Chapter 27

  As we pull up outside the house I feel more nervous than I have ever felt in my life before. Ash helps me off the bike and pulling me tightly against his chest he holds me firmly whispering, “I love you Grace. I have never ever said that to anyone in my life. I was waiting for you. Always remember that. I will fight for you with all that I have.”

  Pulling him towards me I kiss him with everything that I have. I pour everything into the kiss to show him what he means to me. This may be our last one and I want him to know that I feel it too.

  When I pull away I see the passion mixed with despair in his eyes. He says in an anguished voice, “I can’t lose you now that I have found you.” Grabbing hold of his hand I pull him towards the house. “Let’s just give it all we’ve got, ok?” Nodding grimly he follows me inside.

  As we walk in we are met by my Aunt Sarah. Looking anxiously at us she says quietly, “They’re in the front room Grace, I hope that it goes well, I don’t want to lose you so soon.” Hugging her I whisper, “What do you think, I mean how do they seem?” Shrugging she says, “You know them, they give nothing away.”

  Pulling back I look towards the door in front of me. My whole life may change when I go through it and I am not sure that I am ready. Ash looks at us and I can tell that he is taking it all in. Like me, my Guardians are not easy to read so he may have his work cut out trying to understand them.

  Seeing me looking at him he smiles reassuringly. “Come on Grace, let’s just get this over with.” My Aunt looks at him with a worried expression. I can tell that she is scared in case he makes a scene. I know him better than that, or at least I hope that I do.

  With a heavy sigh I push open the door. Despite my anxiety my heart lifts as I see the two people who have been like my parents for the last twelve years waiting for me.

  As I enter the room I can feel the love radiating out from them and on seeing their outstretched arms I race over to hug them both.

  Aria and John are my family and I couldn’t love them any more than I do. They have been all I have had for most of my life and I trust them both implicitly.

  Pulling back Aria looks at me lovingly. “We’ve missed you so much Grace, let me look at you.” I can see the tears in both of their eyes as they look at me. They are the kindest people that I have ever met and my eyes fill with tears as I see them standing there. Despite the reason they came I am very happy to see them.

  Aria looks past me and I can see her looking at Ash. To my surprise her eyes fill with tears as she sees him and I notice that John reaches out and gives her hand a squeeze. He too looks emotional and looking around at Ash I can see him studying them as if trying to place them in his mind.

  Aria moves towards him and it looks as if Ash is battling with some sort of emotion himself. It is almost as if he has met them before but doesn’t know where from. As she moves towards him I look at John in surprise. He smiles and reaching for my hand, pulls me beside him. We watch as Aria stands before Ash saying softly, “Hello Ash. My name is Aria and this is John. We are very pleased to meet you.” Ash looks confused. “I’m sorry but do I know you? It’s just that I have a strong feeling that we’ve met before.”

  Smiling sadly Aria nods her head. “It was many many years ago. I am surprised that you can remember that far back.” He looks puzzled. “How? I mean the memory is there but it is faded and I can’t see it.”

  I feel John tense up beside me and look at him in surprise. He is watching the scene in front of us intently and looking back to them I watch in fascination as Aria reaches out and takes hold of Ash’s hands. She then says, “I will show you Ash, but I warn you, you will not like what you see and it may change everything. Are you ready for that?” Nodding Ash holds her hands as she lifts one of them and presses it to her heart. Staring at him she holds his gaze and I watch as suddenly the air in the room becomes charged with a huge burst of energy. There is so much power in the room and I can feel it swirling around us as I watch the scene in front of me.

  I can’t take my eyes off them as I see a myriad of emotions pass across Ash’s face as he looks into her eyes. Whatever she is showing him is having a powerful effect and it is painful to watch. It seems like forever before she breaks away, watching him as he slumps down on to a nearby chair.

  Putting his head in his hands he hides his face and I race over to him in concern. As I reach him I touch him and he jumps as though I have given him an electric shock. As he looks up I can see the torture in his eyes.

  Looking at us all he says in a broken voice, “I never knew.” Smiling sadly Aria says, “You were never meant to find out. But now you do it is up to you how you deal with the information.”

  Ash looks at me and I can tell that he is going through some powerful emotions. His eyes fill with tears as he looks at me and shaking his head he says almost to himself, “I’m sorry Grace, I’m not sure if I can.” In confusion I look between them all. “What do you mean, what is going on, can’t what?”

  I feel Aria’s hand on my shoulder. “It’s up to Ash now Grace. He needs to deal with what I have shown him and make his decision based on it. He may need some time.”

  Looking at us with an anguished expression I shudder as I can see the rising anger in his eyes. Suddenly the atmosphere becomes super charged and there is a different sort of energy in the room.

  Aria pulls me back so that we are standing beside John facing Ash and we look at him as he battles with himself. The room gets extremely hot and I watch in alarm as I witness his inner struggle. I can feel anger all around us. It is almost as if I could reach out and touch it. The atmosphere becomes dark and oppressive and there is an air of uncertainty and desperation. In shock I look at my Guardians and can see that they are staring at Ash with intense concentration.

  As I look at him I can tell that he is battling against whatever she has shown him and fear rises up within me. Almost as if he can sense it Ash’s eyes lock on to mine and I gasp as I see the intensity in his expression. Turning his back on us he moves to the door. Looking at my Guardians in confusion I am amazed to see tears running down Aria’s face. Ash hovers by the door, his hand on the handle. Suddenly I know that he is leaving and a huge feeling of desolation comes over me and I can feel my heart breaking. This is it, he is leaving me, whatever he has seen is too much and he can’t deal with it.

  His hand freezes on the handle and I see him tense up. Turning around he looks straight at me and I can feel the tears running down my face. His face looks tortured and my breath catches in my throat. He tears his gaze from mine and looks at Aria and John in despair.

  Suddenly he moves back across the room towards us. Reaching out for me he pulls me beside him, his touch sending shock waves through my body. It is as though he is on fire and I can feel the torment in his soul as he takes my hand.

  Looking at Aria and John he says in a broken voice, “I’m sorry. I am who I am and I can’t change that. If I was a better person I would walk away, but I am not. I am too selfish to do that and that will be my downfall.”

  Aria looks at him tears now pouring down her face. Gently she says, “You will find a way. There’s a part of her in you that will make you strong. You know the consequences though if you fail.”

  Nodding Ash looks at her and to my surprise I see tears in his eyes.” Aria says with emotion, “You are very much like her you know. She loved you more than anything in the world and did what she had to do to protect you. Don’t judge her too harshly for what she did.”

  Ash nods but he can’t speak. I look between them all in confusion. “What is happening here?” John smiles and says in his calming voice. “Ash will tell you everything when he is ready. For now we all need to keep you safe. Ash knows the consequences if he fails and has made the decision that he will try. We came here for that reason alone Grace. You can stay and finish your education but if you are discovered or in any danger we will come back and next time you will leave with us. You have unt
il the end of your education when it will revert to being your decision. Then you will have free will and get to choose your own path.”

  Aria comes over and takes both mine and Ash’s hands. She looks at us both with a kind and gentle look in her eyes. “We are here for you both and you can contact us at any time. I hope that it works out for you both, I really do.”

  Bewildered I look at her and smiling gently she says, “Don’t worry Grace, just carry on as normal, whatever that is, and just enjoy the rest of High school. You are a good person and I know that you will make the right decisions.”

  Pulling me towards her she hugs me tightly and whispers, “I love you Grace, stay strong and above all be happy.” John then joins us and says softly, “Come Aria, we had better leave them to it.” Pulling me towards him I feel instantly protected and enjoy the feeling of security that he always gives me.

  He whispers, “I love you Grace. Remember that I am always here for you and watching out for you. Stay strong and be happy.”

  Wiping her eyes Aria says, “Go on you two, leave us to sort things out with Sarah. You have a lot to talk about.”

  As I look at Ash I am surprised to see that his expression is now softer and gentler. His eyes swimming with tears he moves towards Aria and hugs her gently. “Thank you,” he says emotionally. Nodding she pushes him away and John pulls her against him as though comforting her.

  Looking at me Ash holds out his hand and says, “Come on Grace, we’ll leave them to it and I’ll try to explain everything.” As I take his hand I can feel the power emanating from him. It travels through my body and fills my soul. As I follow him from the room I wonder just what happened in there.