Chapter 31

  The day passes by uneventfully and by the end of it I will be glad to get away. I have a shift at Violet’s which I am looking forward to. By the time I reach my locker I am surprised to find that I am the only one there. Then I remember that Ash and Jacob have lessons on the other side of school and Cally and Piper have hockey practice.

  As I rummage around in my locker I am suddenly aware of somebody behind me and as I spin around I feel fear creeping through me as I see Skylar standing inches from my face looking angrily at me.

  Nervously I see Teagan watching from down the hall obviously acting as a lookout.

  Skylar hisses at me “Don’t think that you have got away with this because you haven’t. Nobody takes Ash from me and certainly not a nerd like you. He may be having his fun with you now but it won’t last. He will soon get bored with you. A man like him has certain needs that only I can give him. Once he has had you he will get bored and come back to me. Then I will have my fun.”

  Reaching up she grabs hold of my hair saying darkly, “I will look forward to seeing this on the ground, covered in your blood before I cut it off and stuff it down your throat.” My heart is thumping and I can feel the fear rising in me as I know that she is capable of so much. Before I can even think though I watch as her face suddenly contorts in pain and her head snaps back as somebody drags her away by her hair. In shock I see that it is Jace and watch as he slams her against the locker angrily.

  Shock registers on her face as she sees who it is and he leans in towards her, his face centimetres from hers as his eyes flash and his lip curls. In an ominous voice he says, “Stay away from her Skylar. You have been warned and if you don’t want to feel the full force of his anger then you will keep away.” Wincing as he twists her head she says angrily, “Get off me Jace. You’re supposed to me my boyfriend, what the hell is going on?”

  Pushing her back against the locker he snarls. “Your boyfriend, that’s a joke. I only did what I was asked to do and that was to keep you away from him. I never wanted you, you’re easy trash and I just used you for fun. Girls like you will never learn. You’re not girlfriend material you’re just an easy lay.”

  Shocked I see her face crumple and she looks defeated. Pushing past him she races off closely followed by Teagan. Suddenly I see Killian beside Jace and he looks at me with a worried expression. “Are you ok Grace?” Nodding I smile at him weakly. He bends down and picks up my bag that I must have dropped and says nervously, “It might be better if you kept that to yourself. You don’t want to see him when he’s angry.”

  Before I can reply we hear a chilling voice say, “Keep what to yourself Killian, care to explain?” Watching I see Killian pale and looking past him I see Ash and Jacob standing there both looking ominous. Turning to face them Killian looks resigned. Ash’s eyes flash dangerously and I can see a nervous look pass over Jacob’s face. Ash is looking hard at Killian and I can see that Jace just looks interested.

  Killian says, “Skylar was having a word with Grace and Jace interrupted her. It’s all good now though. He put her in her place so she shouldn’t try anything again.”

  Ash looks at him angrily. “And you were going to keep it from me were you?” Killian looks worried. “I’m sorry Ash. I knew you’d be angry and as it was dealt with I just thought that it would avoid more trouble.”

  Ash moves across until he is standing right in front of Killian, his face angrier than I have ever seen it. Jacob looks worried and I fear for Killian who was only being kind. Feeling as though I must intervene I say weakly, “Please Ash, just take me to Violet’s. I’m going to be late and I’m not feeling so good.”

  Instantly he tears his gaze away from Killian and looks towards me. He sees the worry in my face and then with another angry look at Killian he moves over taking my hand gently. “Come on Angel; let’s get you out of here.” Turning back to Killian he says darkly, “I’ll deal with you later.” Killian pales again and I can tell that he is extremely worried. As I follow Ash I say quietly, “Please don’t do anything to him. He was only helping me and was just being kind.” Angrily Ash swings me around to face him and I can see the torment in his eyes. “I don’t like secrets Grace, especially when it concerns you. Killian knows this. I don’t want anything kept from me, ever. How can I protect you if I don’t know? No Killian has crossed the line and needs to suffer the consequences.”

  I snatch my hand away angrily. “Not because of me Ash. If you hurt him because of me then we are finished. I can’t be responsible for someone getting hurt in my name.”

  To my surprise Ash laughs and his face lights up. As I look at him in confusion he says, “Well well, who’s angry now. Threatening me little Tess, well what am I going to do about that.” Laughing he crushes me to him and kisses me passionately. Pulling away he says, “Don’t worry Angel I’ll go easy on him. I don’t want to upset my girl do I?”

  Feeling relieved I grin at him. Grabbing hold of my hand he says, “Come on, get to work woman. You’re such a trouble maker.” Despite myself I laugh. He is so surprising. His moods can switch like a light switch. I am just grateful that he is no longer angry.

  Violet’s is busy as usual and the time soon passes. Ash is picking me up when my shift finishes and I am looking forward to seeing him. Now I have everything that I ever wanted. A loving home, friends, a good job and a boyfriend who I adore and adores me. Life couldn’t get much better than this.

  By the time we finish Ash is waiting outside on his motorbike. As I climb on behind him he turns and kisses me so deeply it makes my toes curl. His eyes flashing he says, “Do you have to go straight home little Tess?” Feeling a sudden excitement I shake my head and lick my lips nervously. His eyes turn almost black and I can’t look away. Softly he says, “Come on, let’s go to the Ridge. I want to be alone with you.” As we speed off I feel the excitement growing within me. Maybe this is it. If it is then I will not say no, I think I want it more than him. If I’m honest I was so jealous of Cally today. Squeezing him more tightly I hope that it is tonight, I don’t want to wait any longer.