Chapter 37

  Gabe takes me home after the party. Ash wanted me to stay but I didn’t want to worry my Aunt. I had to go home with Gabe, I didn’t have a choice. I promised that I would go back the next day to help with the clearing up. Ash told me that he would pick me up for breakfast and not to worry, he had people who would take care of it and it made me realise just how different his life was from the rest of us.

  Aunt Sarah is in the kitchen when I finally surface. Looking up she smiles. “Good night Grace?” She laughs as she sees my expression. “Don’t say anything, I don’t want to know. What I don’t know won’t hurt me ok?” Laughing I sit down and gratefully accept the coffee that she pushes my way. “Where’s Gabe?” I say looking around me. Raising her eyes up she gestures towards his room. “Sleeping it off I think. You were both in so late; I doubt he’ll surface for most of the day. Come to think of it you’re up early, couldn’t you sleep?” I know that my face is giving me away as I can’t stop smiling. “Ash is picking me up and taking me for breakfast.”

  My Aunt just grins and carries on with her chores. Suddenly I remember what I wanted to ask her. “Aunt Sarah, have you heard about the library?” Nodding sadly she sighs as she sits down. “Yes it’s terrible news. Poor Mr Watson, I wonder what he’ll do next?” “Can’t we help him?” Looking thoughtful she says, “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well I wondered if enough people got together we could all help him and restore the library to what it was. With a bit of love and attention we could make it a really nice place to go and then maybe he could make enough money to stay.” I am surprised when my Aunt frowns and looks guarded. “I’m sorry Grace but that isn’t going to help him. The trouble is Mr Knight owns that building and he has made it very clear that he wants it back. Nobody will go against him in this Town; it isn’t worth the trouble it would cause. Mr Watson would be better off starting again and getting a new job somewhere else.”

  This was not what I expected to hear and I feel cross. “That’s so unfair. People are mean, why wouldn’t they support someone like him?” My Aunt takes my hand and looks at me with a gentle look. “Let it go Grace. I know that you want to help him but it would be better for him this way. That place holds many sad memories for him and he needs to move on.” Gloomily I say, “The trouble is I think that he will be paying off his debt for the rest of his life. Even when he does get another job most of the money will go on paying it. I’m worried about him.”

  We are interrupted by the sound of Ash’s motorbike outside. Jumping up I hug my Aunt. “Please try and think of something. There must be something we can do.” Aunt Sarah looks at me sadly. “I only wish there was Grace, believe me I only wish there was.”

  As I approach him I see Ash leaning on the bike watching me with a devilish glint in his eye. “Morning Angel, my bed felt empty without you in it.” He laughs as I blush and rush towards him. “Ssh somebody will hear you.” Catching my arm he pulls me on to the bike in front of him and bends down and kisses me deeply. “I like embarrassing you little Tess, it is too easy for me.”

  Pulling away I scoot around behind him and bury my flaming face in his back mumbling, “Just drive will you before my Aunt gets on the phone to my guardians.”

  I can hear him laughing as he starts the engine and soon we are speeding along towards Violet’s for a much needed breakfast.

  When we pull up I can see several of his gangs motorbikes parked outside. As Ash helps me off the bike I nod towards them. “Since when did you all go here? I thought that Violet didn’t like you hanging out at the diner.”

  Ash just grins. “Since I took a fancy to a hot waitress who works here. Why would we go anywhere else? I need to keep an eye on her in case someone thinks they stand a chance with her.”

  Pushing him playfully I nod towards the diner. “Well don’t blame me if you get kicked out. You will you know at the first sign of trouble.” Laughing Ash follows me inside. “Since when did we cause any trouble, it’s not our fault if trouble finds us is it?” I shake my head at him, he is impossible.

  Violet meets us at the door and warns Ash. “I’m watching you Ash, remember. I don’t want any trouble from you or your friends.” Ash laughs and to my surprise lifts Violet up and spins her around. “I’m too scared of you Violet to try anything. I’ll be on my best behaviour, scouts honour.”

  Violet laughs. “Since when were you a scout?” Ash pretends to be hurt. “Don’t you remember I tried it out for a day? It wasn’t my fault that I got told to leave, that kid shouldn’t have taken my seat at the table.” Raising her eyes up Violet gestures towards a large table where Ash’s friends are sitting. “Go on I’ll get the waitress to take your order.”

  The others make room for us and Cally pulls me towards her whispering, “Have you heard that the Sherriff is looking into what happened at the beach last night.” Shaking my head I notice that she looks worried. “I heard that the Freyview crowd took a terrible beating and ended up in hospital. Everyone knows who did it but they can’t prove anything. Do you think they’ll get in trouble?”

  Looking around me at Ash and his gang it strikes me that they look as though they don’t have a care in the world. They obviously aren’t bothered and I wonder what the outcome will be. Shrugging I whisper, “He hasn’t said anything to me but I’ll bet nothing happens. It didn’t before and if no one says it was them I can’t see how they can be blamed.” Cally still looks worried though and I share her anxiety.

  I sit back in my seat and watch them all laughing and joking amongst themselves. As I look around me I notice that they are the subjects of lots of scrutiny from the other diners, particularly the women who can’t take their eyes off them. They certainly command attention and I know that I was equally mesmerised by them when I first saw them.

  Leaning towards me Ash grabs hold of my hand. “You’re quiet Angel are you ok?” Looking at him with a worried expression I tell him what Cally said. He smiles and squeezes my hand. “I’ve told you before; nothing ever comes back on us. If it did then my uncle or father would sort it. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

  Then whispering huskily in my ear he says, “I can’t wait to get you alone again. I want you to myself; I have done since we left my room last night.”

  Feeling myself blush I look down and he laughs. Luckily the breakfast arrives and I am spared answering. I actually can’t wait to be alone with him, it’s all I’ve thought of since his room and a feeling of excitement and promise shoots through me. I can feel his leg putting pressure against mine and it is all I can do not to drag him outside and demand that he take me to his house immediately.

  I can’t believe how much I’ve changed in such a short space of time. I don’t even recognise myself anymore. Not that I’m complaining, I’ve never felt so alive.

  As soon as we’ve finished we all head off outside. Cally and Jacob are going to Jacob’s secret place as he calls it. He winks at me as I watch Cally take up her position behind him on his bike. Ash grins wickedly at him. “See you later Bro, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Jacob laughs. “That’s a short list. See you later.” They speed off and Ash laughs as he sees them go. Of all his friends I know that Jacob is his best friend. They act more like brothers and have been close ever since they were very young.

  Quade shouts over. “You coming to the Gym Ash?” Taking my hand he shouts back, “Maybe later. I’m going to hang out with Grace, I’ll call you.” Quade smiles at me and then heads off, closely followed by the others.

  Looking at Ash I nod towards them. “You can go if you want; I don’t want you to feel as if you have to be with me.” Pulling me towards him Ash kisses my neck. “No Grace, I have plans for you and it certainly doesn’t include them.” Feeling a delicious feeling spread through my body I shiver in anticipation. Pulling me behind him on to the bike I hold him tightly. I wonder where we are going.