Chapter 26

  Ash dropped me off home around 1am. As I wake up the events of last night come flooding back. I have a warm feeling inside and finally know what it is like to be part of something, like an ordinary girl.

  As I finger the locket around my neck I feel the heart that Ash gave me. It makes me feel close to him when he isn’t with me and I feel comforted by its presence.

  The door opens and my Aunt comes into the room with a cup of coffee. Smiling gently she sits down on my bed saying, “Good night?” Grinning I gratefully take the drink. “The best, thank you Aunt Sarah.”

  As she smiles at me I feel a sudden rush of love for her. Looking at her sitting there I wish with all my heart that I had always lived with her and Gabe in a normal family, doing normal things. Even though I love my guardians, life with them was certainly not what you would call normal.

  Seeing my expression Aunt Sarah reaches over and smoothes my hair away from my eyes. “Don’t worry Grace. I am sure it will all be fine.” Lowering my eyes I say hesitantly. “Aunt Sarah, have you called them already?” I hear her sigh and she says, “I had to Grace.”

  My voice trembling I look at her dreading what she will say next. “What did they say?” She looks down and instantly looks upset. “They will be here soon.” Seeing my alarmed expression she says, “Don’t worry, we always knew they would have to come. It doesn’t mean what you think it does. I am sure that we can convince them.” Jumping up she says brightly. “Anyway, get yourself dressed and call your friends to meet you for breakfast. I’m sure that you could do with talking over events at the party anyway and it will take your mind off things.”

  Taking her advice I call Cally and Piper and arrange to meet them at Violet’s. By the time I get there they are already sitting inside and I laugh to myself as I take in their excited faces. Her eyes shining Cally says quietly, “I still can’t believe what happened last night can you?” I shake my head. “No I can’t. I’m dreading school though. I’m pretty sure that Skylar and Teagan will be out to get us now, I mean who wouldn’t when someone takes your boyfriend.”

  Piper looks worried. “I hope not for both your sakes. They can be pretty mean and I would hate for you both to suffer the Jessica Parker treatment.”

  Silently we all sit here pondering what might be. We order our breakfast and Cally says dreamily. “I’m meeting Jacob today. When he dropped me off last night we made plans to meet up later. He said that he was going to take me to his special place.”

  Piper and I burst out laughing and Piper says, “I bet he is.” Cally grins and we all laugh. Turning to me Piper looks interested. “What about you Grace, are you seeing Ash today?” I shrug and shake my head. “I’m not sure. He didn’t mention anything when he dropped me off last night.”

  Piper looks thoughtful and Cally says, “I don’t think he’s the type to make plans and go on dates. When he went out with Skylar I was always hearing her moan that he never called her or took her out.” Sighing I wonder what will happen with us. I have never had a boyfriend before so I don’t know how it all works.

  My thoughts are interrupted as somebody slides into the booth next to me. In surprise I look up to see Ash grinning at me. Jacob slides in next to Cally and I watch as her face lights up.

  “Hey girls, room for two more?” Ash says and then plants a kiss firmly on my lips.

  Piper’s eyes widen and I blush as I can see that the whole of Violet’s is looking at us. Ash and Jacob laugh and Ash puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him. I can see Violet looking over at us with disapproval and I worry that she doesn’t approve of him.

  Looking at me Ash frowns and whispers, “What’s the matter little Tess, something’s up I can tell.” In a low voice I tell him what‘s happening. “My Aunt told me that my Guardians are on their way. I’m just worried that they may be coming to take me back with them.” I see his eyes darken ominously and he suddenly looks angry. I can see Jacob look over at us with a worried expression and he raises his eyes to Ash who just shakes his head. Turning to me he says, “I’ll come back with you and we will face them together. We won’t let them take you without a fight.” Sighing I think to myself, that’s what I’m afraid of.

  They order some breakfast and we chat about the party. Cally looks worried. “I’m dreading school tomorrow. Do you think that Skylar and Teagan will be out to get us?” Ash and Jacob grin at each other and Jacob says, “Don’t worry about them. There’s nothing they can do. I expect that they won’t be pleasant that’s for sure but they know better than to start anything with you girls, they’d have us to deal with if they did.” Piper looks at me and I notice that she isn’t convinced. Cally also looks subdued and I can only hope that I am still here to back them up if they need it.

  When we finish I excuse myself as I want a quick word with Violet. I feel as if I should warn her that I might not be in tomorrow after school.

  Leaving the others chatting I walk over to her. She looks at me steadily and gestures for me to follow her into the kitchen. Turning to face me she says, “I’m not sure that I approve of your choice of breakfast buddies.” Looking down I say, “That’s the least of my worries Violet.”

  She looks at me with a concerned expression. “Why, what’s the matter? If it’s that Ash tell me and I’ll sort it out.” I shake my head sadly. “I may have to leave town. My guardians are on their way and may take me back with them.”

  Violet looks puzzled. “What do you mean. Surely you still have to finish High school, why on earth would they disrupt that?” I wave my hand in Ash’s direction. “They’ve found out about him and it’s always been the same. Every time a guy shows an interest in me they ship me off somewhere else.” Violet looks amazed. “In this case I think they have a point, but isn’t that a bit too over protective. What are they some religious cult or something?”

  Laughing I shake my head. “No, they’re actually really lovely people. It’s complicated but I just wanted to warn you in case I don’t come in tomorrow. You’ve been so good to me and I really appreciate it. I hope that I am just over reacting but just in case…” Violet frowns. “Listen Grace. I don’t want to lose you and I hope that things work out. However I must just warn you about Ash. If you do stay it will only be a matter of time before he causes you trouble. You’re a nice girl and deserve better. He’s bad news and you’re better off without him.” Seeing my expression she raises her eyes up saying, “Don’t be fooled by that drop dead gorgeous face and body. He may be charming you now but when he is bored he will move on. You by that time will have fallen head over heels for him and probably done things you shouldn’t have. Get out now whilst you still can. There are plenty of other good looking guys around here that would be only too pleased to be your guy. Give yourself a break and avoid him and his uncle at all costs. That’s all I’m saying. Trust me I know more than most what it’s like being involved with that family.”

  Suddenly we are interrupted as the door opens and Ash is standing there looking annoyed. Violet says angrily, “Staff only, customers have to stay in the diner, it’s the rules.” Grinning wickedly Ash says, “Since when do I follow the rules Violet? Anyway I need to take my girl home now and it can’t wait.”

  Noticing the surprise on my face he says, “Gabe just came in. You’re wanted at home.” Feeling the colour drain from my face I look at them both in desperation. Violet puts her arm around me. “Don’t worry Grace. I am sure it will be fine. I hope more than anything that I will see you here tomorrow as usual. If I don’t then it was meant to be, everything happens for a reason honey, it may not be obvious at first but everything becomes clear over time.”

  Hugging her I take hold of Ash’s hand and follow him outside. I can see Gabe’s worried face and rushing over to me he whispers, “They’re here Grace. Do you want me to come with you for moral support?” Shaking my head I reach out and pull him to me and hug him tightly. I whisper, “If it doesn’t work out thanks for everything Gabe.
I will miss you if I have to leave and I have enjoyed being part of your family.”

  I can see the tears in his eyes and try to smile reassuringly. “Listen, don’t tell the others. Make an excuse for me and I’ll slip out with Ash. He is coming with me so I’ll be fine.” Looking worried Gabe says, “Are you sure that’s a good idea. I mean won’t he make the situation worse?” Shaking my head I say, “No, it needs to be done. Wish us luck Gabe.”


  I follow Ash outside to his motorbike. We get on and he turns to face me a reflective look on his face. “Before we go Grace, tell me what I need to know. I want to know what to expect.”

  I sigh heavily and proceed to tell him. “I have lived with them ever since I was five years old. They were assigned as my guardians after my mother left. They have been like parents to me but I was brought up to believe that I had a purpose in life and that I was special. I soon discovered that I had the power to heal. As I got older the power intensified. Soon it manifested itself in my appearance which is why I have to wear the locket. This suppresses it and I appear normal. Without it, as you know it dazzles people and seems to beguile them. All through school I have tried to fade into the background. Nobody must ever find out because if they do I would become an object of fascination. Every time people grew suspicious of me, we moved on. I was never allowed a boyfriend and had only limited friends.”

  Ash looks at me thoughtfully saying, “What happened to bring you here?” I look down. “There was an accident at my last school and my friend was badly hurt. I couldn’t stop myself and saved her. What I haven’t mentioned is that if I heal someone I take on their pain. She was fine but I was in a coma for three weeks whilst my body dealt with it. We had to move due to questions from the doctors who couldn’t understand what was happening.”

  Ash smiles at me gently. “Thank you Grace for trusting me. You know that I would never allow any harm to come to you don’t you?” Nodding I look down, Violet’s warning ringing in my ears. Lifting my chin up Ash stares into my eyes and I can see the dark glint in his as he looks at me.

  “What is it, don’t you trust me?” Shrugging I say, “At the moment I do, of course, but what happens when you grow tired of me? I will become disposable to you then and you won’t care what happens.”

  Ash’s eyes flash and he says angrily, “You’ve been listening to too much gossip. The fact is Grace I have never loved anyone before in my life. I don’t know how to and I have never wanted to before you. From the moment that I saw you in the library that day I knew you were mine. There is something between us that is touching me here.”

  Lifting my hand he holds it to his heart. “The thought that I might lose you will destroy me. I will do anything, and I mean anything to stop that from happening. I won’t get tired of you, how could I, you are my destiny Grace, haven’t you realised that yet?” As I look into his eyes I see the torment in his soul, battling against the unfamiliar feelings that have been awoken. As I drown in his eyes I can see that there is a strong connection between us. Like me, he is special. We are poles apart but similar in many ways. Maybe he is my destiny, perhaps this was always meant to happen.