Chapter 23

  I walk home after my shift finishes. There is so much buzzing around in my mind and the walk will help to clear my head.

  As I approach the house though I suddenly notice with alarm the unmistakeable sight of Ash’s motorbike parked in the drive. My heart thumping I race inside and as I reach the kitchen I look in horror at the sight before me.

  Sitting at the table holding a mug of coffee is Ash and opposite him looking worried is Aunt Sarah. Seeing me they both look up and Ash grins lazily and Aunt Sarah looks at me with a worried expression.

  Trying to find my voice I say weakly, “What’s going on is everything alright?” Clearing her throat Aunt Sarah looks nervously towards Ash. “Come and sit down honey, we all need to talk.” I throw Ash an anguished look and he winks at me reassuringly.

  Aunt Sarah looks at us both. “Grace, Ash came to see me to ask for my permission to take you out.” Looking at them both in surprise I feel myself blushing and say weakly, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Laughing Ash almost looks as if he is enjoying this and Aunt Sarah carries on. “He has told me that you have been meeting up and want to date. He knows that this is a problem for you and has assured me that he only wants to look after and protect you. The trouble is Grace; you know what will happen when your Guardians find out. It’s not up to me, I can’t make that decision.”

  Interrupting Ash looks at her with a soft expression. Reaching out he takes my hand gently in his. “Mrs Rivers I know who Grace is and all I want is to love and protect her.”

  Aunt Sarah visibly pales as he carries on. “There is nothing to fear from me. I love her and just want to look after her. The best way that I can do that is for us to be together. I will protect her secret and nobody will ever know from me. I know that you consider me to be the worst possible person to know this but I can assure you that I am the best one for her. Nobody would dare go near her and I would make sure that she is looked after and loved and above all happy. I came to see you because I don’t want to sneak around anymore. Grace deserves better than that. I’m not being selfish; if I was then I wouldn’t have come here to ask your permission. If you say no then I would respect that. I know that I have taken a risk because you will have to tell Grace’s guardians, I know that and I wouldn’t ask you to keep anything from them. All I ask is that they meet me first, before making any decisions.”

  Aunt Sarah relaxes slightly and as she looks at me I can see the worry in her eyes and I feel bad.

  Sighing she looks at us. “Grace honey, I can tell that you want this more than you have probably wanted anything in your life before. I love you living here and look upon you as a daughter to me and a sister to Gabe. I also know that you need to have as normal a life as possible whilst you can. If it was up to me I would agree as I can see that he makes you happy, it’s in your eyes. The trouble is I am worried that I will lose you and I’m not ready for that yet. Have you really thought about the consequences of this, both of you?”

  I am surprised to see how kind Ash is with my Aunt. Smiling sweetly at her he says softly. “Mrs Rivers, I have thought of nothing else since I first saw Grace. All my life I have got what I wanted. I just take what I want and to hell with the consequences. It has taken a lot for me to come here today because I realise that in doing so I could lose the very person who matters to me the most. I want to do the right thing for once and no more messing around. For all our sakes I just want the chance to work this all out for the benefit of everyone. This is too important to me to mess it up and all I want is for a chance to prove to you all that I am worthy of her.”

  I see tears come into Aunt Sarah’s eyes as she looks at us. Despite the worry that I know she must be feeling I can tell that she understands. Looking anxiously between them I wonder what will happen next.

  Standing up Aunt Sarah smiles at us both. “I too want what’s best for Grace. I know that it is not good for anyone if you have to sneak around. It is obvious that you care deeply for her but I am not sure that you really realise just how special she is. I want her to be happy but my first job is to protect her. For now you have my blessing but that may be short lived. I can’t take the risk and will need to contact her guardians. I will do my best to reassure them that she is safe, but I can’t guarantee what they will do.”

  In surprise I watch as Ash moves over and unexpectedly gives her a hug. She is also surprised and laughing he says, “Thank you Mrs Rivers, that’s all I hoped for. You will see that I will look after Grace so well that the best place for her would be with me. I promise you that no harm will come to her.” Looking over at me he winks and smiles gently. “I love you Grace, I always will. From now on I am going to prove to you and everyone else in this Town that I am not the heartless beast that they think I am. If I don’t then I could lose you forever.”

  Suddenly we are interrupted as Gabe flies into the room and looking angrily at us all says, “What the hell is going on here?” Ash laughs and Aunt Sarah winces at his choice of words.

  She turns to face him. “It’s ok Gabe, there’s no need to worry. Ash has come to ask my permission to date Grace.” He looks at us all in disbelief. “You can’t seriously be thinking of letting that happen.” Still looking worried Aunt Sarah looks at him nervously. “Actually I am. For some reason it just seems right. However it is not my decision to make. I will contact Grace’s guardians and they will decide. In the meantime I am giving them the time together they crave, no matter how brief it might be. Grace needs to live her life Gabe and has to learn what that involves.”

  Looking at us all in disbelief Gabe then storms out of the room angrily shouting at us as he goes. “You will regret this all of you. When Grace is gone we will all suffer the loss. I can’t believe you are all willing to take that chance.”

  We jump as the door slams behind him and seeing my Aunt’s worried expression I smile at her reassuringly. “It’s ok, I can feel that it will be alright.” Moving over to her I hug her and she instantly relaxes. “I love you Aunt Sarah, thank you for this, I really mean that. Please don’t worry, Ash is not as bad as you think, I trust him with everything.” Her eyes swimming with tears my Aunt says, “I hope so Grace, for all our sakes.”