Chapter 30

  Ash comes to collect me for school the next morning. As I see him waiting outside on his motorbike I still can’t quite believe how things have worked out.

  Saying goodbye to my Aunt I race over to him and he smiles happily at me. “Morning Angel, did you sleep well?” Settling behind him I wrap my arms around his waist and enjoy the feeling of him close to me. “Like a log, how about you?” “Same, although I wished you were with me, this is going to be an extremely frustrating relationship if you know what I mean.”

  My face burns and I bury it in his back. I can hear him laugh as he starts up the engine. I know that it will just be a matter of time before we move on to the next stage in our relationship and I feel the heat tear through me at the thought of it.


  It feels good to arrive at school with him. As we pull up I can see the rest of his gang waiting. Laughing to myself I see Cally draped all over Jacob. There is no sign of Skylar or Teagan which I am glad about. I know that I will have to see them and I am not looking forward to the inevitable confrontation.

  As we reach them several of Ash’s friends call out to him and high five him as he passes. Holding tightly on to my hand he pulls me with him and we are soon surrounded.

  I can see Killian with his arm around Paisley and she nods at me nervously and then looks away. Indie is hand in hand with Quade who winks at me. I smile at Indie who smiles shyly and then lowers her eyes. Of all of them I think that I will get on with her the most.

  Looking at Cally I can see the excitement blazing in her eyes. Jacob has his arm around her and she is looking up at him adoringly, her cheeks flushed.

  Seeing them Ash laughs and then grins at me. “What?” I say looking between them all. A wicked look on his face he leans down and whispers, “Looks like your friend had a good night.” Confused I look at her and then the truth dawns on me. Wide eyed I say, “You’re kidding, what Cally and Jacob?” Nodding he pulls me against him and laughs burying his face in my hair whispering, “Don’t worry little Tess, you’re safe from me for now.”

  Feeling a shiver run through me I tense up. The trouble is I don’t want to be safe. I want him more than he realises, I know that he will hold back though given what he saw yesterday. Like he said, this is going be one frustrating relationship.

  As we get our books from our lockers I see Cally staring dreamily into space. Piper is looking at her in confusion and catching her eye I nod in Jacob’s direction and raise my eyes. In shock Piper looks between them and the realisation hits her like a freight train.

  Her eyes widen and there is disbelief on her face. We watch as Cally shuts her locker and Jacob slides his arm around her waist. He pulls her to him and kisses her lingeringly. Just as he does though Skylar and Teagan come around the corner and I watch in horror as Teagan’s face crumples and Skylar looks daggers at them. Hissing she says to Jacob, “Haven’t you got any feelings, can’t you stop flaunting your new bed buddy at Teagan. She loved you you know and you couldn’t give a damn about her. You’re disgusting.”

  Jacob turns towards them his eyes glittering and Cally shrinks behind him, worry on her face. In an ominous voice he says, “Mind your own business both of you. Just get used to the fact that I have moved on with someone much better. If you know what’s good for you you’ll leave us alone because if you even look at Cally then I’ll come for you and your friends, got it?” He looks at them menacingly and Skylar looks at him angrily. Jacob pulls Cally away with him and the two girls look after them with hatred contorting their faces.

  Coming over to me Piper whispers, “Come on Grace. Let’s get out of here before they start on us.” Nodding we keep our heads down and go to move away. Before we can though I feel myself being pulled against a hard chest and leaning down Ash whispers, “Going somewhere gorgeous?”

  Looking up I see amusement in his face and flicking a nervous look towards Skylar I can see that her attention has now shifted to us. My legs start trembling as I see the hatred in her face, but she says nothing and then looks away. Pulling me along with him Ash says, “She won’t try anything with you if she knows what’s good for her. Don’t ever let her intimidate you. You’re my girl now and I won’t have you walking around here trying to be invisible any more.”

  Nodding I follow him but despite what he says I do feel worried. Skylar won’t let this go that much I do know.

  My last class of the morning is with Cally and as the bell goes we quickly gather our things. I have been watching her and can see that her mind is somewhere else. As we walk to meet the others I link arms with her and say, “So what happened last night Cally, I can tell that something did, are you going to tell me?” Her cheeks flushing she looks at me and I can see that her eyes are shining. In a soft voice she says, “I had the best night of my life Grace. It was wonderful and everything I ever thought it would be. Jacob was so gentle and loving and I never knew it would be like that.”

  Seeing my surprise she laughs saying, “I can’t believe that you haven’t.” “Haven’t what?” Piper suddenly says as she falls into step beside us. Looking at Cally she frowns and then says, “Oh no Cally, please say you didn’t.”

  Looking suddenly annoyed Cally says irritably, “Didn’t do what Piper? Didn’t just spend the best night of my life with the love of my life. Well for your information I did and will do again just as soon as I can. You can keep your judgements to yourself because let me tell you it won’t be long before both of you join me.”

  Shaking her head Piper says, “It’s only been five minutes and I for one don’t give myself up that easily.” Cally looks at her angrily. “Grow up Piper. We are all dating the hottest guys in school. These guys don’t hang around long if you don’t give them what they want. You’re both delusional if you think they will. Don’t judge me because I love Jacob and don’t intend on letting him get away now that I have him.”

  Turning to me she says, “And you Grace, if anyone is going to join me it will be you. Ash isn’t the type to wait and I am just surprised that he has this long, or is there something you’re not telling us?”

  Feeling worried at the sudden change in atmosphere between us I sigh heavily. They both look at me in surprise and I say softly, “No we haven’t but if he had asked I would have given myself willingly.”

  They look at me with shocked expressions. Cally says, “What do you mean Grace, why on earth hasn’t he tried anything yet?” Shrugging I am spared from answering as we see the others in the distance. Piper lets out a deep breath saying, “Good on you Grace. If he loves you he’ll wait. Anyway I’m off to find Gabe. See you later.”

  We watch as she goes and I feel sad that our little group is changing. Cally tosses her hair over her shoulder and says irritably. “She shouldn’t be so judgemental. It won’t be long before she is in my shoes and let’s see what she thinks then.”

  I watch as she reaches Jacob and his eyes light up as he pulls her towards him. I know that it is right for them. They have loved each other for years already and I am just glad that they have finally sorted it out.

  Moving over to Ash he pulls me to him and kisses me lightly on the lips. “Hmm, lunch time. All I need is right here.” As I kiss him I wonder just how long he can wait. I know that the battle will be with himself as he will want to prove that he is not his father and history will not repeat itself. It worries me though, all of this is against everything that he has ever done in life and I wonder how he will cope.