way through the shift I am surprised to see Easton coming in with some of his friends who I recognise from the team. I am assigned their table and as I take their order he smiles at me.

  “How are you Grace, I haven’t seen you around lately.” Returning his smile I say lightly, “Yes, I’ve been quite busy what with school, the library and this place. There never seems to be enough time.”

  I see his eyes twinkling and think just how good looking he is. He is also a nice person and under different circumstances I would have enjoyed spending time with him.

  Before I leave he reaches out and grabs hold of my arm. Pulling me closer he says, “Listen, there’s a party later at the Sullivan’s. Do you fancy going? I could pick you up, or meet you there if you’re already going with your friends.”

  Feeling worried I look around me nervously, half expecting to see Ash charging towards him. Pulling carefully away I smile. “I might go but I am meeting up with friends tonight. Maybe we’ll see you there.” He gives me a half smile and I can tell that he’s disappointed. I expect that he is used to girls falling at his feet but I am not one of them.

  Quickly I move away and wonder how on earth I’m going to deal with this. It seems that he won’t give up and without giving anything away I am not sure what I can do to put him off.

  I manage to avoid conversation with him and feel his eyes watching me as I set about my work. Violet nudges me and smiles. “He’s quite a catch honey, is he your boyfriend?” I shake my head. “No, I don’t really have time for a boyfriend at the moment.”

  She laughs and raises her eyes up. “Listen all work and no play makes Grace a dull girl. Why don’t you give yourself a break and go out with him. Let me tell you if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t think twice.”

  As she goes off still laughing to herself I think, goodness if she knew the shoes I was wearing she would freak out, everyone would. She wouldn’t be encouraging me to date anyone then.

  As they get up to leave Easton comes over and smiling at me looks me straight in the eye. “I hope to see you later Grace. I would like to get to know you better; I don’t know maybe take you out on a proper date. Think about it.”

  I watch him go with a sinking feeling. That is one party I had better avoid.