Chapter 38

  Ash takes me to his house. Now in the daylight I fully appreciate how big this house really is. As we walk inside I notice lots of people working, clearing up the mess from the party.

  “Do these people work here Ash?” He nods. “Yes, they work for my uncle.” Looking fearfully around me I hope that he isn’t here. Then I remember what Piper said to me about him. Speaking in a whisper I lean towards him. “Ash, did you know that your uncle is seeing Skylar?” Stopping to look at me I notice that he looks amused. “No surprises there. How do you know?” I tell him what I saw and what Piper told me. He looks thoughtful. “Skylar is one of those girls who crave power. As soon as she realised that I wasn’t interested anymore she latched on to him. It won’t do her any good though. Like me he is just using her. He probably promised her something in return. Don’t even worry about them, they won’t affect us.” Despite his words I feel uneasy. “What about Violet though? It’s not fair on her.” Grinning Ash says, “When she finds out there’ll be a scene and then he will squirm his way back in. It’s happened loads of times. Anyway I don’t want to talk about them; I want to carry on where we left off last night.”

  Pulling me behind him we head off upstairs to his room. My heart beats faster and I almost can’t wait to get there. Quickly all thoughts of Skylar and his uncle leave me as I anticipate what is to come.

  Much later I wake up next to Ash. His leg is over mine trapping me to the bed and I watch him as he sleeps. The feelings that he brings out in me shock me as I have never ever felt such intense love for anyone before. Like Cally said he is pure perfection and my eyes devour him as I savour the sight of his perfectly sculptured body and chiselled features. He made love to me over and over again until we both fell into a deep contented sleep. My body feels sore but alive.

  Then his eyes open and I am drawn into their dark pools as they mesmerise me. “Ready to go again Angel,” he says his hands reaching out and pulling me close to him. My eyes must tell him what he wants to hear because with a groan he crushes me to him whispering, “I can’t leave you alone. I want to keep you locked in this room with me forever.”

  Shyly I look into those dark velvety eyes. “I’d like nothing more.” Once again we make love and it is feels as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. This is how we were meant to be, together despite all the odds and it feels so right.

  Despite wanting to stay here forever we soon decide that we need to eat. Before we go Ash pulls me into the shower and I soon realise just how much better it is to share. We almost don’t make it but reluctantly get dressed.

  “Come on Angel, you need food inside you now, not me.” Ash laughs as he sees me blush. As he pulls on his trainers I look with interest around me at his room. There isn’t much in the way of personal effects but it is tastefully decorated although quite minimal. There are no photographs or posters and it is decorated in a dark grey.

  Seeing me looking he gestures around him. “This isn’t home to me Grace; it’s just a place to sleep. I haven’t really got a place that I feel comfortable in. It’s better not to have anything around that shows people inside you. That way they can’t work you out and get inside your head.”

  Shaking my head in amazement I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “That’s sad Ash. Everyone needs their personal space, to be who they want to be. It shouldn’t be like this.” In surprise I see the sadness in his eyes. “I’m not a product of love Grace. All of my life I’ve been controlled and manipulated. That has made me who I am now. It’s no wonder I am like it too. Just look around you. I control everything about my life. If I want it I have it. My friends do everything I say and I do what my uncle wants me to. I am his puppet as they are mine. You are the only thing in my life that I can’t control and it is scaring the hell out of me.”

  Walking over to him I sit next to him on the bed. Slipping my hand in his I say gently, “I’m kind of hoping I am.” His eyes flash and once again I see the torture in his eyes. “It will take a lot to change who I am Grace. Even you may not be strong enough.” I put my head on his shoulder and squeeze his hand. I am going to do my utmost to help him and I will give it everything I’ve got.

  We walk downstairs and I take in the grandeur of the place. This place is huge and everything around me reeks of money, from the marble floor to the paintings on the wall. The furniture looks expensive and there are huge chandeliers and heavy curtains hanging everywhere.

  We go into a huge kitchen where I get the shock of my life. Sitting at the table watching us with amusement is his uncle, Mr Knight.

  I can feel the chill in the room as we see him. Ash tenses up beside me and I watch as his face changes into a scowl. Mr Knight looks at us with an amused expression. Speaking in a slow deep voice he stares at us. “Well, this is surprising. I think that you are the first girl that Ash has ever brought home.”

  Pushing his chair back he stands up and approaches me holding out his hand. “I’m pleased to meet you my dear, I am Ash’s uncle and you can call me Jake.”

  Ash pulls me behind him before I can shake his hand and growls. “Get away from her. What are you doing back, I thought you were gone until tomorrow?” Laughing at him he leans back against the table and fixes Ash with a hard glare. “I got a call from the Sherriff’s department wanting to know if I knew anything about a fight on the beach last night. Apparently some kids were badly hurt and they wanted to know your whereabouts.”

  Shrugging Ash says, “So, what’s it to you. Just deal with it as you usually do.” Mr Knight looks at him angrily. “I don’t want you causing trouble beating up some high school punks for fun. You’re always in enough trouble as it is and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to cover it all up.”

  Angrily Ash looks at him and the look in his eyes covers me in fear. He moves in front of his uncle and looks at him with a look that could kill a man stone dead on the spot. In a chilling voice he says, “And whose fault is that. If I wasn’t always doing your dirty work then the Sherriff wouldn’t be so busy. You know the score just deal with it. If you can’t then my father can. Just remember the deal. You only have this for one more year then I am free. Who will do your dirty work then huh? Just keep out of my way and I will keep out of yours.” Turning his back on his uncle Ash goes to leave but stops dead as his uncle says, “It was nice to meet you, Grace isn’t it? I know your Aunt Sarah well. Please remember me to her won’t you. Oh and tell Violet I’ll be in later, maybe we can catch up then and get to know each other better.”

  Like a scene from a movie I watch Ash change before me. He looks like he is possessed and his eyes flash dangerously. His whole body tenses up and as he turns to face his uncle I see him pale and look uneasy. The atmosphere changes in the room and it feels cold and chilling. There is a deep dark power filling the once sunny kitchen.

  In a slow menacing voice Ash approaches him. “You must never speak to or look at Grace or her family and friends. If you even glance in their direction I won’t be held responsible for what I will do. Just remember who I am and what I can do. For starters what do you think will happen if word gets out about your latest underage dalliance? Don’t use your tricks on me dear uncle and you may just survive the year unscathed. If you don’t like it just remember whose fault it is that I am like who I am. You taught me well over the years, what was it? oh yes, knowledge is power. Well I know a lot about you, enough to bury you. Do we understand each other?”

  Looking defeated his uncle nods and Ash pulls me after him not stopping until we are on his bike and speeding away as fast as we can go.

  As I cling on to him I can feel the rage within him. I close my eyes and picture the scene that we have left behind. I saw the true extent of his pain in that kitchen and what he is capable of. His uncle looked scared to death which I would never have thought possible; if anything I always thought that he was the evil one. Shuddering I realise that Ash is far more powerful than his uncle and it scares me. I don’t think tha
t I am strong enough to save him and my eyes fill with tears as I feel the torture in his soul.